
ISBN 978-606-710-492-9 / 9786067104929


Ministerul Educației Naționale.
Limba modernă 1.
Limba engleză: studiu intensiv.
- Clasa a 5-a.
Editura ART Bucureşti.
Ben Goldstein.
Ceri Jones.
David McKeegan.
Cristina Rusu.
Diana Todoran.

Acest manual este proprietatea Ministerului Educației Naționale.
Acest manual a fost realizat în conformitate cu Programa şcolară pentru disciplina
aprobată prin O.M. nr. 3393/28.02.2017.
Numărul de telefon european de asistență pentru copii: 116.111

Manualul școlar a fost aprobat de Ministerul Educației Naționale prin ordinul de ministru
Nr. 4862/06.09.2017.
Manualul este distribuit elevilor în mod gratuit, atât în format tipărit, cât și în format digital, și este transmisibil timp de patru ani școlari, începând
din anul școlar 2017 – 2018.
Inspectoratul Școlar .........................................................................................................................................................................................
Școala/Colegiul/Liceul ....................................................................................................................................................................................
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Aspectul manualului*
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la primire la predare la primire la predare
* Pentru precizarea aspectului manualului se va folosi unul dintre următorii termeni: nou, bun, îngrijit, neîngrijit, deteriorat.
• Cadrele didactice vor verifi ca dacă informațiile înscrise în tabelul de mai sus sunt corecte.
• Elevii nu vor face niciun fel de însemnări pe manual.
Referenți științifici:
conf. univ. dr. Adrian Oțoiu, Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea Tehnică, Cluj-Napoca
prof. gradul I Luisa Filip, Liceul Teoretic „Gheorghe Șincai“, Cluj-Napoca
prof. gradul I Constanța Bordea, Colegiul Național „Andrei Șaguna“, Brașov
prof. gradul I Daniela Bunea, Colegiul Național „Gheorghe Lazăr“, Sibiu
prof. gradul I Mihaela Iordache, Colegiul Național „Traian“, Drobeta-Turnu Severin
prof. gradul I Ionela Manda, Colegiul Național „Ioan Slavici“, Satu Mare
prof. gradul I Ana Pavel, Colegiul Dobrogean „Spiru Haret“, Tulcea
prof. univ. dr. Vanda Stan, Facultatea de Științe Umaniste, Politice și Administrative, Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiș”, Arad
prof. gradul I Magdalena Ecaterina Tolea, Colegiul Național „Ienăchiță Văcărescu“, Târgoviște
Coordonatori editoriali: Laura Murkin, Hannah Sanders, Roxana Jeler
Redactor: Ioana Tudose
Tehnoredactor: Vasile Ardeleanu
Ilustrații: Janet Allinger; Beehive Illustration – Giorgio Bacchin, David Belmonte, Nigel Dobbyn, Martin Sanders; Mark Duffin, Bob Lea, Andrew
Painter, Q2A Media Services Inc., Bright Agency – David Shephard; Sean Tiffany
Copertă: Alexandru Daş
Credite foto: Shutterstock, Dreamstime, Pixabay, Wikimedia Commons
Activități digitale interactive și platformă e-learning: Learn Forward Ltd. Website: https://learnfwd.com
Înregistrări și procesare sunet: Ian Harker, Dave Morritt, BraveArts, S.L., ML Sistems Consulting
Credite video: Dreamstime
Animații: Integra, Krogen Creative Studios, Alexandru Daș
Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României
Limba modernă 1 – Limba engleză: studiu intensiv : Clasa a V-a /
Ben Goldstein, Ceri Jones, David McKeegan, .... – Bucureşti : Art, 2017
ISBN 978-606-710-492-9
I. Goldstein, Ben
II. Jones, Ceri
III. McKeegan, David
Prelucrare după: Eyes Open Level 1, Student’s Book/Ben Goldstein & Ceri Jones with David McKeegan © Cambridge University Press 2015, în
parteneriat cu Discovery EducationTM
Ediție publicată sub licență. Ediția originală a fost publicată pentru prima dată în 2015 de Cambridge University Press.
Grupul Editorial ART
C.P. 4, O.P. 83, cod 062650, sector 6, Bucureşti
tel.: (021) 224 01 30, 0744 300 870, 0721 213 576, 0784 594 626; fax: (021) 369 31 99
Comenzi online: www.editura-art.ro
Cambridge uses cutting-edge language and pedagogy research to create
innovative materials that teachers and students will love. Discovery Education
video inspires students curiosity and enhances language learning.
It is the first time that Cambridge University Press has designed a course
specifically for Romanian schools.
English and Romanian teachers have created, through Limba modernă 1.
Limba engleză – studiu intensiv. Clasa a V-a, a textbook that follows the
Romanian Curriculum step by step, offering:
• high-interest video from Discovery Education and stimulating global topics
that spark curiosity and engage and motivate teenage learners;
• a careful progression of personalised language building activities that leads
to greater spoken and written fluency;
• flexible teaching support for mixed ability classes that includes graded
tests and extra practice activities.
Unit tour Limba engleză – studiu intensiv. Clasa a V-a
Writingsection includes a model text from
the featured genre and follow a Process
Writing methodology.
Unit tour Limba engleză – studiu intensiv. Clasa a V-a
The Student’s book has two versions:
Student’s Book – printed version
Student’s Book – digital version
(includes, apart from the information from the printed
version, over 200 AMII – multimedia interactive
learning activities)
The Student’s book contains:
A Starter section to revise basic grammar and vocabulary + 8 Units + Extras
Each unit has the following structure:
Vocabulary + Reading + Language focus 1 + Listening and vocabulary + Language focus 2 +
Discover culture + Speaking + Writing + Extras
There is a Review and an Evaluation test after every two units and also a Final evaluation test.
Extras: Grammar reference, Vocabulary bank, Groupwork, Writing bank, CLIL, Holidays, Let’s have
fun!, Projects, Wordlist, Phonemic script
Unit opener
Each unit starts with an impactful
image designed to spark curiosity and
discussion, and introduce the unit topic.
Vocabulary, grammar and unit aims are
clearly identifi ed so that students and
teachers can easily follow the syllabus
progression and record achievement.
Readingsection features a reading text
which provides a natural context for
the new grammar. All reading texts are
Vocabulary section focuses
on a listen, check and repeat task
through which students can hear how
the target vocabulary is pronounced
and practise it themselves.
Language Focus 1 and 2
sections highlight examples
that are contextualised in the
preceding reading and listening
passages. Many of the Language
Focus pages include a Get it Right
feature and a Say it Right feature.
Listening and Vocabulary section
provides a natural context for the new
grammar and vocabulary items.
Discover culturesection
expands on the unit topic and
provides a motivating insight into
a variety of cultures around the world.
Reviewsection provides two pages of
exercises which are grouped under
Vocabulary and Language focus.
They come after every two units.
Speakingsection provides a
progression of easy-to-follow
activities which guide students towards
written and spoken fl uency.
Manualul are două versiuni:
Varianta tipărită
Varianta digitală
(include, pe lângă informațiile din varianta printată,
peste 200 AMII – activități multimedia interactive de
Static AMII – listening and studying an
image/Activitate statică, de ascultare și
observare a unei imagini
Animated AMII – film and animation/
Activitate animată (film/animație)
Interactive AMII – exercise with
immediate feedback after solving/
Activitate interactivă, de tip exercițiu,
cu feedback imediat în urma rezolvării
Manualul cuprinde:
O secțiune introductivă de recapitulare a noțiunilor gramaticale și lexicale
de bază + 8 Unități de învățare + Anexe
Fiecare unitate are următoarea structură:
Vocabular + Lectură + Gramatică 1 + Ascultare și vocabular + Gramatică 2 +
Comunicare + Redactare + Anexe
Există un test de evaluare la fiecare două unități și o testare finală.
Anexe: Gramatică, Vocabular, Activitate de grup, Redactare, CLIL, Sărbători,
Divertisment, Proiecte, Listă de cuvinte, Tabel fonetic
Holidays section contains exercises and
texts describing holidays and traditions
in some English-speaking countries
compared to Romania.
Let’s have fun! section focuses on the
world of music, stories and films.
Projectssection provides eight optional
projects in which students are given a clear
model to guide them.
Evaluation test section contains two
pages in which the students’ knowledge
is examined to determine what they
have learned after every two units.
Vocabulary banksection
contains all the new vocabulary from
each unit. Activities revise and
consolidate the language.
Grammar referencesection
provides more detailed examples and
explanations, plus additional practice
Groupworksection contains projects
to be done step-by-step. It is related
to the topic of the
corresponding lessons in the unit.
Writing banksection provides
additional writing skills practice.
CLILsection gives students the
opportunity to study other subjects
through the medium of English. Each
CLIL lesson is linked to the topic of the
corresponding unit.
Starter Unit Vocabulary Language focus Speaking and listening Extras
p8 the alphabet, numbers, time, p9 classroom objects, p10 personal
possessions and adjectives, p11 days of the week, months and dates,
p12 countries, nationalities and languages
p9 prepositions of place, this, that, these, those, p10 possessive
adjectives and possessive pronouns, possessive ’s, p11 be:
affirmative, negative and questions
p8 greetings,
p13 Real Talk: What’s your name? Where are you from?
Asking for clarification
p118 Grammar reference
Unit Vocabulary Reading Language focus 1 Listening and
vocabulary Language focus 2 Discover Culture
(Video and Reading) Speaking Writing Extras
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;
3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4
p15 Family
and friends
p16 An online
p17 have got
Robot fighters
p18 A conversation
Describing people
p19 Comparative and
superlative adjectives
Say it right! /ðən/
Get it right! onesyllable
p20 My family, by
Boris Moldanov
p21 An online interview
Explore adjective suffixes
p22 Real Talk: What’s
your phone number?
What’s your email address?
On the phone
p23 A description
of a person
p120 Grammar reference
p136 Vocabulary bank
p137 Groupwork
p152 Writing bank
p172 CLIL Maths – fractions
The Land Down Under
It’s your life
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;
3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4
p25 Daily
p26 An online
prepositions of
p27 Present simple
Say it right! /s/ /z/ /ɪz/
Ali’s Day
p28 After school
A conversation
Get it right!
activities ending
in -ing
p29 Present simple
Adverbs of
p30 Chinese gymnast
p31 A blog
Explore expressions with
have 1
p32 Real Talk: What do
you do after school?
Asking for information
p33 A blog post
p122 Grammar reference
p138 Vocabulary bank
p139 Groupwork
p153 Writing bank
p173 CLIL Science – the
Earth’s movements Mars
Review Unit 1 and 2 pp 34–35 Evaluation test Unit 1 and 2 pp 36–37
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;
3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4
p39 Places in
a school
p40 A
Explore nouns
and verbs
p41 can for ability and
Say it right! can/can’t
Get it right! can in the
third person
Kung Fu school
p42 A podcast
School subjects
p43 Object pronouns,
(don’t) like, don’t mind,
love, hate + ing
p44 South African
p45 A profile
Explore adjectives
p46 Real Talk: Can you
use your mobile phone at
Asking and giving
p47 An email
informal language
p124 Grammar reference
p140 Vocabulary bank
p141 Groupwork
p154 Writing bank
p174 CLIL Design and Technology – drawing tools
Da Vinci’s Design
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;
3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4
p49 Food p50 A
with have 2
p51 Countable and
uncountable nouns, a/an,
some and any
Fishing in Japan
p52 A conversation
Meals and courses
p53 there is / there are,
much /many / a lot of,
how much/many?
Say it right!
intonation in
p54 Dabbawallas
p55 A magazine
Explore International
p56 Real Talk: What do
you usually have for lunch?
Ordering food
p57 A report
language: time
p126 Grammar reference
p142 Vocabulary bank
p143 Groupwork
p155 Writing bank
p175 CLIL Geography – Climate and food
Mountains of Rice
Review Unit 3 and 4 pp 58–59 Evaluation test Unit 3 and 4 pp 60–61
Animal world
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;
p63 Animals
Get it
right! irregular
p64 A quiz
adverbs of
p65 Present continuous
Say it right! /g/ and /ŋ/
Shark attack
p66 A conversation
Action verbs
p67 Present simple vs
present continuous
Get it right! verbs
that don’t take present
p68 Animals in the
p69 An article
Explore the suffix -er
Your turn Animal
p70 Real Talk: Do you
like going to museums?
Asking for and giving
p71 A description
of an animal
position of
p128 Grammar reference
p144 Vocabulary bank
p145 Groupwork
p156 Writing bank
p176 CLIL Science – vertebrates
City life
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;
3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4
p73 Places in a
town 1
p74 An
p75 Imperatives
Get it right! Let’s +
Rome: ancient and
p76 A report
Places in a town 2
p77 Articles: definite,
indefinite and zero
p78 Crossing cities
p79 A blog
Explore collocations
p80 Real Talk: Where
do you usually go with
your friends?
p81 A description
of a place
p130 Grammar reference
p146 Vocabulary bank
p147 Groupwork
p157 Writing bank
p177 CLIL Art – images and communication
Big Art
Review Unit 5 and 6 pp 82–83 Evaluation test Unit 5 and 6 pp 84–85
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;
3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4
p87 Sports
and activities
Get it
right! play
or do
p88 FAQs
p89 demonstratives,
prepositions of movement
Get it right!
prepositions of movement
The Palio
p90 A conversation
p91 Present simple:
Wh- questions
Get it right!
questions in the
present simple
p92 The bowler
p93 An article
Explore irregular plurals
p94 Real Talk: What’s
your favourite sport and
Expressing interest
Get it right! American
and British English words
p95 A biography
prepositions of
time and place
p132 Grammar reference
p148 Vocabulary bank
p149 Groupwork
p158 Writing bank
p178 CLIL PE – outdoor sports and activities
Extreme Fishing
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;
3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4
p97 Seasons
and weather
p98 A web
p99 be going to
Say it right! going to
City of water
p100 A
p101 Future with will/
p102 Alaska
Your turn Extreme
p103 A holiday brochure
Explore adjectives
p104 Real Talk: Where
do you like going on
Making suggestions
p105 An email
starting and
finishing an email
p134 Grammar reference
p150 Vocabulary bank
p151 Groupwork
p159 Writing bank
p179 CLIL Maths – frequency tables and bar charts
Holiday in Australia
Review Unit 7 and 8 pp 106–107 Evaluation test Unit 7 and 8 pp 108–109
Final evaluation test pp 110–117
Holidays pp160–167 Let’s have fun! pp168–171 Projects pp180–187 Wordlist pp188-205 Phonemic script p206
Starter Unit Vocabulary Language focus Speaking and listening Extras
p8 the alphabet, numbers, time, p9 classroom objects, p10 personal
possessions and adjectives, p11 days of the week, months and dates,
p12 countries, nationalities and languages
p9 prepositions of place, this, that, these, those, p10 possessive
adjectives and possessive pronouns, possessive ’s, p11 be:
affirmative, negative and questions
p8 greetings,
p13 Real Talk: What’s your name? Where are you from?
Asking for clarification
p118 Grammar reference
Unit Vocabulary Reading Language focus 1 Listening and
vocabulary Language focus 2 Discover Culture
(Video and Reading) Speaking Writing Extras
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;
3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4
p15 Family
and friends
p16 An online
p17 have got
Robot fighters
p18 A conversation
Describing people
p19 Comparative and
superlative adjectives
Say it right! /ðən/
Get it right! onesyllable
p20 My family, by
Boris Moldanov
p21 An online interview
Explore adjective suffixes
p22 Real Talk: What’s
your phone number?
What’s your email address?
On the phone
p23 A description
of a person
p120 Grammar reference
p136 Vocabulary bank
p137 Groupwork
p152 Writing bank
p172 CLIL Maths – fractions
The Land Down Under
It’s your life
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;
3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4
p25 Daily
p26 An online
prepositions of
p27 Present simple
Say it right! /s/ /z/ /ɪz/
Ali’s Day
p28 After school
A conversation
Get it right!
activities ending
in -ing
p29 Present simple
Adverbs of
p30 Chinese gymnast
p31 A blog
Explore expressions with
have 1
p32 Real Talk: What do
you do after school?
Asking for information
p33 A blog post
p122 Grammar reference
p138 Vocabulary bank
p139 Groupwork
p153 Writing bank
p173 CLIL Science – the
Earth’s movements Mars
Review Unit 1 and 2 pp 34–35 Evaluation test Unit 1 and 2 pp 36–37
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;
3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4
p39 Places in
a school
p40 A
Explore nouns
and verbs
p41 can for ability and
Say it right! can/can’t
Get it right! can in the
third person
Kung Fu school
p42 A podcast
School subjects
p43 Object pronouns,
(don’t) like, don’t mind,
love, hate + ing
p44 South African
p45 A profile
Explore adjectives
p46 Real Talk: Can you
use your mobile phone at
Asking and giving
p47 An email
informal language
p124 Grammar reference
p140 Vocabulary bank
p141 Groupwork
p154 Writing bank
p174 CLIL Design and Technology – drawing tools
Da Vinci’s Design
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;
3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4
p49 Food p50 A
with have 2
p51 Countable and
uncountable nouns, a/an,
some and any
Fishing in Japan
p52 A conversation
Meals and courses
p53 there is / there are,
much /many / a lot of,
how much/many?
Say it right!
intonation in
p54 Dabbawallas
p55 A magazine
Explore International
p56 Real Talk: What do
you usually have for lunch?
Ordering food
p57 A report
language: time
p126 Grammar reference
p142 Vocabulary bank
p143 Groupwork
p155 Writing bank
p175 CLIL Geography – Climate and food
Mountains of Rice
Review Unit 3 and 4 pp 58–59 Evaluation test Unit 3 and 4 pp 60–61
Animal world
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;
p63 Animals
Get it
right! irregular
p64 A quiz
adverbs of
p65 Present continuous
Say it right! /g/ and /ŋ/
Shark attack
p66 A conversation
Action verbs
p67 Present simple vs
present continuous
Get it right! verbs
that don’t take present
p68 Animals in the
p69 An article
Explore the suffix -er
Your turn Animal
p70 Real Talk: Do you
like going to museums?
