
ISBN 978-1-4715-8302-5 / 9781471583025

Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale.
Limba modernă 2. Engleză. Clasa a 6-a.

Jenny Dooley.
Uniscan Grup Educaţional.

ISBN 978-1-4715-8302-5
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Acest manual este proprietatea Ministerului Educaţiei Naţionale.
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© Jenny Dooley, 2019
Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2019
Colour Illustrations: Victor, Kyr, Angela, Nathan © Express Publishing, 2019
Music Arrangements by Taz © Express Publishing, 2019
First published 2019
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ISBN 978-1-4715-8302-5
Authors’ Acknowledgements
We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this
book. Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Editor in Chief), Mary Swan
and Sean Todd (senior editor), Michael Sadler and Steve Miller (editorial assistants), Richard White (senior
production controller), the Express design team, Whouse (recording producers), and Kevin Harris, Kimberly
Baker, Steven Gibbs. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript
and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book.
The authors and publishers wish to thank the following who have kindly given permission for the use of
copyright material.
Photograph Acknowledgements
Module 1: Skills 1c – The Flying Fruit Fly Circus School © AFP/www.iml.gr on page 22; The Flying Fruit Fly Circuss
School © Wendell Teodoro/Wirelmage/www.iml.gr on page 22, Module 4: Across Cultures 4f – J.K. Rowling
© cinetext/www.iml.gr; Harry Potter © everettcollection/www.iml.gr on page 71; Module 5: Across Culture 5f
– The Madeira Flower Festival © afp/www.iml.gr on page 87
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Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked,
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Ministerul Educaţiei Naționale
Jenny Dooley
Uniscan Grup Educaţional
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Manualul este distribuit elevilor în mod gratuit, atât în format tipărit, cât și în format digital, și este
transmisibil timp de patru ani școlari, începând cu anul școlar 2019 - 2020.
școlar ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Școala / Colegiul / Liceul .....................................................................................................................................................................
* Pentru precizarea aspectului manualului se va folosi unul dintre următorii termeni: nou, bun, îngrijit, neîngrijit,
• Cadrele didactice vor verifica dacă informațiile înscrise în tabelul de mai sus sunt corecte.
• Elevii nu vor face niciun fel de însemnări pe manual.
Referenţi ştiinţifici:
conf. univ. dr. Liliana Popescu
prof. gradul 1 Anca Doina Rafiroiu
Uniscan Grup Educaţional SRL
Str. Rucăr nr. 17, sector 1
Telefon: (021) 224.50.80; fax: (021) 225.16.04
Anul Numele
elevului Clasa Anul şcolar
Aspectul manualului*
format tipărit format digital
la primire la predare la primire la predare
Uniscan Grup Educaţional
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Printed Book
Varianta tipărită
Guide – How to use the course
Instrucţiuni de utilizare a manualului
The course consists of the printed book and the digital application that contains all the lessons
in the printed book and variety of interactive, static & animation/video activities.
Manualul este compus din varianta tipărită şi varianta digitală. Manualul digital conţine toate
lecţiile din manualul tipărit având în plus activităţi interactive, statice şi animate.
listening activities
animation/video activities
activităţi animate/video
static activities
activităţi statice
interactive activities
activităţi interactive
Digital app
Varianta digitală
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Structure of a module
Structura unui modul
everyday situational dialogues
dialoguri uzuale
Culture sections to promote
cultural individuality
Secţiuni cu informaţii culturale
Fun Time & Games
căutare pe internet
lucru în grup
lucru în perechi
Comic story
Benzi desenate
vocabulary presentation
prezentarea vocabularului listening activities
activităţi de ascultare
realistic writing tasks
activităţi de scriere
critical thinking
gândire critică
reading tasks
activităţi de citire
Symbols: ICT
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Welcome back
pp. 8-15
1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2
• The verb ‘to be’
• Subject/Object personal pronouns
• The verb ‘to have got’
• Possessive adjectives – Possessive
• there is/there are
• Parts of the body
• Clothes
• Family members
• Numbers
At work, at play
pp. 16-27
Fun Time 1 p. 28
Revision 1 p. 29
1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.4, 3.1, 4.2
• Present Simple
• Adverbs of frequency
• Question words (who, what,
where, how old, when)
• Time
• Daily routines
• Free-time activities
• Days of the week
• Weekend activities
• School subjects
• Mary’s Blog
• The Flying Fruit Fly
Circus School
• a monologue (multiple
Places around us
pp. 30-41
Fun Time 2 p. 42
Revision 2 p. 43
Monstertrackers 1
pp. 44-45
1.1, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1
• Countable/Uncountable nouns
• Quantifiers
• some/any
• Partitives
• Present Continuous
• Places in a city
• Months and Seasons
• Shops & Products
• Houses
• Twin Cities Different
• Shops & products
• an email about Andrew’s new
• a dialogue (gap filling)
Sports & Chores
pp. 46-57
Fun Time 3 p. 58
Revision 3 p. 59
1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1,
3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
• Plurals
• can/may
• Connectors
• Imperative/Let’s
• Genitive
• Household Chores
• Sports
• Help along the way
• How to cycle safely
• a dialogue (multiple
pp. 60-71
Fun Time 4 p. 72
Revision 4 p. 73
Monstertrackers 2
pp. 74-75
1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1,
• was/were
• there was/there were
• could
• Past simple – regular verbs
• Famous people
• Nationalities
• Mythical creatures
• Appearance &
• Noun formation
• Mythical creatures
• Hua Mulan
• Linda’s family (gap
Let’s have fun
pp. 76-87
Fun Time 5 p. 88
Revision 5 p. 89
1.3, 2.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2
• Past simple – irregular verbs
• Past simple – regular/irregular
verbs (negative)
• Past simple – regular/irregular
verbs (interrogative)
• Festivals/Celebrations
• Party Time
• Holiday greetings &
• A world of parties
• Come to a party
• An invitation (gap filling)
Out & About
pp. 90-101
Fun Time 6 p. 102
Revision 6 p. 103
Monstertrackers 3
pp. 104-105
1.2, 1.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3,
3.4, 4.2, 4.3
• Comparatives
• too, very
• Prepositions of movement
• Prepositions of place
• Types of holidays &
holiday activities
• Means of transport
• The weather
• Destination London, UK
• Going to Xtremes
• dialogues (multiple
Festivities pp. 106-110 Robin Hood pp. 111-125 Evaluations pp. 126-131 Irregular verbs p. 132
Contents Cuprins
MODULES Grammar Vocabulary Reading & Listening
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• Greetings & Introductions
• Asking for/Giving personal
• talking about likes & dislikes
• talking about your school
• answering questions about
• talking about free-time activities
• Pronunciation: exclamations;
• a blog entry about your
typical weekend
• a short text about your
• a short text about a
sport teenagers play in
your country
• Favourite
• talking about your house and
your neighbourhood
• buying clothes
• Word Stress: three-syllable
• a short text about your
• your shopping list
• an email about your
house and your
• a paragraph about a
market or a shopping
centre in your town/
• Markets Around the
• making invitations –
• making requests
• asking for information
• Pronunciation: linking sounds
• a leaflet about how to
be a safe pedestrian
• School rules around
the world
• talking about past abilities
• describing a film
• Pronunciation: strong and
weak forms; -ed ending
• a short presentation
about mythical
• a short paragraph
describing yourself
• a short paragraph
about a famous artist
or writer in your
• J.K. Rowling &
Pablo Picasso
• talking about a thing you
had/did at your last birthday
• talking about what you did/
didn’t do yesterday afternoon
• narrating past events
• Intonation: high rising tone to
express disbelief & great
• an email about your
last birthday party
• a text message
• a thank you message
• an invitation
• a collage of spring
• The Joys of
• expressing preferences
• talking about the way you like
to travel
• talking about two places in
your country
• giving instructions
• buying a train ticket
• Pronunciation: silent letters
• postcard to a friend
• a short text about your
two favourite places for
your school magazine
• Natural Wonders
of the World
General competencies
1 Understand oral messages
2 Speak in everyday communication situations
3 Understand simple written messages
4 Write simple messages in everyday communication situations
Specific Competences
1.1 Identify global significance of a clearly uttered message in
everyday life situations
1.2 Identify time and quantity (prices, numbers) within a clearly
and slowly articulated message students listen to
1.3 Explore cultural aspects
2.1 Say simple messages in everyday situations with the help of
the interlocutor
2.2 Request and offer information regarding numbers, prices, time
2.3 Describe a person/a character
2.4 Participate in short social interactions
3.1 Identify information from banners and signs in public places
to facilitate orientation
3.2 Identify important information about an event on a poster
(including digital)
3.3 Identify information in a simple form (name, sir name, date of
birth, address)
3.4 Reply to simple written messages in the foreign language
4.1 Fill in personal data (name, sir name, address, age,
preferences, etc.)
4.2 Write short messages about self/ others
4.3 Exchange simple written messages
Competenţe generale:
1 Receptarea de mesaje orale simple
2 Exprimarea orală în situaţii de comunicare uzuală
3 Receptarea de mesaje scrise simple
4 Redactarea de mesaje simple în situaţii de comunicare uzuală
Competenţe specifice
1.1 Identificarea semnificaţiei globale a unui mesaj oral clar
articulat în contexte familiare
1.2 Identificarea orei şi a cantităţii exprimate numeric (preţuri,
numere) în cadrul unui mesaj audiat articulat clar şi rar
1.3 Explorarea unor aspecte culturale simple
2.1 Formularea unui mesaj simplu în situații uzuale, cu sprijin din
partea interlocutorului
2.2 Cererea şi oferirea de informaţii referitoare la numere, la
preţuri, la exprimarea orei
2.3 Descrierea simplă a unei persoane/unui personaj
2.4 Manifestarea deschiderii pentru a participa la scurte
interacțiuni sociale
3.1 Identificarea informațiilor din panouri și semne aflate în locuri
publice pentru facilitarea orientării
3.2 Identificarea unor elemente importante de reperare a unui
eveniment pe un afiș (inclusiv afiș digital) sau pe un alt suport
3.3 Identificarea datelor cuprinse într-un formular simplu (nume,
prenume, data nașterii, adresa)
3.4 Manifestarea deschiderii pentru receptarea de mesaje scrise
simple în limba străină
4.1 Completarea de date personale (nume, prenume, adresă,
vârstă, pasiuni etc.)
4.2 Redactarea de mesaje simple despre sine/despre alţii
4.3 Manifestarea disponibilității pentru schimbul de mesaje scrise
Speaking & Functions Writing Across Cultures
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Welcome back!
• The verb ‘to be’ (affirmative & negative)
1 Read the table, then complete the text with: am, is, are. Write
in your notebook.
2 Look at the pictures and the prompts and complete the
sentences in your notebook.
Affirmative Negative
I am/’m
You are/’re
He/She/It is/’s
We are/’re
You are/’re
They are/’re
I am not/‘m not
You are not/aren’t
He/She/It is not/isn’t
We are not/aren’t
You are not/aren’t
They are not/aren’t
Hi! My name 1) … Paul. I 2) … 12 years old. I 3) … from Scotland.
This 4) … Stacy. She 5) … 11 years old. She 6) … from the USA.
We 7) … best friends.
1 I … thirteen. (✗)
I … twelve. (✓)
2 Ann and Jim … cousins. (✗)
They … friends. (✓)
3 Suzie … a teacher. (✗)
She … a student. (✓)
4 We … sad. (✗)
We … happy. (✓)
Write your
profile and your
friend’s. Write
your name, age,
where you are
from. Stick
photos. Tell the
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Welcome back!
• The verb ‘to be’ (interrogative & short answers)
• Subject/Object personal pronouns
5 Choose the correct answer. Write in your notebook.
3 Complete the questions and answer them. Write in your notebook.
1 Are you from Italy?
No, I’m not. I’m from Romania.
2 … your best friend from
3 … your parents tall?
4 … your dad thirty-five?
5 … you thirteen?
6 … your favourite colour blue?
• We do not repeat
the whole question
in short answers.
We only use Yes or
No, the subject
pronoun and the
appropriate verb
• We use the long
form of the verb to
be in positive short
answers. Is Jill your
sister? Yes, she is.
(NOT: Yes, she’s.)
• We use subject
pronouns before
verbs instead of
nouns or names.
Chris is 13 years
old. He is from
• We use object
pronouns after a
verb or a preposition.
Look at her! She’s
Interrogative Short answers
Am I ...?
Is he/she/it ...?
Are we/you/they ...?
Yes, I am./No, I’m not.
Yes, he/she/it is./No, he/she/it isn’t.
Yes, we/you/they are./No, we/you/they aren’t.
1 Amy is eleven years old.
2 She is from the USA.
3 Emily is thirteen years old.
4 Emily is from the UK.
5 They are best friends.
Subject pronouns Object pronouns
I you he she it we you they me you him her it us you them
I/Me am
twelve. Look
at I/me.
Look at he/
him. He/Him
is a student.
She/Her is
American. Look
at she/her.
They/Them are
happy. Look at
Look at we/
us. We/Us
are friends.
1 2 3 4 5
4 Listen to Amy and decide if the sentences are T (true) or
F (false). Write in your notebook.
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Welcome back!
• The verb ‘to have got’ (affirmative & negative)
6 Read the table.
Affirmative Negative
I/You have/’ve got
He/She/It has/’s got
We/You/They have/’ve got
I/You have not/haven’t got
He/She/It has not/hasn’t got
We/You/They have not/haven’t got
b) Which of these things have/haven’t you got? Write
sentences in your notebook.
I have/’ve got an MP3 player, but I have not/haven’t got a skateboard.
1 Sue … a TV.
2 They … a CD player.
3 Ben … a guitar.
4 Sue … a bike.
5 They … a mobile phone.
6 Ben … a laptop.
7 a) Fill in: have got, has got, haven’t got, hasn’t got. Write in your
We use the verb
have got:
• to show that
something belongs
to somebody.
They’ve got a blue
• to describe
characteristics of
people. She’s got
long hair.
• to talk about
relationships. Pete’s
got two sisters.
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Welcome back!
• The verb ‘to have got’ (interrogative & short answers)
8 Read the table.
• Possessive adjectives – Possessive pronouns
9 Put the words in order to form complete questions. Then answer
them. Write in your notebook.
10 Complete the sentences with the correct possessive
adjective or possessive pronoun. Write in your notebook.
1 Hi! I’m Mary. This is … dog. It’s … .
2 This is Mark. This is … bike. It’s … .
3 This is Mandy and Susan. This is … laptop. It’s … .
4 We are Stacy and Paul. These are … mobile phones. They are … .
Interrogative Short answers
Have I got ...?
Has he/she/it got …?
Have we/you/they got …?
Yes, I/you have./No, I/you haven’t.
Yes, he/she/it has./No, he/she/it hasn’t.
Yes, we/you/they have./No, we/you/they haven’t.
1 you/got/bedroom/big/a/have?
Have you got a big bedroom?
Yes, I have.
2 got/parents/have/car/a/your?
3 brother/you/have/a/got?
4 house/garden/a/got/has/your?
5 best/got/friend/bike/has/your/a?
6 a/you/got/have/dog?
Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns
my your his her its our your their mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs
1 2 3 4
We do not repeat
the whole questions
in short answers. We
only use Yes or No,
the subject pronoun
and have/haven’t
or has/hasn’t. We
do not use got in
short answers.
We use possessive
pronouns to show
that something
belongs to someone.
We put possessive
pronouns after the
verb. These glasses
are hers.
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Welcome back!
• There is/There are
11 Read the table.
Singular Plural
Affirmative There is/There’s a book
in the bedroom.
There are some books
in the bedroom.
Negative There isn’t a book in the
There aren’t any
books in the bedroom.
Interrogative Is there a book in the
Are there any books
in the bedroom?
Is there …? Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.
Are there …? Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.
12 Look at the picture and
complete the sentences with
there is, there isn’t, there are or
there aren’t. Write in your
1 … a lamp on the desk.
2 … some books on the shelf.
3 … any paintings on the wall.
4 … a mobile phone on the floor.
5 … some balls on the floor.
6 … a computer on the desk.
13 In pairs, ask and answer questions about your bedroom.
A: Is there a desk in your bedroom?
B: Yes, there is.
A: Are there any books on your desk? etc.
We use there is in
the short form, to
list things in the
singular. There’s a
bed, a bookcase and
a desk in my room.
(NOT: There is a bed,
a bookcase and a
desk in my room.)
• We use there are
to list things in the
plural. There are
hasn’t got a short
form. There are two
pillows on the bed.
• In short answers we
use Yes, there is/
are or No, there
isn’t/aren’t. We
do not repeat the
whole question. Is
there a table in the
kitchen? Yes, there
is. (NOT: Yes, there
is a table in the
Say something that
we can find in a
house. Your partner
says the room it is
A: bed
B: bedroom – sofa
A: living room etc.
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• Clothes
15 Label the pictures. Write in your notebook.
• a T-shirt • trousers • a skirt • a hat • gloves • socks • trainers
• a belt • a dress • a jumper • boots • a coat • a jacket • a shirt
• shorts
Welcome back!
We use hair with a
singular verb form.
His hair is short.
9 a __ __
6 f __ __ t
10 m __ u __ h
11 __ o __ __
3 __ a __
2 h __ a __
1 h __ __ r
8 h __ __ d
4 __ y __
5 k __ e __
7 l __ __
2 3
8 9
• Parts of the body
14 Look and complete the words. Write in your notebook.
Describe a
person in the
class. Your partner
names the person.
Write the
opposites in your
• long ≠ …
• tall ≠ …
• big ≠ …
• young ≠ …
• plump ≠ …
Use the adjectives
to describe two of
your friends.
Write a short
description of your
friend (physical
features, clothes
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Welcome back!
• Family members
16 Look at Steven’s family tree and complete the sentences with:
mum, grandfather, son, cousin, dad, uncle, husband, sister,
grandmother, brother, aunt, daughter, wife. Write in your notebook.
• Numbers
17 Find the numbers. Write in your notebook.
1 Brad is Steven’s ... .
2 Mike is Lana’s ... .
3 Lana is Alex’s ... .
4 Alex is Steven’s ... .
5 Erin is Steven’s ... .
6 Marcy is Erin’s ... .
7 Nick is Steven’s ... .
8 Lana is Steven’s ... .
9 Brad is Kate’s ... .
10 Mike is Marcy’s ... .
11 Kate is Nick’s ... .
12 Erin is Lana’s ... .
13 Mike is Kate’s ... .
Steven Alex
Draw your
family tree. Stick
photos. Present
your family to
the class.
25 … …
32 … …
43 … …
27 … …
80 … …
34 … …
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Welcome back!
• Greetings & Introductions
18 a) Listen to and read the dialogues and match them to
the pictures. One picture is extra. Write in your notebook.
A: Hi, you must be new. I'm Sally. What's your name?
B: I'm Emma.
A: Nice to meet you. Where are you from?
B: I'm from Brighton.
A: This is my best friend, Alison.
B: Hi, Alison. How are you?
C: Hi. I'm fine, thanks.
A: Hello, my name is Samuel Jones, but please call me Sam.
B: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sam. I'm Daniel Briggs.
And this is Laura Smith.
A: Nice to meet you, Laura.
C: Nice to meet you, too.
b) In groups of three, act out similar dialogues.
• Asking for/Giving personal information
19 Listen and repeat.
• What’s your name? • How do you spell it?
• What’s your date of birth? • How old are you? • Where are you from?
• What’s your address? • What’s your phone number?
20 a) Listen and complete the library card. Write in your
Name: Jessica 1) …
Address: 14 Orchard Grove, 2) …
Date of Birth: 14th 3) …
Phone Number: 0779 4) …
Membership Number: 34987
Offerton Library Offerton Library
b) In pairs, ask and answer the questions in Ex. 19.
Prepare a library card for your partner.
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1 play sports
2 catch the bus to school
• Routines & Activities
1 List the activities in the
pictures under the correct
heading in your notebook.
Listen and check.
Daily routines Free-time activities
2 Use the phrases in Ex. 1
and the questions below
to talk about your daily
routine and
free-time activities.
• What time do you ...?
• What do you do in the morning/
afternoon/evening/at weekends?
A: What time do you get up?
B: At 7:30.
At work, at play
▶▶ What’s in this module?
• daily routines & free-time activities
• time
• days of the week
• weekend activities
• school subjects
• -ing form
• present simple (affirmative/negative/
• adverbs of frequency
• question words
• talking about free-time activities
Find the page numbers for
• a blog entry • strange school • a dialogue
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3 get up
4 watch TV
5 eat breakfast
8 have lessons
7 surf the Net
9 hang out with friends 10 go to bed
6 do homework
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Sundays are the best! ❤
Sunday is my favourite day. I usually get up late and I have breakfast. My dad sometimes
makes delicious pancakes! Then, I often go and play football. I’m in a girls’ football team.
That’s my friend Lucy and me at a game in the picture. After that, I help my mum in the
kitchen. She usually cooks a traditional Sunday lunch with lots of meat, potatoes and
vegetables. It’s yummy!
In the afternoon, I sometimes visit my grandparents with my family. In the evening, I go
to the cinema with my friends or I stay home and watch a DVD. I never do any homework
on Sundays. I just have fun and relax! Hope you do the same!
14th November
Post a comment
Morning Afternoon Evening
get up late
2 Read the text again and decide if the sentences 1-6 are
T (true) or F (false). Write in your notebook. What is the main
idea of the text?
1 Mary always wakes up early on Sundays.
2 Her dad sometimes makes breakfast.
3 She’s in a girls’ basketball team.
4 Mary helps her mum cook lunch.
5 She visits her grandparents in the evening.
6 She sometimes goes to the cinema with her friends.
3 Copy the table in your notebook and complete it.
4 Use the completed table in Ex. 3 to talk about Mary’s Sunday.
How similar is it to a typical Sunday of yours?
Using graphic
Graphics organisers
help us understand
the content of a text.
Study Skills
Days of the week
Complete in
your notebook.
1 a) Look at the text. Where can you see
it: on the Internet? in a magazine?
b) What do you think Mary does on Sundays?
Listen and read to check.
Reading 1a
Check these words
• delicious • pancake
• vegetable • relax
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1 playing computer/video games 2 eating out 3 fishing 4 listening to music
5 going to parties 6 painting 7 reading a magazine 8 going to the cinema
9 playing football 10 watching a DVD 11 watching a match 12 going swimming
• Weekend activities
5 Listen and repeat.
6 Complete the sentences in your notebook. Use words in Ex. 5.
Writing (a blog entry about your typical weekend)
7 Write a blog entry about your
typical weekend (30-40 words). Include:
morning, afternoon, evening activities.
Follow the plan. Use ideas from Ex. 6.
1 I love …
2 I like …
3 I don’t mind …
4 I don’t like …
5 I hate …
6 I can’t stand …
Checking pieces of
When you write a
text check it for the
following: • correct
spelling of words
• punctuation:
fullstop (.) at the
end of statements
comma (,) to
separate items
mark (!) to
emphasize an idea
Note: We always use
capital letters for days
of the week (Monday),
proper names (Anita),
countries &
nationalities (Romania,
Romanian) and the
pronoun I (I’m Tony).
Study Skills
Para 1: Saturday
Para 2: Sunday
Reading 1a
13 going sailing
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Grammar 1b
• Present simple (affirmative)
1 Read the theory.
We use the present simple for habits, daily routines
and general truths.
I listen to music every night. (habit)
I always walk to school. (routine)
Water boils at 100o
C. (general truth)
We also use the present simple for timetables,
schedules and programmes.
Classes finish at 2:30. The bus leaves at 7:15.
Time expression with present simple: every day/week/
month/year, once/twice a week/year, usually, often, etc.
I walk.
You walk.
He walks.
She walks.
It walks.
We walk.
You walk.
They walk.
Fran Taylor is a nurse. When she works the morning
shift, she 1) … very early, at 5:30. She 2) … work at
6:00, and she is very busy all day. It's an important
job. Fran 3) … the doctors and looks after the
patients. When she 4) … work, she 5) … back home.
She never gets the train or the bus. She 6) … dinner
and 7) … TV or 8) … a book.
\s\ \z\ \Iz\
2 Copy the table in your notebook. Write the third person
singular of the verbs: tidy, read, do, enjoy, eat, walk, watch, have,
get up, help, play, start, finish.
Listen and check. Listen again and repeat. Pay attention to
the pronunciation.
3 Complete the text with the verbs in Ex. 2. Write in your
• \s\ after unvoiced
or silent sounds \f\,
\k\, \p\, \t\, \T\.
• \z\ after voiced
sounds \b\, \d\, \g\,
\R\, \m\, \n\, \r\, \v\,
\w\, \D\.
• \Iz\ after \s\, \z\, \S\,
\Z\, \tS\, \dZ\.
Spelling – 3rd
person singular
• Most verbs take -s
in the 3rd person
I walk – he walks.
• Verbs ending in -ss,
-sh, -ch, -x and -o
takes -es.
I miss – he misses,
I push – he pushes,
I catch – he catches,
I fix – he fixes,
I go – he goes
• Verbs ending in a
consonant + y drop
the -y and take -ies.
I try – he tries
• Verbs ending in a
vowel + y take -s
only. I play – he plays.
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Grammar 1b
• Present simple (negative & interrogative)
4 Write the sentences in the negative in your notebook, as in
the example.
5 This is Kevin. Ask and answer questions about him.
Use the information below. Use prepositions of time.
A: Does Kevin come from New York?
B: No, he doesn’t. He comes from Chicago. etc.
Negative Interrogative Short answers
I do not/don’t walk
He/She/It does not/
doesn’t walk
You do not/don’t
Do I walk?
Does he/she/it
Do you walk?
Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
Yes, he/she/it does./
No, he/she/it doesn’t.
Yes, you do./No, you
• We form the negative with do not (don’t)/does not (doesn’t) and
the verb in the infinitive. I do not/don’t read magazines.
She does not/doesn’t read magazines.
• We form the interrogative with do/does at the beginning of the
sentence and the verb in he infinitive. Do you read magazines?
Does she read magazines?
• We answer the questions in short form with Yes/No, the subject and
the auxiliary verb to do. Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Yes, she does./
No, she doesn’t. (NOT: Yes, I read. / No, I don’t read.)
1 I come from the USA.
I do not/don’t come from the USA.
2 Jake walks to school.
3 Amy lives in a big house.
4 Meg and Nat play tennis every
5 Eric and I watch a DVD on
1 come from New York ✗
come from Chicago ✓
2 play tennis ✗
play basketball ✓
3 watch TV/the morning ✗
watch TV/the evening ✓
4 get up/7:00 ✗
get up/8:00 ✓
5 speak French ✗
speak Italian ✓
6 go sailing/Sundays ✗
go swimming/Sundays ✓
Use the ideas to
find out what your
partner does at
the weekend. Tell
the class.
• go fishing • eat out
• listen to music
• watch a DVD
• play football
• read a magazine
• watch a match
of time
at + hours (at
4 o’clock), at noon, at
night, at midnight, at
Christmas, at Easter
in + months (in
May), seasons (in the
spring), years (in
2008), parts of the
day (in the morning/
on + days (on
Friday), dates (on
12th September)
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Vocabulary & Reading Skills 1c
The Flying Fruit Fly Circus School is the only circus school in Australia. The
students do subjects like English, Maths and Science, but they also do Drama,
Music and Visual Arts classes. The children also train to perform in a
circus. A typical school day at this school starts at 9:00 am
and ends at 3:15 pm. During the day, there is a
20-minute break in the morning, and a 55-minute
break for lunch. Every year, the school puts on a
show for students to perform their tricks in front
of people of all ages.
1 Design and Technology
2 Geography
3 Maths
4 English
5 PE
6 Art
7 Music
9 Science
10 History
• School subjects
1 a) Match the pictures to the school subjects. Which is
your favourite school subject?
b) Which of these subjects do you do
at school? How often?
2 Look at the pictures and the title
of the text. Which of the school subjects
in Ex. 1 do you think students do there?
Listen and read to find out.
Check these words
• perform • typical
• break • put on
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Listening, Speaking & Writing Skills 1c
6 Write a text about your school in your notebook. Use
your ideas in Ex. 4 and the text in Ex. 2 as a model.
My school
My school is ... . We learn ... . A typical day at my school
starts ... and ... . We’ve got ... breaks at my school and ... .
When do
you like
school best? On Sundays when
I‘m not there.
3 Read the text again and answer the questions in your notebook.
1 What is the Flying Fruit Fly Circus School?
2 Where is it?
3 What do students study there?
4 What time do lessons begin?
5 How many breaks have students got?
6 What do the students do every year?
4 Compare the school in Ex. 2 to your own school. Talk
about school subjects you learn, a typical school day and any
special events that take place during the school year.
In my school we study English, Maths, Geography ... . We don’t learn Drama.
5 Listen to Jane talking about her school. For questions 1-5,
circle the correct answer A, B or C. Write in your notebook.
1 How is Jane?
A She’s fine. B She’s great. C She’s OK.
2 How big is her new school?
A It’s huge. B It’s small. C It’s big.
3 What time do lessons begin?
A at 8:30 B at 9 o’clock C at 8:15
4 How many lessons are there in a day?
A 3 B 5 C 2
5 What special subject does Jane do?
A Visual Arts B Music C Drama
School subjects that
end in -s take a verb
in the singular.
Maths is my favourite
school subject.
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Grammar 1d
She always gets up early. ✦✦✦✦
She usually walks to school. ✦✦✦✧
She often listens to music. ✦✦✧✧
She sometimes eats out. ✦✧✧✧
She is never late for school. ✧✧✧✧
• Adverbs of frequency can be used with
the present simple to show how often
something happens. He always plays
football on Fridays. (How often? always.).
Some adverbs of frequency are: always
(100%), usually (75%), often (50%),
sometimes (25%), never (0%)
• Adverbs of frequency are placed before
the main verb but after the verb to
be. I often eat fish for dinner. We never
go sailing. They are usually on time.
• Adverbs of frequency
1 Read the sentences and the theory.
2 Complete the sentences with the verb in the correct form
and the adverb of frequency in brackets. Write in your notebook.
1 Maria is always happy. (be, always)
2 Simon … his homework after school. (do, often)
3 We … a DVD on Sundays. (watch, never)
4 I … late for school. (be, sometimes)
5 Ben … a glass of milk for breakfast. (drink, always)
6 Anita … video games before dinner. (play, usually)
3 Write the words in the correct order in your notebook.
1 Tony/apples/eats/never Tony never eats apples.
2 books/sometimes/Lyn/reads/at night
3 Jenny/for tests/studies/always
4 usually/Harry/TV/in the morning/ watches
5 work/on Saturdays/often/Tom and I
4 Write answers to the questions in your notebook.
How often do you ...
1 watch silly programmes on TV?
2 listen to music?
3 eat out?
4 go to the park?
5 help with the housework?
6 surf the Net?
Leave a message
to your friend. In
your message
invite him/her to
the cinema with
you. Say when the
film starts.
Tom, how about going
…? The film starts at …
Do come.
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Grammar 1d
• Question words
5 a) Read the theory.
Who: to ask about people Who’s he? Paul.
What: to ask about things What’s this? It’s a pencil.
Where: to ask about places Where’s Ann from? Ireland.
How: to ask about manner How are you? I’m fine.
How old: to ask about age How old are you? 10.
When: to ask about time When’s your birthday? In May.
Whose to ask about
Whose bag is this?
7 Answer the questions about yourselves in your notebook.
1 What’s your name?
2 How old are you?
3 What’s your favourite subject?
4 Where are you from?
A: What’s your name?
B: My name’s Ann. What’s your name?
A: My name’s Tracy. How old ...?
1 What’s your name?
My name’s Jill.
2 Bob is my brother.
3 My birthday’s in March.
4 Paul’s from Italy.
5 I’m 10 years old.
6 My address is 24 Maple Street.
b) Complete the questions in your notebook.
1 “…’s he?” “Mark.”
2 “… are you?” “11.”
3 “…’s he from?” “The UK.”
4 “…’s your birthday?” “In June.”
5 “…’s their favourite subject?” “Maths.”
6 “… are you?” “I’m OK.”
6 Read the answers and write the questions in your notebook.
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Everyday English 1e
• Talking about free-time activities
1 a) Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation.
• Do you like fishing? • I like going swimming with my friends.
• Well, I love painting. • I go sailing with my dad.
b) The sentences are from a dialogue between two friends.
What is the dialogue about?
Listen and read to find out.
2 Read the dialogue and answer the questions in your notebook.
1 What does Tim usually do at the weekend?
2 Does he like fishing?
3 What does Emily like doing at the weekend?
3 Take roles and act out the dialogue.
4 Find phrases in the dialogue which mean:
5 Listen and repeat.
Tim: Hurray! It’s Friday!
Emily: I know! What do you usually do at the weekend?
Tim: I like going swimming with my friends. Sometimes, I go sailing with
my dad.
Emily: Do you like fishing?
Tim: Not really. What about you?
Emily: Well, I love painting.
Tim: That sounds interesting. How about painting a picture of me?
Emily: Oh, I’m not sure. I like painting flowers and animals.
Tim: All right then – what about painting my dogs?
Emily: Cool. Give me a ring tomorrow to arrange something.
Call me. That’s true! Oh, I don’t know.
1 Do you like playing football?
2 I love painting.
3 Let’s go sailing!
4 Is it Friday already?
Sound natural in
Listen to and mimic
the way native English
speakers speak.
Study Skills
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Across Cultures 1f
From informal matches in the park to professional
leagues, kids are crazy about football in the UK.
Children – boys and girls – play indoor and outdoor
football all through the year. Children start playing
football from as young as three years old.
Matches for kids take place at the weekends, both
Saturdays and Sundays. Most schools in the UK
have football teams and they usually play on a
Saturday morning.
Patintero is a popular street game in the
Philippines. The players are in two teams, runners
and guards. The runners must run across the
guards’ area without getting tagged. Both teams
take turns to be runners and guards. The losers
carry the winners on their backs!
1 What do you know about the games in the pictures? Think
about two questions for each.
Listen and read the texts. Can you answer your questions?
2 Read the texts and decide if the sentences are T (true) or
F (false). Write in your notebook.
1 Children in the UK hate football.
2 Some children start playing football when they are three years old.
3 Children play Patintero in two teams.
4 In Patintero, winners carry the losers on their backs.
3 What sports do teenagers play in your country? Collect
information, then write a short text about one of them.
Present it to the class.
Check these words
• league • runner
• guard • tag • loser
• winner
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School’s a place for work and play
A place to learn in every way
Pick a subject, find things out
Learning’s what it’s all about
Science, Art, Geography
Whole new worlds for us to see
English, Maths and History
School’s the coolest place for me
School’s got everything I need
Friends to meet and books to read
Things to learn and facts to find
Great ways to improve your mind
School can help your mind grow
There’s so much useful stuff to know
Lots to learn and lots to do
Every day there’s something new
5 Song: Listen to the
song. Which school
subjects do you hear?
1 Read the text and complete the gaps in your
notebook. What does Mark do in his free time?
Use the letters over the stars to find out.
Every morning, I get up at 7:45.
I eat b _______ _ with my family
and then I c___ _ the bus to school.
I have l _____ _ until 2 pm. After
school, I do my h ______ _ and then
I play s ____ _ before I go to bed.