Asking for and giving
p71 A description
of an animal
position of
p128 Grammar reference
p144 Vocabulary bank
p145 Groupwork
p156 Writing bank
p176 CLIL Science – vertebrates
City life
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;
3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4
p73 Places in a
town 1
p74 An
p75 Imperatives
Get it right! Let’s +
Rome: ancient and
p76 A report
Places in a town 2
p77 Articles: definite,
indefinite and zero
p78 Crossing cities
p79 A blog
Explore collocations
p80 Real Talk: Where
do you usually go with
your friends?
p81 A description
of a place
p130 Grammar reference
p146 Vocabulary bank
p147 Groupwork
p157 Writing bank
p177 CLIL Art – images and communication
Big Art
Review Unit 5 and 6 pp 82–83 Evaluation test Unit 5 and 6 pp 84–85
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;
3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4
p87 Sports
and activities
Get it
right! play
or do
p88 FAQs
p89 demonstratives,
prepositions of movement
Get it right!
prepositions of movement
The Palio
p90 A conversation
p91 Present simple:
Wh- questions
Get it right!
questions in the
present simple
p92 The bowler
p93 An article
Explore irregular plurals
p94 Real Talk: What’s
your favourite sport and
Expressing interest
Get it right! American
and British English words
p95 A biography
prepositions of
time and place
p132 Grammar reference
p148 Vocabulary bank
p149 Groupwork
p158 Writing bank
p178 CLIL PE – outdoor sports and activities
Extreme Fishing
1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 2.1; 2.2;
2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 3.1; 3.2; 3.3;
3.4; 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4
p97 Seasons
and weather
p98 A web
p99 be going to
Say it right! going to
City of water
p100 A
p101 Future with will/
p102 Alaska
Your turn Extreme
p103 A holiday brochure
Explore adjectives
p104 Real Talk: Where
do you like going on
Making suggestions
p105 An email
starting and
finishing an email
p134 Grammar reference
p150 Vocabulary bank
p151 Groupwork
p159 Writing bank
p179 CLIL Maths – frequency tables and bar charts
Holiday in Australia
Review Unit 7 and 8 pp 106–107 Evaluation test Unit 7 and 8 pp 108–109
Final evaluation test pp 110–117
Holidays pp160–167 Let’s have fun! pp168–171 Projects pp180–187 Wordlist pp188-205 Phonemic script p206
General and specific competences from the curriculum
explored in the units
1. Understand oral messages in different communication situations
1.1. Identify essential information from short oral fragments related to
predictable everyday situations, when the utterances are clear and slowpaced
1.2. Identify the general meaning of real-time oral messages, when the
utterances are clear and slow-paced
1.3. Identify the meaning of plain and clearly articulated oral exchanges,
when the interlocutor provides assistance in order to facilitate comprehension
1.4.Engage with the recognition and use of specific cultural and social elements
2. Speak in different communication situations
2.1. Give a short presentation based on images of regular/familiar contexts
2.2. Give a simple presentation on a person/character
2.3. Give suitable answers in certain contexts using simple conversational
formulas (greetings, introductions, thanks, instructions)
2.4.Participate in short oral interactions with the support of the others speakers
2.5. Show willingness to participate in a dialogue
3. Understand written messages in different communication situations
3.1. Identify information from panels and signs displayed in public places for
navigational purposes
3.2. Select information from a clearly-structured text (newspaper articles,
simple digital media articles, brochures), in which numbers and names
play an important role
3.3. Identify detailed information from different text types
3.4. Show curiosity for guided reading
4. Write messages in everyday communication situations
4.1. Write short, simple messages in contexts for immediate communication
4.2.Present an activity in written form, using linking devices (and, but,
4.3. Write simple, short texts on familiar topics
4.4. Show willingness to exchange written messages
Competenţele generale și specifice din programa școlară,
urmărite în fiecare unitate de învățare
1. Receptarea de mesaje orale în diverse situaţii de comunicare
1.1. Identificarea informaţiilor esenţiale din fragmente scurte orale, referitoare
la aspecte cotidiene previzibile, atunci când se vorbește rar și clar
1.2. Identificarea semnificaţiei generale a mesajelor orale curente, clar și rar
1.3. Identificarea semnificaţiei unor schimburi verbale uzuale și clar articulate,
în situaţia în care interlocutorul oferă ajutor pentru a facilita înţelegerea
1.4. Implicarea în recunoașterea și utilizarea unor elemente specifice de cultură
și civilizație
2. Exprimarea orală în diverse situaţii de comunicare
2.1. Realizarea unei expuneri scurte, exersate, pe baza unor imagini în contexte
2.2. Prezentarea simplă a unei persoane / a unui personaj
2.3. Oferirea de răspunsuri adecvate unor contexte folosind formule conversaţionale
simple (salut, bun rămas, prezentare, mulţumire, instrucţiuni)
2.4.Participarea la scurte interacţiuni verbale cu sprijin din partea interlocutorilor
2.5. Manifestarea implicării pentru participarea la dialog
3. Receptarea de mesaje scrise în diverse situaţii de comunicare
3.1. Identificarea informaţiilor din panouri și semne aflate în locuri publice
pentru facilitarea orientării
3.2.Extragerea informaţiilor dintr-un text clar structurat (articole de ziar/
digitale simple, broșuri), în care numerele și numele joacă un rol important
3.3. Identificarea unor informaţii de detaliu din diferite documente
3.4. Manifestarea curiozităţii pentru lectura de orientare
4. Redactarea de mesaje în diverse situaţii de comunicare
4.1. Redactarea de mesaje simple și scurte în contexte de necesitate imediată
4.2. Prezentarea unei activităţi în scris, utilizând cuvinte de legătură („și”,
„dar”, „pentru că”)
4.3. Redactarea de texte scurte simple pe subiecte familiare
4.4. Manifestarea disponibilităţii pentru schimbul de mesaje scrise simple
5 Write the calculations as words.
a one + eight = nine
a) 1 + 8 =
b) 4 + 6 =
c) 8 – 5 =
d) 7 – 3 =
e) 9 × 2 =
f) 10 ÷ 5 =
6 Listen and check.
7 Put the numbers in order from low to high.
8 Listen and check.
9 Work with a partner. Ask and answer
How old are you?
How old are you?
I’m . How old are you?
10 Match the times with the clocks.
e f g
1 Midnight
2 A quarter past five
3 Ten to three
4 Half past ten
5 Five o’clock
6 A quarter to seven
7 Half past two
Your turn
11 Ask and answer with your partner.
1 What time is it now?
2 What time is your English lesson?
3 What time is your first lesson in the morning?
4 What time is your last lesson in the afternoon?
1 Complete the conversation with the phrases
What’s your name? Hi!
Nice to meet you I’m
Jane: 1
Mark: Hello.
Jane: 2
Mark: I’m Mark. What’s your name?
Jane: 3 Jane.
Mark: 4 , Jane.
Jane: Nice to meet you, too!
2 Listen, check, and repeat the conversation
in pairs.
The alphabet
3 Listen and repeat.
4 Work in small groups. Ask and answer the
question and write the answers.
How do you spell your name?
Starter Unit
3 Write questions and answers about the picture in
Exercise 2.
1 Where’s the notebook?
It’s on the desk.
1 notebook
2 white rubber
3 red pencil
4 board
5 books
6 laptop
7 bag
Your turn
4 Work with a partner. Look round your classroom.
Ask and answer questions about where classroom
objects are.
Where’s the board?
It’s behind the teacher.
Prepositions of place
1 Match the prepositions and phrases
with the pictures.
behind in in front of
between next to on
1 between
Classroom objects
2 Find the words in the box in the picture.
bag board books bookshelf desk
dictionary laptop notebook pen
pencil pencil sharpener rubber ruler
this, that, these and those
5 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences
with this, that, these or those.
1 That is my mum.
3 are my blue shoes.
2 are my books.
4 is my pencil.
Possessive ’s
Use a name or a noun + ’s to show possession.
My brother’s laptop.
Grammar reference • page 118
4 Write sentences with the possessive ’s.
1 My sister’s bike is new.
1 My / sister / bike / is / new.
2 Jake / computer / is / great!
3 My / mum / car / is / small.
4 My / brother / skateboard / is / old.
5 Kate / new / book / is / big.
Possessive adjectives and
possessive pronouns
1 Complete the table with the correct words.

Grammar reference • page 118
2 Circle the correct words.
1 He /It is I / my ruler. He’s / It’s blue.
2 It’s her / she laptop. She’s / It’s new.
3 That’s not you / your phone. It’s my / mine.
4 They / Their are we / our books.
5 It isn’t him / his brother. It’s her / hers.
6 That is they / their dictionary.
7 You’re / Your my friend.
Personal possessions and adjectives
3 Match the pictures with the words in the box.
a nice car a new skateboard small bike
a big bike an expensive computer
an old mobile phone
1 an expensive computer
Days of the week
6 Put the days of the week in the correct order.
7 Listen and check.
Months and dates
8 Complete the months with the missing
J _ n _ _ ry J _ ly
F_ bru _ ry A _ g _ st
M _ rch S _ pt _ mb _ r
Apr _ l Oct _ b _ r
M _ y N _ v _ mb _ r
J _ ne D _ c _mb _ r
9 Listen and repeat.
10 Match the dates.
1 c
1 24/7
2 1/5
3 1/9
4 24/1
5 17/8
6 17/12
7 8/3
8 12/2
A January 24
B September 1
C July 24
D March 8
E May 1
F February 12
G December 17
H August 17
11 Listen and check.
Your turn
12 Ask and answer with your partner.
1 What month is it?
2 When’s your birthday?
3 What’s your favourite month?
4 When are your parents’ birthdays?
be: affirmative, negative and
1 Complete the tables with the correct forms of
the verb be.
+ –
I am ’m not
He/She/It isn’t 12.
We/You/They are aren’t
? + –
Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Is he/she/it Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t.
we/you/they Yes, we/you/they
No, we/you/they
Grammar reference • page 119
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verb be.
1 ’m
1 I Paul.
2 She Sara.
3 We friends.
4 You Tim.
5 They Pete and Suzie.
6 He a teacher.
7 You the students in my class.
8 It a dictionary.
3 Make the sentences in Exercise 2 negative.
1 I’m not Paul.
4 Write questions with be.
1 Are you David?
1 you / David?
2 we / in English class?
3 it / cold today?
4 the school / big?
5 you / eleven?
6 the teachers / children?
Your turn
5 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions
in Exercise 4.
Are you David? No, I’m not. I’m John.
Possessive ’s
Use a name or a noun + ’s to show possession.
My brother’s laptop.
Grammar reference • page 118
4 Write sentences with the possessive ’s.
1 My sister’s bike is new.
1 My / sister / bike / is / new.
2 Jake / computer / is / great!
3 My / mum / car / is / small.
4 My / brother / skateboard / is / old.
5 Kate / new / book / is / big. 11
7 Do the quiz.
1 What nationality is Harry Styles?
2 What country is this from?
3 What are the two official languages of Canada?
4 Where is this city?
5 What language is this?
6 Where is Beijing?
8 Compare your answers with your partner.
Countries, nationalities
and languages
1 Label the countries on the map.
Australia Brazil the UK Canada
China Colombia France India
Japan Mexico Russia Spain
Turkey the USA
2 Listen, check and repeat.
3 Complete the table with the correct
Country Nationality Country Nationality
4 Listen, check and repeat.
5 Write sentences about the people below.
1 Yuki’s from Japan. She’s Japanese.
2 Michel and Nicole are from France. They’re
1 Yuki … Japan
2 Michel and Nicole … France
3 Sarah … Australia
4 Li Ping … China
5 Vlad and Oksana … Russia
6 Raj and Sanjeet … India
7 Harry … America
8 Leticia and Pedro … Mexico
6 Where are you from? Ask and answer with
your partner.
1 Canada
5 14
Real Talk: What’s your name? Where are you from?
5 Listen, check and practise the
conversation with your partner.
6 Change the words in bold in the
conversation in Exercise 4. Use the
information on the cards. Practise the
Speaking Asking for clarification
Student ID Card
from Hangzhou, China
dob 16th August 2000
address in Bristol
21 Kings Gardens
Student ID Card
from Munich, Germany
dob 23rd May 1999
address in Bristol
10 Clifton Street
1 Watch the teenagers in the video.
Complete the chart on the right.
2 What’s your name? Where are
you from?
3 Listen to the conversation. When is Janek’s birthday?
Useful language
So, your name is (Janek),
is that right?
Yes, that’s right.
How do you spell that?
Can you repeat that please?
Of course.
4 Look at the Useful language box and complete the
repeat right course Sorry spell
1 right
Teacher: So, your first name is Janek and your surname is
Czerwinski, is that 1 ?
Janek: Yes, that’s right.
Teacher: How do you 2 that?
Janek: It’s C Z E R W I N S K I.
Teacher: OK, thanks. And where are you from?
Janek: Katowice, in Poland. That’s K A T O W I C E.
Teacher: And what’s your date of birth?
Janek: 12th April 2000.
Teacher: 3 , can you 4 that please?
Janek: Yes, of 5 . It’s 12th April 2000.
Teacher: Thanks. And what’s your address here in Bristol?
Janek: 24 Walton Street.
Name Nationality Parents’ nationality
Rachel British British
Binnie British British
Steven Mum:
Dad: Israeli
Emily Mum: American
Courtney Mum:
Freddie Mum:
Dad: English
What can you see in the photo?
Start thinking
● How many people are in
this family?
● How old do you think they are?
● When do you wear boots like
In this unit …
● Family and friends
● Describing people
● Adjectives
Language focus
● have got affirmative,
negative, questions and
short answers
● Comparative adjectives
Unit aims
I can …
● talk about my family.
● compare people.
● understand a text about other cultures.
● talk on the phone.
● write a description of someone.
● write an email about my school.
1 People
In this unit …
On the
phone p22
My family p20
Robot fighters p17
CLIL The land down
under p172
Vocabulary Family and friends
1 Look at the family tree. Where is Sarah?
2 Complete the text with the words in the box. Then listen, check and repeat.
uncle brother aunt teammates wife dad cousin sister classmates
grandma granddad mum best friend parents grandparents
Here’s a picture of my family and friends. At the top are my 1 grandparents .
My 2 ’s name is David and his 3 is Betty. She’s my 4 . My 5 ’s name is Helen and my 6 is Richard.
They are my 7 . Paul is my 8 and Kate is my 9 . Jessie is my 10 . Our 11 ’s name is Tony. I’ve got
one 12 – his name is Charlie. At the bottom of the picture is my 13 , Jade, my 14 (we play netball for
our school), and my 15 – I just call them ‘the guys’!
3 Look at the family tree again and complete the sentences with
the words in the box.
son daughter grandson granddaughter
1 Sarah is David and Betty’s granddaughter.
1 Sarah is David and Betty’s . 3 Kate is Richard and Helen’s .
2 Charlie is Jessie and Tony’s . 4 Paul is David and Betty’s .
4 Copy and complete the circles with the words in Exercise 2.
Your turn
5 Draw your family tree. Tell your partner who the people are.
These are my grandparents. Their names are Manuel and Carla.
That’s my dad …
male and female
Vocabulary bank • page 136
by Sarah Wood, Year 7
Richard Tony
David Betty
Me! Paul
The team! The guys!
family and friends
Reading An online article
1 Look at the photo and the title of this
article. What is special about this family?
2 Is this a happy family? Why? Give at least
three reasons for your answer.
3 Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T)
or false (F)? Correct the false ones.
1 Damien is not a baby. F – Damien is a baby.
2 There are fifteen boys in the family.
3 Three of his brothers and sisters aren’t children.
4 Damien’s house is very quiet.
5 The children aren’t very good friends.
Explore adjectives
4 Find the opposites of these adjectives in
the text.
1 unlucky lucky 3 quiet 5 bad
2 small 4 unhappy
Your turn
5 Write notes about your family and Damien’s
My family Damien’s family
small big
6 Tell your partner about how your family is
different from Damien’s family.
Damien Baxter is very lucky. He’s got fourteen
brothers and sisters!
The family lives in a big house in Western Australia.
The house has got seven bedrooms, and lots of beds.
It isn’t a quiet house. It’s a very noisy house with lots
of children in it.
Three of Damien’s brothers and sisters are adults.
They’ve got children too. Damien is a baby, but he’s
an uncle to those children!
The Baxter family is very busy. There’s lots of work to
do in the Baxter house. When a child is eight years
old, they help with the work. Damien is only three
months old, so he hasn’t got jobs to do yet.
They haven’t got a car. Damien’s dad’s got a bus!
It’s got sixteen seats.
The Baxters are a very happy family, and the kids
are all good friends.
Have you got a brother or a sister?
How many have you got? One?
Two? Maybe more?
FACT! The average number
of children per family:
UK 1.89, USA 1.87, Romania
1.34, Australia 1.77 (2016)
Language focus 1 have got
3 Look at the pictures of James and Alice.
Write questions and answers.
1 Has James got a book about sport?
Yes, he has.
1 James / a book about sport?
2 Alice / a computer?
3 James / black trainers?
4 Alice / a skateboard?
5 James / blue headphones?
6 Alice / a CD?
7 James / a hat ?
James Alice
4 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the
questions from Exercise 3.
Your turn
5 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions
about what you have got. Complete the chart and
add your own ideas.
You Your partner
a brother
a sister
a cat
a computer
a skateboard
Have you got a brother? Yes, I have.
1 Complete the examples from the text
on page 16.
I / We / You / They He / She / It
+ They fifteen
The house has got
seven bedrooms.
– They haven’t got a car. Damien jobs to do.
? Have you got a brother or
a sister?
Has he got a house?
+ Yes, I have. Yes, he has.
– No, I haven’t. No, he .
Grammar reference • page 120
2 Complete the text about Nicole’s family.
Use the correct form of have got.
This is me and my family. I 1 two brothers. I 2
(not) a sister. Those are my parents. We 3 a big
garden. My dad 4 one brother, my Uncle Matt. My
uncle 5 three boys. That’s their dog, Lady. It loves our
big garden. We 6 (not) a dog. And my cousins 7
(not) a big garden.
1.1 Robot f ighters
Learn about another unusual family in Japan.
● How many robots has the Suni family got?
● What colour is Arina’s robot?
Listening A conversation
1 Look at the picture. What things have the
avatars got?
2 Listen to the conversation between Connor
and Suzi. Which is Connor’s avatar?
3 Listen again. Correct the sentences.
1 The game is called ‘My 3D house’.
2 Connor is on level 15.
3 Connor has got ten stars.
4 Suzi’s avatar has got a blue skateboard.
Vocabulary Describing people
4 Choose the correct words from the box. Then
listen, check and repeat.
funny brown intelligent short
blue straight good-looking old
1 straight
short spiky curly long and 1
fair dark 2
green brown 3
tall 4
pretty 5
6 young
Your turn
5 Invent an avatar. Write a description. Read it to the class.
My avatar is tall. She’s got spiky hair. It’s green. She’s got brown eyes.
Vocabulary bank • page 136 7 8
d e f
Language focus 2
Comparative and superlative
1 Complete the examples from the listening
on page 18.
long longer (than)
It’s your hair.
tall taller (than)
You’re me
Grammar reference • page 121
One-syllable adjectives ending in a single consonant:
double the consonant.
big – bigger red – redder
Get it right!
2 Complete the table with the correct form of
the adjectives.
Adjective Comparative Superlative
1 short
3 dark
5 beautiful
6 young
9 pretty
more intelligent
the shortest
3 Complete the sentences. Use the comparative
form of the adjectives in brackets.
1 My hair is (curly) your hair.
2 My dad is (old) my mum.
3 You are (intelligent) your brother.
4 His story is (funny) my story.
5 Are you (tall) me?
6 Her hair is (straight) your hair.
4 Now rewrite the sentences using the superlative
of the adjectives in brackets.
My hair is the curliest.
5 Look at the picture. Write sentences with the
comparative form of the adjectives below.
big small straight pretty long noisy quiet
1 Patch is bigger than Libby.
Your turn
6 Work with a partner. Write sentences about
yourselves using the comparative and the
superlative form of these adjectives. You may use
other adjectives as well.
young old funny tall short intelligent
I’m younger than Silvia.
I’m the youngest in my family.
Patch Libby
Listen and repeat the sentences.
1 My hair is shorter than your hair.
My hair is the shortest.
2 My mum is older than my dad.
My grandpa is the oldest in my family.
3 Are you taller than me?
Are you the tallest in your class?
4 Fred is more intelligent than Josh.
Is Fred the most intelligent pupil in this school?
Say it right!
Find out about a Siberian boy.
1.2 My family, by Boris Moldanov
4 Watch the video up to 0.58 with sound.
Choose the best summary for the first part of
the video.
● A small town in Siberia
● Siberian weather and wildlife
● Fun in Siberia
5 Watch the video from 1.18 to the end. Put the
events in order.
a) They ride on a sleigh with reindeer.
b) They travel on a snowmobile.
c) They dance around a fire.
6 Watch the video again. Are the sentences true
(T) or false (F)?
1 Boris’ grandparents’ house is smaller than Boris’ house.
2 They’ve got about 500 reindeer.
3 The town has one shop and two roads.
4 Boris’ father and sister visit his grandparents.
5 The trip takes three hours.
6 It’s hard work and fun at his grandparents’ house.
7 The film finishes with a sleigh ride.
Your turn
7 Compare Boris’ town, shops and family with
yours. Complete the table.
Weather Towns Shops Family
Me two sisters
Boris cold small 1 one brother
8 Work with a partner. Talk about your answers to
Exercise 7.
My family is bigger than Boris’.
I’ve got two sisters.
Our town is bigger than Boris’ town.
Reading An online interview
1 Look at the picture. Where is Raj from?
2 Read the interview. What is Diwali?
3 Complete the text with the questions.
a) Where is it? c) What’s important in Diwali?
b) When is it? d) What is Diwali?
4 Read the text again. Choose the correct answers.
1 Diwali is a celebration of the family / good.
2 ‘Diyas’ are special lights / candles.
3 People celebrate for two months / five days during Diwali.
4 People all over the world / Only Indian people celebrate
5 Colourful clothes / houses are very important at Diwali time.
Explore adjective suffixes -ful
5 Find two adjectives in the text which end in -ful.
Vocabulary bank • page 136
1 Look at the map and the pictures. Where’s Siberia?
Find six of these things in the photos. Check the
meanings of the other words.
bear boat dancing fire forest Khanti people
reindeer singing sleigh snow snowmobile sunshine
2 Which of the things in Exercise 1 do you think are in
the video?
3 Watch the video without sound and
check your answers to Exercise 1.
Discover Culture
Groupwork • page 137
A family festival
6 Complete the sentences with the
adjectives from Exercise 5.
1 This is a book – I love it!
2 My room is all white. I want it to be
more .