Mark w _ _ c _ e _ _ V in his free time.
2 Mime a free-time activity. The class in teams tries
to guess what you are doing.
3 Do the quiz. Answer the questions in your
1 What’s Mary’s favourite day?
2 What does Mary’s mum usually cook on Sundays?
3 Where is the Flying Fruit Fly Circus School?
4 What is the favourite pastime of children in the UK?
5 What is Patintero?
4 Look at Module 1 and write a quiz of
your own in your notebook.
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Revision 1
3 5
1 Copy and complete the crossword in
your notebook.
2 Fill in: catch, play, watch, have, go, do.
Write in your notebook.
3 Put the verbs in brackets in the present
simple. Write in your notebook.
1 Marc … (live) in London.
2 We … (not/play) tennis on Tuesdays.
3 … (Pat/watch) TV in the evening?
4 Vicky … (not/get up) at 7:30.
5 … (you/read) magazines at night?
4 Write sentences in your notebook, as
in the example.
1 I/play/tennis/. (always) I always play tennis.
2 you/not/read/magazines/. (often)
3 she/surf/the Net/? (sometimes)
4 they/watch/TV/. (never)
5 he/do/homework/at school/? (usually)
Check your progress
Now I can …
• talk about daily & weekend activities
• talk about school subjects
• discuss free-time activities
• write a blog entry about a typical weekend
• write a text about your school
5 Fill in: who, what, when, where, how old.
Write in your notebook.
1 A: … are you?
B: I’m 12.
2 A: …’s that?
B: She’s my mum.
3 A: …’s your name?
B: My name is Jane.
4 A: …’s your birthday?
B: It’s in May.
5 A: …’s Eric from?
B: He’s from the UK.
6 Complete the dialogue in your
• I like playing video games.
• I usually go swimming with my mum.
• Do you like painting?
• What about you?
A: What do you usually do at the weekend?
B: 1) …
A: 2) …
B: Not really. 3) …
A: 4) …
B: Cool!
TOTAL: 100
1 … homework
2 … breakfast
3 … the bus
4 … sports
5 … to bed
6 … TV
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• Places in a city
1 Look at the map.
Listen and repeat.
2 Look at the map and ask
and answer questions. Use there is/
there are and the words in the list.
• florist’s • school • bank
• bookshop • baker’s • park
• circus • houses • trees
A: Is there a florist’s?
B: Yes, there is. Is there a school?
A: No, there isn’t.
Places around us
▶▶ What’s in this module?
• places in a city
• months & seasons
• shops & products
• countable/uncountable nouns
• quantifiers
• some/any
• partitives
• present continuous (affirmative/
• houses
Find the page numbers for
• a street map
• a shopping basket
• an email
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The ancient city of Verona is a large city by the Adige River
in the north of Italy. It is famous for its ancient city walls,
bridges and palaces. Thousands of tourists visit Verona
every summer and shop in the fashionable boutiques.
There are also a lot of restaurants, nightclubs and cafés.
Verona, Wisconsin, USA
Verona, Italy
Verona is a very small city in the south of the state of Wisconsin. There
are a lot of parks to relax in. There aren’t any tall buildings, just pretty
houses with big gardens! In the summer, people go swimming in the
lakes near the town and in the winter, they can go ice-skating. There
are also nice restaurants and cafés around the town. A
1 Look at the title and the pictures. What is the text about?
Listen and read to check.
2 Read the text again and decide which place (A or B) each
sentence (1-4) is about. Write in your notebook.
3 Complete the sentences in your notebook.
A 1 In Verona, USA, people live in … .
2 People’s favourite free-time activities are … .
B 3 Verona, Italy, is well known for its … .
4 Tourists can buy things … .
4 Which city do you want to visit? Why? Tell the class.
I want to visit ... because ... .
Reading 2a
Check these words
• tall building • café
• city wall
1 It is an ancient city.
2 It is a small city.
3 It’s famous for its bridges and palaces.
4 There aren’t any tall buildings.
A Verona, Wisconsin, USA B Verona, Italy
Months & Seasons!
Write the months
in your notebook.
summer autumn
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Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2 Dialogue 3
• Shops & products
5 Match the sentences (1-9) to the shops (A-I).
6 a) Name the places in the pictures (A-C).
b) Listen and match dialogues 1-3 to the pictures. Write in
your notebook.
7 Complete the text about your town or another town in your
country in your notebook. Find a picture. Copy it to a piece of
paper. Present your town to the class.
Reading 2a
advertisements of
your favourite
shops. Present
them to the class.
Work in groups.
Act out short
dialogues. The
third person says
where you are.
A: Can I see their
ring, please?
B: Certainly.
C: You are at a
1 Tissues are in aisle 12.
2 Can I have a bunch of roses,
3 Does this shirt come in blue?
4 Can I have some aspirin, please?
5 Is this today’s paper?
6 How much is that necklace in the
7 Can I have a loaf of bread?
8 Do you want milk with your
coffee, sir?
9 Can I have this CD, please?
A café
B music shop
C newsagent’s
D clothes shop
E baker’s
F florist’s
G supermarket
H jeweller’s
I chemist’s
… is a … (small, big, quiet, beautiful) town/city in the north/east/south/west
of … . There are/aren’t … . There are also … . It’s a great place to live in.
West East
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A: Can you buy me 1) a few/a little eggs?
B: Sure. 2) How much/How many do you need?
A: 3) Not much/Not many. Six is enough.
B: OK! Is that all?
A: Oh! Can you get me some milk? There’s very 4) few/little left.
B: Sure, no problem.
A: Can you also get me 5) a little/a few cheese?
B: 6) How much/How many do you need?
A: 300 gr is OK.
B: OK! Bye for now.
Grammar 2b
• Countable/Uncountable nouns & quantifiers
1 Decide if the following nouns are C (countable) or U (uncountable),
then fill them: a/an or some. Write in your notebook.
1 some milk U; 2 money; 3 bread; 4 cherries; 5 sugar; 6 egg; 7 rice;
8 orange; 9 tea; 10 cheese; 11 meat; 12 biscuit
2 Choose the correct item. Write in your notebook.
a few = not many
but enough
few = not enough,
almost no
A little = not much
but enough
little = not enough,
almost no
A lot of/Lots of +
countable nouns in
the plural or
uncountable nouns
in affirmative
Singular & plural
Nouns such as
trousers, glasses,
people, are plural in
English. These trousers
are very expensive.
BUT sugar, milk,
flour, homework are
always singular.
There isn’t any sugar.
Countable nouns are nouns
we can count.
an/one apple – two apples
Uncountable nouns are nouns
we cannot count. (some) rice
(NOT: one rice – two rices)
I eat a lot of apples.
How many apples do you eat?
• too many (more
than I need)
• a lot of/
lots of
• some/(a) few
• not many/
(very) few
• none/not any
I drink a lot of milk.
How much milk do you drink?
• too much (more
than I need)
• a lot of/lots
• some/(a) little
• not much/
(very) little
• none/not any
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Grammar 2b
• some/any
• Partitives
4 Fill in: box, bag, can, jar, loaf, bottle, packet, carton. Write in your
3 Fill in: some or any. Write in your notebook.
1 A: Can you buy me 1) … bread, 2) … cheese and 3) … carrots, please?
B: Sure. Do you need 4) … rice?
A: No, thanks.
2 A: I want 1) … juice, please.
B: Sure. Do you want 2) … biscuits?
A: No, thanks.
3 A: Do we have 1) … eggs?
B: Yes, but there isn’t 2) … milk.
A: OK, I’ll go and buy 3) … .
5 In pairs, decide on your shopping list. Use Ex. 3 as an
example. Write your shopping list in your notebook.
7 a … of bread
8 a … of spaghetti
4 a … of ketchup
5 a … of coffee
6 a … of cola
1 a … of cereal
2 a … of sugar
3 a … of orange juice
• some + countable nouns in the plural or uncountable nouns in
affirmative sentences or questions to make an offer or a request.
We’ll take some oranges. There’s some milk in the fridge. Would
you like some?
• any + uncountable nouns or countable nouns in the plural in
negative sentences or questions.
There isn’t any butter. Are there any apples in the fridge?
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Hi Peter,
How are you? I hope you’re OK. I’m writing to you
from my new room.
Our new flat is just gorgeous. It is on the third floor
of a five-storey block of flats. It’s got a great view
of the park from the balcony. The neighbourhood
is really nice and quiet with a few shops. Our block
of flats is next to a baker’s and a florist’s. There’s
also a supermarket and a café nearby but there
isn’t a cinema. Everyone here is friendly. I’ve got
some new friends. We go to school together. My
new school is a 10-minute walk from home.
Anyway, I’ve got to go now. Dad needs some help.
Talk to you later,
Vocabulary & Reading Skills 2c
1 a) Look at the words in the box and
the picture below. In pairs, decide
what the email is about.
b) Listen, read and check.
2 Read the email to complete the sentences in your notebook.
1 Andrew’s new flat is on the … floor.
2 You can see the … from the balcony.
3 The block of flats is next to a … and a … .
4 Andrew’s new school is a … walk from home.
3 Imagine you are Andrew. A friend of yours is visiting
you. Use the text in Ex. 2 to show your friend around your
house and neighbourhood.
Check these words
• five-storey
• block of flats • view
• balcony
• neighbourhood
• nearby
Predicting content
Photos help us
predict the content
of a text.
Study Skills
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I want to buy a dress
to wear around the
house, please.
Certainly madam.
How big is your house?
Listening, Speaking & Writing Skills 2c
5 a) Using the information in the Study Skills box, brainstorm
for ideas to describe your neighbourhood.
b) Complete the sentences about your neighbourhood in your
6 Use your answers in Ex. 5b to write an email
to your pen-friend about your house and your neighbourhood.
Brainstorming for
Before you write a
text, brainstorm for
ideas and list them
under headings.
Topic: My
Ideas: big, quiet,
people, houses,
chemist’s, friendly
• Location • Shops
• People
Study Skills
Where? in a house
outside London
How many rooms?
Favourite room?
4 Listen to Karen and Patrick talking about where they live
and complete the table in your notebook.
1 My neighbourhood is … .
2 I live in a(n) … .
3 It is … .
4 It has got … .
5 There are … .
6 There isn’t/aren’t … .
7 I really like … .
8 The people here … .
Ordinal numbers
Most ordinal numbers
take -th onto the
cardinal number. 1st,
2nd, 3rd are irregular.
There are slight changes
in other numbers 5th,
9th etc.
1st = first
2nd = second
3rd = third
4th = fourth
5th = fifth
6th = sixth
7th = seventh
8th = eighth
9th = ninth
10th = tenth
11th = eleventh
12th = twelfth
13th = thirteenth
14th = fourteenth
20th = twentieth
21st = twenty-first
Write the ordinal
numbers for: 27, 30,
42, 56, 64 in your
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Dear Janet,
Hi! How are you? I 1) am/’m writing (write) to you from Brasov. We
2) __________________ (have) so much fun. There are so many exciting things to
see and do. I 3) ________________ (sit) in a café with my sister now and we
4) _________________ (drink) juice. She 5) _____________ (eat) a sandwich. Our mum
6) ____________________ (shop) for a new dress at a clothes shop and dad
7) ___________________ (buy) some shoes. Talk to you soon.
Grammar 2d
Present continuous (affirmative)
2 Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous. Write in
your notebook.
1 Owen and Jenny …
computer games.
2 They … fun.
3 Owen … on the bed.
4 Jenny … on the bed.
5 They … casual clothes.
We use the present continuous for:
• actions that are happening now, while we are speaking.
He is listening to music now.
• actions happening around the moment of speaking.
Sandra is studying hard this month.
Note: Stative verbs do not appear in a continuous form, as they express a
state rather than an action. These include: like, love, hate, want, know,
remember, forget, understand, think, believe, etc.
• Verbs ending in -e drop the -e and add -ing. take – taking, dance – dancing
• Verbs ending in a stressed vowel between two consonants double the
consonant and add -ing. begin – beginning, shop – shopping
• Verbs ending in -l double the -l and add -ing. travel – travelling
• Verbs ending in -ie, drop the -ie and add -y + -ing. tie – tying
Time expressions with the present continuous: now, at present, these
days, for the time being.
I am/’m eating
You are/’re eating
He is/’s eating
She is/’s eating
It is/’s eating
We are/’re eating
You are/’re eating
They are/’re eating
1 Complete the sentences with the verb in the correct form.
Write in your notebook.
• sit • wear • have • play • lie
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Grammar 2d
Present continuous
(negative & interrogative)
We do not use the
before names of
meals (lunch,
breakfast, dinner).
What’s for lunch?
1 They/watch TV (✗)
2 She/have breakfast (✗)
3 I/sit in the garden (✗)
4 the sun/shine (✗)
3 Write sentences in the negative in your notebook.
4 Form questions and answer them in your notebook.
5 Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or in the present
continuous. Write in your notebook.
6 Write sentences in the present continuous or in the present simple
in your notebook. Use: now, every day, these days, usually,
sometimes, on Mondays, at the moment, never.
Negative Interrogative Short answers
I am/’m not eating
He/She/It is not/
isn’t eating
We/You/They are
not/ aren’t eating
Am I eating?
Is he/she/it
Are we/you/they
Yes, I am./No, I’m not.
Yes, he/she/it is. /
No, he/she/it isn’t.
Yes, we/you/they are. /
No, we/you/they aren’t.
1 Dad/do the washing-up – cook
Is Dad doing the washing-up? No, he isn't. He's cooking.
2 Lucy and Liam/watch TV? – draw
3 Tom/listen to music? – surf the Net
4 the dog/sleep? – eat the newspaper
5 Jane/surf the Net? – do the washing-up
Hi Tony,
How are you? I 1) …(write) to you from Bucharest. I 2) …(have) a great time. It’s so
beautiful here. At the moment, I 3) …(sit) in a restaurant with my parents and we 4) …
(wait) for our delicious food. I 5) …(usually have) a salad but today I 6) …(have) fish.
My sister 7) … (not eat) fish so she 8) … (have) chips and chicken. Anyway, I’ve got
to go now. The waiter 9) …(bring) our food. Yum!
See you soon,
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Everyday English 2e
• Buying clothes
1 Listen and repeat.
• How can I help you? • What size are you? • I’m a medium.
• Would you like to try it on? • Where are the fitting rooms?
• How much does it cost? • Here’s your change and receipt.
2 Listen to and read the dialogue. What does Andy want
to buy? How much does it cost?
4 Find signs in various shops either online or offline.
Explain what they mean.
Salesperson: Good morning. How can I help you?
Andy: Hi. I'd like the blue shirt in the window.
Salesperson : Good choice! What size are you?
Andy: I’m a medium.
Salesperson: You're in luck! This is the last medium. Would you like
to try it on?
Andy: Yes, please. Where are the fitting rooms?
Salesperson: They’re over there.
Andy: Thank you.
Andy: It’s great. How much does it cost?
Salesperson: It's just £25.
Andy: Great! Here you are.
Salesperson: And here's your change and your receipt.
In America a pair of
pants is what people
in England call a pair
of trousers. In
England, a pair of
pants is what
Americans usually
call underwear.
Clothes Shoes
S (small)
M (medium)
L (large)
XL (extra large)
size 6 (EU 38-39),
7 (EU 39-40),
8 (EU 40-41) etc
£ = one pound
3 Act out dialogues using the photos below.
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The English Market in Cork, Ireland, is in a beautiful
400-year-old building. It has got a courtyard with
balconies and a lovely fountain. It is right in the
centre of the city and is a favourite shopping and
meeting place for both local people and tourists. At
this market, people can buy anything from fresh fruit
and vegetables to meat and fish.
The Spice Market in Istanbul is a very
old and colourful market in Turkey. It’s
got a wonderful selection of spices
and herbs from Egypt, India and Asia,
like red pepper and curry powder. You
can also buy all kinds of tea and there
is a huge selection of sweets, like
delicious Turkish Delight.
Across Cultures 2f
1 a) Is there a market in your town? Say three things you can
buy there.
b) Describe the markets in the pictures. Which of the
items: red pepper, vegetables, meat, tea, curry powder, fish, fresh
fruit, sweets, do you think you can find in each market?
Listen, read and check.
Word Stress (three-syllable words)
2 Mark the three-syllable words as in the examples.
Listen and check. Listen and repeat.
• tropical • souvenirs • vegetables • popular • balconies
• tradition • together • exciting • expensive • selection
3 Think of a popular market or shopping centre in your
town/city. Collect information, then write a paragraph about
it. Write: where it is, what it is like, what you can buy there. Find
a photo. Present it to the class.
Check these words
• courtyard • fountain
• selection • herb
• curry powder
• ••
• • •
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Busy shoppers fill the street
Buying tasty things to eat
All the goods are on display
Come and shop, it’s market day
Hurry, hurry, don’t delay
Grab your bags, it’s market day
Time to shop and have some fun
Hurry, hurry, everyone
Find fresh fruit or herbs and spices
Always at the lowest prices
Find a bargain, stop to buy
Anything that takes your eye
Smell the fresh fruit in the air
See the colours everywhere
Hear the people – call and shout
That’s what market day’s about
5 Song: Listen to
the song. Which sentence
best describes the picture?
1 Where does Jill go every day? Complete the
puzzle to find out in your notebook.
2 Label the rooms in your notebook.
• living room • bathroom • bedroom • kitchen
1 You can get money there.
2 This shop sells newspapers,
sweets, drinks, etc.
3 You go there to buy books to read.
4 You can buy aspirin there.
5 You go there to buy tissues.
6 You can buy CDs in this
6 Imagine you are at
the market in the picture.
Act out a dialogue between
you and the greengrocer.
Use these phrases: How can I
help you?, I would like …,
Here you are., How much does
it cost?, Thank you.
1 2 3 4
Look at the pictures in Ex. 2 and
name the object which is: among
four chairs, in front of the window, on the sofa, under the
cupboard, next to the bedside cabinet, opposite the sofa,
above the sink, between the toilet and the washbasin.
3 Do the quiz. Decide if the sentences are T (true)
or F (false). Write in your notebook.
4 Look at Module 2 and write a
T/F quiz of your own in your notebook.
1 Verona, Italy is a modern city.
2 You can buy aspirin at the
3 The Spice Market is in Ireland.
4 Verona, USA is a very small city.
5 The English Market sells spices.
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8 J
1 2
4 5
Revision 2
1 Where can you buy these things? Do
the crossword. Write in your notebook.
2 Choose the correct item. Write in
your notebook.
1 There’s too much/many sugar in my tea.
2 There are a few/little biscuits left.
3 I don’t need any/some eggs for this cake.
4 I need some/any flour.
5 How much/many milk do you want?
6 He drinks many/a lot of water every day.
7 How much/many apples do they need?
8 Have you got any/some juice in the fridge?
3 Put the verbs in brackets in the
present continuous. Write in your
1 My dad … (work) on the computer now.
2 … (he/sleep) at the moment?
3 Mum … (not/cook) dinner right now.
4 …(Sam/eat) an apple at the moment?
5 Julie … (study) hard for a test now.
Check your progress
Now I can …
• talk about places in a city
• talk about shops & products
• make a shopping list
• buy clothes
• write a text about your city/town
• write an email about your house and
4 Put the verbs in brackets into the
present simple or the present
continuous. Write in your notebook.
1 John … (not/live) in a flat.
2 We … (go) to the market now.
3 … (the shops/open) at 9 on Fridays?
4 He … (not/wear) a suit today.
5 Choose the correct response. Write in
your notebook.
1 A: How can I help you?
B: a I’m a medium.
b I’d like a pair of boots.
2 A: How much does it cost?
B: a It’s a large.
b It’s just £10.
3 A: Where are the fitting rooms?
B: a They’re over there.
b They’re £56.
4 A: What size are you?
B: a I’m a small.
b You’re in luck.
TOTAL: 100
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1 The Ropen
Dear Monstertrackers,
I live on Umboi Island in Papua New Guinea – people call it
the Lost World! We’ve got many strange creatures here. One
of them is a dinosaur bird called the Ropen! Come and see it.
Welcome to Papua
New Guinea. Come
and meet my family!
Why are they dressed
like that? Is this a
special celebration?
Wow! This is
amazing! You’ve
got a big family.
Yes, it’s a singsing to welcome
us here!
Let’s boogey!
So, Jacob, what does
the Ropen look like?
Right, Boogey,
we need a plane!
It looks like a bat.
It flies at night.
It’s really big and
its wings light up!
Hey, look!
Is it a plane?
Everybody, get
on board.
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The Monstertrackers 1) … to Papua
New Guinea. A strange creature,
the Ropen, 2) … there. It 3) … out
at night. It 4) … very fast. It 5) …
like a bat.
4 Use the verbs to complete
the summary of the text in
your notebook.
• look • go • live • fly • come
5 Look at picture 5.
Continue the story.
No, it’s a
Ropen! Wow!
Yeah! It flies really fast.
Go after it, Boogey! Help! Crash
landing, everyone!
Oh no! This is my
uncle’s house.
Your uncle’s
Is there a
spare room
for us? I feel
Yes. We sleep in
trees here!
light up
Look out!
Here it comes.
1 Look at the pictures. What is the story about?
Watch the video or listen and check.
2 Read and decide if the sentences are T (true) or
F (false). Write in your notebook.
1 Umboi Island is in Papua New Guinea.
2 Jacob has got a small family.
3 A sing-sing is a celebration.
4 The Ropen is a small bird.
5 Its eyes light up.
6 Jacob’s uncle’s house is in a tree.
3 Use the words to complete the sentences in your
1 The Ropen looks like a … .
2 It’s got big … .
3 Its wings … at night.
4 The Ropen … very fast.
5 During a sing-sing the people … their faces and dance.
• The Ropen hasn’t
got any feathers.
• It eats fish.
• It lives in caves.
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Sports & Chores
take out the rubbish 5
tidy my room
1 clean the windows
▶▶ What’s in this module?
• household chores
• sports
• plurals (regular/irregular nouns)
• can/may
• connectors
• imperative/Let’s
• forms of genitive
Find the page numbers for
• road signs
• tips to cycle safely
• sports
• Chores
1 Listen and repeat.
2 How often do you do these chores?
Tell your partner. Use adverbs of
0% never
25% sometimes
50% often
75% usually
100% always
I never cook dinner.
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do the shopping vacuum the
mop the floor
walk the dog
8 do the washing-up
10 make my bed
dust the furniture
cook dinner
lay the table
wash the car
iron my clothes
do the laundry
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Some children like playing football and others like going swimming. However,
Zach Bonner isn’t an ordinary 12-year-old American boy. He walks long
distances across the USA to raise money for his charity, “Little Red Wagon”.
During his walks, he stops along the way and plants gardens and visits
children who haven’t got homes. He even gives schoolbags with food and
supplies to them and plays with them. He wants to see them happy.
Zach is very busy with his charity but he always makes time to have lessons
and do his homework for school. He attends the Florida Virtual Academy, an
online school, and almost never misses a lesson.
b) Think of another title for the text.
2 Read the text and answer the questions.
1 Is Zach Bonner a typical boy?
2 How old is he?
3 What does he do to raise money for his charity?
4 What’s the name of his charity?
5 What does he do during his walks?
6 What does he give children?
7 Has he got a lot of free time?
8 Which school does he go to?
3 a) Read the text again. Copy and complete the table in your
Check these words
• ordinary • distance
• to raise money
• charity • supply
• to attend
Present Zach
to the class.
1 Look at the picture and read the title. What is he doing? Why
do you think he is doing it?
Listen and read to find out.
Reading 3a
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• Sports
4 Listen and repeat.
• Making invitations – Accepting/Refusing
6 a) Read the examples. Which sentences accept an invitation?
Which refuse?
• A: Would you like to play rugby?
B: I’d love to./That would be great.
• A: Would you like to play basketball?
B: I’d rather not./I’m sorry, but I can’t.
b) It’s Friday afternoon. Invite your friend to do
something with you. Your friend accepts or refuses giving a
reason. Use ideas in Ex. 4 and the language in Ex. 6a.
A: Would you like to play tennis with me?
B: I’d love to./I’m sorry, but I can’t.
5 Fill in: do, play or go. Write in the notebook.
Listen and check. Which of these do you enjoy the most?
1 football 2 basketball 3 tennis 4 ice hockey 5 badminton 6 athletics
7 swimming 8 rugby 9 water polo 10 volleyball 11 gymnastics 12 cricket
1 … water-skiing
2 … wind-surfing
3 … karate
4 … skateboarding
5 … football
6 … aerobics
7 … cycling
8 … athletics
9 … baseball
Mime a sport.
Students in teams,
name the sport.
Reading 3a
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3 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the words in brackets. Write in your notebook.
1 There are many … (person) at the zoo today.
2 … (baby) sleep for many … (hour).
3 In autumn, the … (leaf) change colours.
4 Mark has got many board … (game).
5 The … (child) play football at the park.
• Plurals (regular & irregular nouns)
1 bus – buses
2 child – …
3 baby – …
4 apple – …
5 leaf – …
6 watch – …
7 park – …
8 mouse – …
9 toy – …
10 life – …
11 box – …
12 animal – …
13 egg – …
14 foot – …
15 pencil – …
16 dress – …
17 dream – …
18 person – …
19 wish – …
20 woman – …
2 Write the plurals of the words below in your notebook.
Listen and check. Then, listen and repeat.
• Most nouns take -s to form the plural.
chair ➝ chairs, smile ➝ smiles, cup ➝ cups
• Nouns ending in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, take -es to form the plural.
atlas ➝ atlases, address ➝ addresses, brush ➝ brushes,
beach ➝ beaches, fox ➝ foxes, potato ➝ potatoes
• Nouns ending in a vowel + -y take -s in the plural. tray ➝ trays, toy ➝ toys
• Nouns ending in a consonant + -y drop the -y and take -ies in the
plural. baby ➝ babies, story ➝ stories
• Nouns ending in -f or -fe, drop the -f or -fe and take -ves in the plural.
leaf ➝ leaves, life ➝ lives
man ➝ men;
woman ➝ women;
person ➝ people;
child ➝ children;
foot ➝ feet;
tooth ➝ teeth;
mouse➝ mice
Grammar 3b
1 Look at the pictures for a minute. Close your book and say
what you remember.
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• can/may
4 a) Read the examples.
6 Discuss as in the example.
1 Ask your teacher to use his pen. (He/She agrees.)
A: May I use your pen?
B: Yes, you may.
2 Ask your mum for a glass of water.
(Your mum agrees.)
3 Ask your teacher to use the school computer.
(Your teacher refuses.)
4 Ask your friend to use his camera.
(Your friend refuses.)
b) Fill in: can or may. Write in your notebook.
1 Can I have some more sweets, mum?
2 You … watch TV after you tidy your room.
3 … I use your laptop, Ms Smith?