7 Change the nouns into adjectives by
adding -ful.
beauty use
Your turn
8 Write notes about a festival in your
country. Use these headings:
● Activities
● Food
● Clothes
● Time of year
9 Tell your partner about your festival.
The Barranquilla Carnival is a folk
festival in my country. ...
Reading An online interview
1 Look at the picture. Where is Raj from?
2 Read the interview. What is Diwali?
3 Complete the text with the questions.
a) Where is it? c) What’s important in Diwali?
b) When is it? d) What is Diwali?
4 Read the text again. Choose the correct answers.
1 Diwali is a celebration of the family / good.
2 ‘Diyas’ are special lights / candles.
3 People celebrate for two months / five days during Diwali.
4 People all over the world / Only Indian people celebrate
5 Colourful clothes / houses are very important at Diwali time.
Explore adjective suffixes -ful
5 Find two adjectives in the text which end in -ful.
Vocabulary bank • page 136
FACT! Hindus celebrate a lot
of festivals. About 40 every year!
Diwali is an important time in the Hindu calendar. Raj, 14,
from Mumbai, celebrates it every year with his family in India.
Diwali is a family festival. It’s called the ‘Festival of Lights’. It’s a
celebration of the victory of ‘good’ over ‘bad’ with special lights
or ‘diyas’, and candles. The family is important in traditional
Diwali activities.
We usually celebrate Diwali in October or November at the start of
the Hindu New Year. The festival is five days of celebrations.
It’s an international festival, but India’s got a bigger Hindu population
than any other country, so it’s very important there. Other countries
with Hindus also celebrate it, for example, Nepal, Sri Lanka,
Malaysia, Singapore and parts of Europe.
It’s important for people and their houses to be clean. We also wear
more colourful clothes than usual: yellow, red and green. Diwali is a
festival of colour! Family is always important to Hindus, but during
Diwali it’s even more important. People celebrate with their families
at home and they eat special meals. It’s a wonderful time!
1 Watch the teenagers in the
video. Write their phone numbers and email addresses.
Phone number Email address
1 Petra petraiscool@
2 Stephen @schoolemail.com
3 Rachel racheljane@
4 Freddie bertie13@
2 What’s your phone number? What’s your email address?
Ask and answer with your partner.
Real Talk: What’s your phone number? What’s your email address?
5 Listen again and check your answers.
6 Work with a partner. Practise the
conversation in Exercise 4.
7 Change the words in bold in the
conversation in Exercise 4. Use the information
below. Practise the conversation.
[a/w 26.2: 4
x thumbnail
photos of young
people as they
would appear on
mobile phone
contact list, with
following names,
tel numbers and
email addresses
next to each one:
Maria: 0899 307 491
Email: mdulce10@netmail.net
Ramon: 0711 456 789
Email: imramon5@anon.net
Alex: 0565 171 806
Email: alex01@telefonika.com
Victoria: 0217 222 517
Email: vbrava@mymail.net
3 Listen to the conversation. What does Raj
want to do?
4 Complete the conversation with the useful
Useful language
Just a minute. Hello?
Can I call you back? Hi, it’s Raj.
Lydia: 1 ?
Raj: 2 . How are you?
Lydia: Hi Raj. OK, thanks. And you?
Raj: Fine, thanks. Listen, have you got Pablo’s
phone number?
Lydia: Um, yes. 3 . It’s 0273 270 895.
Raj: Thanks. I want to invite him to my Diwali party.
Have you got his email, too?
Lydia: I think so. Oh wait. Someone’s at the door.
4 ?
Raj: Sure. Talk to you later. Bye.
Lydia: Bye.
Speaking On the phone
1 Look at the photo and read the text. Who is writing the description?
My best friend is my brother, David. He’s 20. He lives with
me, my mum and my dad. David is taller than me. He’s got
dark hair and green eyes. He’s very intelligent, and quite
funny, too!
My brother’s great, and he’s a very good friend.
THIS WEEK: Javier Ramos from Cuenca, Spain.
2 Copy and complete the table for Javier.
Javier’s best friend Your best friend
Name David
Home with Mum and Dad
Useful language
not very quite really/very
3 Find examples of modifiers in Javier’s description.
4 Complete the sentences with modifiers so they are true
for you.
1 I’m tall.
2 My dad is intelligent.
3 My best friend is good-looking.
4 My English teacher is funny.
Get Writing
5 Make notes about your best friend in
the table in Exercise 2.
6 Write a description of your best friend.
Use your notes and the language
My best friend is …
He/She’s not very / quite / really / very …
He/She’s got …
He’s/She’s taller/shorter than …
7 Can you say YES to these questions?
• Have you got information from Exercise 5
in your description?
• Have you got modifiers?
• Are your spelling, grammar and
vocabulary correct?
Writing bank • page 152
Writing A description of a person
In this unit …
2 It’s your life
● Daily routines and time
● After school activities
● Prepositions of time
● Expressions with have 1
Language focus
● Present simple: affirmative
and negative
● Adverbs of frequency
● Present simple: Yes/No
and Wh- questions
Unit aims
I can …
● talk about daily routines.
● read and understand a text about
time zones.
● have a conversation about after school
● ask questions about routines and activities.
● understand about schools in other
● ask for and give information about timetables.
● write a blog post about my typical day.
● use basic conjunctions.
What can you see in the photo?
Start thinking
● Where are the children?
● Why are the girls clapping?
● Can you play a musical
In this unit …
gymnast p30
Ali’s day p27
CLIL Mars p173
After school
activities p32
a do some exercise
have lunch
get dressed
get up
go to bed
brush my teeth
have a shower
go to school
have breakfast
do my homework
Vocabulary Daily routines
1 Match the pictures with the phrases. Then listen, check and repeat.
a c e
g i
h j
2 Complete the text with phrases from
Exercise 1.
3 Listen and check.
4 Complete Cecilia’s timeline.
get up
start school
Your turn
5 Make your own timeline. Use the
phrases from Exercise 1.
get up 7.30
have a shower 7.35
6 Work with a partner. Report your
partner’s answers to the class.
Shilan gets up at 7.30.
Mika has breakfast at …
Vocabulary bank • page 138
A day in my life
Hi, I’m Cecilia and I’m from Chile.
I 1 get up at 6.30 in the morning
on schooldays. I 2 a shower
and then I 3 dressed. At 7.00,
I 4 breakfast. After breakfast
I 5 my teeth, then I go to
school with my brother at 7.15. We
start school at 7.45. At 2.50 we go home and we 6
lunch with Mum. Then I 7 my homework in my
bedroom, usually at about 3.00. I 8 some exercise
or sport every day – basketball is my favourite sport. I
9 to bed at 10.00 on school nights, and 11.00 at the
Your turn
6 Look at the times in the cities below. What time is
it in Romania? Tell your partner where you are at
that time.
1 It’s 12 noon in London.
It’s midnight here. I’m in bed.
2 It’s 3 am in Rio.
3 It’s 6 pm in Dubai.
4 It’s 2 pm in Sydney.
Reading An online forum
1 Look at the time zone map. When it’s
12 (noon) in London, what time is it in Sydney?
2 Read the online forum. Match the people to
the cities on the map.
3 Read the texts again. Complete the sentences
with Marta, Renata, David or Michelle.
1 Renata and are at school.
2 and are at home.
3 does homework at this time.
4 has lunch at this time.
5 doesn’t like school.
6 goes to school with a friend.
Explore prepositions of time
4 Find examples of prepositions of time in the
reading texts.
at lunchtime
5 Write the correct preposition, then complete the
sentences for you.
1 In the morning, I do some exercise.
1 the morning, … .
2 lunchtime, … .
3 the weekend, … .
4 the afternoon, … .
5 night, … .
Vocabulary bank • page 138
FACT! The first country in the world to see a
new day is the Republic of Kiribati – an island
in the Pacific Ocean.
Dubai, UAE 3.00 pm
Sydney, Australia 10.00 pm
Rio, Brazil 8.00 am
London, the UK 12.00 pm
Bucharest, Romania, 14.00 pm
Marta Hello! I’m at school with my friend, May.
We’re in the dining hall. We walk to school
together in the morning and at lunchtime
we always eat together. Sometimes we study
Michelle It’s night here and I’m in my bedroom.
I do my homework at this time during the week.
At the weekend, I don’t do homework. We often
go to the park or have barbecues in our garden –
and I go to bed late. :-)
Renata Wow, is it really night there, Michelle?
Amazing! I start school at this time. I’m in the
school library now. I don’t like school. :-( My dad
teaches at my school, so we go there together.
David Hi Renata! Hi Marta! Hi Michelle! I’m
at home. I usually eat with my mum and my
brother at this time. My brother is two years old.
He doesn’t go to school. I love playing with my
brother – he’s funny! We sleep in the afternoon
and we go out at night because it’s very hot here.
the world
the UK
4 Read the texts on page 26 again. Correct the
sentences below. One of them is correct.
1 Renata’s dad doesn’t work at home. He works
at her school.
1 Renata’s dad works at home.
2 Marta walks to school with her friend.
3 David has lunch at school.
4 Michelle does her homework at the weekend.
5 David’s brother goes to school.
6 Renata likes school.
Your turn
5 Make a list of things you do and don’t do
during the week, at weekends and every day.
During the
week, I …
At weekends,
I …
I … every day.
do my


don’t go to

6 Tell your partner about the things you do and
don’t do.
During the week, I do my homework.
Language focus 1 Present simple
1 Complete the examples from the text on page 26.
I / We / You / They He / She / It
+ I start school at this time.
We to school together.
David goes to school.
– We don’t walk to school
He go to school.
Grammar reference • page 122
2 Look at the examples, then write the he/she/it
forms of the verbs.
walk – walks
go – goes
teach – teaches
study – studies
1 brush
2 start
3 love
4 sleep
5 watch
6 do
Listen and complete the table with the words
from Exercise 2.
/s/ /z/ /ɪz/
walks goes teaches
Listen, check and repeat.
Say it right!
3 Complete Murat’s blog entry with the correct
form of the present simple. Then listen and check.
I 1 (live) with my family in Istanbul. My father 2 (work) at home, and my mother 3 (teach)
at my school. They 4 (work) very hard. My
brother Boran is 19. He 5 (go) to
university. He 6 (study)
Spanish and Chinese. He
7 (speak) very good
Spanish and 8 (watch)
films in Chinese! We
9 (do) my Spanish
homework together.
He’s great!
1 live
2.1 Ali’s day
Find out about Ali’s daily routine in Cairo.
● When does Ali wake up?
● What does Ali do during the day?
● What does he do in the evenings?
Vocabulary After school activities
1 Match the words to the pictures. Then listen, check and repeat.
5 play football
play music
do karate
play tennis
go swimming
do drama
have dance classes
have art classes
play chess
Listening A conversation
2 Listen to Clara and Lucas talking to their
teacher. What activities do Clara and Lucas do?
3 Listen again. Choose the correct
1 Lucas plays …
a tennis b chess
2 He plays with …
a his teacher b his friends
3 Clara has tennis lessons …
a at school b at the tennis club
4 She has lessons on …
a Mondays and Thursdays
b Mondays and Wednesdays
5 Clara’s dad …
a is good at tennis b isn’t good at tennis
Use go for activities ending in -ing.
go swimming, go running
Get it right!
Your turn
4 What after school activities do you do? Complete
the sentences.
On Fridays, I .
I at the weekend.
On , in the evening, I .
I in the morning on .
5 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the
questions in Exercise 4.
What do you do at the weekend?
At the weekend, I have dance classes.
Vocabulary bank • page 138
Adverbs of frequency
always usually often sometimes never
I often play tennis with my dad.
I sometimes play tennis at school.
I’m never late for school.
Adverbs of frequency come after the verb be
but before other verbs.
We ask questions about frequency with
How often …?
How often do you play chess?
Your turn
6 Add adverbs of frequency to the sentences
below to make them true for you.
1 I brush my teeth after breakfast.
I always brush my teeth after breakfast.
2 I get up early at the weekend.
3 I play sports after school.
4 I watch TV in bed.
5 I am late for school.
6 I do my homework in the morning.
7 Ask and answer How often questions with your
partner. Use the information in Exercise 6.
How often do you
watch TV in bed?
I never watch
TV in bed.
Language focus 2 Present simple questions
1 Complete the examples from the listening on page 28.
I / We / You / They He / She / It
Yes/No you do any sports?
, I do. / No, I don’t.
Do Carla and her dad play tennis?
Yes, they . / , they don’t.
Does your dad tennis?
Yes, he . / No, he doesn’t.
Wh- Where you play?
What do they play?
Where does Lucas play chess?
He plays at school and at home.
Grammar reference • page 123
2 Choose the correct form of do. Ask and
answer the questions with your partner.
1 Do / Does you play tennis?
2 Do / Does your friends have dance classes?
3 Do / Does your friend play football?
4 Do / Does you do karate?
5 Do / Does your sister play music?
Your turn
3 Copy and complete the table. Write a tick (✓)
or a cross (✗). Ask your partner and complete
the table for him or her.
Activities You Your partner
play tennis
play chess
do karate
have dance classes
play music
Do you play tennis? No, I don’t.
Wh- questions
4 Look at the grammar table in Exercise 1 and
complete the questions.
1 Who you live with?
2 Where your family live?
3 What time you get up in the morning?
4 What you and your friends do after school?
5 When you do sport?
5 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the
questions in Exercise 4.
2 Read the blog again and answer the questions.
1 How old is Paco?
2 What time does he get up in the morning?
3 Where does he have lunch?
3 Find these numbers in the text. What do they mean?
a) 7,000,000 b) 16 c) 47,000,000 d) 19
Explore expressions with have 1
4 Read the article again. Find three phrases with have in the
reading text.
5 Complete the sentences with have and the words below.
a shower a snack dinner a drink
1 I at 7.30 then I go to school.
2 I with my parents at 7 pm.
3 My brother when he comes out of school.
4 When I’m hot, I a .
Vocabulary bank • page 138
1 Look at the pictures of the schoolgirl, Jin Yang, and answer
the questions.
1 Where is she from?
2 What sport do you think it is?
3 Do you think the sport is easy or difficult?
5 Watch the second part of the video (from 1.28).
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false
1 On Saturday afternoons, Jin Yang’s mother visits her.
2 Jin Yang loves roller coasters.
3 She always walks in the park.
4 She goes back to school on Saturday evening.
5 She gets up at 8 o’clock on Sunday.
Your turn
6 Make a list of ways that Jin Yang’s life is different from
yours. Use the ideas in Exercise 4 to help you.
Jin Yang Me
She doesn’t live with her parents. I live with my parents.
She sleeps at her school.
She gets up at … I …
7 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions
using your notes.
Do you live with
your parents? Yes, I do.
2 Watch the video up to 0.30 without
sound and check your answers to Exercise 1.
3 Watch the whole video with sound.
Put the events in order.
1 Jin Yang smiles on the roller coaster.
2 She runs in the park.
3 She visits the doctor.
4 She shows us her bedroom.
5 She walks into the school.
6 She practises in her room.
4 Watch the video up to 1.27 and complete
the paragraph about Jin Yang.
Jin Yang is 1 years old. She goes to a special
gymnastics 2 . She lives in Beijing, but she doesn’t
live with her 3 . She studies gymnastics 4 days a
week, 5 hours a day. Once a week, the 6 visits to
check she’s healthy.
Find out about a specialist school in Beijing.
2.2 Chinese gymnast
Discover Culture
2 Read the blog again and answer the questions.
1 How old is Paco?
2 What time does he get up in the morning?
3 Where does he have lunch?
3 Find these numbers in the text. What do they mean?
a) 7,000,000 b) 16 c) 47,000,000 d) 19
Explore expressions with have 1
4 Read the article again. Find three phrases with have in the
reading text.
5 Complete the sentences with have and the words below.
a shower a snack dinner a drink
1 I at 7.30 then I go to school.
2 I with my parents at 7 pm.
3 My brother when he comes out of school.
4 When I’m hot, I a .
Vocabulary bank • page 138
Your turn
6 Work with a partner. One of you is Paco.
Ask and answer the questions.
1 How many people live in your city?
2 When does school start in your country?
3 What do you do in your break time?
4 Do you eat lunch at school?
5 When does school finish?
How many people
live in your city? 7 million.
7 Compare Jin Yang and Paco’s lives. Write
Jin Yang’s schoolday starts at… but
Reading A blog
1 Look at the pictures. Where does the boy come from? What do you think he
does in his free time? Read the blog and check your answers.
Hi, my name is Paco and I’m from Bogotá in Colombia. I’m eleven years
old and I go to San Cristóbal Secondary School. Bogotá is the capital of
Colombia, and over 7 million people live there. Colombia has a population
of 47 million. We speak Spanish here.
I get up at 5.30 in the morning and have a shower. Then I have breakfast
with my family. I’ve got one brother and one sister. My brother is sixteen
and he goes to the same school as me. My sister is nineteen. School
starts at 7.30, so I leave my house at 6.30. I always walk to school.
We study in the morning and break time is at 9.30. I love break times! I usually
play football with my friends then.
I don’t have lunch at school because school finishes at 11.30. That’s when I go
to the park with my friends to play football again! My mum comes to the park
and walks home with me.
We have lunch at 1.30 at home. I love Colombian food – my mum cooks really
good arepas – corn bread. We eat them with soup or meat. We have mango juice
too – my favourite!
What do you do on a schoolday? Please tell me!
Hello from Bogotá! blog
Groupwork • page 139
1 Watch the teenagers in the
video. Tick the activities you hear.
• play chess
• dance
• play tennis
• do homework
• read a book
• have art classes
• watch TV
• play video
• go swimming
• do karate
• play the violin
• do drama
• play basketball
2 What do you do after school? Ask and answer with
your partner.
Real Talk: What do you do after school?
5 Listen again and check your answers.
6 Work with a partner. Practise the
conversation in Exercise 4.
7 Change the words in bold in the
conversation in Exercise 4. Use the information
below. Practise the conversation.
3 Listen to the conversation. What sport does
Tom do?
4 Complete the conversation with the useful
Useful language
Do you know about …? How much does it cost?
What days are the classes? Meet me
What time is the class?
Tom: Hi. Are you lost?
Gemma: Yes, I am. I’m new at this school. karate
Tom: Yes, sure! I do karate. It isn’t on today.
Gemma: Oh! ?
Tom: We have a class on Wednesdays.
Gemma: OK. And ?
Tom: It’s from 7 pm to 8.30 pm.
Gemma: ?
Tom: It’s £20 a month.
Gemma: I’d really like to come. Can I come with you?
Tom: Yes, of course you can! at the sports
centre at 6.45 on Wednesday.
Gymnastics Monday 5.30–6.30 pm £12
Karate Wednesday 5.30–6.45 pm £20
Dance Monday 6.30–7.30 pm £15
Swimming Thursday 6.15–7.15 pm £18
Tennis Friday 5.30–7.30 pm £15
Speaking Asking for information
1 Look at the photo of Madison Finsey, 13,
a champion swimmer, and read her blog. Do
you think her daily routine is easy or difficult?
2 Cover Madison’s blog in Exercise 1. What does she do at
these times?
6.45 am
8.00 am
2.15 pm
7.30 pm
10.30 pm
3 What time do you do the things in Exercise 2?
Useful language
• Use and and but to put two ideas together in a sentence.
• Use and when one thing happens after another.
I get up and I have a big breakfast.
• Use but when you contrast two ideas.
I haven’t got a lot of free time, but I sometimes watch TV.
4 Find examples of and and but in the text in Exercise 1.
5 Complete the sentences with and or but.
1 I get up have a shower.
2 I get up at 6.30 during the week at the weekend, I get up
at 8.00.
3 I have lunch at school I don’t like it.
4 I do my homework then I go to bed.
5 I like chocolate my sister doesn’t.
Madison Finsey –
Hi Madison! My question is: What’s
your routine before a competition?
Hi Chloe
I always get up at 6.45 and I have a big breakfast.
I start school at 8.00 and finish at 2.15. I usually
have lunch with the other swimmers. I swim in
the pool and do exercises for four hours in the
afternoon. I always get home about 7.30. After
dinner, I do my homework. I haven’t got a lot of
free time, but I sometimes watch TV or chat online
with my friends. Then I go to bed at 10.30. At the
weekend, I go to the pool for six hours.
me a
Get Writing
6 Make notes about your daily
routine. Include information from
Exercise 2.
7 Write a blog post about your daily
routine. Use your notes and the
language below.
I get up / start school … /
… at 8.30. / In the morning … /
On Wednesdays … / After school …
How often
I always / usually / often / sometimes …
8 Can you say YES to these questions?
• Have you got examples of connectors
in your blog?