4 … I borrow your dictionary, Mr Smith?
5 … I have some tea, Ann?
6 … I leave early today, sir?
5 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.
1 It is OK to use this office. (may)
You may use this office.
2 Is it OK for me to use the phone, please? (may)
3 Is it OK for Ann to borrow your coat? (can)
4 Is it OK for me to go out now? (may)
5 Is it OK for me to watch TV? (can)
6 It’s OK to play outside with your friends. (can)
• You can play tennis. (ability)
• You can’t play squash. (lack of ability)
• Can/May I use your computer? (polite request)
• Yes you can/may. No, you can’t/may not. (give/refuse permission)
May is more polite
than can. Compare:
Can I go out, Dad?
May I go out, Sir?
Teacher, can I go
to the bathroom?
Joey. May I go to
the bathroom?
Sure! But can I go
first, please?
Grammar 3b
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Cycling is fun but sometimes accidents
happen, so cycle safely. Here are a few tips
to help keep you safe: A B
1 a) Have you got a bike? b) Do you like cycling?
c) Why (not)?
2 What do you know about safe cycling? Look at the
pictures and say.
Listen, read and check. Take notes while you listen.
3 Read the text again and find ...
1 a word that means ‘some advice’.
2 three parts of a bike.
3 a word that means ‘often’.
4 three things you put on that can protect you when cycling.
Write in your notebook.
4 Read again and decide if the sentences are T (true) or F (false).
Write in your notebook.
1 Bicycle accidents happen very often.
2 It’s not a good idea to wear a helmet.
3 Reflectors help drivers see you.
4 Check your brakes often.
5 You can wear headphones when you cycle.
5 Match the sentences (1-6) from the text with the pictures
(A-F). Write in your notebook.
the text
Read the title and think
of what you know about
the topic. This can help
you understand the text
Study Skills
Check these words
• helmet • to protect
• reflector • brake
• chain • tyre
• headphones
• knee pad
1 Always wear a helmet to protect your head.
2 Put reflectors and lights on your bike. This
way other drivers can see you.
3 Respect road rules.
4 Check the brakes, chain and tyres regularly.
5 Don’t wear headphones.
6 Always wear gloves and knee pads.
Vocabulary & Reading Skills 3c
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Listening Skills
6 Listen to Steve talking to Jane about a new bike he wants.
Answer the questions by circling the correct answer. Write in
your notebook.
1 What colour is the bike? silver / black
2 Where is the bike shop? Bradford / Bingley
3 How much does the bike cost? £100 / £150
4 What else does Steve want to buy? gloves / helmet?
7 What do the signs mean? Use the verbs/phrases to tell the class.
• drive fast • cycle • enter • park • smoke • turn left
Act out
Steve and Jane’s
We use connectors
to join ideas.
We use:
• and or also to link
similar ideas.
• but or however
to link opposing
• because or so
to give reasons.
• and then, first,
finally, when or
as soon as to
show time
• or to express
Listening, Speaking & Writing Skills 3c
8 Find more signs. Present them to the class. Say what they
mean and where you can see them.
9 Use the connectors in brackets to join the sentences.
1 Ice hockey is fun. Sometimes you can get hurt. (but)
2 We spend Saturday morning playing football. We go cycling. (or)
3 I can’t swim well. I love it. (but)
4 He loves playing basketball. It helps him stay fit. (because)
5 We enjoy going sailing. We enjoy fishing. (and)
10 Collect information about how to be a safe
pedestrian. Prepare a leaflet. Use pictures as well.
Don’t smoke here.
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• Imperative/Let’s
1 Read the table and the rules.
• We form the imperative with the base form of the verb without a subject.
Answer the phone, please! (NOT: Bill answer the phone.)
• We form the negative imperative with do not/don’t and the base
form of the verb. Don’t open the window!
We use the imperative:
• to give instructions Open your book!
• to give orders Don’t stand there! Sit down!
• to make offers and requests Have some tea. Wait for me, please!
Note: We use Let’s to make suggestions. Let’s go to the cinema.
2 Match the sentences to the pictures. Write in your notebook.
3 Rewrite the following sentences. Use the imperative.
A Don’t litter the beach.
B Put on sunscreen.
C Don’t eat too much before
D Wear a hat.
E Drink lots of water.
F Don’t throw sand at people.
Grammar 3d
1 You mustn’t eat or drink.
2 You must be quiet.
3 You mustn’t touch the paintings.
4 You mustn’t run.
5 You must listen to your guide.
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To show possession:
a) We add ’s to names and singular nouns. This is Tom’s ball. This is the dog’s toy.
b) We add ’ to plural nouns ending in -s. This is the boys’ football.
BUT These are the men’s hats.
• We use who’s to ask about a person. Who’s Petra? She is my friend.
• We use whose to ask about possession. Whose bike is this? It’s Jonathan’s.
• Genitive
4 Read the table.
5 Choose the correct item. Write in your notebook.
1 These are the boy’s/boys gloves.
2 These are the men’s/mens’ cars.
3 The roof of the house/house roof is red.
4 This is the children’s/childrens’ bedroom.
5 This is the lady’s/ladys’ bag.
6 Those are the women’s/womens’ dresses.
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the genitive.
Write in your notebook.
1 This is … . (Alice/car)
2 The … are big.
3 The … is open. (door/room)
4 I love the … . (colour/dress)
5 The … are in the garage.
6 Mike enjoys … .
7 Fill in with who or whose. Then, choose the correct item. Write
in your notebook.
1 … is this ball? It’s Tony’s/Tonys’.
2 … is she? She’s the girls/girls’ mum.
3 … is Mr Jones? He’s the boys/boys’ Maths teacher.
4 … is this pen? It’s Mary’s/Marys’.
5 … is the girl over there? She’s my brother’s/brothers’ Steve best friend.
Grammar 3 d
In general we use,
the genitive for
people. In order to
talk about things, we
use the preposition
of. Compare the
John’s sister BUT
the legs of the chair
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Mrs Lee: Sky Summer Camp. Can I help you?
Jake: Hello! I’d like to ask some questions about your summer camp,
Mrs Lee: All right! Can I have your name, please?
Jake: Yes, it’s Jake Burton.
Mrs Lee: How can I help you, Jake?
Jake: Can you tell me what time we need to arrive at the camp?
Mrs Lee: Before 4 pm on Sunday.
Jake: OK. Can I bring my mobile phone?
Mrs Lee: Yes, of course you can, but don’t take it to lessons with you.
Jake: I see. How about my pet spider, Ralph? Can I bring him with me?
Mrs Lee: I’m afraid not, Jake. You can’t bring pets to the camp.
Jake: All right then! Thank you.
Mrs Lee: You’re welcome, Jake. Bye!
• Asking for information
1 a) Listen and repeat.
• Can you tell me what time I must arrive at the camp?
• Can I bring my mobile phone? • How about my pet spider?
b) The sentences above are from a telephone conversation
between Jake and a camp employee. What does Jake want to
ask about? Why do you think the camp rules are about these
Listen and read to find out.
2 Read the dialogue again and answer the questions in your
1 When must Jake arrive at the camp?
2 What does he want to take with him?
3 Do they allow pets at the camp?
4 Listen to the dialogue again. Take roles and act it out.
OK! What’s your name, please? What can I do for you?
3 Find phrases in the dialogue which mean:
Everyday English 3e
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1 What rules have you got in your school? Do you think the rules
are the same in schools all around the world?
Listen, read and check.
Check these words
• to respect • tough
• to switch off • tag
• to chew • to dye
My school blog
around the world
Rules, rules, rules! All schools have got rules. Not all schools have got the same rules, though. In some
countries students wear a uniform, but in others they don’t. Some schools have got very tough rules and
some schools have got strange rules. Share your thoughts.
Rules in England
My school has got a lot of rules. Here’s a list.
• Always wear uniforms.
• Switch off mobile phones during lessons.
• Never run in the corridors.
• Eat in the canteen or bring a packed lunch.
• Don’t leave school during lessons.
• Only chew gum during long exams. Posted by: Sally 3 November at 09:04 AM
Rules in Japan
Your rules don’t sound so bad. Here in Japan we have got a lot of rules.
Here’s a list.
• Wear uniforms and help clean the school at the end of the day.
• Always have the school rulebook with you.
• Don’t have a part-time job and don’t go out after sunset.
• Never dye your hair, wear make-up or stay at another person’s house.
Across Cultures 3 f
What are the
rules at your
school? Post
your comments
to the blog.
2 Read the texts and decide if the sentences are T (true)
or F (false). Write in your notebook.
1 All schools around the world have got the same rules.
2 Pupils in England and Japan must wear uniforms.
3 In England, pupils mustn’t chew gum during lessons.
4 In Japan, pupils must tidy their classrooms at the end of each lesson.
• Pronunciation (linking sounds)
3 Read the theory. Find the linking sounds in the sentences below.
Listen and check. Listen and repeat.
1 Can I have an apple?
2 I am always late for school.
3 I hope it’s OK for Anna to come
with us.
4 How about eight o’clock?
Posted by: Aka 12 November at 08:04 AM
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1 Oops! Help Billy write correct phrases.
Write in your notebook.
2 Choose a phrase from Ex. 1. Draw a Billy picture.
• take out the shopping
• do the table
• cook clothes
• hoover the windows
• clean the rubbish
• lay the floor
• mop the dinner
• iron the carpet
1 Zach Bonner is 12 years old.
2 Zach cycles to raise money for his charity.
3 You can wear headphones when cycling.
4 You must often check your tyres.
5 English students don’t wear uniforms.
6 Students in Japan can work part-time.
Mime the chore you need to do this week. Your partner
tells the class.
A: (mimes walking the dog)
B: Andrew: walk the dog.
5 What are rules for?
Listen and
read to find out.
6 Do you agree with
the singer’s opinion?
When we’re in a public place
On roads, in shops or schools
We have to think of others
And we must obey the rules
The world is full of people
And I’m sure they’d all agree
Without some rules to follow
What a mess the world would be
Rules are there to keep us safe
And make life easy, too
Because we live with others
There are things we have to do
They’re not to make life boring
And they’re not to spoil your fun
Rules keep us out of trouble
And they’re there for everyone
You might not realise it
But you use rules all day long
They tell you how to do things
And what’s right and what is wrong
They help us be good people
That’s what rules are all about
The world would be quite crazy
With no rules to help us out
4 Look at Module 3 and write a quiz
of your own in your notebook.
3 Do the quiz. Decide if the sentences are T (true)
or F (false).
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1 Fill in: hoover, take, lay, make, iron.
Write in your notebook.
1 Mary often helps her dad … the table for
2 Could you please … the carpet? It’s dirty.
3 I usually help Mum to … the clothes at the
4 Can you … out the rubbish?
5 I always … my bed before I leave in the
2 Fill in: can or may in the correct form.
Write in your notebook.
1 You … eat in here. You’re not allowed.
2 … I go to Ann’s house, Mum?
3 … I use your computer, Sir?
4 Sarah … swim fast.
5 … I have some milk in my tea?
3 Look at the signs then complete the
sentences with the correct imperative
form of the verbs in brackets in your
1 … (stop) here. 2 … (park) on
this road.
3 … (turn) left. 4 … (cycle) here.
4 Put apostrophes where necessary.
Write in your notebook.
1 Whos Tony? Hes John and Marys cousin.
2 Sam is Lauras husband.
3 Mark is Anns teacher.
4 Peter is the girls uncle.
5 These are the mens hats.
5 Complete the exchanges in your
• I’m afraid not. • Can I have …
• Can I bring … • I see.
• How can I help you?
1 A: Hello. Is this Brighton Summer Camp?
B: Yes. … .
2 A: Can I bring my pet along with me?
B: … It’s not allowed.
3 A: … your address please?
B: Yes, it’s 29 Benton Road.
4 A: Don’t bring your mobile.
B: Oh, … .
5 A: … my MP3 player?
B: Yes, of course you can.
TOTAL: 100
Check your progress
Now I can …
• talk about household chores
• talk about sports
• talk about rules
• identify signs
• make invitation – accept/refuse
• ask for informations
• write school rules
Revision 3
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• Famous people &
1 Look at the pictures. Who was
a/an: Italian architect? Egyptian
queen? Chinese actor? Hungarian
footballer? American singer? German
physicist? English princess? American
president? British actress? A Spanish
painter? Portuguese explorer?
Princess Diana was an English princess.
2 Ask and answer.
A: When was Princess Diana born?
B: In 1961. When did she die?
A: In 1997. When was she from?
B: England.
▶▶ What’s in this module?
• famous people
• nationalities
• mythical creatures
• appearance & character
• was/were
• there was/there were
• past simple – regular verbs
• could
Find the page numbers for
• mythical creatures
• a painter’s biography
• a woman with a sword in ancient China
2. Albert Einstein
(Germany) 1879-1955
1. Princess Diana
(England) 1961-1997
3. Leonardo da Vinci
(Italy) 1452-1519
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3 HALL OF FAME: Prepare a collage of famous dead
people. Make a poster. Present them to the class.
4. Cleopatra
(Egypt) 69 BC-30 BC
5. Miklos Fehér
(Hungary) 1979-2004
8. Bruce Lee
(China) 1941-1973
11. Abraham Lincoln (USA) 1809-1865
7. Elizabeth Taylor (UK) 1932-2011
6. Vasco da Gama
(Portugal) 1469-1524
10. Pablo Picasso
(Spain) 1881-1973
9. Elvis Presley
(USA) 1935-1977
BC = before Christ
Reading years
In English, we read
years as follows:
1561 = fifteen sixtyone
1807 = eighteen oh
1972 = nineteen
2009 = two
thousand and nine
Study Skills
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were half human and half
horse. They were from the
mountains and forests of central
Greece. They were wild, dangerous
beasts – except for one, Chiron,
who was an astronomer and a
famous teacher of
The Phoenix
was a beautiful red or
purple bird with a long
golden tail. It was from India
and Egypt. It could burst into
flames and could be born
again from the ashes.
1 Look at the pictures. Which of the creatures ...
• is half human and half horse? • has got a human head?
• has got a long tail and a sharp beak?
Listen and read to check.
2 Listen and read the text again and decide if the
sentences are T (true) or F (false). Write in your notebook.
1 The phoenix was an ugly bird.
2 The phoenix could be born again from the ashes.
3 Centaurs’ homes were in mountains and forests.
4 Centaurs were nice creatures.
5 Chiron wasn’t wild or dangerous.
3 Say two things you remember from each text.
Reading 4a
Using dictionaries
Dictionaries present
words in alphabetical
order. They give
information about
what type of speech
the word is, how we
pronounce it and
what it means.
Study Skills
Check these words
• golden • burst
• flames • ashes
• beast
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4 How is each creature from mythology different
from or similar to the creatures in the Harry Potter books?
Read and tell the class.
6 a) Listen, repeat and point to: a thick mane, a single eye,
a horn, a long tail, sharp claws, a beak, big wings, sharp teeth, long
b) Which of the creatures look like: a horse? a huge snake?
a giant? an eagle?
7 Do some research on the Internet and prepare a
short presentation on one of the mythical creatures in Ex. 5.
A unicorn looks like a horse. It has got a horn, a thick mane and a long tail.
8 Draw your Avatar for your History class blog. Which mythical
animal can you be?
Reading 4a
• It is a beautiful bird.
• It is Dumbledore’s pet.
• It suddenly bursts into
flames one day but is born
again from the ashes.
• They live in the Forbidden Forest.
• They can read the stars.
• They stay far away from people.
• One of them, Firenze, is a
teacher at Harry’s school.
• Mythical creatures
5 Listen and repeat.
Daniel Radcliffe was
11 years old when he
started performing in
the Harry Potter films.
He starred in the
series for 10 years!
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Grammar 4b
• was/were (affirmative & negative)
1 Read the table and complete the gaps in your notebook.
2 Complete with: was or were. Write in your notebook.
1 Centaurs … half human and half horse.
2 A cyclops … a giant with one eye.
3 Unicorns … like horses with a horn on their head.
4 The phoenix … from India and Egypt.
5 The hippogriff … a large powerful creature.
3 Write sentences, as in the example. Write in your notebook.
1 The phoenix/not be/a small bird. The phoenix was not/wasn’t a small bird.
2 Centaurs/not be/friendly.
3 Cyclops/not be/small.
4 Dragons/not be/evil.
5 Unicorns/not be/dangerous.
6 The hippogriff/not be/a snake.
Pronunciation (strong & weak forms)
4 Read the table, then listen and repeat. Which sentences contain:
Was/Were are the
past forms of the
verb to be (am,
is/are). Compare.
He is from the USA.
His grandpa was
from the UK.
Affirmative Negative
I was late.
You were late.
He was late.
She was late.
It 1) … late.
We were late.
You 2) … late.
They were late.
I was not/wasn’t late.
You were not/weren’t late.
He was not/wasn’t late.
She was not/wasn’t late.
It was not/wasn’t late.
We were not/weren’t late.
You were not/3) … late.
They were not/weren’t late.
weak forms \w´z\,
strong forms \wÅz\,
• John was at school yesterday.
• Was the film good?
• The books were on the floor.
• Were they at the gym?
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Grammar 4b
• was/were (interrogative & short answers)
There was/There
There was a big
dragon in the box.
There were centaurs.
There wasn’t a book.
There weren’t any
Was there a phoenix?
Were there any
Interrogative Short Answers
Was I/he/she/it late?
Were we/you/they late?
Yes, I/he/she/it was. / No, I/he/she/it wasn’t.
Yes, we/you/they were. / No, we/you/they weren’t.
5 Form complete questions. Answer them in your notebook.
1 the hippogriff’s eyes/be/purple? ✗ (orange)
Were the Hippogriff’s eyes purple? No, they weren’t. They were orange.
2 centaurs/be/half human and half horse? ✓
3 the cyclops/be/beautiful? ✗ (ugly)
4 the phoenix/be/a bird? ✓
5 centaurs/be/wild? ✓
• There was/There were
6 a) It was John’s birthday last Saturday. What was there in each
box for him? Write questions and answers, as in the example,
in your notebook.
1 two cyclops/red box? Were there two cyclops in the red box?
No, there weren’t. There were two dragons
in the red box.
2 a phoenix/green box?
3 a centaur/blue box?
4 three horses/purple box?
b) What was/wasn’t there in your neighbourhood 50 years
ago? Write sentences in your notebook. Think about: cinema,
park, supermarket, blocks of flats, houses, cafés, restaurants etc.
1 2 3 4
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Hua Mulan was born in the fifth century in ancient China.
One year, there was a war. Mulan’s father was too old to join the army and her brother
was too young. Mulan decided to join the army because she could fight with a sword.
The war lasted ten years. Mulan returned home on a beautiful horse. It was a present
from the emperor.
At home, her friends from the army were surprised to see Mulan was a woman.
Today, there is a statue of Mulan in her hometown.
In 2008 there was an animated action film of Mulan. Min-Na Wen provided the
voice of Hua Mulan.
Vocabulary & Reading Skills 4c
1 a) What do you know about Hua Mulan?
b) What else would you like to know about her?
Listen and read the text. Can you answer your questions?
Check these words
• to join • army
• to fight • sword
• emperor • hometown
2 Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Correct the false statements. Write the correct sentences in
your notebook.
1 Hua Mulan was from China.
2 She was born in the fifteenth century.
3 Her father was young.
4 She could fight with a sword.
5 She was away from home for 10 years.
6 There isn’t a statue of her in her hometown.
3 a) Match the words in the two columns.
1 was born a home
2 could fight with b the army
3 to join c to see
4 she returned d from the emperor
5 a present e in the fifth century
6 were surprised f a sword
b) Use the phrases above to tell the class a summary of the text.
Hua Mulan was born in the fifth century. She could fight with a sword.
c) Find photos and prepare a collage of characters
from the Hua Mulan animated film. Tell the class.
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Listening, Speaking & Writing Skills 4c
What does he/she
look like?
What is he/she
like? (character)
Learn words with
their opposites. This
helps you remember
Study Skills
• Appearance & Character
4 a) Read the table and check any words you don’t know in the
Word List. Then write the odd word out in your notebook.
Find out about
your friend’s
family members.
A: What does your
dad look like?
B: He’s … .
A: What is he like?
B: He’s … . Writing
7 What did you look like when you were six years old? What
were you like? Describe your character. Write a short
paragraph about yourself in your notebook. Use words from
Exs 4a and 5.
Dave Helen
Ann Jim
Hair: curly straight long dark wide
Lips: thin full fair
Face: round green thin long
Nose: long big tall small
Height: slim tall medium-height short
Age: old middle-aged young small
Weight: plump wavy overweight well-built slim thin
b) Describe Hua Mulan using the words in Ex. 4a.
5 Choose the correct answer. Write in your notebook. Which
adjectives best describe you? your friends?
1 His dad is patient/impatient. He doesn’t like to wait.
2 John is very serious/funny. He makes me laugh with his jokes.
3 Mary is stupid/clever. She always knows the answer.
4 James is hardworking/lazy. He doesn’t study at all.
5 Mulan was cowardly/brave. She wasn’t afraid to fight.
6 My sister is honest/dishonest. She always tells the truth.
6 Listen to Linda describing her family. Write the name for
each person in your notebook.
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speak English
run fast
ride a bicycle
play football
Grammar 4d
2 Complete with: could or couldn’t. Write in your notebook.
1 The Phoenix … be born again from the ashes. ✓
2 The Unicorn … burst into flames. ✗
3 Dragons … fly very high. ✓
4 Centaurs … fly. ✗
5 The Hippogriff … breathe fire. ✗
• Talking about past abilities
3 What could/couldn’t your partner do at the age of five?
Use the phrases to find out.
Could is the past
simple of can. It is
the same in all
persons, singular
and plural. We use
could to talk about
ability in the past.
When she was seven,
she could ride a bike.
• could (ability)
1 Read the theory.
Affirmative I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they could ...
Negative I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they couldn’t ...
Interrogative Could I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they ...?
Short Answers Yes, I/you/he, etc could./No, I/you/he, etc couldn’t.
A: Could you speak English at the age of five?
B: Yes, I could./No, I couldn’t.
4 Complete the sentence in your notebook.
When I … six years old, I could … and …, but I couldn’t … or … .
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Grammar 4d
• Past simple – regular verbs (affirmative)
5 Read the theory.
7 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. Write in
your notebook.
Form: verb + -ed
Spelling: •Verbs ending in -e take only -d. I hate – I hated
• Verbs ending in a consonant + -y drop the -y and take -ied.
I try – I tried, I cry – I cried
• Verbs ending in a vowel + -y retain the -y and take -ed. I stay – I stayed
• Verbs ending in one stressed vowel between two consonants
double the last consonant and take -ed. I shop – I shopped
• Verbs ending in -l double the -l and take -ed. I travel – I travelled
Use: The past simple is used to talk about actions which took place at
a particular time in the past. They arrived in Madrid last Saturday. (When?
Last Saturday. – The time is stated.) They travelled by train. (When? Last
Saturday. – The time is implied.)
Time expressions used with the past simple: yesterday, last week,
last month, last year, two days/weeks/months/years ago, in 1957, etc.
I played tennis
You played tennis
He played tennis
She played tennis
It played tennis
We played tennis
You played tennis
They played tennis
-d -ed -ied
Vasco da Gama was born in Sines, Portugal in 1469. He was an explorer.
He 1) … (discover) a route from Portugal to the eastern countries. He
2) … (start) his journey in 1497. He 3) … (sail) for almost a year before
he 4) … (reach) India. He 5) … (stay) there for three months. Da Gama
6) … (return) to Portugal in 1499. People 7) … (treat) him as a hero and
the king 8) … (reward) him. Vasco da Gama 9) … (die) during another stay in
India in 1524. Fifteen years later, they 10) … (bury) him in Vidigueira, in Portugal.
We pronounce -ed:
• \Id\ after verbs that
end in \t\ or \d\.
wanted, needed
• \t\ after verbs that
end in \k\, \s\, \tS\,
\S\, \f\, or \p\. asked,
helped, finished
• \d\ after verbs that
end in all other
sounds. lived, used,
Study Skills
6 Copy the table in your notebook. Write the verbs in the correct
column. Read them aloud. Pay attention to the pronunciation.
• live • want • stay • cry • love • ask • arrive • bury • copy • use
• carry • grab
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Everyday English 4e
3 Find sentences in the dialogue which mean the following:
4 Listen to the dialogue again. Take roles and read it
1 Bill watched a comedy.
2 It was a very good film.
3 The animals were real.
4 Ann wants to see the film.
Ann: Hi, Bill. How was your weekend?
Bill: Not so good. I was ill so I stayed home.
Ann: I’m sorry about that.
Bill: That’s OK. I watched a nice adventure film.
Ann: Which film?
Bill: The Golden Compass. It was brilliant.
Ann: Really? What’s it about?
Bill: It’s about a young girl who travels to the North Pole and joins
forces with talking polar bears to unite the universe.
Ann: Sounds exciting. Is there lots of action?
Bill: Yes, there is. The special effects are amazing too. The animals
looked real.
Ann: Who stars in it?
Bill: Dakota Blue Richards plays the young girl and it also stars
Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig.
Ann: It sounds great. It’s a pity I missed it.
Bill: You can rent it on DVD.
• Describing a film
1 a) Listen and repeat. The sentences are from a
dialogue between two friends. What is the dialogue about?
• How was your weekend? • I’m sorry about that. • Which film?
• It was brilliant. • What’s it about? • Sounds exciting.
• Who stars in it? • It’s a pity. • You can rent it on DVD.
b) Listen and read to find out.
2 Read the dialogue and decide if the sentences are T (true) or
F (false). Write in your notebook.
1 Did you enjoy your weekend?
2 That’s too bad.
3 Sounds really good.
4 Which actors were in it?
Act out
a similar dialogue
about a film you
watched on TV or
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was a very famous painter
in the twentieth century.
He was born in Malaga,
Spain. Picasso’s father was
also a painter, and by the time the young
Pablo was 13, he was an excellent artist.
Picasso is famous for his paintings, but he
was also a sculptor and a poet. His most
well-known painting is ‘Guernica’.
was born on 31st July,
1965 in Gloucestershire,
England. As a child, she
liked reading and writing fantasy stories.
Her first story was about a sick rabbit.
Today, almost everyone knows her for her
fantasy books. The Harry Potter series is her
most famous work. There are about 400
million copies worldwide in 65 languages!
Across Cultures 4f
1 In one minute, write as many jobs as you
can think of. Check with your partner.
writer, teacher, ...
2 What do you know about the people
in the pictures? Which country was each
born in? Who was a painter? Who is
a writer? Which are their most famous
Listen, read and check.
3 Think of a famous artist or writer in your country
or another country. Collect information. Write a short
paragraph about him/her. Use the texts above as models. Write:
• where he/she was born • what he/she is/was good at
• why he/she is famous • what are his/her most famous works
Check these words
• fantasy story • series
• copy • worldwide
• sculptor • poet
Noun formation
We form person
nouns adding -er, -ist
to the verb. write –
writer, art – artist
I don’t know, Miss,
but it wasn’t me.
Who was the
author of
‘Romeo & Juliet’?
Pablo Picasso’s full
name was Pablo
Diego José Francisco
de Paula Juan
Nepomuceno María
de los Remedios
Cipriano de la
Santísima Trinidad
Clito Ruíz y Picasso.
Can you say it?
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The world around us 1) … fast
And soon today will be the past
But you can make your dreams 2) … true
And make the world 3) … you
However hard you think it seems
You know you can 4) … your
So be the best that you can be
And write a part of history
Some can change the world
through art
They 5) … or write what’s in their
Scientists can change things, too
They find or 6) … something new
Great things 7) … from small ideas
So 8) … a chance, 9) … your fears
Live your dreams and you might 10) …
You’re leaving something great behind.
5 Song: a) Read the song and fill
in the missing verbs.
• remember • changes • invent • paint
• grow • fulfil • ignore • find • take
• come
Listen and check.
1 Leonardo da Vinci used mirror
writing, starting at the right side of
the page and moving to the left!
Can you rewrite Leonardo’s sentences
in the correct way in your notebook?
b) How can someone be a
part of history according
to the singer?
2 Do the quiz. Decide if the sentences
are T (true) or F (false). Write in your
1 Cleopatra lived in England.
2 The Phoenix was a pretty bird.
3 Centaurs were from Greece.
4 Hua Mulan could fight with a sword.
5 J. K. Rowling is American.
6 Pablo Picasso was a well-known writer.
3 Look at Module 4 and
write a T/F quiz of your own in your
4 Prepare an exhibition of famous
characters, dead or alive. Stick/Draw
pictures, then write their personal
I was born in Florence, Italy. 1
The Last Supper is one of my favourite 2
I was also a very talented musician. 3
I invented a lot of things, 4
including a type of
I could paint with one hand 5
and write with the other!
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Revision 4
1 Write the opposites in your notebook.
1 patient ≠ i …
2 honest ≠ d …
3 hardworking ≠ l …
4 clever ≠ s …
5 funny ≠ s …
6 brave ≠ c …
7 plump ≠ t …
8 tall ≠ s …
9 old ≠ y …
2 Match the words. Write in your
1 curly a lips
2 well-built b hair
3 full c face
4 round d mouth
5 wide e body
3 Fill in: was/wasn’t, were/weren’t. Write
in your notebook.
1 Anna … at school yesterday. (✗)
2 I … born in May. (✓)
3 There … a good film on TV last night. (✓)
4 We … at the cinema two days ago. (✓)
5 There … any people at the museum on
Saturday. (✗) (5x1=5)
4 Complete the dialogue with the correct
form of could. Write in your notebook.
A: 1) … you read when you were five?
B: No, I 2) … . How about you?
A: Yes, I 3) … .
B: 4) … you write?
A: No, I 5) … . How about you?
B: I 6) … write my name.
Check your progress
Now I can …
• talk about famous people
• describe mythical creatures
• talk about pair activities
• write a paragraph about myself
• describe a film
5 Put the verbs in brackets into the
past simple. Write in your notebook.
1 I … (watch) TV last night.
2 She … (play) tennis on Monday.
3 Tim … (listen) to music yesterday.
4 He … (travel) to Spain last year.
5 Jane … (bake) a cake last night.
6 Complete the exchanges in your
notebook. Use:
• How was your weekend?
• What did you watch?
• Who stars in it? • It was brilliant.
• You can rent it on DVD.
1 A: How was the film?
B: …
2 A: It’s a pity I didn’t watch it.
B: …
3 A: …
B: Not so good.
4 A: …
B: Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens.
5 A: …
B: Shrek 3
TOTAL: 100
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2 Giant spiders
Dear Monstertrackers,
I come from Venezuela. In the Amazon forest there are
giant spiders and they are so big that they can eat birds!
Do you dare to come here?
What’s wrong,
Boogey? You
don’t usually
sleep with us!
Well, I hate spiders. I
want to sleep in a
hammock tonight!
Look, Phil. Net curtains in
the jungle – how cute!
Err, Candy ... they’re
not net curtains!
Wow! It’s a huge
spider’s web.
Right, team. Time to
hunt for giant spiders!
Let’s split up and meet
back here in an hour.
Next morning …
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Hey! Are you OK, Boogey?
Help! A giant spider!
I hate spiders!
A giant spider?
Where is it?
How big is it?
STOP! No more questions!
Just boogey me out of here!
How fast
does it run?
5 6
1 Look at the pictures. What is the
story about?
Listen and check.
2 Read and answer the questions in your notebook.
1 Where’s Penelope from?
2 What spiders are there in the Amazon forest?
3 Why does Boogey want to sleep with the others?
4 What are the net curtains?
5 How big is the spider?
3 Label the pictures. Write in your notebook.
• spider • jungle
• hammock • web
• curtains • hut • forest • hate
There really are giant spiders
in Venezuela. They eat
birds, snakes and rats.
4 Complete the summary
in your notebook.
• look • go • live
• fly • come
The Monstertrackers are in the
Amazon 1) … . They stay in a
2) … . They want to see giant
3) … . Boogey wants to sleep in
a 4) … . He is afraid to sleep
outside. Next morning, Candy
thinks she sees 5) … at the
window. It’s a spider’s 6) … . The
Monstertrackers split up in the
7) … . Boogey 8) … giant spiders
and wants to go back home.
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Let’s have fun
▶▶ What’s in this module?
• festivals & celebrations
• party time
• holiday greetings & wishes
• past simple – irregular verbs
• past simple – regular/irregular
verbs (negative/interrogative &
short answers)
• narrating past events
Find the page numbers for
• an email
• a Spring Festivals table
• an invitation card
• UK/USA Festivals/
1 What do people in the UK/USA do
during celebrations? Use the
phrases to tell the class.
1 They eat a traditional meal.
2 Prepare a poster of
celebrations in your country. Find
photos. Present them to the class.
eat a traditional meal
USA – Thanksgiving
(fourth Thursday of November)
wear masks and costumes
UK – Notting Hill Carnival
(August bank holiday weekend)
UK – Remembrance Day
(11th November)
watch a street parade
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children hunt for eggs
UK/USA – Easter
eat marshmallows
UK/USA – Valentine’s Day
(14th February)
give chocolates
UK/USA – New Year’s Eve
(31st December)
UK – Bonfire night
(5th November)
watch a firework display
UK – St Patrick’s Day
(17th March)
paint their faces and
wear green clothes
UK/USA – Christmas
(25th December)
open presents
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1 a) Read the title, the introduction and
the first sentence of the text. What festival is the text about?
b) Think of a question about the text.
Listen and read. Can you answer your question?
2 a) Read the text again and answer the questions in your
1 Where do they celebrate Mardi Gras?
2 When is Mardi Gras?
3 How did Carol celebrate Mardi Gras?
4 What does the person who gets the bean in the King Cake do?
b) What is the main idea of the text?
c) List the verbs in the past tense in the text in your notebook.
People love to party and there are all sorts of parties all over
the world all the time.
Take a look at one of these great celebrations
from one part of the world.
I enjoyed myself a lot at Mardi Gras in New Orleans last February. It
was an amazing festival. There were over sixty parades. People were
in colourful costumes and carnival masks and there was music and
dancing in the streets and cafés every night. My friends and I danced.
We all tried the King Cake too. It’s an oval cake with purple, green
and gold icing and a special bean inside. It’s delicious! The person who
gets the bean, buys the cake the next time. We were all so excited.
(Carol, New Orleans, USA)
Mardi Gras means
‘fat Tuesday’.
Check these words
• colourful • oval
• icing • bean
Reading 5a
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4 Which of these things do you usually do at your birthday
party? Tell the class.
We usually make a birthday cake.
5 Complete the email to your friend telling him/her about your
last birthday party in your notebook. Use the ideas in Ex. 3.
(let off) fireworks
(light) candles
(buy) pizzas (buy) sweets (make) burgers (put up) banners
streamers (wear) hats (hire) a juggler
(hire) a band (bring) presents (put up) balloons
(make) a
birthday cake
11 12 13 14 15
7 8 9 10
3 4 5
Reading 5a
Hi ... ,
I had a great time ... . It was ... . I had ... and ... .
I also had ... . I was very ... .
Write soon,
a fancy dress party.
Think about:
place – date –
activities. Prepare
a poster. Show
your poster to the
• Party time
3 Listen and repeat.
(watch) a clown
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I 1) … (go) to Lopburi, Thailand, for the Monkey Festival in
November. It was brilliant. The people 2) … (prepare) a huge feast
for the monkeys at an ancient temple. They 3) … (put) lots of nuts,
fruit and vegetables on large tables for the monkeys. The monkeys
4) … (be) very happy with the food. One of the monkeys 5) … (climb)
on my shoulder and 6) … (pull) my hair. My mum 7) … (take) a
photograph of me and the monkey. Then, we 8) … (see) a big parade
of children in monkey costumes. We also 9) … (listen) to live
music. I 10) … (have) a fantastic time.
(Aran, Bangkok, Thailand) 80
Grammar 5b
• Past simple – irregular verbs (affirmative)
1 Read the table. Do we use -ed to form the past simple of the
irregular verbs?
2 Match the verbs to their past forms. Write in your notebook.
Check in the list of irregular verbs at the back of the book.
Some verbs do not take -ed to form their past simple tense. See list of
irregular verbs at the end of the book.
We use the past simple to talk about actions that happened at a
certain time in the past.
She got her degree in 2017. (When? In 2017 – stated time)
She then moved to London. (When? In 2017 – implied time)
1 come
2 find
3 buy
4 drink
5 eat
6 give
7 go
8 have
9 make
10 throw
11 sing
12 ride
13 take
14 wear
15 let
16 do
a rode
b ate
c went
d came
e wore
f let
g made
h found
i did
j sang
k took
l had
m bought
n gave
o threw
p drank
I ate a pizza
You ate a pizza
He ate a pizza
She ate a pizza
It ate a pizza
We ate a pizza
You ate a pizza
They ate a pizza
3 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. Write in your
notebook. Which verbs have got irregular past forms?
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Hi Monica,
I 1) … (go) to the Hogmanay street party in Edinburgh with my friends.
We 2) … (have) a fantastic time. There 3) … (be) six concerts in different
places. Some people 4) … (dance) traditional Scottish dances and others
5) … (sing). We 6) … (not/take) any photographs because we
7) … (not/bring) our camera. At midnight they 8) … (let off) fireworks.
We really 9) … (enjoy) it. Got to go now!
• Past simple – regular/irregular verbs (negative)
4 Read the table and complete the rule in your notebook.
5 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Write in
your notebook.
1 They went to the park. (party)
They did not/didn’t go to the park. They went to a party.
2 They wore jeans. (costumes)
3 The boys played tennis. (a game)
4 The girls watched TV. (dance)
5 They ate sandwiches. (pizza)
6 They drank coffee. (cola)
6 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. Write in
your notebook. Which verbs have irregular past forms?
Speaking & Writing
7 Write three things you did yesterday and three things you
didn’t do yesterday in your notebook. Tell the class.
Grammar 5b
Form: noun/pronoun + … + base form of the main verb.
I didn’t listen to music yesterday. I didn’t eat pizza yesterday.
We form the negative form with the subject + did not/didn’t + form of
the verb. We didn’t go (NOT: We didn’t went.)
I did not/didn’t
play tennis.
You did not/didn’t
play tennis.
He did not/didn’t
play tennis.
She did not/didn’t
play tennis.
It did not/didn’t
play tennis.
We did not/didn’t
play tennis.
You did not/didn’t
play tennis.
They did not/didn’t
play tennis.
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Vocabulary & Reading Skills 5c
1 a) Look at the title and the texts.
What are they about?
Listen, read and check.
Come and celebrate Laura’s 12th birthday!
Saturday, 13th May
At: 8 pm
At: Rainbow Room Café, 45 Oak Street
RSVP to Mrs Woods on 07981 545348
by Wednesday, 10th May
You’re invited!
2 …
1 …
4th Annual Waterstone Spring Fest
Join us this year in our Spring Celebration!
When: Saturday, 20th February at 3 pm
Where: Waterstone Central Park
Come and enjoy parades, games, live
music, shows, firework displays and lots
of great food and drinks.
For tickets or information, visit our website:
Nancy, Jim, Tom, Ann, Sam, David, Ryan, Helen, Jade
Hi all!
I’m writing to invite you to my fancy dress party! It’s
next Saturday at 7 pm at my house. Lots of food, fun
and music is in store! Don’t forget to wear a costume!
Hope you can come.
From: markk@umail.uk
To: Jenny, Pat, Chris, Tony, Mary, George, Sofia
3 …
Hey Sue,
How are you? I want to thank
you for the barbecue. We all had
a great time at your place.
See you at school.
4 …
Check these words
• invite • forget
• annual • join
b) Look at the texts. Which is a text message? a card? a poster?
an email?
2 Read the texts again and decide if the sentences are T (true) or
F (false). Write in your notebook.
1 Laura’s birthday party is at her house.
2 Mark wants people to dress up for his party.
3 The Waterstone Spring Fest takes place every year.
4 There isn’t any live music at the festival.
5 The barbecue was at Sue’s house.
3 Look at text A. When is Laura’s birthday party? What time?
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Listening, Speaking & Writing Skills 5c
6 a) Look at the SMS language box and write the text message in
Ex. 1 using the SMS language. Write in your notebook.
b) Imagine you’re having a party. Write an invitation to your
friends. Include:
• what type of party it is • when it is (date & time) • where it is
• some activities/things you plan to have
Use one of the types of invitations in Ex. 1. Write in your notebook.
c) Exchange invitations. Imagine you went to the party. Send an
SMS to your friend to thank him/her.
2 ➝ two, to, too
2DAY ➝ today
2NITE ➝ tonight
4 ➝ for, four
4EVER ➝ forever
8 ➝ ate
BBQ ➝ barbecue
C ➝ see
G2G ➝ got to go
GR8 ➝ great
IDK ➝ I don’t know
LOL ➝ laughing out
L8R ➝ later
OMG ➝ Oh my
PLS ➝ please
PS ➝ parents
R ➝ are
THX ➝ thanks
U ➝ you
UR ➝ you’re, your
1 Happy Easter!
2 Happy Christmas!
3 Happy New Year!
4 Happy Father’s Day!
5 Happy Halloween!
6 Happy Mother’s Day!
A Have a merry Christmas.
B You are the best mum ever!
C Wishing you a fun day filled
with magical surprises!
D Have a great Easter!
E Dad, you are my world.
F Hope this year brings peace and
warmth to you and your family.
• Holiday greetings and wishes
4 Match the greetings (1-6) to the wishes (A-F). Write in
your notebook. Then, practise with your partner.
5 Listen to David inviting Patrick to a party and fill in the
gaps in the invitation card. Write in your notebook.
1) … party
When: 2) … at 8 o’clock
Where: at David’s 3) …
Activities: Lots of music, 4) …, food and drinks
RSVP: on 5) … before Friday.
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Grammar 5d
• Past simple – regular/irregular verbs
(interrogative/short answers)
1 Complete the table. Write in your notebook.
2 Look at the picture. What did Julie do at the fancy dress
party? Write questions and answers, as in the example.
1 (drink/milk)
Did Julie drink milk at the party?
No, she didn’t.
2 (dance)
3 (wear/a costume)
4 (paint/face)
5 (eat/burgers)
6 (play/board games)
Think of your
last birthday
party. Your partner
asks you questions
to find out when,
where and how
you celebrated it.
Interrogative Short answers
Did I play a game yesterday?
Did you play a game yesterday?
Did he play a game yesterday?
Did she play a game yesterday?
1) … it play a game yesterday?
Did we play a game yesterday?
Did you play a game yesterday?
Did they play a game yesterday?
Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.
Yes, you did./No, you 2) … .
Yes, he 3) … ./No, he didn’t.
Yes, she did./No, she didn’t.
Yes, it did./No, it 4) … .
Yes, we did./No, we didn’t.
Yes, you did./No, you 5) … .
Yes, 6) … did./No, 7) … didn’t.
We use:
Did + noun/pronoun + base form of the main verb to form the
interrogative of the past simple. Did he go? (NOT: Did he went?)
We do not use the
past form of the
main verb in short
answers. Yes, he did.
(NOT: Yes, he went.)
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Hi Nick!
How are you? I’m fine! I 1) …(go) to a food festival with my brother last weekend.
It was fun. I 2) …(try) different dishes from all around the world. My brother 3) …
(take) many photographs of the parade. I 4) … (want) to get my face painted,
but I 5) … (not/have) enough money. I 6) … (spend) it all on some delicious
sweets. Yum! At night, we 7) … (watch) a firework display and then we 8) …
(listen) to some live music. We 9) … (have) a great time!
How 10) … (be) your weekend? 11) … (you/do) anything special?
Write back soon,
3 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. Write in your
4 Read the text in Ex. 3 again. Write questions and answers, as
in the example in your notebook.
1 Melanie/go/film festival/last
Did Melanie go to a film festival
last weekend? No, she didn’t. She
went to a food festival.
2 Melanie/want/buy a mask?
3 they/watch/a football match?
4 they/dance/to live music?
5 they/have/a terrible time?
Grammar 5 d
Did you listen to music
yesterday afternoon?
No, I didn’t.
5 What did you do yesterday afternoon? Talk with your
• listen to music • watch TV • play computer games • study English
• visit a friend • cook dinner
6 Write a short email to your friend about what you
did/didn’t do last Saturday in your notebook. Ask him/her two
questions about Saturday.
Hi ...!
How ...? I ... with ... last Saturday. We .... the whole day there.
In the morning, we ... . In the afternoon, we ... . I ... very much.
It ... fun! How ...? Did you ...?
Write soon,
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Everyday English 5e
• Narrating past events
1 Listen and repeat. Copy the answers.
• How was your holiday? • Incredible, isn’t it? • That’s terrible!
• How did it happen? • Are you kidding? • I’m really sorry.
2 The sentences are from a dialogue between two
friends. What is the dialogue about?
Listen and find out.
• Intonation
5 Listen and repeat.
• Wow! • That’s great! • Really? • That’s lovely! • Are you serious?
• Is that so! • How interesting! • What?
4 Listen to the dialogue again. Take roles and read it
Are you serious?
3 Find phrases in the dialogue which mean:
We use high rising
tone to express
disbelief and great
Study Skills
Olga: Hi, Betty. How was your holiday?
Betty: Hi, Olga. It was fine, but I lost my camera.
Olga: That’s terrible! How did it happen?
Betty: Well, we were at the famous Rock of Gibraltar
for the Gibraltar National Day. I was next to the rock and my
camera was in my hands. Suddenly, a monkey jumped on my
back and grabbed my camera.
Olga: Are you kidding?
Betty: Incredible, isn’t it? There were monkeys all over the place.
Olga: That’s shocking!
Betty: I know. I tried to get the camera back, but the monkey ran away
and I couldn’t catch it.
Olga: I’m really sorry.
Betty: Me too, but at least I’ve got a good story to tell!
That’s awful!
Did you enjoy your holiday?
That’s too bad. I know! It’s amazing.
Expressing surprise
• Incredible, isn’t it?
• Are you kidding?
• That’s shocking!
• You must be kidding!
• No way!
• Oh dear!
• What’s wrong?
• I’m really sorry.
• That’s terrible!
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Across Cultures 5f
4 What spring festivals have you got in your country?
Collect information. Make a collage. Present them to the class.
Check these words
• sunshine • outdoors
• scarecrow • float
• mural • clue sheet
• map • to match
Name: …
Place: …
Month: …
Activities: …
Name: …
Place: …
Month: …
Activities: …
My parents took me to the Scarecrow
Festival in Urchfont, Wiltshire, UK, last May. I
had so much fun! There were scarecrows in
the gardens for the Scarecrow Trail. My dad
bought us a clue sheet and a map and we
started to walk around the village trying to
find which scarecrow matched each clue.
After we found the scarecrows, we had some
ice cream. It was delicious. We also listened
to a local band. It was a great day!
(Thomas – 13, UK)
Last April, I went to the Madeira Flower
Festival. I was in the parade and rode on one
of the flower floats. I wore a beautiful
costume and a red hat with red and white
flowers. I threw flowers from the float to the people
on the street. After the parade, we made a
beautiful mural of flowers called “The Wall of
Hope”. Later in the day, people sang and
danced in the streets. It was a wonderful
(Armanda – 12, Portugal)
People enjoy a good celebration, and one of the best times of
the year to have one is spring! The warm sunshine and colourful
flowers make people want to spend time outdoors with family
and friends. We asked people to tell us about their favourite
spring festivals in the UK and Portugal. Let’s take a look:
The Madeira Flower Festival The Scarecrow Festival
1 Read the title and the introduction. What do
you think the text is about? Listen, read and check.
2 Listen and read the text and decide if the sentences are
T (true) or F (false). Write in your notebook.
1 Amanda wore a hat at the flower festival.
2 There was a street of flowers at the flower festival.
3 There wasn’t any music at the festivals.
4 The Scarecrow Festival was in May.
5 People follow a map to find the scarecrows.
3 Copy and complete the tables with the information in the text in
your notebook. Present it to the class.
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Make up a story that matches the title above.
S1: Last summer, we travelled to …
S2: We wanted …
Traditions make a country great
I’m sure you will agree
They make us think about our past
And how things used to be
And so, through all the centuries,
Traditions will survive
Our holidays and festivals
Will keep them all alive
So let’s keep our traditions strong
And follow them with pride
Let’s think of what they teach us all
And let them be our guide
Traditions have an influence
On things we do and say
We may not realise it, but
We use them every day
We use them when we greet our
And when we eat a meal
We use them in our work and play
That’s how we keep them real 2 Do the quiz in your notebook. Decide if the
sentences are T (true) or F (false).
1 People celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
2 A king cake is red and white.
3 The Monkey Festival is in December.
4 The Scarecrow Festival is in Madeira.
5 People call the flower mural the Wall of Hope.
3 Look at Module 5 and write a
quiz of your own similar to the one above.
4 Listen and
read the song. Why is it
important to keep our
1 Complete the crossword with the past simple of
the verbs below in your notebook.
1 have
4 make
6 come
8 wear
9 take
10 give
2 drink
3 go
5 eat
7 buy
Chain story
A holiday to remember
8 9
5 6
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Check your progress
Revision 5
1 Choose the correct word. Write in
your notebook.
1 Mardi Gras is a celebration/parade in
New Orleans.
2 We wore hats/bands at the party.
3 My dad travelled/wondered to Rome last
4 We threw/hired a juggler for my birthday
5 The birthday cake had golden icing/bean
on it.
6 People wear colourful/delicious costumes
at Mardi Gras.
7 I rode on a mural/float in the parade.
2 Put the verbs in brackets into the
past simple. Write in your notebook.
1 We … (have) a great time at the Venice
Carnival last year.
2 What dress … (you/wear) to the party
last night?
3 We … (try) the local dishes at the funfair.
4 We … (not/buy) enough pizzas for the
5 When … (the circus/come) to town?
6 … (your mum/make) this delicious cake?
7 The Watsons … (go) to Moscow for the
Russian Winter Festival last week.
8 Tom and Anna … (listen) to their favourite
band at the festival.
9 I … (not/give) the monkeys any nuts.
10 He … (take) many photographs of the
3 Write complete sentences in your
1 you/visit/a museum/last week?
2 Steve/not dance/at the party/last night.
3 your friends/have/fun/at the festival?
4 he/leave/the party/at 11 pm?
5 the boys/not play/basketball/on Saturday.
6 Bill/buy/a mask/at the festival.
4 Fill in: How did it happen? – I’m really
sorry. – Are you kidding? – How was your
holiday? Write in your notebook.
Will: Hi Joan. 1) …
Joan: It was fine, but I lost my mobile phone.
Will: That’s terrible! 2) …
Joan: I was at the zoo and I had my mobile
phone in my hand when an elephant
took it!
Will: 3) …
Joan: Incredible, isn’t it? I tried to get it, but
he ran away.
Will: 4) …
Joan: Me too.
TOTAL: 100
Now I can …
• talk about celebrations and festivals
• describe a party
• narrate a past event
• write an invitation email
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• Types of holidays &
Holiday activities
1 Listen and repeat. Which of
these holidays can you go on in
your country?
2 Which of the following do you
like doing while on holiday? Tell
your partner.
• take photographs • swim in the sea
• send postcards • sit by the pool
• buy souvenirs • go skiing
• go sightseeing • play in the snow
• eat local dishes
I like sitting by the pool.
I don’t like taking photographs at all.
Out and about
▶▶ What’s in this module?
• types of holidays & holiday
• tourist attractions
• means of transport
• comparatives
• too & very
• prepositions of movement
• prepositions of place
• buying a train ticket
Find the page numbers for
• a joke
• train tickets
• weather symbols
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1) …
There are lots of things to see and do in London. Walk around the centre and see famous
landmarks like Big Ben and Westminster Abbey. Also, don’t miss the famous ‘Changing of
the Guard’ ceremony at 11:30 am at Buckingham Palace.
2) …
There are over 40,000 shops in London. Oxford Street is a very busy high street with over
300 shops. London’s also got many markets. A walk through Camden Lock Market is a must.
3) …
There are many nationalities in London. In fact, you can try food from all around the world.
Make sure you try the UK’s favourite dish – fish and chips!
London has got many different means of transport. You can use the underground train system
or one of the red double-decker buses. You can also take one of London’s famous black