• Is the information in your blog in
chronological (time) order?
• Are your spelling, grammar and
vocabulary correct?
Writing bank • page 153
Writing A blog post
4 Complete the after school activities.
1 music
1 do … 2 go …
3 have … classes 4 play …
5 play … 6 have … classes
Explore vocabulary
5 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the
big happy lucky wonderful
colourful good noisy
1 I’m very lucky because I’ve got four sisters.
2 You’re very . Be quiet!
3 She likes clothes in the summer – especially yellow,
orange, and green.
4 Thank you for this meal. I love it!
5 Steven isn’t a bad boy – he’s a boy.
6 There are nine people in my family, so we live in a
7 We’re because we haven’t got school today.
6 Complete the text. Choose the correct
preposition of time, and write the correct form
of have.
I usually get up 1 at / in 7.30 2 at / in the morning and 3
a shower. Then we all 4 breakfast. At school, I 5
lunch 6 at / in 1 o’clock. My sister sometimes 7 a snack 8 at / in the afternoon, but I usually just 9 a drink 10 at /
in that time. 11 At / In night we all 12 dinner quite late,
and then go to bed.
1 Complete the sentences with the words in
the box.
cousin grandma classmate aunt
granddad uncle parents
1 Your mum’s sister is your aunt .
2 Your dad’s dad is your .
3 Your aunt’s daughter is your .
4 Your dad’s brother is your .
5 Your mum’s mum is your .
6 A student in your class is your .
7 Your mum and dad are your .
2 Choose the correct words to describe the
My brother is 1
tall / short.
His hair is 2
spiky / curly and 3
dark / fair. His eyes are big
and 4
brown / blue.
My sister is 5
short / tall. Her
hair is 6
short / long and 7
brown / red. Her eyes are 8
green / brown.
3 Write the phrase for each picture.
1 get up
1–2 Review
5 Complete the questions about the text in
Exercise 4 with do or does.
1 Does Alex live in Spain?
2 What time English school children start school?
3 Where English school children have lunch?
4 children at Alex’s school finish at 3:30?
5 What time Luis finish school?
6 Alex go to bed before Luis?
6 Write the words in the correct order.
1 I always play tennis at the weekend.
1 always / I / tennis / play / at the weekend
2 sometimes / I / am / late for school
3 watches / TV in her bedroom / Rosie / never
4 happy on Saturdays / She / usually / is
5 after school / often / play football / They
6 in her bedroom / is / My sister / always
Language builder
7 Choose the correct words to complete the
A: Hi Rosie. Hey, you 1 ’ve / ’s got new rollerblades!
They look great.
B: Thanks. They’re 2 better / gooderthan my old
pair. They’re 3 expensiver / more expensive,
too! 4 Have you got/ Have got you rollerblades?
A: No, I 5 hasn’t / haven’t. My sister 6 has/ have
got a pair, and she 7 love / loves them. But I 8 like / likes skateboarding.
B: Really? How often 9 do / does you go
A: I 10 never / usually go to the skate park on
Saturdays with my cousin. What about you?
11 Who / What do you go rollerblading with? 12 Do you / Are you go with your brother?
B: No, I 13 don’t / ’m not. I 14 never / sometimes
go with him! He 15 don’t / doesn’t like
8 Match the sentence pairs.
1 Hello.
2 How are you?
3 How much does this
4 What day is the dance
5 Have you got Olivia’s
phone number?
6 What time is the class?
7 Can I call you back?
a) Hi, it’s Steve.
b) Sure. Talk to you later.
c) From 5pm to 6.30pm.
d) It’s £15.
e) Fine, thanks.
f) It’s on Thursdays.
g) Yes, it’s 980390.
Language focus
1 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences
with the correct form of have got.
1 ’ve got (✓) two avatars. One avatar is
Esmeralda. She 2 (✓) green hair. She 3
(✗) green eyes, she 4 (✓) blue
eyes. My second avatar is RocketBoy. He
5 (✓) purple hair. He 6
(✗) blue eyes, he 7 (✓) green eyes.
In real life, I 8 (✓) a sister and a
brother. They 9 (✗) green hair! They 10
(✓) brown hair, like me.
2 Put the words in the correct order.
1 I have got three sisters.
1 got / have / three / sisters / I
2 haven’t / I / a brother / got
3 a big house / Have / got / you?
4 got / My grandmother / an old car / has
5 James / a dog / Has / got?
6 bicycles / got / have / All my friends
7 got / haven’t / We / a computer
3 Complete the conversation.
1 A: My dad is tall.
B: My dad is taller than your dad!
2 A: Our house is big.
B: Our house your house!
3 A: My grandparents are young.
B: My grandparents your grandparents!
4 A: My uncle is funny.
B: My aunt your uncle!
5 A: I’m very intelligent.
B: My baby sister you!
6 A: I’m a good singer.
B: I you!
4 Complete the text about Luis’s cousin. Use the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
My cousin Alex 1 lives (live) in England. English
school children 2 (have) a different daily routine.
A typical school day 3 (start) between 8.30 and
9.00. Pupils 4 (not have) lunch at home, they 5 (eat) at school. In my country, we 6 (not eat)
at school. They 7 (finish) school at about 3.30.
We 8 (finish) at 2.00. My cousin usually 9 (have)
dinner at about 5.00. Finally, he 10 (go) to bed at
about 9.30. I think that’s very early! I 11 (not go)
to bed until about 11.00!
1–2 1–2
____/ 6 ____/ 6
____/ 5
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 8
____/ 7
1 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of have got.
1 I …. got a new computer. It’s very good.
2 We …. a big garden at our home. It’s very small.
3 Harry …. a new skateboard. He really likes it!
4 …. you …. brothers and sisters?
5 Sam …. fair hair. His hair is very dark.
6 …. Jack …. a dog?
2 Match the questions (1–5) with the answers (a–f).
1 Have you got a sister? ….
2 Have Tim and Jane got a big family? ….
3 Has Sarah got a bicycle? ….
4 Have we all got skateboards? ….
5 Has Jack got a computer? ….
6 Has your house got three bedrooms? ….
a Yes, she has.
b No, he hasn’t.
c Yes, they have.
d No, it hasn’t.
e Yes, we have.
f No, I haven’t.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the words in brackets.
Hi! My name’s Luke. There are four people in my
family – my parents, my brother Harry and me. Harry is
…. (old) than me, and I’m 2
…. (short) than him. We’ve
both got blue eyes, but Harry’s hair is longer and
3 …. (curly) than mine. I think he’s 4
…. (intelligent) in my
family. He’s 5
…. (good) than all his classmates on the
computer, and I’m 6
…. (good) at maths. People say
I’m 7
…. (funny) than him, but I think he’s 8
…. (funny)
of us two!
4 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 I …. a big family with three brothers and four sisters.
a ’ve got b ’s got c haven’t got
2 …. Luke got a skateboard?
a Does b Have c Has
3 A: Have you got a dog?
B: Yes, I …. .
a have b do c has
4 We …. got an MP3 player.
a hasn’t b haven’t c don’t
5 I’m than my sister. I’m 1.5 m and she’s 1.6 m.
a older b bigger c shorter
6 My computer is better …. my brother’s.
a then b than c that
7 I am the …. in my family.
a young b younger c youngest
5 Underline the correct answer.
1 My dad is my granddad’s son / uncle.
2 My uncle’s wife is my cousin / aunt.
3 My mum’s mum is my granddad / grandma.
4 Steven and I have all our school lessons together. He’s
my classmate / teammate.
5 My cousin’s father is my uncle / brother.
6 My mum and dad are my grandparents / parents.
6 Complete the words. The first letter is there
to help you.
1 My baby brother has got blue eyes. They’re
b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
2 Ben’s grandma is 75. She’s quite o _ _.
3 My friend Laura is 1.75 m. She’s t _ _ _.
4 Jack’s brother is two years old. He’s y _ _ _ _.
5 My hair isn’t straight. It’s w _ _ _.
7 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 My mum’s parents are my ….
a grandma b granddad c grandparents
2 My uncle and …. have got three children.
a sister b aunt c mum
3 George has got …. eyes.
a short b fair c blue
4 My hair’s quite …. and curly now.
a long b spiky c straight
5 My new computer is very …. for my school work.
a careful b useful c lucky
6 David’s really …. . He’s 1.95 m.
a tall b usual c funny
8 Complete the telephone conversation between
two friends. Choose from the answers (a–f).
Josh: Hello?
Sarah: 1 ….
Josh: Hello, Sarah. How are you?
Sarah: 2 ….
Josh: Yes, I’ve got it here. It’s 295 316 784.
Sarah: 3 ….
Josh: Oh yes, that’s on Saturday. Oh wait, there’s
someone at the door.
Sarah: 4 ….
Josh: Sure. 5 ….
Sarah: 6 ….
a Bye.
b That’s great. I want to invite him to our party.
c Talk to you later. Bye.
d I’m fine, thanks. Listen, have you got Marco’s phone
e OK, can I call you back?
f Hi, it’s Sarah.
1 Evaluation test
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 100
____/ 7
____/ 7
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets. Use the present simple.
1 Jack …. (go) to school at 7.30 in the morning.
2 Peter …. (not like) football. He likes tennis.
3 My mum …. (teach) at my school.
4 I …. (not have) lunch at school. I go home to eat.
5 My brother …. (study) Spanish at university. He’s got a
good teacher.
6 My dad …. (watch) TV in the evenings.
2 Underline the correct answer.
1 A: Does Adam study English? B: Yes, he does / is.
2 What / When do you do your homework?
3 A: Do you like school? B: No, I doesn’t / don’t.
4 Where / What does Stephen do at school?
5 What time / What does our art class start?
6 Does / Do your sister walk to school with you?
3 Write the sentences with the adverbs
in the correct place.
1 I’m busy at the weekends. (always)
2 I do my homework in the mornings. (sometimes)
3 Tom is happy at school. (always)
4 We go out with our friends at the weekend. (often)
5 My parents are tired on Friday evening. (usually)
6 My brother does sport on Saturdays. (never)
7 Sandra is very old now and she forgets things. (often)
4 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 Where …. your older sister study?
a do b is c does
2 Ben …. do his homework every day.
a don’t b doesn’t c isn’t
3 …. does our lesson start in Room B15?
a Where b How often c What time
4 A: Does Emily live in a big city? B: Yes, she ….
a does b do c is
5 …. do you usually have lunch with?
a What b Who c Where
6 My parents …. to work very early.
a doesn’t go b goes c go
5 Complete the verbs. The first letter is there to help
1 I g _ _ up at 7 o’clock.
2 I usually h _ _ _ breakfast at 7.10.
3 I b _ _ _ _ my teeth after I have breakfast.
4 I g _ _ dressed after my shower.
5 I w _ _ _ to school with my friend.
6 I s _ _ _ _ school at 8 o’clock in the morning.
7 I g _ to bed at 9.30 pm in the evening.
6 Underline the correct answer.
1 I often play / go music on Saturday mornings.
2 Where do you play / do karate?
3 I sometimes go / play swimming at the weekend.
4 I don’t play / go chess.
5 We all do / play drama on Thursdays after school.
6 I go / have a dance class every Friday.
7 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 We sometimes go …. at the weekend.
a swimming b dance classes c football
2 My mum …. music classes at the local college.
a goes b plays c has
3 I don’t …. breakfast every day.
a have b go c do
4 I sometimes play …. with my friends after school.
a drama b karate c chess
5 I usually eat with my classmates …. lunchtime.
a in b at c at the
6 Do you have a …. in the afternoons after school?
a dinner b snack c lunch
8 Complete the telephone conversation between
two friends. Choose from the answers (a–f).
Max: Hi. Are you lost?
Naomi: 1 ….
Max: Really? Can I help?
Naomi: 2 ….
Max: Yes, sure. I do drama. But it isn’t on today.
Naomi: 3 ….
Max: It’s on Thursday, in the evening.
Naomi: 4 ….
Max: It’s at 7 o’clock.
Naomi: 5 ….
Max: It’s £3 a lesson.
Naomi: 6 ….
Max: Yes, of course you can! Meet me at the swimming
pool at 6.45 on Thursday.
Naomi: Great!
a Right … And how much does it cost?
b Well, do you know about the drama classes?
c Oh! What day is the class?
d I’d really like to go. Can I go with you?
e Yes, I am. I’m new at this school.
f And what time is the class?
Evaluation test 2
In this unit …
3 Schooldays
What can you see in the photo?
Start thinking
● What country is it?
● Who are the children?
● Where are they going?
● Places in a school
● School subjects
● Nouns and verbs
● Adjectives
● can for ability
and permission
● Object pronouns
● like/love/hate/don’t
mind + ing
Unit aims
I can …
● describe my school and school subjects.
● talk about what I like and don’t like.
● understand about schools in other
● talk about things we can and can’t do.
● ask and answer questions about personal
● write an email about my school.
Kung Fu school p41
South African
schoolgirl p44
CLIL Da Vinci’s
design p174
Using your phone at
school p46
Vocabulary Places in a school
1 Look at the plan of a secondary school. Which places have you got in your school?
2 Match the sentences 1–8 with the
places in Exercise 1. Then listen, check
and repeat.
1 We have lunch here. canteen
2 The whole school meets here.
3 We do outdoor sports here.
4 This is where we do indoor sports and
5 We work with computers in this room.
6 This is where we do experiments.
7 We read and study here.
8 This is where our main lessons are.
Your turn
3 Draw a map of a school. Write the
names of the places.
4 Use the map to ask and answer
questions about the school.
This school is very big. This is the sports
hall, and this is the main hall.
What’s this?
It’s the science lab. It’s got …
Vocabulary bank • page 140
playing field
IT room
science lab
sports hall
main hall
Reading A magazine article
1 Look at the title and pictures. Where
do you think the school is? Why do you think
the students are there? How old is the girl in the
2 Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T)
or false (F)? Correct the false ones.
1 Li Zheng practises Kung Fu with other people. T
2 Li Zheng lives at home.
3 Li Zheng wants to work in a school.
4 Li Zheng doesn’t see her parents very often.
3 Answer the questions.
1 What does she want to do in the future?
2 When does she see her parents?
Explore nouns and verbs
4 Find the verbs and nouns in the article. Copy
and complete the table. Then complete the
Verb Noun
a study
c train
d exercise
1 There are a lot of grammar in this book.
2 I get up at 6 o’clock every day and the piano.
3 After I finish my , I want to go to university.
4 My sister wants to be a teacher. She’s at teacher
Vocabulary bank • page 140
Your turn
5 Ask and answer the questions.
1 Would you like to go to Li Zheng’s school? Why/Why not?
2 Would you like to learn a martial art? Why/Why not?
Kung Fu is a ‘martial art’. It’s also a great Chinese
tradition. Chinese children can go to special
schools and study Kung Fu every day!
After they finish their studies, the students
can get good jobs in the army or the
police force.
Li Zheng, from Shanghai, is thirteen
years old. She practises Kung Fu
in the playing field every day with
hundreds of other students. She wants to
be a police officer in the future. Every morning
and evening, Li does her exercises and
practises her Kung Fu moves and positions
for hours. The training is difficult and Li can’t
live at home. She can only see her family
in the holidays. Li can do a lot of different
moves like the frog, the dragon and
the snake. Her teacher is an expert in
Kung Fu. He can break a brick with
his hand! Can Li break a brick with
her hands? No, she can’t!
FACT! Some martial arts are at least
two thousand years old!
Language focus 1
can for ability and permission
1 Complete the examples from the text on page 40.
I / You / He / She / It / We / They
+ He break a brick with his hand!
Chinese children to special schools
and study Kung Fu every day!
– Li live at home.
They can’t see their parents during the week.
? Li break a brick with her hands?
Yes, she can. / No, she .
Can they break a brick with their hands?
Yes, they can. / No, they can’t.
Grammar reference • page 124
2 Write sentences with I can and
I can’t. Use the ideas below
and add your own ideas.
● do a handstand
● write an email in English
● do Kung Fu
● ride a bike
● play football
● play the guitar
● speak French
● swim 50 metres
I can ride a bike.
I can’t speak French …
a Listen and choose the option
you hear.
1 I can / can’t hear you.
1 I can’t
2 She can / can’t come for dinner.
3 Pablo can / can’t help you with your homework.
4 They can / can’t count to 20 in French.
5 Can / Can’t you wear jeans at school?
b Listen and repeat the sentences.
Say it right!
Your turn
3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the
questions in Exercise 2.
Can you do a handstand?
No, I can’t. Can you …?
4 Write sentences about your partner’s abilities.
Marta can ride a bike but she can’t …
5 Write about things you can and can’t do at
home and at school. Use the ideas below and
your own ideas.
● use my mobile phone in the classroom
● go to bed late on school nights
● wear what I want at home
● talk in class
● go to bed late
at weekends
I can’t use my mobile
phone in the classroom
but I can …
6 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions
about the information in Exercise 5.
Can you talk in class? Yes, we can!
Notice that can doesn’t
change in the third person.
I can play the guitar.
He can play the guitar.
He cans play the guitar ✗
Get it right!
3.1 Kung Fu school
Learn about a different Kung Fu school in China.
● What do students learn at the school?
● How many boys study at the school?
● What do the students learn how to do at the school?
Your turn
5 Complete the sentences for you. Then work
with a partner. Ask and answer questions.
My favourite subjects are Maths and Science
I don’t like …
I don’t study …
I’m good at …
What are your
favourite subjects?
Maths and Science.
What about you?
6 Write sentences about you and your partner.
My favourite subjects are … I don’t like …
I’m good at … My partner likes …
New Bank School of Performing Arts
Click here and listen to Tom talking about his life
at New Bank.
Listening A podcast
1 Look at the New Bank School website.
How is it different from your school?
2 Listen to Tom talking about the school.
What’s his favourite lesson?
3 Listen again. Complete the
1 Tom thinks his teachers are …
1 great
2 The school day starts at 9 am and finishes at …
3 They have three lessons in the morning and …
lessons in the afternoon.
4 On Saturday, they only have lessons in the …
5 Tom wants to be a professional … when he
leaves school.
Vocabulary School subjects
4 Match the school subjects in the box
with the pictures (a–i). Then listen, check
and repeat.
a History
Science Geography Maths ICT
PE History French English Music
a c
g h i
Vocabulary bank • page 140
Click here and listen to Tom talking about his life
at New Bank.
KEY: Yes, I love it/them/him/her.
I don’t mind it/them/him/her.
No, I don’t like it/them/him/her.
D O Y O U L I K E …
Mo Farah?
Dakota Fanning?
D O Y O U L I K E …
playing tennis?
watching football?
D O Y O U L I K E …
break times?
doing homework?
Maths ?
Language focus 2 Object pronouns
5 Read the quiz. Choose the correct answers for
you. Write one more example for each section.
1 Complete the examples from the listening
on page 42.
1 That’s in the blue shorts!
2 It’s a really good school and I love !
3 I like but I prefer Dance.
4 I practise with on Saturday afternoons.
5 Our teachers tell it’s really important to do our
academic schoolwork.
2 Match the object pronouns in the box with the
subject pronouns.
me us him it her you them you
I – me you – it – he –
she – we – they – you –
Grammar reference • page 125
(don’t) like, don’t mind, love,
hate + ing
3 Look at the sentences from the listening on
page 42. What do you notice about the form
of the second verb in a–c?
a) I don’t mind working this hard.
b) I really don’t like getting up early on Saturday
c) I love dancing.
d) I like the lessons, but I’m really tired at the end of
the week.
Use verbs ending in -ing after (don’t) like, don’t mind,
love, and hate
love like don’t mind don’t like hate
Grammar reference • page 125
4 Write complete sentences that are true for you.
1 I / watch / sport on TV.
I love watching sport on TV.
2 My best friend / play / computer games.
3 I do / my homework.
4 My teacher / stay / up late at weekends.
5 My friends / go / to the cinema.
Your turn
6 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the
questions in the quiz. Use the phrases in
the key.
Do you like break times? Yes, I love them!
Do you like doing homework? No, I hate it!
7 Write sentences from Exercise 6. Use object
I hate doing homework but my partner doesn’t
mind it.
Do our quiz and tell us what you
think about these things.
Reading A profile
1 Look at the map and
photos. Where’s Wales? What extra
activities do you think students do
in Wales? Read Gareth’s blog and
check your answers.
2 Read the profile again and
complete the sentences about Gareth
and his friends. Listen and check.