taxis. The drivers know every single street in London. That’s 25,000 streets!
5) …
London has got every type of accommodation you can imagine. From luxurious hotels to bed
and breakfasts, you aren’t going to have a problem finding somewhere to stay!
Getting around Shopping Sights and Attractions Eating Accommodation
1 Look at the text. Think of three questions about London. Read
the text and see if you can answer your questions.
2 Read and complete the text. Use the headings below. Write in
your notebook.
3 Listen and read the text again and decide if the sentences
are T (true) or F (false). Write in your notebook.
1 You can see the ‘Changing of the Guard’ at Westminster Abbey.
2 There are over 300 shops on Oxford Street.
3 There aren’t many nationalities in London.
4 The double-decker buses are red.
5 There are only luxurious hotels and bed and breakfasts in London.
Reading 6a
Check these words
• dull • sight
• ceremony
• accommodation
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Hi ...!
Greetings from …
It’s a beautiful …
There are lots of things
to see … Yesterday we
went … At the
moment I am …
See you soon,
ship boat car
• Means of transport
4 a) Listen and repeat.
b) Listen to the sounds. Which means of transport can you hear?
5 How do/don’t you like travelling? Why? Tell your
partner. Use the adjectives below.
• comfortable • safe • fast • expensive • slow • cheap • boring
I like travelling by ship because it is comfortable. I don’t like going by bus
because it’s really boring.
6 You are in London. Write a postcard to your pen-friend. Write
about: where you are, what you can see there, what you did
yesterday and what you are doing now.
Reading 6a
by car, by train, by
plane BUT on foot
A day in London!
Find a
brochure/map of
London online.
Select which
sights to visit and
how to get there.
ROM grade 6 L2 Ss Mod 6.qxp_ROM grade 6 L2 Ss Mod 6 25/6/19 10:47 AM Page 93
Grammar 6b
• Comparatives
Adjective formation
Adjectives describe
nouns. Some suffixes
are: -ive (expensive)
-y (noisy),
-ing (exciting)
-able (comfortable)
We use the prefix -un
(unhappy) to form
negative adjectives.
Note 1 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the
comparative form. Write in your notebook.
1 London is … (expensive) than Bath.
2 London is … (noisy) than Bath.
3 Bath is … (small) than London.
4 London is … (crowded) than Bath.
5 Bath is … (quiet) than London.
6 Bath is … (green) than London.
2 Look at the pictures. Compare the two means of transport.
Use as ... as, (much/a lot) + comparative + than.
• fast • expensive • noisy • comfortable • safe • relaxing
• exciting • uncomfortable • slow
Trains aren’t as fast as planes.
Planes are (much) faster than trains.
• With adjectives of one or two syllables we add -er to
form their comparative. tall – taller
• With one-syllable adjectives ending in -e we only add
-r in the comparative. safe – safer
• With adjectives of more than two syllables, we put
more before the adjective to form the comparative.
expensive – more expensive
• With some adjectives such as slow, simple, etc., we
add either -er or more to form the comparative.
slow – slower, common – more common
• With two-syllable adjectives ending in -y we drop the
-y and add -ier. sunny – sunnier, sticky – stickier
• With adjectives ending in a consonant before which
there is a stressed vowel, we double the consonant
and add -er. thin – thinner, fat – fatter
• We use (not) as + adj. + as to compare two people/
things. New York is as noisy as Los Angeles.
• We use the comparative to compare
two people, things, animals, places, etc.
We usually use than after comparative
forms. We can also use much/a lot
before comparative adjectives to give
A plane is (much/a lot) faster than a car.
Adjective Comparative
cleaner (than)
bigger (than)
noisier (than)
nicer (than)
Adjectives exciting more exciting
better (than)
worse (than)
more (than)
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Grammar 6b
1 A: Let’s go swimming.
B: We can’t. It’s … cold.
2 A: Was your plane ticket
B: No, it was … cheap.
3 A: How interesting was the
city tour?
B: It was … interesting.
4 A: Do you want to come
shopping with me?
B: No, thanks. I’m … tired.
5 A: Did you stay in a nice
B: Yes, it was … beautiful.
5 Fill in: too or very. Write in your notebook.
3 a) Write sentences, as in the example in your notebook.
1 good – summer/winter
In my opinion, summer is better than winter./Winter isn’t as good as summer.
2 comfortable – bus/car
3 exciting – football/basketball
4 bad – snow/rain
5 beautiful – beaches/mountains
6 tasty – pizza/burgers
b) Find someone in the class who agrees with your
4 Write sentences comparing two places in your country. Read
your sentences to the class. Write in your notebook.
• expensive • noisy • good • crowded • exciting • interesting
• beautiful • big
Bucharest is much/a lot more expensive than Timisoara.
• too, very
• We use too + adjective before adjectives to show that
something is more than needed (negative meaning).
We can’t go to the concert. The tickets are too expensive.
• We use very + adjective before adjectives to add emphasis.
This car is very fast.
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Planet Earth is a place
of extremes with
dramatic changes
in climate.
The Atacama Desert in Chile got its
name from the Atacama Indians
who still live there. It hardly ever
rains there, usually only once in a
hundred years, so it is the driest
place on Earth!
Mount Erebus is a volcano in the
Antarctic. It’s very cold there. The
average temperature in the Antarctic
is -500C. Heat from Mount Erebus
sends jets of steam into the air. These
jets freeze instantly into ‘chimneys’ of
ice. Some of the highest ‘chimneys’
are over 80 metres tall. It’s an amazing
Vocabulary & Reading Skills 6c
1 What do you know about the places in the pictures? Why
are they extreme?
Listen and read to find out.
2 a) Read again and answer the questions in your notebook.
Check these words
• extreme • average
• jets of steam
• to freeze
warm # cold
hot # freezing
b) Think of another title for the text.
3 Read the texts again and find words related to the weather.
4 What is the weather like in your city in the four seasons? Tell
the class.
1 Where is the Atacama Desert?
2 Where did it get its name from?
3 Where is Mount Erebus?
4 What’s the average temperature
in the Antarctic?
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Listening, Speaking & Writing Skills 6c
5 Listen and choose the correct answer A, B or C. Write in
your notebook.
Do you know what
always falls but
never gets hurt?
7 Use your answers in Ex. 6 to write a short text about your two
favourite places for the school magazine (30-40 words).
Proofread your piece of writing for grammar and spelling
6 Think of two places in your country and answer the
following questions in your notebook. Tell the class.
1 What are their names?
2 What can you do there?
3 When is the best time to visit
them? Why?
1 What’s the weather like today?
2 What’s the temperature in
Madrid today?
4 What’s Kim’s favourite season?
5 Where’s the man from?
3 How does Jane travel to work? 6 How far is Durston Park?
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2 Look at the map. Read the dialogue and choose the correct
prepositions. Where is John? Write in your notebook.
John: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the hospital?
Passer-by: Yes, certainly. Go 1) up/through Kingswell Street 2) towards/across
Eaton Road and turn left.
John: I’m sorry, what road is that?
Passer-by: Eaton Road. Walk 3) along/over Eaton Road all the way
4) down/through. Go 5) past/into the jeweller’s. The hospital is on
the right.
John: OK. Thank you very much.
Passer-by: You’re welcome.
3 Look at the map. Act out dialogues asking for/giving
directions from: the hospital to the music shop, the post office to
the clothes shop, the jeweller’s to the park, the florist’s to the baker’s.
You can use the dialogue in Ex. 3 as a model.
into over past through up down towards
Grammar 6d
We use prepositions
of movement to
show movement
from one place to
• Prepositions of movement
1 Read the theory.
Asking for
• Where’s the ...?
• How do I get to ...?
• Can you tell me
how to get to ...?
Giving directions
• Go up/down/past/
through ...
• It’s on your right/left.
• Turn left/right ...
• It’s on the corner
of ...
• It’s next to/near/
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Grammar 6d
• Prepositions of place
4 Read the theory.
5 Look at the map in Ex 3. Choose the correct preposition. Write
in your notebook.
1 The jeweller’s is behind/opposite the optician’s.
2 The music shop is between/in front of the optician’s and the fast food
3 The clothes shop is under/behind the bank.
4 The police station is near/above the hospital.
5 The hospital is behind/opposite the park.
We use prepositions
of place to say
where something/
someone is.
Choose one of the
places on the map
in Ex. 2. Say where
it is. Your partner
finds the place.
A: It’s opposite the
B: It’s the fast food
6 Look at the instructions. Put them in the correct order. Write
in your notebook. Then, use: First(ly) ..., Then ..., Next ..., After that
..., Finally ... to tell your friend how to use a public pay phone.
7 Collect information, then tell
your partner how to use a metro card.
How to use a public pay phone
• Wait for the connection.
• Put the money in.
• Pick up the phone.
• Put the phone down.
• Talk to the person.
• Dial the number you want to call.
Giving instructions
• We give instructions to say how to do something, e.g. how to post a
parcel, how to make a cup of coffee, etc.
• We list our instructions in the order they happen. We use: First(ly) ...,
Then ..., Next ..., After that ..., Finally ...
next to under behind in front of between above opposite
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Ticket Clerk: Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you?
Mr Harris: Yes, I’d like an adult and a child’s ticket to Brighton, please.
Ticket Clerk: What time would you like to leave?
Mr Harris: I want to catch the 15:45 train.
Ticket Clerk: Single or return?
Mr Harris: Single, please.
Ticket Clerk: That’s £54.
Mr Harris: Here you are. Can you tell me which platform the train leaves from?
Ticket Clerk: Certainly, sir. It leaves from platform 4.
Mr Harris: Thank you.
Ticket Clerk: You’re welcome. Have a nice day.
Everyday English 6e
• Buying a train ticket
1 a) Listen and repeat. Try to memorise them.
• Can I help you? • Single or return?
• What time would you like to leave?
• Which platform does the train leave from? • You’re welcome.
b) The sentences are from a dialogue between Mr Harris and a
ticket clerk. What does Mr Harris want to do?
Listen and read to find out.
2 Find sentences in the dialogue which mean:
The tickets cost £54.
Enjoy your day. My pleasure. May I help you?
3 Complete the train ticket with information
from the dialogue. Write in your notebook.
4 Listen to the dialogue
again. Then, take roles and read it out.
5 You are at King’s Cross train station in
London. You want to buy a ticket to
Cambridge. Your partner is the ticket clerk. Act
out your dialogue. You can use the dialogue in
Ex. 1b as a model.
Ticket Clerk
• Can I help ...?
• Would you like ...?
• I’d like ...
• Can I have ...?
• Can you tell me ...?
• How much is ...?
• Which platform
does ... from?
• What time does ...?
STD ...............
From Valid Until Price
To Route Validity
Ticket type Adult
Start Date Platform Departure
Printed 15:16 on 05-OCT-19 ONE WAY
2 3
ROM grade 6 L2 Ss Mod 6.qxp_ROM grade 6 L2 Ss Mod 6 4/19/19 11:40 AM Page 100
Lake Baikal is in the east of Siberia. It is the
deepest lake in the world. Lake Baikal is also the
oldest and largest freshwater lake in the world. It
contains one fifth of the world’s fresh water. The
name Baikal comes from the Mongolian language
and means ‘nature’.
The world is full of beautiful and
amazing things. The most amazing
wonders of the world are the ones
that we can find in nature.
• would
• two
• listen
• talk
• know
• castle
• whale
• walk
• often
• where
• write
• island
• answer
• ticket
• what
Pronunciation (silent letters)
4 Find the silent letters in the words.
Listen and check. Listen and repeat.
Across Cultures 6f
1 What do you know about the places in the pictures?
Think of two questions about each.
Listen and read the texts. Can you answer your questions?
2 Read the texts and match. Write in your notebook.
1 Lake Baikal is a in North America.
2 Niagara Falls is b in Siberia.
c one of the largest producers of electric
power in the world.
d the largest freshwater lake in the world.
3 Collect information about another natural wonder.
Write a fact sheet. Put it on the world map in your class.
Check these words
• nature • east
• freshwater • sights
• to lie
The Niagara Falls
froze completely in
Niagara Falls is one of North America’s
most famous sights. It lies between the US and
Canada. Niagara Falls is the second largest
waterfall in the world, after Victoria Falls in
Africa. The Falls is one of the largest producers
of electric power in the world.
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Trees as tall as any building
Clouds that drift across the sky
Shining fish in deep blue oceans
Birds that spread their wings and fly
We live in a world of wonders
Look around and you will see
Perfect, stunning scenes of nature
Fill the sky and land and sea
Snow upon the highest mountains
Waterfalls that crash and roar
Deserts that stretch on forever
Soft waves on a sandy shore
Flowers growing in my garden
Apples falling from a tree
Raindrops falling on my window
These are stunning scenes to me
3 Song: Listen to
and read the song. What
makes our world a ‘world
of wonders’ according to
the singer?
1 Copy the form in your notebook. You are
a hotel receptionist. Your partner is staying at the
hotel. Act out a dialogue to complete the form.
1 There are over 40,000 shops in London.
2 You can see red taxis in London.
3 Lake Baikal is in Siberia.
4 Mount Erebus is a volcano.
5 Bath is smaller than London.
2 Do the quiz. Decide if the sentences are T (true)
or F (false). Write in your notebook.
The wishing-well!
Write wishes for your classmates on
post-its. Put them into the “wishing-well”. Each
student picks a “wish” from the “well” and tries to
guess who the “wish-writer” is.
Room Reservation Request
Title: ❑ Mr ❑ Mrs ❑ Ms
Name: .............................................................................................
City: ...................................... Postal/Zip: ......................................
Country: .................... Phone: ..................... Fax No: ...................
Email: ..............................................................................................
Arrival Date: ......................... Departure Date: ...............................
Number of nights: .............
Flight Arrival Time: .................. Flight Departure Time: ....................
(Check-in Time:2.00 pm, Check-out Time: 12.00 pm)
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Revision 6
1 Fill in: average, tour, bike, means,
freshwater, extremes, cruise, landmark,
skiing, freezes in your notebook.
1 We went on a … holiday up in the
2 I went on a bus … of the city.
3 The … temperature in the desert is 32ºC.
4 The world is a place of … with the weather
changing all the time.
5 I ride my … to school everyday.
6 Lake Baikal is a … lake.
7 He went on a … around the Mediterranean
Sea last June.
8 Water … at 0ºC.
9 My favourite … of transport is the tram.
10 Big Ben is a famous … in London.
2 Choose the correct word. Write in
your notebook.
1 Niagara Falls is a tourist nature/ sight.
2 Use the underground train/lorry system to
go sightseeing in London.
3 There are luxurious/single hotels there.
4 There are freshwater seas/lakes in Canada.
5 Taxi drivers know every single dish/street
in London. (5x2=10)
3 Put the adjectives in brackets in the
comparative form. Write in your
1 He thinks Shakira is … (famous) Kate Perry.
2 The town council is … (old) the library.
3 Victoria Falls is … (large) than Niagara Falls.
4 August is ....... (hot) than June in London.
5 The Pacific Ocean is … (deep) than the
Atlantic Ocean. (5x5=25)
Check your progress
Now I can …
• talk about types of holidays
• talk about means of transport
• discuss the weather
• buy a train ticket
• write descriptions of places
• write a postcard
4 Choose the correct preposition. Write
in your notebook.
1 Walk along/through the street until the
traffic lights.
2 The bus stop is between/in front of the café.
3 The park is above/opposite the restaurant.
4 Put the card in/on your wallet.
5 Go past/below the jeweller’s and turn left.
5 Complete the dialogue with: Which
platform does it leave from? – Can I have
a student ticket to London, please? –
What time does it leave? – Single or
return? – Can I see your student card?
Write in your notebook.
A: Hello. 1) …
B: Yes, of course. 2) …
A: Single, please.
B: That’s £12.50. 3) …
A: Oh yes. Here it is.
B: Thank you. Here is your change and
your ticket.
A: 4) …
B: Platform B.
A: 5) …
B: At 5:00. (4x5=20)
TOTAL: 100
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2 1 Wow! Volcanoes
and waterfalls!
Iceland is amazing!
Uh-huh, but it’s freezing
cold, even in summer!
This part of the lake
is dangerous!
Oh no! The
It’s cold, and it’s
getting dark.
Where am I going?
Help, I’m lost!
3 The Worm Monster
Dear Monstertrackers,
I live in Iceland. We’ve got a scary creature in one of
our lakes. We call it the Worm Monster!
And the fog
is thick. I can’t
see a thing!
Go towards the lights
on the shore, Boogey!
On the lake
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Hey! What’s
that out there?
It’s moving really fast!
Wow! There’s
our camera!
1 Look at the pictures. What is the story about?
Listen and check.
2 Read and decide if the sentences are T (true),
F (false) or DS (doesn’t say). Write in your notebook.
1 There are volcanoes in Iceland.
2 Tracker wants to take some pictures.
3 It’s warm and sunny there.
4 It starts raining in the evening.
5 They can’t find their way.
6 Candy meets the Worm Monster.
3 Copy and do the crossword in your notebook.
4 Complete the summary
in your notebook.
• fog • camera • waterfalls
• lake • volcanoes • cold
• dark • shore
The Monstertrackers travel to
Iceland. There is a monster there. It
lives in a 1) … . Its name is the Worm
Monster. There are 2) … and 3) …
in Iceland. It’s very 4) … there. As
they go over a dangerous part of the
lake, their 5) … falls into the water.
They can’t see anything as it is
getting 6) … and there is a lot of
7) … . When they reach the 8) …,
they find their camera. There is a
photo of the Worm Monster smiling.
I don’t believe it! It’s
the Worm Monster!
And look – it’s smiling
for the camera!
• The Worm Monster is longer
than a football field (91
• It can come out of the water
onto the shore.
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• Don’t wear long costumes that you can trip on.
• If you wear a mask, make sure it has large eyeholes so you can see
where you’re going!
• Wear bright, colourful costumes so drivers can see you.
On 31st October, children in America
celebrate Halloween. Kids dress up as
monsters, witches and vampires and
go 'trick-or-treating' around their
neighbours’ houses! People decorate
their homes with spooky skeletons and
carved pumpkins with candles inside.
But, although everyone wants to have
fun at Halloween, safety is very
important. So, here are some tips for
staying safe at Halloween:
• Always go trick-or-treating with an adult.
• Cross the road at the traffic lights.
• Watch for cars at all times.
Walk safely
Safe costumes
1 Listen and read the text. How are the children in the picture
staying safe at Halloween? Match the phrases (1-3) to the
phrases (a-c) to make correct sentences. Write in your notebook.
3 Design your own Halloween costume. Make sure you follow the
tips in the text to make it safe. Present your costume to the class.
2 Find the
words in bold
in the text in
the word
search. Write in
your notebook.
1 They are going trick-or-treating
2 They aren’t wearing
3 They are wearing
a bright colours.
b with an adult.
c long costumes.
ROM grade 6 L2 Ss Festivities.qxp_ROM grade 6 L2 Ss Festivities 4/19/19 11:58 AM Page 106
New Year's Eve in Hawaii is never quiet. There are
fantastic fireworks displays on many islands, including
one at Waikiki Beach that takes place on a boat! The
Chinese brought fireworks to Hawaii in the 19th century.
They believed the loud noise scared evil spirits away.
On New Year's Eve, Hawaiians eat lots of different
food. There is bean soup from Portugal, pork
adobo from the Philippines and ozoni soup from Japan.
Many families also make round rice cakes called mochi.
Another Japanese tradition is making kadomatsu. These
are decorations of bamboo and pine that bring good
luck. People put them next to the front doors of their
houses. Even though the tradition started in Japan,
these days it's actually more popular in Hawaii!
Can you imagine spending New Year's Eve in shorts and a T-shirt? This is how people celebrate in Hawaii,
where the weather in December is warm and sunny! Hawaii is part of the USA, but
there includes traditions from all over the world! Let's take a look at some of them ...
a New Year's celebration
New Year’s Eve New Year’s Eve
1 Listen and read the text. Then match the phrases to
make correct sentences. Write in your notebook.
3 How do people celebrate New Year in your country? Create a
poster with pictures in your notebook. Present your poster to
the class.
1 A kadomatsu is
2 Fireworks are
3 Bean soup is
4 Mochi are
a from China.
b round ice cakes.
c a special decoration.
d from Portugal.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
14 12 25’ 19 5 23
… … … ’ … … …
14 19 25
… … …
22 12 21 12 14 23 21 23
… … … … … … … …
2 How do you wish someone a Happy New Year in Hawaiian? Use the
code to find out. Write in your notebook. Then send a message to
your English friend expressing New Year’s greetings & wishes.
Happy New Year! May this year bring peace to you and your family.
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St Patrick's Day is an Irish celebration, but Irish people
brought it to the USA when they moved there in the 18th
century. The first big St Patrick's Day celebration in the
USA was in Boston in 1737. These days, there are 36.5
million people in the USA with Irish ancestors, but St
Patrick's Day is for everyone! So, where are the best places
to celebrate?
The biggest parade in the USA is in New York
City. About 150,000 people march in the
parade and another two million watch it! People
wear shamrocks – a small plant that is the
symbol of Ireland – and lots and lots of green.
In Chicago, people don't just wear green on St Patrick's
Day – they even dye the Chicago River green! In
California, there is the Los Angeles County Irish Fair and
Music Festival. Around 2,000 people perform live Irish
music, and there are food stalls, magic shows,
dancing and rides. There is even an Ancient Irish Village
with blacksmiths, dressmakers, storytellers and singers.
Even though St Patrick's Day is an
Irish celebration, the USA is
definitely one of the best places
to celebrate it!
1 Listen and read the text. Match the places (1-3) with the
events (a-c). Write in your notebook.
3 Create a poster showing how people celebrate St Patrick's Day
in the USA in your notebook. Present it to the class.
2 Find the words
in bold in the
text in the word
search. Write in
your notebook.
1 New York City
2 Los Angeles
3 Chicago
a dying the river green
b the biggest parade in the USA
c an Irish Fair and Music Festival
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Easter Lunch
The whole family comes together
to enjoy the biggest meal of the
day. The main dish is glazed
ham – a big ham with a layer
of sauce that makes it look
shiny and taste sweet. People
usually eat baby potatoes,
carrots and other vegetables
Everyone feels full after Easter
lunch, but later on in the
evening, they often want a
snack. At Easter, some people
eat hot cross buns. They are
sweet bread buns with spices
and dried fruit. People also
enjoy devilled eggs.
Easter Sweets
In the USA, the Easter Bunny leaves baskets for children to find on
Easter morning. They have lots of delicious treats inside. Chocolate
eggs and bunnies are common, as well as colourful jelly beans
and peeps (yellow marshmallow chicks).
Easter takes place every year in spring. People around the
world eat many different foods to celebrate this occasion.
Let's take a look at special Easter foods in the USA.
Send an SMS to your
English friend expressing
Easter holiday greetings &
Have a great holiday filled
with happiness. H … … … … … … … … … …
1 Listen to and read the text. What do Americans eat at Easter?
Write in your notebook.
2 Help the chick find its way through the maze. What’s the
message? Write in your notebook.
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In countries all over the world, people celebrate
Mother’s Day. It is a day when children show their
mothers how much they love them. Some people
buy flowers and presents for their mums, but the
best gifts are the ones that money can't buy!
Handmade Card
Make your mum smile with a special
card. All you need is card, pencils or
2) … and your imagination!
Write a special poem for your mum,
then roll it up and tie it with her
favourite-coloured 3) … .
Photo Frame
Buy a simple wooden photo frame,
decorate it and put a 4) … of you and
your mum inside.
Painted Flower Pot
Turn old tin cans into pretty flower pots
with some colourful 1) … and string!
Breakfast in Bed
As a special 5) …, make your mum’s favourite
breakfast and take it to her bedroom on a tray.
3 You need pencils or crayons for this.
5 Take this to your mum on a tray.
1 Use an old tin can to
make this.
2 Write this and tie it
with a ribbon.
4 Put a picture of you
and you mum inside.
1 Listen and read the text. Fill in: ribbon, crayons, treat, paint,
picture. Write in your notebook.
5 DIY Gifts
Choose one of
the gifts from the
text to make for
your mum. Write a
card for her.
You are the best
mum ever!
2 Copy and complete the
crossword in your notebook.
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It’s the 12th century. We are in England.
Richard I is the king. There are many counties in England.
Each county has got a sheriff.
Nottingham is a town near Sherwood Forest. The Sheriff there
is very bad. He is an enemy of Robert, the Earl of Huntingdon.
Robert (also called Robin Hood) is a friend of King Richard I.
Robin wants to marry Marian. The Sheriff hates Robin. When
Richard I goes to war, his brother Prince John is in power.
Robert, Earl of
The Sheriff
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1 Look at the pictures. Which shows: a wedding? Robin Hood’s
arrest? Write in your notebook.
Arrest him!
It was a summer morning in 1193. Robert, Earl of Huntingdon (Robin
Hood), is in church with Marian. It is their wedding day.
Check these words
• to arrest • church
• wedding day • to take
• enemy • far away
• power • castle • land
• title
Do you, Robert
of Huntingdon, take this
woman, Marian Fitzwalter,
to be your wife?
I do.
Do you, Marian
Fitzwalter, take this man,
Robert of Huntingdon,
to be your husband?
I ...
Stop the
It’s the Sheriff of
Nottingham ...
You are an enemy
of the King!
Me? King Richard’s
enemy?! Never!
1 2
3 4

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3 Take roles and act out the dialogue.
2 Listen and answer the questions in your notebook.
1 Where are Robert and Marian?
2 Who stops the wedding?
3 Where is King Richard?
4 Who’s in power now?
Richard is in prison, far away.
Prince John is in power now,
and he is my friend. From this
moment, you have no castle,
no land and no title.
Marian, I have nothing now –
do you still want to marry me?
of course ...
Stop this!
Arrest him!

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1 Which pictures show: Robin Hood on a horse? Robin with a green
hood on his head? Robin with a bow in his hand? Write in your
Lord of the Greenwood
The Sheriff of Nottingham arrests Robert of Huntingdon on his
wedding day. He wants to put him in prison.
Check these words
• to put • prison
• outlaw • leader
• to get off • to give
• bow • hood
This is the new Earl of
Huntingdon – my friend, Sir
Guy of Gisborne. Now take
this outlaw to prison!
Stop him!
Get off the horse and
give us your money!
Yes, and I know you,
Will Scarlett. Who are
these men? Why are
they here? Wait! This is
Robert, Earl of

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3 Continue the story. Imagine the dialogue between Robin
and the outlaws.
2 Listen and answer the questions in your notebook.
1 Who’s the new Earl of Huntingdon?
2 Who are the men with Will Scarlett?
3 Why are they in the forest?
4 Where is Robin’s home now?
5 Who’s got Robin’s title and
5 6
We are outlaws. The
Sheriff is our enemy.
The forest is our home
because the Sheriff’s
men can’t find us here.
From today, I am an
outlaw, too. Guy of
Gisborne has got my
title and my castle.
You can
join us!
Yes! Be our leader against
Gisborne and the Sheriff!
Here is a bow for you, and
a green hood to wear.
Thank you. Sherwood
Forest is my castle now,
and my name is ... Robin ...
Robin Hood!
Robin Hood,
Lord of the