1 Gareth speaks two languages, and .
He speaks with his family.
He goes to the club. He can .
He loves .
2 Isabel goes to the club.
She loves .
3 Darren goes to the club.
He can .
Explore adjectives
3 Find these adjectives in the text.
Which ones mean ‘very good’?
Which one means ‘very bad’? 3 Watch the video up to 0.38 and
check your answers to Exercise 2.
4 Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
Correct the false ones.
1 The school children wear white shirts.
2 They have pasta for lunch.
3 The children sing and dance in a field.
4 Both boys and girls play netball.
5 Tobilay does her homework at school.
5 Watch the video again and
complete Tobilay’s profile.
Tobilay is 1 years old. She walks
2 kilometres to school every
morning. School starts at 3
o’clock. Every morning she 4 the
national song with her classmates. In
the afternoon she studies Zulu 5
and learns traditional South African
6 and 7 . She loves 8 ! In the
evening she does her 9 , writes in
her 10 , and reads her 11 from
class. This evening she’s got a lot of
12 !
6 Look at the pictures. Complete the captions about
South African culture.
a) Today it’s Nelson Mandela’s .
b) The national anthem has words from different
South African languages.
c) They learn traditional South African and .
7 Watch the video again to check your
answers to Exercise 6.
Your turn
8 Work with a partner. Compare your school day to
Tobilay’s school day. Use the topics below.
● How I get to school
● Time my school starts
● Activities I do in the
● Activities I do in the
● Homework
Tobilay walks to school but I go
to school by car. What about you?
9 Write a description of your usual day at school.
Compare it to Tobilay’s.
I don’t walk to school, I go by bus.
Our school doesn’t start at 8am, it starts at 8.30 am.
1 Look at the map and the picture. Who is the man in the photo?
Where is he from?
2 Look at the pictures of Tobilay and
answer the questions.
1 Where is she?
2 How old is she?
3 Where is she from?
Groupwork • page 141
Find out about a school in South Africa.
3.2 South African schoolgirl
Discover Culture
Reading A profile
1 Look at the map and
photos. Where’s Wales? What extra
activities do you think students do
in Wales? Read Gareth’s blog and
check your answers.
2 Read the profile again and
complete the sentences about Gareth
and his friends. Listen and check.
1 Gareth speaks two languages, and .
He speaks with his family.
He goes to the club. He can .
He loves .
2 Isabel goes to the club.
She loves .
3 Darren goes to the club.
He can .
Explore adjectives
3 Find these adjectives in the text.
Which ones mean ‘very good’?
Which one means ‘very bad’?
a) interesting
b) great
c) boring
d) brilliant
e) terrible
f) fast
g) slow
4 Find the opposites for these
adjectives in Exercise 3.
a) interesting boring
b) brilliant
c) fast
Vocabulary bank • page 140
Your turn
5 Compare your school with Tobilay’s and Gareth’s
schools. Copy and complete the chart.
Tobilay’s school Gareth’s school My school
Activities / Clubs
Likes / Loves
6 Write sentences. Then work with a partner and compare
your sentences.
In Tobilay’s school they speak a lot of languages.
In Gareth’s school they speak … In my school …
Hi! My name’s Gareth and I’m a student at Penglais
Comprehensive School in Aberystwyth, a small town in
Wales. In my school we study both English and Welsh.
At home, Welsh is our first language so I usually speak
Welsh with my parents and grandparents. I like listening to
my grandfather tell interesting stories in Welsh.
Our school is great because we’ve got lots of different clubs.
There’s a guitar club on Thursdays. Students can learn how to play the
guitar. My friend Isabel goes to this club. She really loves playing music
and singing and she’s really good. I’m terrible at singing!
We also have a hip-hop group. Students can learn
hip-hop music and dance and sometimes they
have concerts.
My friend Darren goes to Rugby Club. He can
run very fast but I’m really slow! Lots of Welsh
people love playing and watching rugby but I
think it’s boring!
I go to Surf Club every Tuesday after school. We
can surf and swim. I love surfing and I can swim
fast. Our teacher is an expert surfer. He’s
brilliant but he shouts a lot!
FACT! The Welsh alphabet
doesn’t have the letters K, Q, V or Z.
A Welsh school
1 Watch the teenagers in the video.
How many of the teenagers …
a) can use their phones anywhere in school?
b) can only use their phones in class to surf the internet?
c) can’t use their phones anywhere in school?
2 Can you use your mobile phone at school? Ask and
answer with your partner.
Real Talk: Can you use your mobile phone at school?
3 Listen to the conversation. When can Fran
and Bella go to the cinema?
4 Complete the conversation with the useful
Useful language
Great, thanks … Why not? Yes, you can.
Can I / we …? … sorry, I’m afraid you can’t.
Fran: Hi Dad. go to the cinema with Bella
this evening?
Dad: No, .
Fran: ?
Dad: Because your uncle and aunt are
here this evening.
Fran: go on Saturday then, please?
Dad: .
Fran: , Dad!
5 Listen again and check your answers.
6 Work with a partner. Practise the
conversation in Exercise 4.
7 Change the words in bold in the
conversation in Exercise 4. Use the
information below. Practise the conversation.
You want to …
… have breakfast in bed
… borrow £10
… wear your new trainers to school
… go swimming on Sunday afternoon.
Mum, can I have
breakfast in bed? No, sorry …
Speaking Asking and giving permission
1 Read Anna’s reply to Günter. Where’s her school?
How many pupils are there?
2 Answer questions about Anna’s school.
1 What’s the name of the
2 Is it big or small?
3 How old are the pupils?
4 Do they have a uniform?
5 What time does school start
and finish?
6 How many subjects does
Anna do?
7 What’s her favourite subject?
3 Find examples of informal language in Anna’s email.
Useful language
Informal language
In an email to a friend, use informal language …
• to start: Hi,
• to end: That’s all for now. Bye!
• contractions: Here’s ,
• abbreviations: info
4 Complete the Useful language box with the phrases
Hello! Bye for now! How are you? How’s it going?
5 Make these sentences informal. Use the Useful language
box to help you.
1 Dear Anna,
2 My class teacher is great.
3 My school is very big – it
has got 1,500 pupils.
4 We have got a new
5 Best wishes, Günter
Get Writing
6 Make notes about your school.
Include information from
Exercise 2.
The name of your school
The size (big, small?)
Pupils’ age
Time school starts and finishes
7 Write an email to Günter. Use your
notes and the language below.
I go to …
It’s a … school with …
The pupils are …
We have / haven’t got …
The school day …
The classrooms are …
8 Can you say YES to these questions?
• Have you got information from
Exercise 6 in your email?
• Have you got informal language?
• Are your spelling, grammar and
punctuation correct?
Please send me an email with information about
your school for my school project. Thanks!
Hey Günter,
Here’s some info about my school for your project. I go to Humphrey
Davy School in Penzance, England. It’s a big school! It’s got about
50 teachers and 900 pupils, from 11 to 16 years old. We have six
classes in each year, with about 30 pupils in each class. We have
a school uniform .You can see it in the photo (we can’t wear
jeans or trainers). The school day starts at 9 o’clock and finishes
at 3.30 pm.
In my year, we study a lot of subjects – 12!!! . My favourite
subject’s Maths. Every teacher’s got a different room, so we go to a
different classroom every lesson. All the classrooms are big and we
have posters on the walls with our projects .
That’s all for now. Write back if you need more info! Bye!
Writing bank • page 154
Writing An email
In this unit …
● Food
● Snacks and takeaways
● Meals and courses
● Expressions with have 2
● International words
Language focus
● Countable and
uncountable nouns
● a/an, some/any
● There is/are
● much/many/a lot of
Unit aims
I can …
● identify different kinds of food.
● use simple expressions with have.
● talk about meals and courses.
● talk about countable and uncountable
● understand about food in the UK and
other countries.
● order food and drink in a restaurant.
● write a report about a celebration.
● use basic time connectors.
What can you see in the photo?
Start thinking
● How many of the foods in
the picture can you name?
● Which are healthy?
● Which ones do you like/dislike?
4 Food!
CLIL Mountains
of rice p175
Your lunch p56
Dabbawallas p54
Fishing in
Japan p51
apples banana 1 beans bread butter carrot cheese
chicken eggs fish pizza pasta rice meat milk
2 Copy and complete the table. Which food in the pictures is healthy?
Which is not very healthy?
Dairy Fruit Vegetables Meat and fish Other
cheese bread
Your turn
3 Ask and answer questions about the food you like and don’t like.
Write your partner’s answers.
Do you like beans? Yes, I do. Do you like …?
4 Work in small groups. Tell your friends about your partner.
Ana likes … but she doesn’t like …
Vocabulary Food
1 Look at the picture. Match the pictures with the food and drink words
in the box. Then listen, check and repeat.
Vocabulary bank • page 142
1 5
6 7 9 10 8
13 14 12
Explore expressions with have 2
4 Read the article again. Find two phrases with have.
5 Complete the sentences with the words below.
lunch problem fun
1 We always have in the canteen at 1 o’clock.
2 I usually have when I’m with my friends.
3 Do you have a with this exercise?
Vocabulary bank • page 142
Your turn
6 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions.
1 Where do you usually have your lunch?
2 Do you have a school lunch or a packed lunch?
3 Who makes your lunch?
1 Look at the photos. What food can
you see?
2 Read the article about school
lunches. Match the people with their
3 Read the article again. Choose
the correct answers.
1 There are sandwiches / vegetables
and fish in a Bento Box.
2 Simon usually has / never has
chocolate in his lunch box.
3 Juliette usually has / never has soup
for lunch.
4 There is some / isn’t any chocolate in
Simon’s lunch box today.
5 The food in Bento Boxes is unusual
because it’s fun to eat / unhealthy.
6 Juliette eats with her friends in the
school playground / canteen.
A Simon is from England. He takes a packed lunch to
school. In his lunch box there are usually two sandwiches,
some fruit, a chocolate bar and some juice. In the summer,
Simon eats his lunch with his friends in the playground.
Today, Simon has got some cheese sandwiches, an
orange and some apple juice, but he says, ‘I’m not happy
because I haven’t got a chocolate bar!’
B Juliette is from France. She has a hot lunch
in the school canteen with her friends. They
usually have soup, then some meat or fish with
vegetables and a salad. For dessert, they have
some ice cream or a piece of fruit. Juliette
says, ‘Today I’ve got tomato soup, chicken
with salad, an apple and some ice cream.’
C Kazuyo is from Japan. She takes a Bento
Box to school. In it there is usually some
rice, vegetables and fish or
meat. It’s healthy and
fun. Japanese parents
make the rice into
different shapes: popular
cartoon characters, animals, flowers and
buildings! The children have fun eating
them. Kazuyo says, ‘I’ve got some rice
and some fish, but I haven’t got any meat
today. My rice is in the shape of a panda.
It’s really cute!’
Reading A magazine article
Language focus 1 Countable and uncountable nouns
1 Complete the examples from the text on
page 50.
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
two sandwiches, an
orange, a , an
fruit, rice, ,
Grammar reference • page 126
2 Copy and complete the table. Which words
are countable and which are uncountable?
Add some more words.
banana meat milk ice cream vegetables
water cheese sandwich carrots apple
countable uncountable
banana ice cream
a/an, some and any
3 Complete the examples from the text on
page 50.
Singular countable
I’ve got an orange.
I haven’t got chocolate bar.
Have you got orange?
Plural countable
I’ve got some sandwiches.
I haven’t got any sandwiches.
Have you got any sandwiches?
I’ve got some rice.
I haven’t got meat.
Have you got rice?
Grammar reference • page 126
4 Circle the correct words.
1 I’m a vegetarian. I don’t eat some / any meat.
2 Have you got a / any fruit in your lunch box?
3 I need any / some water – I’m really thirsty.
4 They haven’t got any / some apples.
5 Do you eat an / any orange every day?
6 I’ve got some / a chocolate bar.
5 Read and match the texts with the correct
fridge. Then complete the text with a, an,
some or any.
1 Our fridge isn’t very full. We’ve got 1 egg, 2
milk and 3 cheese. We haven’t got 4 fish
and we haven’t got 5 meat, but we’ve got 6 vegetables.
2 In our fridge we’ve got 7 big cake. We’ve got 8
ice cream too, and 9 drinks. We haven’t got 10
sandwiches. My brother doesn’t like sandwiches.
But we’ve got four big pizzas!
a b
Your turn
6 Draw a fridge with five food and drink words
from this unit.
7 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions
about what’s in your fridges.
Have you got any milk in
your fridge? Yes, I have.
Have you got any sandwiches? No, I haven’t.
8 Draw your partner’s fridge.
4.1 Fishing in Japan
Learn about fishing in Japan.
● Which ocean is Japan in?
● Why is the sea so important to Japanese people?
● What do the women find in the sea?
Listening A conversation
1 Look at the picture. Where are the teenagers?
What do you think they are talking about?
2 Listen to the conversation between
Tim and Michelle. Who has got food? What
does Tim want?
3 Listen again. Are the sentences about
Michelle (M) or Tim (T)?
1 … has got a packed lunch. M
2 … has got some money for presents.
3 … is hungry now.
4 … always has a big breakfast.
5 … asks for a sandwich.
6 … wants to buy a burger.
7 … has got £20.
Vocabulary Meals and courses
4 Copy and complete the table. Put the words
from the listening into the correct column.
There is one extra word. What is it?
breakfast dessert dinner lunch
main course snack starter
Meal Courses (parts of a meal)
5 Listen, check and repeat.
Vocabulary bank • page 142
Your turn
6 Work with a partner. Ask and answer
questions about meals.
What time do you usually have breakfast?
I usually have breakfast at 7.30.
What do you have for a snack at school?
I sometimes have …
1 there any fruit?
2 there any
3 there any
chocolate bars?
4 there any juice?
Intonation in questions
a When we ask yes/no questions in English,
our voice goes up. In answers, our voice
goes down.
Is there any pasta? Yes, there is.
b Match the questions with the answers.
1 Are there any olives? a Yes, I do.
2 Is there a supermarket? b No, there aren’t.
3 Do you like milkshakes? c Yes, there is.
4 Does he like oranges? d No, he doesn’t.
c Listen, check and repeat.
Say it right!
4 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the
questions in Exercise 3.
Is there any fruit? Yes, there is.
Language focus 2
there is / there are
1 Complete the examples from the listening
on page 52.
1 There a lot of cool places to eat in London.
2 there a fast food place near here?
3 there any sweets?
4 There a fast food place on the way home.
5 There a great fast food place on the way home.
Grammar reference • page 126
2 Circle the correct option. Are the sentences
true for your town and school?
1 There is / are a supermarket in my town.
2 There isn’t / aren’t any pizza places.
3 There is / are a sports centre in my town.
4 There isn’t / aren’t a café in my school.
3 Look at the picture. Complete the questions
with is or are. Write some more questions.
much / many / a lot of
5 Complete the examples from the listening on
page 52.
1 There are cool places to eat.
2 I haven’t got money.
3 How food have you got?
4 I’ve got food.
5 How sandwiches have you got?
Grammar reference • page 127
6 Complete the sentences with the words below.
How much How many a lot of (x2)
many much
1 How many apples
are there?
2 There are apples.
3 There aren’t apples.
4 water is there?
5 There isn’t water.
6 There’s water.
Your turn
7 What’s in your bag? Write two things that
you’ve got in your bag today. Try to use one
countable and one uncountable thing.
I’ve got some pens.
I’ve got some water.
8 Work with a partner. Ask what’s in his/her bag.
Then ask How much or How many.
What have you got in your bag?
I’ve got some pens.
How many pens have you got?
Find out about lunches in Mumbai.
4.2 Dabbawallas
1 Look at the map and picture 1.
Where’s Mumbai? What do you
know about it?
2 Match the countries to the
pictures (2–5). What food or
drink do they deliver?
a) 2 - ice cream
a) The UK
b) Italy
c) Brazil
d) Mexico
4 Watch the video and check your
answers to Exercise 3.
5 Watch the video again. Are the
sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the
false ones.
1 The trains in Mumbai are very empty.
2 The dabbawallas put the boxes into coloured bags.
3 Then they put the boxes into a truck.
4 They don’t deliver the food by hand.
6 Watch the video again and complete the
paragraph about Arvind.
Arvind is Aruna’s 1 cousin . He is a dabbawalla in Mumbai.
He takes 2 to people. The food goes in a 3 lunch box.
There are 4 thousand dabbawallas in Mumbai, and they
take lunches to 5 thousand people. It is a dangerous job
because there is always a lot of 6 in the city.
7 Test your memory. Which of these places do you
see in the video?
kitchen busy street airport
restaurant station office
Your turn
8 What kind of food deliveries or street food is
there in your town?
In my town there are pizza deliveries.
9 How often do you:
● eat street food? ● get a takeaway?
How often do you eat street food?
Not very often. What about you?
3 Look at the picture of Arvind (1) and answer
the questions.
1 What is his job?
2 What food do you think he delivers?
3 How does he do it?
4 Is his job easy or difficult? Is it safe or dangerous?
3 4 5
1 2
Discover Culture
Groupwork • page 143
People all over the world say that
English food is bad. Thirteen-yearold
Rupa Remy doesn’t agree.
We interview her in her house in
Bristol, England, to ask why.
FACT! 1847 – the world’s first chocolate bar in Bristol, made by Joseph Fry
Reading A magazine interview Explore international words
4 Find the words below in the text.
sushi pizza taco burger
Are they the same in your language? Can you
think of any other international food words?
Vocabulary bank • page 142
Your turn
5 Answer the questions for you. Then ask and
answer with your partner.
1 What kind of food do you eat at home?
2 Who cooks in your house?
3 What kind of restaurants are there in your town?
4 What country does your favourite food come from?
What kind of food do you eat at home?
We eat Chinese and American food.
Well, my dad is French and my mum is Indian. They are both chefs
in different restaurants in town. They are very good at cooking.
Sometimes it’s my dad, sometimes it’s my mum. Dad makes meals
with a lot of courses. There’s always a starter and a dessert – and
there are usually four or five main courses, too! It’s fantastic.
She cooks traditional Indian food. We eat a lot of rice, and some
lovely meat with sauces. Oh, and she makes great sweets.
No, it’s good for the same reason. People from all over the world
live in England and they bring their food with them. There are a
lot of different restaurants here.
Yes! Here in Bristol is Za Za Bazaar. It’s the biggest restaurant in
the UK. They serve Mexican tacos, Japanese sushi, Italian pizza,
American burgers – everything, really. Even typical British food.
My favourite is fish and chips, of course. I’m English!
1 Look at the pictures. What do you think
‘typical English food’ is? Who are the
people in the picture? Read the text and
check your answers.
2 Put the questions in the correct place in
the text.
1 And what about your mum?
2 Do you have a favourite restaurant?
3 What do you like to eat when you go there?
4 So who cooks in your house?
5 OK, so the food in your house is excellent.
But what do you think about English food?
Is it bad?
3 Read the interview with Rupa again and
answer the questions.
1 Where are Rupa’s parents from?
2 What do Rupa’s parents do?
3 What’s Rupa’s favourite food?
4 What kind of food can you eat in Za Za Bazaar?
1 Watch the teenagers in the
video. How many of the teenagers talk about …
a) chicken d) vegetables
b) pasta e) fruit?
c) rice
2 What do you usually have for
lunch? Ask and answer with your partner.
7 Change the words in bold in the
conversation in Exercise 4. Use the information
below. Practise the conversation.
Hi there, what can I get you?
Can I have a sandwich, please?
3 Listen to the conversation. What does Katy
4 Complete the conversation with the useful
Useful language
I’d like …
Can I have …, please?
How much is that?
What can I get you?
Here you are.
What … would you like?
Anything else?
Waiter: Hi there. 1 you?
Katy: 2 a sandwich, please?
Waiter: Of course. What filling 3 ?
Katy: 4 spicy chicken, please.
Waiter: Do you want it hot or cold?
Katy: Hot, please.
Waiter: Right. 5 ?
Katy: Yes, please. A cola.
Waiter: OK. 6 you 7 .
Katy: 8 ?
Waiter: £3.35, please.
Katy: Here you are.
Waiter: Thank you.
5 Listen again and check
your answers.
6 Work with a partner.
Practise the conversation
in Exercise 4.
Real Talk: What do you usually have for lunch?
Speaking Ordering food
Get Writing
6 Make notes about a celebration meal.
Include information about the things
7 Write your report. Use your notes and
the language below.