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Check these words
• travellerer • to join
• to get across • stranger
• sword • fair • fight
Little John
Robin Hood lives in Sherwood Forest. He and his men get money
from the rich and give it to the poor.
Let me go!
Not before you give us
money to help the poor!
This is a present from
a kind traveller ...
Thank you,
Robin Hood!
Go back and let me
get across, stranger!
Why? Because you’ve got
a sword and I haven’t?
1 Which pictures show: a poor family? a rich traveller riding
a horse? Robin with his sword on a log across the river?
a tall man with a staff? Robin with his bow? a fight? Write in
your notebook.
Now it’s a fair
fight! Go back!
You go
3 4

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3 Take roles and act out the dialogue between Robin and
John Little.
2 Listen, read and write in your notebook who the words in
bold refer to.
1 “Not before you give us money.”
2 “Go back and let me get across.”
3 “Why don’t you join me ?”
4 “You are so ... small.”
... or would you like
to go swimming?
I’d like to ... but I can’t.
I want to find the man they
call Robin Hood, and help
him against Gisborne
and the Sheriff.
You fight very well,
friend! Why don’t you
join me and my men?
Welcome to
Sherwood Forest!
I am Robin Hood.
You are Robin Hood? ... Oh ...
but ... I’m sorry about ...
5 6
Don’t worry
about it! What’s
your name?
John Little.
Well, John, new outlaws
get new names. And
because you are so ...
small ... your new name
is – Little John!

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Check these words
• early • archery
• good shot • to shoot
• quite near • to meet
• to carry • fool • to try
• peace
Friar Tuck
It’s early in the morning. Robin, Will Scarlett and Little John are
practising archery in the forest.
1 Read the title of the episode, look at the pictures and answer
the questions in your notebook.
1 What do you think a friar is? a Sheriff ; a man of God ?
2 What is Robin doing in picture 1? practising archery; shooting a gun
Good shot, Robin!
You are the best
archer in England!
Thank you – but see
how far Little John can
shoot an arrow. I can’t
do that. Nobody can!
I know one man who
can – Friar Tuck. He’s
very strong. He lives
quite near here, too.
Well, let’s go
and meet
this friar!
There he is. That’s
Friar Tuck.
Let’s see how strong he is.
Friar Tuck! You are a
man of God, so come
and help me! Carry me
across the river!

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3 Continue the story.
1 Robin is a bad archer.
2 Friar Tuck is a fool.
3 Friar Tuck hates Prince John.
4 Friar Tuck wants to carry Robin.
2 Listen, read and decide if the sentences are T (true) or
F (false). Write in your notebook.
Carry you across the
river, friend? Well, as
you say, I am a man
of God ...
... but I am
not a fool!
5 6 7
Peace! Peace,
good friar!
There are three things I
hate – Prince John, his man
the Sheriff of Nottingham,
and people who try to
make me look stupid!
Join you? All right ... to
help the poor, and to
fight the Sheriff – but
not to carry you!
I am Robin Hood, and these are
my men. We want you to join us.

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5 The silver arrow
While Robin and his men are in the forest, Gisborne and the
Sheriff are making plans inside Nottingham Castle.
Check these words
• make plans • to bring
• plan • prize • winner
• trap • bullseye • silver
• arrow • easily
2 Gisborne, we must catch
this outlaw, Robin Hood
– immediately! The people
are laughing at me! We can’t find
him in
Forest, but
we can bring
him to the
castle. I’ve
got a plan ...
Yes! An archery competition. Marian
can give the prize to the winner!
1 Read the title of the episode, look at the pictures and answer
the questions in your notebook.
1 Who can you see in Picture 1?
2 Who is the old man in Picture 5?
3 Who’s the woman in Picture 8?
4 Which pictures show a
silver arrow?
5 Who’s holding it?
Hmm ... I’d like to win the silver
arrow ... and see Marian again ...
Robin soon hears the news about
the competition in Nottingham.
The prize is a silver
arrow. Marian is going to
give it to the winner.
Oh, don’t worry – they
can’t catch me that easily!
No, Robin!
It’s a trap! Don’t go!
At the archery competition ...
So where is Robin
Hood? Search
everywhere carefully.
This old man is the last person
in the competition, sir.

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2 Listen, read and choose the correct answer. Write in your
1 Where’s the archery competition?
A in Nottingham B in Sherwood
2 Who wins the silver arrow?
A the Sheriff B Robin
3 Who gives the prize to the winner?
A Gisborne B Marian
3 Look at the pictures and tell the summary of the
Thank you for the silver
arrow, Sheriff! I’d love to
stay, but I can’t – my men
are waiting for me in
Sherwood Forest! 9
Here is your ...
You fools! That’s Robin
Hood! Get him! Quickly!
Well done, old man!
Good shot, Grandad!

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6 Marian’s escape
Robin is back in Sherwood Forest with his silver arrow. The Sheriff
is very angry.
Check these words
• land • prisoner
• to escape • truth
• to return • newest
1 Read the title of the episode, look at the pictures and answer
the questions in your notebook.
1 Who’s the man in Picture 5?
2 Who wants to marry Marian?
3 Who escapes to the forest?
Robin Hood was here, and
you couldn’t catch him! We were unlucky. We
can still find him.
Marian is in love with
him. I’ve got an idea ... 1
I’ve got Robin’s title, his
lands and his castle. Why
not marry Marian, too?
Yes ... Guards! Bring Lord
Fitzwalter here with
Marian, his daughter!
You want to marry the
Earl of Huntingdon, don’t
you? Well, you can! But he is
an outlaw ...
I am the Earl of Huntingdon
now! You are going
to marry me!
Never! I love the real Earl of
Huntingdon – Robin Hood!

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3 What do you think happens next?
A Marian escapes.
B Marian meets Robin.
C Robin is back in Sherwood.
D Gisborne wants to marry Marian.
2 Listen, read and put the events in the order they happen.
Write in your notebook.
What can we do, Marian?
We are prisoners here.
I’m going to join Robert in
the forest. I know how
I can escape ...
The next day, the Sheriff visits
Lord Fitzwalter.
You old fool! Tell
me the truth.
Where is she?
Good, good!
My plan is working!
She was here half
an hour ago. I don’t
know where she is.
Later, in the forest ...
Great news, Robin! People
are talking about Richard’s
return. They say the king is
back in England!
And that’s not all! Robin,
this is our newest outlaw!
Oh, Robert –
it’s me!