It’s in …
Where and who
We always … at …
We have dinner in … with …
First, we have … Then …
Other activities
Before dinner, … After that …, we …
8 Can you say YES to these questions?
• Have you got information from Exercise 6
in your report?
• Have you got time connectors from the
Useful language box?
• Are your spelling, grammar and
vocabulary correct?
1 Look at the photo. What is Eva’s celebration? 3 Find examples of time connectors in Eva’s
4 Complete the text with the time connectors
from the Useful language box.
1 Before we go to the canteen for lunch, we
put our bags in the classroom. 2 we wait for
hot or cold food. We choose what we want to
eat and 3 we go and sit down at a table with
our friends. 4 we eat our lunch and talk to our
friends. 5 we put our plates away and go back
to class.
5 Read Eva’s report again. Put the paragraph
headings in the right place.
● What we eat
● And after that
● When, where and who
I celebrate my birthday every year with a big birthday
dinner at my house. My birthday is in June, so we
usually have dinner in the garden. Before dinner,
I always open my presents.
First we have a starter. That’s usually soup. After that,
we have the main course. That’s always fish, because
fish is my favourite. Then we have ice cream and some
lovely birthday cake.
After that, we play games in the garden, and
sometimes we go out to the cinema to
watch a film. I love my birthday!
2 Read Eva’s report. What do they eat on her
Useful language
Time connectors
Use time connectors before, then and after that when you
describe the order of events.
Before dinner, I always open my presents. After that, we have the
main course. Then we have ice cream.
Writing bank • page 155
Writing A report
6 Complete the crossword with nouns, verbs and
s 2
t 4
y 5
6 7
3 The opposite of brilliant.
5 You learn to be a teacher at a teacher college.
6 The opposite of slow.
7 An adjective meaning very good.
1 What you do at school.
2 The verb of practice.
4 The opposite of interesting.
7 Match the parts of the sentences.
1 I always have
2 After dinner, I like to have a
3 I don’t have a
4 12 o’clock is very early
a) walk on the beach.
b) to have lunch.
c) fun when I meet my friends in the park.
d) problem with these Maths exercises – they’re easy!
1 Match the activities with the places in school.
1 do outdoor sports
2 read books and do
3 meet with the whole
4 have ICT classes
5 do experiments
6 have lunch
7 do indoor sports
a) canteen
b) science lab
c) sports hall
d) main hall
e) IT room
f) library
g) playing field
2 Write the school subjects in order from your
favourite to your least favourite.
1 Science 4 Maths 7 Geography
2 Music 5 History 8 French
3 English 6 PE 9 ICT
3 Complete the food words.
1 c h e e s e 2 b _ _ _ _ r 3 m _ l _
4 _ ppl _ 5 b _ n _ _ a
6 b _ _ ns 7 c _ _ _ _ t
meat and fish
8 _ h_ _ k_n 9 _ _ sh 10 b _ _ g _ r
11 b _ _ _ d 12 _ gg 13 _ _ zz _
14 p _ st _ 15 r _ c _ 16 t _ c _
17 s _ sh _
4 Which of the words in Exercise 3 are the same in
your language?
5 Complete the sentences with the words in the
breakfast dessert dinner lunch
main course starter
1 The meal you have in the middle of the day is
called .
2 My favourite is ice cream with bananas.
3 is the first meal of the day.
4 The big meal that people usually have in the
evening is called .
5 Before the , we often have a .
6 Make questions or sentences with there is/
there are. Use some or any.
1 There’s some milk.
1 milk (✓)
2 cheese (✗)
3 eggs (?)
4 apples (✓)
5 chips (✗)
6 pasta (?)
7 Choose the correct options.
1 How much / many meat is there?
2 I haven’t got much / many biscuits.
3 There are a lot of / much eggs. Let’s make a tortilla.
4 There isn’t much / many milk in the fridge.
5 How much / many potatoes do we need?
6 I’ve got a lot of / many bread. Do you want some?
Language builder
8 Complete the text with the correct word below.
Michelle doesn’t eat 1 fruit. She never has 2 apple
or 3 banana at lunch, but she loves 4 vegetables.
There 5 always a lot of snacks in her lunch box, too.
Tina has lunch at the same time as Michelle, so they 6
sit together. Tina usually has a cheese sandwich and a
yoghurt. There 7 usually 8 fruit in her lunch box too.
She doesn’t eat 9 snacks. How 10 fruit do you eat
every day? Do you eat 11 vegetables?
1 a) much b) many
2 a) a b) an
3 a) a b) an
4 a) eat b) eating
5 a) is b) are
6 a) can b) can’t
7 a) is b) are
8 a) any b) some
9 a) much b) any
10 a) much b) many
11 a) a lot of b) much
9 Choose the correct options.
Waiter: Hi. What 1 can I / do I get you?
Mary: Yes, of course. I 2 ’m like / I ’d like a salad
sandwich, please and a glass of coke.
Waiter: OK.
Tom: And 3 I’d like / I like the spicy chicken, please.
Waiter: Right, 4 anything / something else?
Tom: Yes, please. A cup of coffee, please.
Mary: 5 How many / How much is that?
Waiter: £4 each, please.
Mary: Here 6 you are / are you. This is my £4.
Tom: Er, Mary, can I borrow some money please?
Mary: Sorry, Tom. I’m afraid you 7 can’t / don’t.
Tom: 8 Why not / What not ?
Mary: Because I’ve only got £4!
Language focus
1 Write sentences with the correct form of can.
1 Can he ride a bike?
1 he / ride a bike (?)
2 Maria / dance (✓)
3 we / go home (?)
4 Victor / play the guitar (✗)
5 you / swim (?)
6 they / do kung fu (✓)
2 Complete the text with the correct object
Zara’s my best friend. I like 1 her and she likes 2 !
We’re in the same class. Our teacher is Mr Stevens.
I don’t like 3 because he gives 4 all lots of
homework! Zara loves Art, but I hate 5 . Our
friends like football and we often play with 6 after
3 Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the
verbs in the box.
listen eat do play read ride
1 I don’t like doing my homework after school.
2 I love games on my computer.
3 I hate in the school canteen.
4 I like Manga comics.
5 I love to music.
6 I don’t mind my bike to school every day.
4 Which food and drink words on page 58
Exercise 3 are countable? Which are
cheese: uncountable
5 Complete the sentences with a, an, some
or any.
1 I sometimes have a banana for breakfast.
2 There’s cheese in the fridge.
3 We don’t eat meat, only vegetables.
4 Pete eats apple every day.
5 We haven’t got salt. Can you go to the shops?
6 Can I have biscuits with my tea?
7 Are there tomatoes for a salad?
8 I always have biscuit with my tea.
3 Evaluation test
____/ 7
____/ 5
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 7
____/ 7
1 Complete the sentences with can or can’t.
1 …. you swim?
2 I …. speak French. ✓
3 …. I open the window?
4 Simon …. play the guitar. ✗
5 We …. go home now. ✓
6 We …. use mobile phones at my school. ✗
7 …. we talk to the teacher?
2 Underline the correct answer.
1 These are my new friends. I like it / them.
2 We really like our French teacher, and I think she
likes them / us, too.
3 Do you want to come and play tennis with her / me
after school?
4 Our English teacher is brilliant. I like him / us!
5 Sam and Tom are our new football teammates. Do
you know him / them?
6 I have English on Tuesday and Friday. I really like
studying it / them.
7 She doesn’t want to talk to I / me anymore.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in the box.
1 Sarah likes …. to music.
2 Do you like …. tennis?
3 I don’t like …. in the library.
4 Jack loves …. swimming in the pool.
5 Sam doesn’t mind …. his homework in the evenings.
6 I hate …. art lessons after school.
4 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 Can you …. a bike?
a to ride b riding c ride
2 Maria …. do her homework today.
a can’t b isn’t c don’t
3 I love …. tennis with my friends. It’s great!
a to play b playing c play
4 Maria’s my best friend and I really like …. .
a me b her c us
5 I don’t like studying English, but Lucy really loves …. .
a it b them c him
6 My brother …. doing football training. He says it’s
a loves b doesn’t mind c hates
5 Match the descriptions (1–5) with the places (a–e).
1 You can use computers here. ….
2 You can have your lunch here. ….
3 You can do sports here. ….
4 You can do experiments here…
5 You can read here. ….
6 Complete the words about school subjects.
1 You need a computer to study this subject. I _ _
2 You learn about kings and queens. H _ _ _ _ _ _
3 This subject is about different countries. G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 You study this subject in a lab. S _ _ _ _ _ _
5 People in the UK speak this language. E _ _ _ _ _ _
6 This subject is all about numbers. M _ _ _ _
7 You do exercise and learn to play sport. P _
7 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 We use computers in the …. .
a main hall b canteen c IT room
2 We have …. in the sports hall on Fridays.
a Maths b Science c PE
3 I’m really …. at singing!
a boring b terrible c slow
4 I play football in the school team, and I …. with them on
a work b train c study
5 We always meet in the school …. to have lunch.
a playing field b library c canteen
6 I love studying History. It’s really …. .
a interesting b fast c terrible
8 Complete the conversation between Jack and his
mum. Choose the correct answers (a–f).
Jack: 1 ….
Mum: Hi. No, I’m not.
Jack: 2 ….
Mum: No, I’m afraid you can’t. Sorry!
Jack: 3 ….
Mum: Your grandma is here on Friday.
Jack: 4 ….
Mum: Yes, you can.
Jack: 5 ….
Mum: What time is the film?
Jack: 6 ….
Mum: OK. We can have dinner at 7 pm.
a Can I go on Sunday then? d Great, thanks!
b Can I go to the cinema on Friday? e Hi, Mum. Are you busy?
c Why not? f It’s at 4 in the afternoon.
have do play study go listen
a canteen
b playing field
c IT room
d library
e science lab
Evaluation test 4
6 Complete the sentences with the words in the
1 What time do you …. lunch?
2 We have our …. at 7.30 in the evening.
3 I sometimes have a …. in the afternoons.
4 I like having a …. after my meal – usually an apple.
5 We sometimes have fish soup as a …. in my house,
before the main course.
6 My family likes doing exercise after dinner, so we
always have a …. .
7 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 I usually …. lunch at home.
a go b have c do
2 In my family, we often eat …. with fish for dinner.
a rice b milk c meat
3 …. is my favourite meat.
a Taco b Sushi c Chicken
4 I don’t eat …. because I don’t like bread.
a pasta b rice c sandwiches
5 We usually have some apples as an afternoon …. .
a lunch b snack c main course
6 Do you want some …. on your bread?
a butter b rice c pasta
8 Complete the conversation between Josh and a
waiter in a café. Choose the correct answers (a–f).
Waiter: Hi there! What can I get you?
Josh: 1 ….
Waiter: Of course. What filling would you like?
Josh: 2 ….
Waiter: Do you want it hot or cold?
Josh: 3 ….
Waiter: Right. Anything to drink?
Josh: 4 ….
Waiter: OK. Here’s your juice and your sandwich.
Josh: 5 ….
Waiter: £2.75, please.
Josh: 6 ….
Waiter: Thank you.
a Cold, please.
b Thanks. How much is that?
c Can I have a sandwich, please?
d Here you are.
e Can I have some juice, please?
f Chicken, please – and lots of butter!
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 6 ____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 7
____/ 7
1 Underline the correct answer.
1 I’ve got a / some sandwich for my lunch.
2 We haven’t got any / some fruit at home.
3 I always have any / a drink at school in the afternoon.
4 Dan has got some / any homework to do today.
5 I always have an / any egg for breakfast.
6 I haven’t got some / any cousins in my family.
2 Complete the sentences with is, are, isn’t or aren’t.
1 There …. any apples in my lunchbox!
2 …. there a playing field at your school?
3 There …. any trees my garden.
4 …. there any sushi places in your town?
5 There …. a new café in our town. It’s great!
6 There …. a banana in my lunchbox because I don’t
like them.
7 …. you at the office right now?
3 Complete the sentences with much, many or
a lot of.
1 We haven’t got …. eggs in the fridge.
2 I eat …. bread every day.
3 How…. homework do you get every day?
4 There are …. burger bars here.
5 How …. English classes do you have every week?
6 There isn’t …. cheese in this pasta.
4 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 …. there a pizza place near here?
a Has b Does c Is
2 Have you got …. English books?
a some b a c any
3 I eat a …. every day.
a egg b banana c bread
4 I go home for lunch because there …. a canteen at
a are b is c isn’t
5 I drink …. milk every day.
a a lot of b much c many
6 A: Is there any bread for dinner?
B: Yes, ….
a there is b I have c we do
5 Complete the words about food.
1 You can put this on bread. b _ _ _ _ _
2 This is the name of some meat. c _ _ _ _ _ _
3 You put this on pasta and pizza. c _ _ _ _ _
4 You can eat this fruit for your dessert. b _ _ _ _ _
5 People eat these vegetables with meat or fish.
c _ _ _ _ _ _
6 You can drink this. m _ _ _
7 You can have them fried for breakfast. e _ _ _ ____/ 6
TOTAL____/ 100
walk dessert have dinner snack starter
In this unit …
What can you see in the photo?
Start thinking
● Where do polar bears live?
● What other animals live there?
● What other animals can swim?
● What animals can’t swim?
● Animals
● Action verbs
● Adverbs of movement
● The suffix -er
Language focus
● Present continuous
● Present simple vs Present
Unit aims
I can …
● talk about animals.
● read and understand an animal quiz.
● make statements and ask and answer
questions in the present continuous.
● understand a conversation about zoos.
● use the present simple or the present
continuous correctly.
● ask for information in a shop.
● write a short description of an animal.
5 Animal world
Shark attack! p65
Going to
museums p70
Animals in
the city p68
CLIL Chameleons p176
2 Copy and complete the table. Work
with a partner. Put the animals in the
correct columns. Some animals will
go in more than one column.
Pets Farm animals Wild animals
birds birds
Water animals Land animals
Vocabulary bank • page 144
The plural forms of fish and sheep are irregular.
My sister’s got two yellow fish.
There are 20 white sheep on the farm.
fishes ✗ sheeps ✗
Get it right!
Vocabulary Animals
1 What is unusual about these animals? Label each picture
with two animal names. Use the words in the box. Then listen,
check and repeat.
a bird a cat a cow a dog an elephant a fish a frog a giraffe a gorilla
a horse (x2) a monkey a polar bear a shark a sheep a spider a tiger a zebra
1 a polar bear and a tiger 2 and 3 and
4 and 5 and 6 and
7 and 8 and 9 and
Your turn
3 Create an animal like the ones in
Exercise 1. Draw a picture of it and
describe it to a partner.
My animal is part frog and part bird.
It’s small. It’s green and red.
4 Listen to your partner’s description.
Draw his/her animal. Describe the
animal to the class.
Reading A quiz
1 Look at the photos in the quiz. What
animals can you see?
2 Read the quiz and answer the
questions. Use the clues to help you.
3 Listen and check your answers to
the quiz.
Explore adverbs of movement
4 Read the quiz again and underline the two
adverbs of movement.
5 Complete the sentences with the adverbs from the text
and in the box below.
up left round (x2) right down
1 Elephants move their ears and to keep cool.
2 Look and before you cross the road.
3 Horses move their heads and when they’re bored.
4 Dogs run and when they play.
Vocabulary bank • page 144
Your turn
6 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions.
1 What information in the quiz is new to you?
2 What other animal actions do you know?
Why is this elephant
moving its ears?
a It’s tired.
b It’s hot.
c It’s afraid.
What are these
giraffes doing?
a They’re fighting.
b They’re dancing.
c They’re playing.
What’s this horse doing?
a It’s smiling.
b It’s laughing.
c It’s smelling
What’s this frog doing?
a It’s drinking.
b It’s singing.
c It’s eating.
What are these
monkeys doing?
a They’re playing.
b They’re fighting.
c They’re cleaning
each other.
Elephants move their ears backwards and forwards when they are hot and they
want to stay cool.
Horses open their mouths and curl their lips when they want to smell something.
Frogs have a ‘vocal sac’ under their chins. Male frogs produce sounds from this
sac and ‘sing’ to female frogs.
Giraffes use their long necks and their heads during fights over territory.
Monkeys often take insects and dirt out of each other’s fur.
FACT! Frogs live on every continent in the world except Antarctica.
What are the animals doing?
Animals do different things for different reasons.
Sometimes the reasons aren’t what you think they
are! How much do you know about animals’ actions?
Do this quiz and find out!
2 Complete the text with the correct form
of the present continuous. Use the verbs
in brackets.
a Listen and compare the different g
sounds at the beginnings and ends of
the words.
We’re listening to a guide.
The crocodiles are getting very excited.
b Listen and repeat the sentences
from Exercise 2. Pay close attention to the
-ing sound.
Say it right!
Hello, friends! Welcome to Animal World! Where am I? I’m
in Vancouver, Canada! And, no, I 1 ’m not talking (not talk)
to you from a swamp! Today, I 2 (visit) the Vancouver
Aquarium with my sister. Right now, we 3 (listen) to a
guide. She 4 (talk) to some students about crocodiles.
Oh, now the crocodiles 5 (get) very excited! It’s
lunchtime and our guide 6 (give) them some fish. She 7 (not go) very close to them, of course! The crocodiles
are really hungry – they 8 (not share)! They 9 (show)
their big teeth, and they 10 (eat) the fish very quickly!
Language focus 1 Present continuous
1 Complete the examples from the text on page 64.
I He / She / It We / You / They
+ I am watching the animals. The frog is . The monkeys are .
– I’m not eating. The frog isn’t eating. The monkeys aren’t fighting.
? Am I looking at the mother
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Why the elephant its ears?
Is the horse smiling?
Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
What the monkeys ?
Are the monkeys fighting?
Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
Grammar reference • page 128
3 Write questions and answers with the
present continuous form of the verbs. Then
practise with a partner.
1 where / you / go go / to the zoo
Where are you going? I’m going to the zoo.
2 what / the sharks / do eat / fish
3 Jen / feed / the horses no
4 the cats / sleep yes
5 what / the bird / doing smell / a flower
6 you / walk / your dog no
Your turn
4 Write three questions about what’s happening
in your class at the moment.
What is … doing?
Is Maria …ing?
5 Ask and answer the questions with your partner.
What’s the teacher doing?
She’s writing on the board.
5.1 Shark attack
Find out about sharks.
● How many different kinds of sharks can you see in
the film?
● Where does the Greenland shark live?
Vocabulary Action verbs
4 Match the action verbs to the pictures. Listen, check
and repeat.
fight fly hide hunt jump swim swing
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in Exercise 4. Listen, check and repeat.
1 The snake is hiding . 5 The kangaroo is .
2 The turtle is . 6 The parrots are .
3 The lion is . 7 The bears are .
4 The monkeys are .
Vocabulary bank • page 144
Listening A conversation
1 Do you go to the zoo? What animals do you see?
What are your favourite zoo animals?
2 Listen to people talking at a zoo. What animals
are they looking at? Write the number of the
conversation next to the animals. Which of the animals
don’t they talk about?
elephants birds polar bears
monkeys tigers zebras
3 Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
Correct the false ones.
1 It’s OK to feed the birds. F It isn’t OK to feed the birds. 4 Elephants move their ears when they’re cold.
2 The monkeys are eating fruit. 5 The father elephants live with their babies.
3 A big monkey is cleaning its mother. 6 The kids think the tiger is angry.
Your turn
6 Work with a partner. Ask
and answer questions about
what animals do.
Do frogs fly? No, they don’t.
3 4
6 7
Tunisian Holiday!
Hi Monica
How are you? We 1 ’re having (have) a great time here in
Tunisia. Look at this photo! My sister and I 2 (ride) a camel!
It’s funny because my sister 3 (not like) animals – but you
can see that she 4 (enjoy) the ride.
I 5 (write) this email on the computer in the hotel. It 6 (be) a
small place, but we 7 (like) it. We always 8 (stay) here when
we come to Tunisia. It 9 (have) a lovely swimming pool. Mum
and Dad 10 (swim) in it right now.
I’ 11 (go) now, because my mum 12 (call) me.
Write soon!
Miranda Miranda
Language focus 2 Present simple vs present continuous
1 Complete the examples from the listening on page 66.
Present simple for facts, habits and routines Present continuous for activities that are happening at the moment
She loves her baby.
They usually fly to warm places in the winter.
It doesn’t like its cage.
Where do the fathers ?
It’s eating a banana.
They’re flying really fast.
They swinging from the trees.
Are you feeding animals at the moment?