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7 Richard’s return
Marian is with Robin in Sherwood Forest. There is a bad surprise
for them, though.
Check these words
• return • to arrest
• honest • congratulations
• long live
1 Look at the pictures. Who do you think the man in red is?
Describe him. Listen, read and check.
Thank you, Marian!
I knew you could
find Robin Hood –
so we followed you!
1 2
What are you waiting for,
Gisborne? Kill the outlaw!
Stop! Stop, in the name of
Richard, King of England!
Let her go!
Your Majesty! You are
safe! Thank God!
I arrived in England ten days
ago. I hurried north to
Nottingham when I heard the
stories about the Sheriff and
Gisborne. Bring them here!
But, your Majesty ...
this ... this outlaw,
Robin Hood ...
Silence! What is this? When the
thief is in power, he calls the
honest man an outlaw?!

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2 Read the episode. Who does each of the following? Write
M for Marian, R for Robin, K for King Richard, S for Sheriff, or
G for Gisborne. Write in your notebook.
1 He orders Gisborne to kill Robin.
2 He is about to kill Robin.
3 He is glad King Richard is back.
4 He says that Robin is not an
outlaw any more.
5 She gets married to Robin.
3 Give the story a different ending.
I know you are an honest
man. You are no outlaw – and
your name is not Robin Hood.
Return to your castle, Robert,
Earl of Huntingdon.
Your Majesty ... The
Sheriff arrested
Robert in the middle
of our wedding ...
Then let us finish what you
started, with all my best wishes!
Do you, Marian Fitzwalter, take
this man, Robert of Huntingdon,
to be your husband?
I do.
Robert and Marian!
Long live
King Richard!

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Evaluation (Modules 1-2)
1 Fill in the missing words: watch, play,
gets, has, hangs, catch. Write in your
1 He … up early and walks the dog before
going to work.
2 Dave and Mary …TV every night. They love
quiz shows.
3 Frank likes playing the guitar. He … lessons
twice a week.
4 Ann and Dan … the bus to school at
8 o’clock in the morning.
5 It’s important that children … sports to
keep fit and healthy.
6 Sam always … out with friends at the park
at weekends.
2 Write the school subjects in your
3 Write the shops in your notebook.
4 Complete the sentences with the words
in the list. Write in your notebook.
• five-storey • nearby • block
• neighbourhood • view • balcony
1 Our new house is in a quiet … with lots of
2 My dad usually reads a newspaper on the
… in the summer.
3 She lives in a … of flats in New York.
4 Paul works in an office on the third floor of
a … building.
5 There’s a great … of the lake from our hotel
6 We often have lunch at a nice restaurant
… .
1 2 3
7 8
5 6
1 f... 2 c... 3 n...
4 c... 5 m... s...
7 c... s... 8 s...
6 b...
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Evaluation (Modules 1-2)
5 Look at the clocks and write the time
in your notebook.
6 Fill in: when, who, what, how old, where.
Write in your notebook.
1 A: … ‘s your favourite colour?
B: Green.
2 A: … is your bike?
B: It’s in the garden.
3 A: … is she?
B: She’s my sister.
4 A: … is your mother?
B: She’s 35.
5 A: … is your birthday party?
B: On Saturday.
7 Choose the correct item. Write in your
1 We’ve got a little/a few vegetables. We
can make a salad.
2 How much/many eggs do you need for
the cake?
3 There isn’t some/any cheese in the fridge.
4 Can you buy a loaf/a packet of bread, please?
5 She eats a lot/lots of fruit every day.
6 Would you like any/some ice cream?
7 There’s too much/too many sugar in the
8 We need to buy some cartons/cans of cola
for the party.
A: Hello. 1) …
B: Hi. I’d like the red jacket in the window.
A: 2) …
B: I’m a small.
A: You’re in luck! This is the last small.
3) …
B: Yes, please. Where are the fitting rooms?
A: They’re over there.
B: Thank you. ......................................
B: It’s great. 4) …
A: It’s ₤35.
B: Here you are.
A: 5) …
8 Put the verbs in brackets into the
present simple or the present
continuous. Write in your notebook.
1 He … (not/use) the computer now.
2 My parents … (often/eat) chicken for
3 Sally and James … (study) hard this week.
4 What time … (the train/leave)?
5 The cat … (like) sleeping on the sofa.
6 … (Tim/travel) to Bucharest now?
7 My sister … (always/tidy) her room at the
8 Danny … (not/have) breakfast every
Everyday English
9 Complete the dialogue with the
following sentences in your notebook.
• How much does it cost?
• Would you like to try it on?
• And here’s your change and receipt.
• How can I help you? • What size are you?
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Evaluation (Modules 3-4)
1 Choose the correct item. Write in your
1 My sister usually makes / takes out the
2 Elaine always lays / dusts the furniture on
3 Paul never does / makes the laundry alone.
4 My cousin Rod washes / mops the car
every week.
5 Frank usually tidies / cleans the windows
on Sundays.
2 Put the words in the right column.
Write in your notebook.
• karate • football • skateboarding
• wind-surfing • ice hockey • cricket
• aerobics • water-skiing • athletics
3 Match the adjectives to the people.
Write in your notebook.
4 Circle the correct answer. Write in
your notebook.
1 Dragons had big wings and sharp….
A claws B mane C beak
2 My cousin has long … hair.
A tall B curly C plump
3 Put … on your bike so people can see you
at night.
A reflectors B breaks
C headphones
4 Mulan joined the army because she could
fight with a ... .
A beast B horn C sword
5 Albert Einstein was a(n) … .
A president B architect C physicist
5 Choose the correct answer. Write in
your notebook.
1 The house’s door/door of the house is
2 The childrens’/children’s hospital is next
to the library.
3 Can I borrow Harry’s/Harry bike?
4 These are the girls’ toys/toys of the girls.
5 Jack is the ladies/lady’s dog.
6 Write the plurals. Write in your
1 impatient
2 hardworking
3 honest
4 lazy
5 brave
a My brother always tells me the truth.
b My older sister goes to school in the
morning and works in the afternoon.
c Mulan was not afraid to fight.
d Marc can watch TV all day.
e I don’t like to wait.
1 child – …
2 man – …
3 box – …
4 leaf – …
5 watch – …
6 boy – …
7 lacy – …
8 tooth – …
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Evaluation (Modules 3-4)
7 Put the words in the right order to
make sentences. Write in your
1 let’s/cycling/go/. …
2 room/tidy/your/. …
3 here/sit/Sir/may/I/? ...
4 take/road/let’s/this/. …
5 your/here/put/don’t/rubbish/. …
6 mum/very/swim/can/fast. …
7 wear/helmet/a/always. …
8 What could these people do or not do
when they were six years old? Write
sentences, as in the example. Use and
or but. Write in your notebook.
9 Write the verbs in the brackets in the
past simple to complete the sentences.
Write in your notebook.
1 Mark … (travel) to Brazil last year.
2 There … (be) a great fantasy film on TV last
3 I … (check) her bike tyres yesterday.
4 They … (arrive) late at the party.
5 She … (copy) my homework.
6 The teacher … (ask) me a question.
7 Josh … (play) football in the park last
Everyday English
10 Complete the dialogue. Write in your
• I’m afraid not. • How can I help you?
• I see. • Can I have... ? • Can you tell
Ryan swim (✓)
ride a bike (✗)
Ryan could swim but he
couldn’t ride a bike.
Mary read (✓)
write (✓)
Karl cook (✗)
make his bed (✓)
Sarah play football (✓)
run fast (✓)
A: Hello, Adventure Land Summer Camp.
B: Hello! I want to book a place for my
daughter for July and I’d like some
information, please.
A: 1) … your name, please?
B: Mary Leeds, and my daughter is Victoria.
A: OK! Thank you! 2) …
B: Can you tell me when the camp starts?
A: It starts on 5th June.
B: All right, and can my daughter bring her
A: No, 3) … . You can’t bring ipads to the
B: 4) … . All right then. Thank you!
A: You’re welcome. See you soon.
3 4
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Evaluation (Modules 5-6)
1 Look at the pictures and match them
to words. Write in your notebook.
• desert • lake • waterfall • mountain
• volcano
2 Fill in: mural, celebration, landmark,
average, transport, parade. Write in your
1 The students made a … of flowers on the
wall of their school.
2 London has got many different means of … .
3 The Colosseum is a famous … in Rome.
4 During the hot months, the … temperature
in the Sahara desert is 50ºC.
5 Every March, there is a street … to
celebrate St Patrick’s Day.
6 My sister had a big … for her 18th birthday.
1 let off
2 put up
3 hire
4 light
5 throw
6 hunt
a banners
b for eggs
c fireworks
d a band
e candles
f streamers
4 Choose the correct word. Write in
your notebook.
1 The family booked a cruise/safari around
the greek islands.
2 One of the best local dishes/meals that I
ate in Romania was mici.
3 I would like a single/oval ticket to Brighton,
4 The new dull/luxurious hotel opens its
doors next Saturday.
5 The London underground tram/train system
celebrated its 150 anniversary in 2013.
5 Fill in the gaps with the past simple
forms of the verbs in brackets. Write
in your notebook.
1 … (Anna/come) over for a visit last night?
2 We … (go) to Italy on holiday last summer.
3 Ann … (buy) a new dress for her party.
4 The team … (not/win) the game.
5 I … (have) lots of fun at your birthday party.
6 … (Jack/get on) the right bus?
7 My mum … (make) pizza for my party.
8 Dan … (not/drive) to work yesterday.
9 They … (let) off fireworks at midnight.
10 … (you/wear) a costume at the party?
3 Match the columns to make phrases.
Write in your notebook.
ROM grade 6 L2 Ss Eval.qxp_ROM grade 6 L2 Ss Eval 4/19/19 12:00 PM Page 130
Evaluation (Modules 5-6)
6 Put the words in the right order to
make questions using the past simple.
Then, answer them, as in the
example. Write in your notebook.
1 Betty/go/music festival? (x, food festival)
Did Betty go to the music festival?
No, she didn’t. She went to a food festival.
2 children/have/terrible time? (x, great time)
3 you/watch/street parade/yesterday? (be sick)
4 John/walk/to school? (x, take the bus)
5 you/throw/streamers/at the party? (x, put
up banners)
7 Complete the sentences. Use the
comparative form. Write in your
1 Greece is … (sunny) than England.
2 Mt Everest is … (tall) than Mt Pico.
3 Canada is … (cold) than Mexico.
4 A train is … (comfortable) than a motorbike.
5 A desert is … (hot) than a forest.
6 A helicopter is … (fast) than a ship.
7 Bikes are … (slow) than cars.
8 The Nile is … (long) than the Amazon.
8 Complete the sentences with very or too.
Write in your notebook.
1 Aeroplanes are … fast.
2 The mountain was … icy for us to climb.
3 It was … cold to swim in the sea last month.
4 In Siberia, the winters are … cold.
5 It’s … far to go there on foot.
6 Deserts are usually … hot places.
7 Mount Everest is … dangerous to climb on
your own.
8 The Amazon is a … long river.
9 Choose the correct option. Write in
your notebook.
1 These shoes aren’t … as those ones.
A more expensive B as expensive
C most expensive
2 Jane was … better today, so she went to
A very B more C much
3 I cycle … the optician’s every morning.
A along B through C past
4 The gym is … the new sports centre.
A opposite B between C across
5 My best friend was … angry to talk to me.
A very B too C much
Everyday English
10 Complete the dialogue. Write in your
• Single or return? • You’re welcome.
• What time would you like to leave?
• Which platform does the train leave from?
• Can I help you?
Ticket Clerk: Good morning, madam. 1) …
Mr Green: Yes, I’d like a ticket to Heathrow
Airport, please.
Ticket Clerk: 2) …
Mr Green: Return, please.
Ticket Clerk: 3) …
Mr Green:I want to catch the 12:30 train.
Ticket Clerk: That’s £20.
Mr Green: Here you are. 4) …
Ticket Clerk: It leaves from platform 3.
Mr Green: Thank you.
Ticket Clerk: 5) … . Have a nice day.
ROM grade 6 L2 Ss Eval.qxp_ROM grade 6 L2 Ss Eval 4/19/19 12:00 PM Page 131
Irregular verbs
Infinitive Past Past Participle Infinitive Past Past Participle
be \bi…\
bear \be´\
beat \bi…t\
become \bI"køm\
begin \bI"gIn\
bite \baIt\
blow \bl´U\
break \breIk\
bring \brIN\
build \bIld\
burn \b‰…n\
burst \b‰…st\
buy \baI\
can \kœn\
catch \kœtS\
choose \tSu…z\
come \køm\
cost \kÅst\
cut \køt\
deal \di…l\
dig \dIg\
do \du…\
draw \drO…\
dream \dri…m\
drink \drINk\
drive \draIv\
eat \i…t\
fall \fO…l\
feed \fi…d\
feel \fi…l\
fight \faIt\
find \faInd\
fly \flaI\
forbid \f´"bId\
forget \f´"get\
forgive \f´"gIv\
freeze \fri…z\
get \get\
give \gIv\
go \g´U\
grow \gr´U\
hang \hœN\
have \hœv\
hear \hI´\
hide \haId\
hit \hIt\
hold \h´Uld\
hurt \h‰…t\
keep \ki…p\
know \n´U\
lay \leI\
lead \li…d\
learn \l‰…n\
was \wÅz\ – were \w´\
bore \bO…\
beat \bi…t\
became \bI"keIm\
began \bI"gœn\
bit \bIt\
blew \blu…\
broke \br´Uk\
brought \brO…t\
built \bIlt\
burnt (burned) \b‰…nt “b‰…nd‘\
burst \b‰…st\
bought \bO…t\
could \kUd\
caught \kO…t\
chose \tS´Uz\
came \keIm\
cost \kÅst\
cut \køt\
dealt \delt\
dug \døg\
did \dId\
drew \dru…\
dreamt (dreamed)
\dremt “dri…md‘\
drank \drœNk\
drove \dr´Uv\
ate \eIt\
fell \fel\
fed \fed\
felt \felt\
fought \fO…t\
found \faUnd\
flew \flu…\
forbade \f´"beId\
forgot \f´"gÅt\
forgave \f´"geIv\
froze \fr´Uz\
got \gÅt\
gave \geIv\
went \went\
grew \gru…\
hung (hanged) \høN “hœNd‘\
had \hœd\
heard \h‰…d\
hid \hId\
hit \hIt\
held \held\
hurt \h‰…t\
kept \kept\
knew \nju…\
laid \leId\
led \led\
learnt (learned) \l‰…nt “l‰…nd‘\
been \bi…n\
born(e) \bO…n\
beaten \"bi…t´n\
become \bI"køm\
begun \bI"gøn\
bitten \"bIt´n\
blown \bl´Un\
broken \"br´Uk´n\
brought \brO…t\
built \bIlt\
burnt (burned) \b‰…nt “b‰…nd‘\
burst \b‰…st\
bought \bO…t\
(been able to \bIn "eIb´l t´\)
caught \kO…t\
chosen \"tS´Uz´n\
come \køm\
cost \kÅst\
cut \køt\
dealt \delt\
dug \døg\
done \døn\
drawn \drO…n\
dreamt (dreamed)
\dremt “dri…md‘\
drunk \drøNk\
driven \"drIv´n\
eaten \"i…t´n\
fallen \"fO…l´n\
fed \fed\
felt \felt\
fought \fO…t\
found \faUnd\
flown \fl´Un\
forbidden \f´"bId´n\
forgotten \f´"gÅt´n\
forgiven \f´"gIv´n\
frozen \"fr´Uz´n\
got \gÅt\
given \"gIv´n\
gone \gÅn\
grown \gr´Un\
hung (hanged) \høN “hœNd‘\
had \hœd\
heard \h‰…d\
hidden \"hId´n\
hit \hIt\
held \held\
hurt \h‰…t\
kept \kept\
known \n´Un\
laid \leId\
led \led\
learnt (learned) \l‰…nt “l‰…nd‘\
leave \li…v\
lend \lend\
let \let\
lie \laI\
light \laIt\
lose \lu…z\
make \meIk\
mean \mi…n\
meet \mi…t\
pay \peI\
put \pUt\
read \ri…d\
ride \raId\
ring \rIN\
rise \raIz\
run \røn\
say \seI\
see \si…\
sell \sel\
send \send\
set \set\
sew \s´U\
shake \SeIk\
shine \SaIn\
shoot \Su…t\
show \S´U\
shut \Søt\
sing \sIN\
sit \sIt\
sleep \sli…p\
smell \smel\
speak \spi…k\
spell \spel\
spend \spend\
stand \stœnd\
steal \sti…l\
stick \stIk\
sting \stIN\
swear \swe´\
sweep \swi…p\
swim \swIm\
take \teIk\
teach \ti…tS\
tear \te´\
tell \tel\
think \TINk\
throw \Tr´U\
wake \weIk\
wear \we´\
win \wIn\
write \raIt\
left \left\
lent \lent\
let \let\
lay \leI\
lit \lIt\
lost \lÅst\
made \meId\
meant \ment\
met \met\
paid \peId\
put \pUt\
read \red\
rode \r´Ud\
rang \rœN\
rose \r´Uz\
ran \rœn\
said \sed\
saw \sO…\
sold \s´Uld\
sent \sent\
set \set\
sewed \s´Ud\
shook \SUk\
shone \SÅn\
shot \SÅt\
showed \S´Ud\
shut \Søt\
sang \sœN\
sat \sœt\
slept \slept\
smelt (smelled) \smelt
spoke \sp´Uk\
spelt (spelled) \spelt
spent \spent\
stood \stUd\
stole \st´Ul\
stuck \støk\
stung \støN\
swore \swO…\
swept \swept\
swam \swœm\
took \tUk\
taught \tO…t\
tore \tO…\
told \t´Uld\
thought \TO…t\
threw \Tru…\
woke \w´Uk\
wore \wO…\
won \wøn\
wrote \r´Ut\
left \left\
lent \lent\
let \let\
lain \leIn\
lit \lIt\
lost \lÅst\
made \meId\
meant \ment\
met \met\
paid \peId\
put \pUt\
read \red\
ridden \"rId´n\
rung \røN\
risen \"rIz´n\
run \røn\
said \sed\
seen \si…n\
sold \s´Uld\
sent \sent\
set \set\
sewn \s´Un\
shaken \"SeIk´n\
shone \SÅn\
shot \SÅt\
shown \S´Un\
shut \Søt\
sung \søN\
sat \sœt\
slept \slept\
smelt (smelled) \smelt
spoken \"sp´Uk´n\
spelt (spelled) \spelt
spent \spent\
stood \stUd\
stolen \"st´Ul´n\
stuck \støk\
stung \støN\
sworn \swO…n\
swept \swept\
swum \swøm\
taken \"teIk´n\
taught \tO…t\
torn \tO…n\
told \t´Uld\
thought \TO…t\
thrown \Tr´Un\
woken \"w´Uk´n\
worn \wO…n\
won \wøn\
written \"rIt´n\
ROM grade 6 L2 Ss Irregular.qxp_ROM grade 6 L2 Ss Mod 1 4/19/19 11:57 AM Page 132
Acest manual este proprietatea Ministerului Educaţiei Naţionale.
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Published by Express Publishing
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Berkshire RG19 6HW, United Kingdom
Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363
Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463
email: inquiries@expresspublishing.co.uk
© Jenny Dooley, 2019
Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2019
Colour Illustrations: Victor, Kyr, Angela, Nathan © Express Publishing, 2019
Music Arrangements by Taz © Express Publishing, 2019
First published 2019
Made in EU
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
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This book is not meant to be changed in any way.
ISBN 978-1-4715-8302-5
Authors’ Acknowledgements
We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this
book. Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Editor in Chief), Mary Swan
and Sean Todd (senior editor), Michael Sadler and Steve Miller (editorial assistants), Richard White (senior
production controller), the Express design team, Whouse (recording producers), and Kevin Harris, Kimberly
Baker, Steven Gibbs. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript
and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book.
The authors and publishers wish to thank the following who have kindly given permission for the use of
copyright material.
Photograph Acknowledgements
Module 1: Skills 1c – The Flying Fruit Fly Circus School © AFP/www.iml.gr on page 22; The Flying Fruit Fly Circuss
School © Wendell Teodoro/Wirelmage/www.iml.gr on page 22, Module 4: Across Cultures 4f – J.K. Rowling
© cinetext/www.iml.gr; Harry Potter © everettcollection/www.iml.gr on page 71; Module 5: Across Culture 5f
– The Madeira Flower Festival © afp/www.iml.gr on page 87
Digital Book software developed by Infomedia Pro.
Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked,
the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.
Romania _L2 BEGINNER Ss.qxp_Layout 1 19/7/19 10:03 AM Page 2
Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale
Limba modernă 2 engleză Clasa a VI-a Jenny Dooley
Jenny Dooley
Uniscan Grup Educaţional
ISBN 978-1-4715-8302-5
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