Common time expressions
always usually sometimes never
in the summer/spring/ /autumn
on Monday/Tuesday/Friday
at the moment now
Grammar reference • pages 128–129
2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 I never feed / I’m never feeding the animals at the zoo.
2 That snake hides / is hiding behind a tree right now.
3 Kangaroos usually live / are usually living in groups.
4 Do you look at / Are you looking at the tigers now?
5 The guide gives / is giving a tour of the aquarium at
the moment.
6 Bears sleep / are sleeping in the winter.
3 Complete the email with the present simple or present
continuous of the verbs in brackets.
We usually use these verbs in the present simple,
not the present continuous.
be have (for possession)
love see understand
I love animals. Not I’m loving animals.
Get it right!
Your turn
4 Student A: Mime an animal and its actions.
Student B: While student A is miming, ask
questions about the animals.
Student A can only answer Yes or No.
Are you miming a cat?
Is it climbing a tree?
5 What facts do you know about the mimed
animals in Exercise 4? Tell your partner. Use
the present simple.
Cats eat mice. They sleep during the day.
Find out about how animals and humans live
and work together.
5.2 Animals in the city
3 Watch the video and check your answers to
Exercise 2. What other animals can you see in
the video? Which of the animals live …
● on the streets? horse
● in the wild? lion
4 Watch the video again. Are the sentences
about rats (R), snakes (S) or both (B)?
1 People often give food to them. B
2 They are welcome in people’s houses.
3 People think they are very special.
4 People respect them.
5 They eat nuts and drink milk.
6 People know how to work with them.
7 People hold a festival with them.
5 Test your memory. Which of these scenes do
you see in the video?
a) Cows sitting on the pavement.
b) A camel carrying a cart.
c) Rats drinking water.
d) A snake crawling into a pot.
e) An elephant with a blue and yellow painted face.
6 Choose the best summary of the video.
● Frightening animals in India
● Animals and Indian culture
● Living with dangerous animals
1 Match the animals to the pictures 1–6. Which
ones do you like? Which ones are you afraid of?
Why? Why not?
rat spider crocodile snake camel lion
2 Which of the animals do you find on the streets
of India?
Your turn
7 Work with a partner. Which animals can you find
on the streets of your city? Which animals can
you find in the countryside near your city?
In my town, there are birds
and maybe rats at night!
8 Which animal from the
video do you like
best? Why?
1 Look at the title, map and pictures.
Where do the dogs live? What is the
weather like?
2 Read the article. How do huskies help
the Inuit people? What do the Inuit use other
animals for?
3 Read the article again and correct the
1 The Inuit use reindeer to pull their sledges.
2 They make sledges with wood.
3 The Inuit eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
4 They hunt seals, sharks and reindeer.
Explore the suffix -er.
4 Read the article again and underline
all the words ending in -er. Are they
a) verbs b) nouns c) adjectives ?
Take the -er off each word. Is the
word a verb, a noun or an adjective?
Discover Culture
5 Make more -er words. What do you call a person
who …
1 dances? a dancer
2 drives? a
3 sings? a
4 teaches? a
Vocabulary bank • page 144
Your turn
6 Make a list of animals that people use for work in
your country. What work do they do? Watch the video
and find out about another helper.
The police sometimes use dogs to help them.
Reading An article
Husky dogs are more than just animals to some people.
Huskies can help in a lot of different ways.
The native people of the Arctic are called the Inuit. They
live in Alaska, Canada and Greenland. They live in very cold
climates. The Inuit people use huskies because the dogs are
strong and can live in very cold climates, too. They are also
very good workers.
Today, a lot of Inuit people live a traditional lifestyle. They
use animals for food, transport, and clothes. In the Arctic,
there aren’t many vegetables or fruit. In fact, in some
places, there aren’t any supermarkets. The basic diet of
the Inuit people is meat and fish. The Inuit hunt seals,
polar bears and reindeer, and their huskies help them.
Inuit hunters travel with their dogs. They make sledges
with animal bones and skin, and teams of huskies pull the
sledges. These dogs can pull heavy sledges and go very fast.
Of all the animals in the Arctic, the husky is the Inuit’s
greatest helper!
FACT! A team of huskies with a sledge can travel over 150 km in one day.
Alaska Artic Circle
1 Look at the title, map and pictures.
Where do the dogs live? What is the
weather like?
2 Read the article. How do huskies help
the Inuit people? What do the Inuit use other
animals for?
3 Read the article again and correct the
1 The Inuit use reindeer to pull their sledges.
2 They make sledges with wood.
3 The Inuit eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
4 They hunt seals, sharks and reindeer.
Explore the suffix -er.
4 Read the article again and underline
all the words ending in -er. Are they
a) verbs b) nouns c) adjectives ?
Take the -er off each word. Is the
word a verb, a noun or an adjective?
Groupwork • page 145
Real Talk: Do you like going to museums?
1 Watch the teenagers in the video.
How many people like …
museums art
aquariums zoos
2 Do you like going to museums? Ask and answer with
your partner.
5 Listen again and check your answers.
6 Work with a partner. Practise the
conversation in Exercise 4.
7 Work with a partner. Change the words in
bold in the conversation in Exercise 4. Use the
information below. Practise the conversation.
3rd oor
2nd oor
Bird Gallery Insect Gallery
Ground Floor
You are here
Toilets Shop
1st oor
Cloakroom Café
3 Listen to the conversation. Where is the frog
exhibit? Listen and check.
4 Complete the conversation with the useful
Useful language
It’s on … How do I get to … ?
Take … Turn …
Stella: Excuse me. 1 the frog exhibit?
Guide: Oh, that’s easy. Walk down this hall.
Stella: OK.
Guide: 2 left at the end of the hall.
Stella: OK, go straight down the hall, and then left.
Then what?
Guide: 3 the stairs up to the third floor.
Stella: OK. Thanks. Is the frog exhibit at the top of
the stairs?
Guide: Yes, it is. 4 the right.
Stella: Great. Thank you.
Guide: You’re welcome.
Speaking Asking for and giving directions
Get Writing
6 Make a word web about an
animal. Include information
from Exercise 2. Find or draw
a picture of your animal.
7 Write a description of your
animal. Use your notes and the
language below.
[My animal] lives in …
It’s …
It has …
It eats …
8 Can you say YES to these
• Have you got information from
Exercise 6 in your description?
• Are the adjectives in the correct
• Are your spelling, grammar and
vocabulary correct?
1 Look at the photo. Why is the hippo sleeping in the water?
Read the text and check your answer.
2 Copy the table. Then write the information in the order
it appears in the text.
interesting facts about the animal where it lives
what it eats what it looks like its daily activities
1 where it lives Central Africa
3 Read the description again. What information does Sam
include for each category in Exercise 2?
Useful language
Position of adjectives
Use adjectives …
• after is or are: They’re big and fat.
• before a noun: They have small eyes.
• after very: Hippos can be very dangerous.
4 Find examples of adjectives in the description in Exercise 1.
5 Put the words in order to make sentences.
1 I’ve got a big cat.
1 cat / I’ve / big / a / got
2 the tiger / animal / dangerous / is / a
3 big / has / ears / the elephant / got
4 are / very / gorillas / strong
5 are / and orange / giraffes / brown
Wild hippopotamuses live in central Africa. They’re
big and fat. They have small eyes, small ears and
short legs. They also have very big teeth! Adult
hippos are usually three to four metres long, and
they can run very fast!
The hippo in the photo is sleeping in the water. Hippos often sleep in water during the
day because the water is cool. Hippos usually come out of the water at night and eat.
They only eat plants. They can eat up to 40 kg of grass in one night, and they can travel
up to 10 km to find food. Hippos can be very dangerous. Every year they kill hundreds
of people!
hippos All about
by Sam Wilson
Writing bank • page 156
Writing A description of an animal
In this unit …
● Places in a town
● Transport
● Extreme adjectives
● Collocations
Language focus
● Imperatives
● Articles
Unit aims
I can …
● talk about places in a town.
● read and understand an article about Pompeii.
● give orders, commands and instructions.
● make suggestions.
● understand a presentation about a town.
● use a/an/the or the zero article in different
● understand an article about transport in big cities.
● talk about means of transport
● use sequencing devices.
● write a description of a place.
What can you see in the photo?
Start thinking
● Do you like cities? Why/
Why not?
● What is the biggest city in your
● What are the advantages and
disadvantages of living in a city?
6 City life
Rome: ancient and
modern p75
with friends p80
Crossing cities p78
CLIL Big art p177
Vocabulary Places in a town 1
1 Match the pictures with the places in the
box. Then listen, check and repeat. Which place
isn’t in the photos?
shopping centre museum cinema sports stadium
bowling alley market sports centre skate park
2 Listen to the sounds and match
them with the places in the pictures.
Your turn
3 Copy and complete the table with information about you.
Me My partner
What’s your favourite place in town? sports centre
How often do you go there?
Who do you go with?
What do you do there?
4 Ask and answer the questions with a partner and complete the table with your
partner’s information.
Vocabulary bank • page 146
2 3
This is how Pompeii looks today. It’s an open-air
museum and it’s very popular with tourists. The
town is in ruins, but you can still see the remains
of the ancient streets and houses. You can imagine
life two thousand years ago! You can also see
people preserved by the boiling volcanic ash with
terrified expressions on their faces.
Imagine Pompeii before the eruption: a very busy
city populated by rich people, with a lot of shops,
squares, schools and markets. In the middle of the
city there is an enormous amphitheatre, a type of
sports stadium of great importance in the town.
Think of this amphitheatre on special days in the
past: a place full of people, gladiators and lions.
Definitely not a very safe place to go!
It’s AD 79: Pompeii is a large town in Italy with a
population of about 20,000. Then on August 24th,
a big volcanic eruption destroys the town.
Reading An information text
1 Look at the pictures. Where is Pompeii? Can you find
these things in the pictures?
ruins gladiator volcano eruption ash amphitheatre
2 Read the text. Check your ideas in Exercise 1.
3 Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
Correct the false ones.
1 There is a large volcano near Pompeii.
2 There are a lot of museums in Pompeii.
3 You can still see a lot of the old town.
4 The amphitheatre is often full of lions and gladiators.
Explore extreme adjectives
4 Look at the text. Find words which mean:
a) very big c) very hot
b) very old d) very scared
5 Complete the sentences with the words
1 Ouch! I can’t eat this soup – it’s !
2 The new sports stadium is . It can hold
80,000 people.
3 There is an castle in my town.
4 I’m really …. of the dark.
Vocabulary bank • page 146
Your turn
6 Work with a partner. Ask and answer
the questions.
1 What ancient ruins are there in your country?
2 How old are they?
3 How often do you go there?
FACT! About 2.5 million tourists visit Pompeii every
year. It is often called The City of the Dead.
2 Write instructions using the information in
1 No, don’t go to sleep. Do your homework first.
1 I want to go to sleep. (not go to sleep / do your
homework first)
2 I want to eat dessert. (not eat dessert / eat your soup
3 I want to go out. (not go out / clean your room first)
4 I want to watch TV. ( not watch TV / read a book
5 I want to play computer games. (not play computer
games / finish your project instead)
3 Complete the sentences with Let’s + infinitive.
1 …. the amphitheatre in ancient Pompeii! (visit)
2 …. the shops and schools in Pompeii. (see)
3 …. for lunch now. (stop)
4 …. our visit after lunch. (continue)
5 …. at the bus in two hours. (meet)
6 …. some souvenirs for our friends. (buy)
4 Play a game with a partner. Give your partner
instructions in the imperative. Your partner must
follow your instructions correctly.
Language focus 1 Imperatives
1 Complete the examples from the text on page 74.
Orders or instructions Suggestions
…. Pompeii before the eruption.
…. of this amphitheatre on special days in
the past. Let’s go on a tour of the old city.
Let’s turn left at the end of the street.
Let’s have a short break now. – Don’t touch the ruins!
Don’t forget to visit the gift shop.
Grammar reference • page 130
5 Imagine you are in Pompeii in AD 79. Write
suggestions using Let’s and the words in the box.
relax / baths watch a gladiator fight / amphitheatre
talk to our friends / forum go shopping / market
have a snack / square
Let’s relax at the baths.
6 Draw a map of Pompeii as you imagine it, using
the words below. Then answer the questions
below, using the imperative.
1 Go straight ahead then turn left and then turn
1 How do I get from the amphitheatre to the shop?
2 How do I get from the gate to the amphitheatre?
3 How do I get from the baths to the school?
4 How do I get from the gate to the square?
5 How do I get from the amphitheatre to the market?
6 How do I get from the school to the forum?
7 Now ask and answer questions with your partner
as in Exercise 6.
gate baths school market
amphitheatre square forum
Pick up your pen. Stand up. Don’t sit down. Write
your name …
We use Let’s+ infinitive for suggestions in the first
person plural (to talk about “us”).
Let’s write a project about Pompeii!
Get it right!
Your turn
6.1 Rome: ancient and modern
Find out about the historic city of Rome.
● In 15 AD, what happens in the Colosseum?
● How many people attend the events at the Colosseum
in 15 AD?
Vocabulary Places in a
town 2
1 Match the words in the box with the
places (1–7) on the map. Then listen, check
and repeat.
bus stop car park bus station ferry port
station tram stop market
1 ferry port
2 How is this town different from yours?
In my town there isn’t a ferry port.
3 Write sentences about the town. Use the
prepositions in the box.
opposite behind next to in front of
The bus stop is opposite the park.
Listening A report
4 Listen to Jamie talking about his class trip to
this town. Write the places in the order that he
speaks about them.
bowling alley sports stadium park station
shopping centre ferry port school museum
1 sports stadium
5 Listen again. Answer the questions with short
1 No, it isn’t.
1 Is it a small fishing town?
2 Are they going to a football match?
3 Are they going to the shopping centre after the museum?
4 Are they playing football at the school?
5 Are they having lunch at 3 o’clock?
Your turn
6 Draw a plan of your town or city.
7 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions
about your partner’s plan. Use the prepositions
from Exercise 3.
Where is the school? It’s next to the museum.
76 Vocabulary bank • page 146
5 Write true sentences for you, paying attention to
the use of articles. Use the ideas below.
1 Where are you from? (city, country)
2 What languages do you speak?
3 What do you do in your free time?
4 Do you play any musical instruments? If not, what
instrument would you like to play?
5 Do you have any pets? If not, what pet would you
like to have?
6 Write sentences with suggestions for a partner
about things to do in your town. Pay attention to
the use of articles.
● shopping / shopping centre
● basketball / sports centre
● film / cinema
● bus / bus station
● football / park
● match / sports stadium
You can go shopping in the shopping centre.
7 Work with your partner. Compare your
Language focus 2 Articles: definite, indefinite and zero
1 Complete the examples from the listening on page 76 with the, a/an, some, or – (zero article).
Definite Indefinite Zero article
We can imagine .… crowds
cheering at a football match.
We’re going to …. museum first.
This week we’re going on …. class
trip to …. town.
I’m taking … ball with me.
Some of my classmates want to
shop for …. presents, but I don’t
because .… shops are boring.
I hope there’s time to play ….
Grammar reference • page 131
2 Complete the sentences with the, a/an,
or – (zero article). Then listen and check.
1 the
1 He’s in the garden, looking at …. moon.
2 He’s …. president of …. United States.
3 I have …. goldfish. …. goldfish lives in …. bowl of ….
4 Mum’s is cooking …. soup with …. carrots and ….
5 Sara is on …. balcony, watching …. stars in …. sky.
6 She plays …. piano and she goes to her piano classes
by …. bus.
3 Choose the correct option:
1 We can both play – / the guitar.
2 We live in – / the Germany, but we have – / the
relatives in – / the UK.
3 They work as – / the doctors.
4 Sue is in – / the kitchen.
5 We all need a / – water and an / – air to live.
6 She is still at – / the zoo, but her sister is already
at – / the home.
4 Listen to the text on page 76 again and
correct the sentences:
1 At 1 o’clock, we’re having lunch in the park behind
the school.
1 At 1 o’clock, we’re having the lunch in park behind the
2 I’m having a cheese sandwiches and the lemonade for
my lunch.
3 I’m taking ball with me, so I hope there’s time to play
the football.
4 After lunch, we’re visiting ferry port.
5 Finally, at about the 3 o’clock, we’re going to the
bowling alley in front of port.
You can go shopping in the shopping centre.
Shops are boring. I prefer playing football
in the park.
Your turn
1 Match the pictures 1–6 with the words.
underground bullet train aeroplane traffic jam
zebra crossing tuk-tuk/rickshaw
2 Match the transport words in Exercise 1 with the cities.
Mumbai (India) Tokyo (Japan) Beijing (China)
5 Complete the sentences with the correct
numbers. Then watch again and check
your answers.
1 Mumbai and Beijing have a population of more
than million.
2 Tokyo’s bullet train travels at kilometres per hour.
3 Every day, new cars travel the streets of Beijing.
4 Tokyo’s population is about million.
5 million people travel every day by train in
6 Match the sentences with the three
different cities.
Beijing Mumbai Tokyo
1 You can find so many types of transport there,
some are very colourful!
2 A lot of people travel there for work by plane,
but a lot of people walk, too!
3 There are lots of cars. Every day there is more traffic
on the streets!
Your turn
7 Work with a partner. Ask and answer
the questions.
1 Which is your favourite form of transport? Why?
2 Which is the best for travelling round a city? Why?
3 Which do you use most often?
Reading A blog
1 Look at the map and the pictures. How
do people travel to work and to school in
this city? Is it easy? Read David’s blog and
check your answers.
2 Look at the map of Hong Kong. Read
the text again and draw David’s route to
school in the mornings.
3 Read the text again. Choose the correct
1 When he goes to school, David travels on foot /
on the underground first.
2 David’s favourite method of transport is
the ferry /the tram.
3 David takes / doesn’t take the bus up to the
4 David prefers the escalator because it’s quick / fun.
Explore collocations
4 Look at the highlighted words in the text.
Complete the paragraph below with the
correct words.
My name is Tara Jones and I am at secondary school. I
usually travel to school 1
…. bus because it’s a long way
and I can’t go 2
…. foot. Some of my friends 3
…. the tram
to school and others come by bike. I want
a bike for my birthday, because I don’t like
going 4
…. bus every morning.
Vocabulary bank • page 146
3 Watch the video about transport in the
three cities and check your answers to
Exercise 2.
4 Watch the video again and put these
fast-moving images in order.
a) a taxi ride at night
b) an aerial view of a city and clouds
c) a fast train with a mountain in the background
d) a lot of traffic crossing a bridge
e) a passenger jet at an airport
f) an aerial view of a city at night with traffic
Find out about methods of transport around
the world.
6.2 Crossing cities
3 5 6
Discover Culture
Your turn
5 Copy and complete the chart about journeys to school
so it’s true for you.
David Wong You Your partner
foot, underground,
ferry, tram,
45 minutes
6 Tell your partner how you usually travel
to school. Write your partner’s answers
in the charts.
I go to school on foot or by bike,
because it’s not far away from home.
Reading A blog
1 Look at the map and the pictures. How
do people travel to work and to school in
this city? Is it easy? Read David’s blog and
check your answers.
2 Look at the map of Hong Kong. Read
the text again and draw David’s route to
school in the mornings.
3 Read the text again. Choose the correct
1 When he goes to school, David travels on foot /
on the underground first.
2 David’s favourite method of transport is
the ferry /the tram.
3 David takes / doesn’t take the bus up to the
4 David prefers the escalator because it’s quick / fun.
Explore collocations
4 Look at the highlighted words in the text.
Complete the paragraph below with the
correct words.
My name is Tara Jones and I am at secondary school. I
usually travel to school 1
…. bus because it’s a long way
and I can’t go 2
…. foot. Some of my friends 3
…. the tram
to school and others come by bike. I want
a bike for my birthday, because I don’t like
going 4
…. bus every morning.
Vocabulary bank • page 146
Mong Kok China
Victoria Harbour
Happy Valley
Tai Tam Country Park
I live in Mong Kok in Kowloon, Hong Kong. A lot of people live in Mong
Kok and everybody uses public transport. In the rush hour, it’s very busy.
My school’s a long way away, on the other side of the city. I travel on all the
city’s public transport to get to school. I don’t take any money because I’ve
got an Octopus Card. It’s called the Octopus Card because an octopus has
eight legs and eight is a lucky number in China.
On a normal school day, I go on foot from my flat to the underground
station in Mong Kok. Then, I take the ferry across Victoria harbour.
I arrive on the island side, and I take the tram. I like travelling by
tram best because you get a great view from the top! Finally, I go
on foot up the escalator to my school in the Mid-Levels. Some
students go by bus, but the escalator is more fun. The whole
journey is only 45 minutes!
Groupwork • page 147
FACT! People in Hong
Kong make 12 million
journeys on public
transport every day.
Today we’re looking at unusual journeys to
school. Twelve-year-old David Wong tells us
about his journey to school in Hong Kong.
1 Watch the teenagers in the video.
How many of the teenagers …
a) go to the shopping centre or mall?
b) eat or drink something?
c) go to their friends’ houses?
d) go to the park?
2 Where do you usually go with your
friends? Ask and answer with a partner.
Real Talk: Where do you usually go with your friends?
a b
What are you doing at the weekend?
Oh, something really cool.
5 Listen again and check your answers.
6 Work with a partner. Practise the
conversation in Exercise 4.
7 Work with a partner. Change the helicopter
ride in Exercise 4 to another exciting activity and
practise the conversation. Use the ideas below or
your own ideas.
3 Listen to the conversation. What is the boys’
plan for the weekend?
4 Complete the conversation with the useful
Useful language
After that So you … First Really? Then
Charlie: What are you doing at the weekend?
David: Oh, something really cool!
Charlie: 1
…. ?
David: Yes. I am going on a helicopter! Come with
Charlie: Wow! Really?
David: Yes. It’s a surprise for my brother’s birthday!
Charlie: So, what’s the plan?
David: 2
…., we’re going to a nice café for breakfast.
3 …., at 9.30, we’re going to the airport. We’re
meeting the pilot there.
Charlie: Cool. Let’s do it!
David: I have an idea. Let’s fly over our house! It must
be amazing!
Charlie: Yes, let’s do that. And after that?
David: 4
…. , Dad’s driving us home and we’re having
birthday cake.
Charlie: Wow! 5
…. really want me to come?
Speaking Sequencing
1 Look at the photos. Where do you think this town is?
2 Read Kirstie’s email to Nicole. Check your answers to Exercise 1.
What can you do in Kirstie’s town?
3 Put the paragraph headings in the correct place in
Kirstie’s email.
● Things to do and places to visit
● History and interesting facts
● Size and location
Useful language
Adding information
Use also and too to add more information. They have the same
meaning, but are in different positions in the sentence.
• also goes after the verb be and before other main verbs
We can also visit Dartmoor National Park.
• too goes at the end of a sentence
There are lots of shops, parks and sports facilities, too.
4 Find more examples of also and too in the text in
Exercise 2.
5 Rewrite the sentences using also or too.
1 There’s also an amusement park to visit.
1 There’s an amusement park to visit, too.
2 We can also go to the mountains.
3 We also have a carnival in August.
4 Lots of people visit the beautiful beaches, too.
5 They make traditional products, too.
Hi Nicole
Here’s some info about my town for your visit next term.
Tavistock is a small town with a population of about 11,000. It’s in
a place in England called Devon.
It has an interesting history. Tavistock is famous as the home of Sir
Francis Drake, a famous English explorer from the 16th century and
the second person in history to sail all the way around the world.
There are a lot of historical buildings in Tavistock and a museum,
too. In May, there’s a music and arts festival, so we can go to
some free concerts. We can also visit Dartmoor National Park! It’s
beautiful. There are lots of shops, parks and sports facilities, too.
See you in May!
Kirstie Kirstie Get Writing
6 Make notes about your town.
Include information from
Exercise 3.
7 Write your email. Use your
notes from Exercise 6, and the
language below.
Size and location
It’s a big / small / town / city in …
History / interesting facts
It’s famous for …
We’ve got …
Things to do / places to visit
There is / are … also … too
8 Can you say YES to these
• Have you got information from
Exercise 6 in your description?
• Are also and too in the correct
• Are your spelling, grammar and
vocabulary correct?
Writing bank • page 157 81
Writing A description of a place
4 Match the activities with the places.
1 d
1 watch a match a) museum
2 see a film b) sports centre
3 buy some jeans c) skate park
4 play basketball d) sports stadium
5 learn about history e) the cinema
6 wear a helmet! f) shopping centre
7 buy some fresh vegetables g) bowling alley
8 go bowling h) market
5 Write the name of each type of transport.
Then match them with the correct places.
park port stand station stop (x2)
1 bike / bike stand
6 Match the adjectives with the definitions.
1 enormous
2 ancient
3 terrified
4 boiling
a) very scared
b) very old
c) very hot
d) very big
7 Complete the text with the words below.
on (x2) by (x2) take (x2)
So, let me tell you how you can get to my grandparents’
house. First, go 1
.… foot from your house to the bus stop.
Then, 2
.… the bus to the station. The journey 3
.… train
takes two hours. You can have lunch 4
…. the train and then 5
.… a taxi to my grandparents’ village. We can stay with
them for a week if you want, and we can go everywhere
…. bike. I’m glad you want to come with me!
1 Write sentences about the pictures. Use an
animal from box a and a verb from box b.
birds cat frog polar bears rat tiger
escaping fighting flying
hiding hunting jumping
1 The tiger is hunting.
1 2
3 4
5 6
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the
up and down round and round
left and right backwards and forwards
1 The girl’s name HANNAH reads the same .
2 The wheels on a bike go .
3 Running the stairs is hard work.
4 Turn your head slowly so that you can see all
around you.
3 How many -er words can you remember from
page 69? Write a sentence for each one.
A hunter hunts.
5–6 Review
4 Normally I think that .… museums are boring but .…
museum in my town is really interesting. It has .… real
space rocket!
5 I’m always very busy on .… Saturdays. In .…
morning, I play .… hockey, and in the afternoon, I
practise playing .… guitar with my band.
6 We’re going on .… school trip to .… Museum of
Romanian History in .… Bucharest!
Language builder
5 Choose the correct words to complete the
Karen: Hi, Judy. What 1 do you do / are you doing?
Judy: 2 I watch / I’m watching TV. There’s a film about
polar bears on. Two baby polar bears 3 try / are
trying to walk but they 4 aren’t doing / don’t do
very well. They’re so cute.
Karen: I know. 5 There’s / There’s being a film about the
Arctic on TV next week, too. 6 It’s having / It has
lots of baby polar bears in it! So sweet!
Judy: Oh, yes, 7 I know / I’m knowing the film you
Karen: 8 Do you usually watch / Are you usually
watching TV in the afternoon, Judy?
Judy: No, 9 I don’t / I’m not. I usually 10 am going / go
to the pool on Saturdays, but today I can’t. My
parents 11 are going / go to London today, so 12 I look / I’m looking after my little sister
6 Complete the conversation with the words in the
You’re welcome take After that
How do I get to turn it’s on First
Susan: Excuse me. 1 the cinema?
Police officer: That’s easy. 2 , walk to the end of
this street.
Susan: OK.
Police officer: Then 3 left and walk about 200
Susan: Then what?
Police officer: 4 go into the shopping centre and 5 the stairs.
Susan: Is the cinema at the top of the stairs?
Police officer: Yes, 6 the left.
Susan: Thanks very much.
Police officer: 7 .
Language focus
1 Write sentences and questions with the present
continuous. Complete the short answers.
1 I’m learning English now.
1 I / learn English / now
2 They / not study / at the moment
3 She / not sleep / now
4 A: What / they / eat?
B: They / eat / sandwiches.
5 A: you / do / your homework?
B: Yes, .
6 A: he / phone / his friend?
B: No, .
2 Complete the sentences and questions with the
present simple or present continuous. Use the
verbs in brackets.
1 Mike listens to music every day. (listen)
2 Anna a book now. (read)
3 We dinner at the moment. (not eat)
4 I TV on weekdays. (not watch)
5 What they now? (do)
6 What time he usually to bed? (go)
7 you on the computer now? (play)
8 they usually up at 6 pm? (get)
3 Complete the text with the correct imperative
form of the words in the box (infinitive or Let’s +
continue get off have
look for meet take turn walk
Hi Emma.
I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. 1 Let’s meet at my
aunt and uncle’s house. I’ll tell you how to get there.
First, 2
… to the bus stop. Then, 3
.… the number 7 bus
to the bus stop opposite the bowling alley. 4
… the bus
and 5
… left at the end of the road. Then 6
… straight on
until you get to Oak Street. 7
… a house with a red door –
that’s my aunt and uncle’s house! 8
… lunch there before
we go out. My aunt makes really good sandwiches! See
you tomorrow,
4 Complete the sentences with a/an, the,
or – (zero article).
1 I really like – horror films, but I think .… comedies
are even better. I watch .… funny film every Saturday.
2 Both of my parents are .… teachers but I want to be
.… actor when I’m older.
3 I usually travel to school by .… bus but sometimes I
walk if .… bus is late.
5 Evaluation test
____/ 6 ____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 7
____/ 7
____/ 6
____/ 6
1 Put the words in order to make sentences.
1 cat / sleeping / now / My / is
2 your / class / you / studying / in / animals / Are /
3 teacher / classmates / listening / My / aren’t / the / to
4 moment / I / with / am / grandparents / living / the /
at / my
5 photos / is / some / Jane / looking / at
6 doing / now / Tom’s / are / What / brothers?
2 Match the questions (1–5) with the answers (a–f).
1 Am I speaking English now?
2 Is your brother Harry learning French?
3 Are you enjoying your holiday, Ben?
4 Are you and James talking?
5 Is your sister Sally studying a lot?
6 Are Linda and Chris living in Madrid now?
a No, we aren’t!
b Yes, they are.
c Yes, you are.
d No, I’m not!
e Yes, he is.
f No, she isn’t.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets. Use the present simple or
present continuous.
1 Sam …. TV every evening. (watch)
2 I …. fish and rice every day. (eat)
3 What …. at the moment? (you / do)
4 Sam …. French very well. (not speak)
5 We …. History at the moment. (not study)
6 Laura …. tennis now. (play)
7 I .... how to play the violin. (not know)
4 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 Ben often …. to stay with his grandparents.
a is going b goes c going
2 We sometimes …. a burger for lunch.
a have b are having c having
3 Mum: Are you doing your homework now, Tim?
Tim: Yes, …. .
a they are b you are c I am
4 What …. at school this week?
a you are studying b do you study c are you studying
5 …. football at the moment?
a Tom is playing b Is Tom playing c Does Tom play
6 Jane …. meat because she hates it!
a isn’t eating b not eating c doesn’t eat
7 …. some ice cream?
a Are you wanting b Do you want c Do
5 Label the pictures.
6 Underline the correct answer.
1 Some fish can swim forwards and backwards / left.
2 Lions hunt / jump animals like zebras.
3 Look! Those birds are swinging / flying over the trees.
4 Do polar bears fly / swim in the sea?
5 Gorillas often fight / jump other gorillas.
6 Sharks can fly / jump out of the water to hunt.
7 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 …. are my favourite animals – they’re very intelligent!
a Hens b Sheep c Dolphins
2 Monkeys can …. backwards and forwards in the trees.
a swim b swing c fly
3 I really like …. because their very long necks are great!
a sheep b crocodiles c giraffes
4 Where is the snake ….? I can’t see it.
a jumping b hiding c fighting
5 The shark is …. in the water.
a swinging b swimming c flying
6 …. are so small, but I really don’t like them!
a Spiders b Tigers c Cows
8 Complete the conversation. Choose from the
answers (a–f).
Richard: 1
Guide: Yes, it is.
Richard: 2
Guide: Oh, that’s easy. Walk down this hall.
Richard: 3
Guide: Then you take the stairs up to the third floor.
Richard: 4
Guide: Yes, it is. It’s on the right.
Richard: 5
Guide: It’s £3.50 for students.
Richard: 6
a Is the exhibit at the top of the stairs?
b How do I get to the exhibit about horses?
c OK. Then where do I go?
d Excuse me. Is the museum open now?
e Great, thank you for your help.
f And how much is a ticket?
2 3
5 6
Evaluation test
6 Complete the text with words from the box.
A good way to see my town is to go the 1
…. near
the bowling alley and take a 2
…. to the museum. It’s
enormous, with lots of interesting and 3
…. things to
look at. Then you can go by tram to the shopping
centre. There are a lot of tram 4
…. in town, and you can
buy lots of interesting things at the centre. From there,
go 5
…. foot to the ferry 6
…. . You can have dinner there
in one of the wonderful cafés.
Have fun!
7 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 I sometimes go to the …. for some exercise after school.
a market b cinema c skate park
2 I always go to school …. because I like walking.
a on foot b in a taxi c by bus
3 I’m going to the …. to buy some books.
a sports centre b skate park c shopping
4 The new sports stadium in town is very big. It’s ….!
a ancient b enormous c boring
5 I love travelling on water, so let’s go by . ….
a tram b bus c ferry
6 I usually buy chicken and cheese at the …..
a market b museum c park
8 Complete the conversation between Sam and
Jess. Choose the correct answers (a–f).
Sam: Hi, Jess. How are you?
Jess: 1
Sam: Great, thanks! What are you doing at the
Jess: 2
Sam: Wow! Really?
Jess: 3
Sam: Fantastic. Where are you flying?
Jess: 4
Sam: So what time are you flying?
Jess: 5
Sam: And after that, what’s the plan?
Jess: 6
Sam: It sounds great. Have fun!
a In the morning, at about 10 am.
b Then we’re going for lunch.
c Fine thanks, Sam. And you?
d I’m flying on a hot air balloon.
e Yes. It’s a birthday surprise from my parents.
f York. It’s a popular place to fly.
____/ 10
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 3
____/ 7
1 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.
1 …. to the announcements.
2 …. the door.
3 …. your book.
4 …. to page 15.
5 …. the article.
6 …. down.
7 …. up.
8 …. here.
9 …. quiet, please.
10 …. your hand.
2 Choose the correct sentences to make
suggestions in each case.
1 It’s boiling hot here. .… .
2 The bus stop is on the other side of the street. …. .
3 It’s raining outside. …. .
4 I want to see the new animation, Kubo and the two
strings. …. .
5 I need some eggs to make a cake. …. .
6 I can’t walk on foot, I’m really tired. …. .
7 I don’t want to do my homework now. …. .
3 Complete the sentences with a/an, the or the
zero article.
1 Carla is in 1
…. living room watching 2
…. TV.
2 I have 3
…. cat and two dogs.
3 Mr Cox is 4
…. headteacher of this school.
4 I live in 5
…. Italy and I also have relatives in 6
…. Malta.
4 Label the pictures.
5 Match the descriptions (1–6) with the
places (a–f).
1 You can have lessons here.
2 You can watch a game of football here.
3 You can buy fruit and vegetables here.
4 You can buy anything you want here!
5 You can watch films here.
6 You can look at old things here. ____/ 6
TOTAL____/ 100
be close come listen open raise
read sit stand turn
stops port station bus on ancient
Let’s open the windows. Let’s take our umbrellas.
Let’s cross. Let’s go to the market. Let’s take the tram.
Let’s go to the cinema. Let’s watch TV instead.
a sports stadium
b museum
c cinema
d market
e school
f shopping centre
1 2 3
In this unit …
What can you see in the photo?
Start thinking
● What is the person in the picture
● Do you know anyone who does
this sport?
● What other exciting sports do
you know?
● Sports and activities
● Clothes
● Adverbs
● Irregular plurals
Language focus
● Demonstratives
● Prepositions of
● Present simple Whquestions
Unit aims
I can …
● talk about sports and activities.
● read and understand a text about sumo
● use the demonstratives this, that, these and
● describe the direction of movement.
● practise asking present simple Wh- questions.
● understand a conversation about a sports
● talk about clothes.
7 Sport
The Palio p89
Talking about your
favourite sport p94
The bowler p92
CLIL Extreme
fishing p178
Your turn
3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the
1 What sports do you do?
2 Where do you do them?
3 When do you do them?
4 Who do you do them with?
What sports do
you do?

I play basketball. I
also ski.
2 Look again at the sports in
Exercise 1. Which ones …
1 are water sports?
2 are sports with a ball?
3 need something with wheels?
4 need a board?
5 are team sports?
6 are individual sports?
Let’s play football / basketball / tennis.
Let’s do judo / karate / yoga.
Let’s play yoga. ✗
I play skiing. ✗
Get it right!
Vocabulary Sports and activities
1 Label the pictures with the sports words in the box. Then listen,
check and repeat.
do judo go bowling go cycling go skateboarding go skiing go snowboarding
go surfing go windsurfing play baseball play basketball play volleyball
1 play basketball
Vocabulary bank • page 148 87
What do you know about sumo wrestling? Here are some
FAQs about sumo wrestling (Frequently Asked Questions
– or questions people often ask).
1 Does this sport come
from China?
2 Is sumo an old or a
new sport?
3 How many professional
wrestlers are there
in Japan?
4 Can women wrestle?
5 Do children do sumo
6 How much do the
wrestlers weigh?
7 How many times a day do
they eat?
8 What do they eat?
a It is a very old sport, probably about 2000 years old.
b They usually eat chankonabe, a traditional dish with chicken, fish,
beef, tofu and a lot of vegetables. They also eat a lot of rice.
c No, they can’t. Traditionally, only men can be professional sumo
d Yes, they do. You can be a professional wrestler from the age of
fifteen. But sumo isn’t very popular with children in Japan today.
These days, Japanese children prefer other sports, like football,
judo and baseball.
e They usually weigh between 120 and 150 kilos. They
are very big men!
f They typically eat twice a day. Sumo wrestlers don’t
eat breakfast and they often sleep after lunch.
g No, Sumo is not from China. It is a very old
Japanese tradition.
h There are about 700. Not all of the wrestlers are
from Japan. Surprisingly, there are wrestlers from
Hawaii, Mongolia, Bulgaria, Russia, and other
FACT! A typical 13-year-old needs about 2,000–2,500
calories a day. A sumo wrestler eats about 20,000
calories a day!
1 Work with a partner. Read the FAQs
about sumo wrestling. Do you know any of
the answers?
2 Match the questions with the answers.
Then listen and check.
3 Read the questions and answers again.
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the
false ones.
1 Sumo wrestlers eat three meals a day.
1 F – they eat two meals a day.
2 There aren’t any professional women sumo wrestlers.
3 Japanese children today love sumo wrestling.
4 Sumo wrestlers don’t sleep during the day.
5 Sumo wrestling isn’t from China.
6 All sumo wrestlers are from Japan.
Reading FAQs about
sumo wrestlers
Explore adverbs
4 Read the answers in the FAQ again. Find these
usually surprisingly typically generally
5 Three of these adverbs have the same meaning.
What are they?
usually, ,
Vocabulary bank • page 148
Your turn
6 Make notes about your sports habits. Tell your
partner about your sports.
● sports you usually play after school or at the
● what you typically eat before doing sport
I usually play basketball after school.
Language focus 1
Demonstratives Prepositions of movement
1 Complete the examples from the text
on page 88.
This/That = singular These/Those = plural
Does …. sport come
from China?
Look at that man!
…. days, Japanese
children prefer other
Those children are
playing basketball.
Grammar reference • page 132
2 Complete the sentences with the correct
demonstratives: this, that, these or those.
1 Wait, that baseball bat is mine. . … one
here is yours.
2 Can you pass me . … skis please? . … ones are
3 What’s . … over there? Is it somebody surfing?
4 Come and look at . …! James has got a cool new
5 If . … trainers here are mine, then whose are . …
over there?
3 Complete the dialogue with the correct
demonstratives: this, that, these or those.
A: Look at 1 this TV show.
B: Wow! What are 2
…. men doing?
A: 3 …. two there? They’re sumo wrestlers.
B: Sumo? What’s 4 ….?
A: It’s a kind of wrestling from Japan.
B: I see. And why are they wearing 5 …. strange
A: They’re traditional costumes.
B: Is 6 …. programme all about sumo wrestling
A: Yes. 7 …. man there is a champion sumo wrestler,
and 8
…. man here is new to the sport.
B: Right. And do they have to fight?
A: Soon. They have to finish 9 …. interview first. After 10 …., the tournament begins.
4 Complete the sentences with the prepositions
from the box.
1 Do we have to cycle up that hill? It’s a long way to the
2 You have to stand on this board and jump …. the pool.
3 To play volleyball, you have to hit the ball …. that net. I’ll
show you.
4 Let’s ski …. this hill here. We can meet at the bottom.
5 How do we get …. this river? Do we have to swim to the
other side?
6 I like to walk …. the beach in the mornings. Sometimes I
walk for miles!
7 Basketball’s easy. Look, you just have to throw the ball ….
that hoop.
8 If you go …. this building and turn left at the car park, you
will see the football pitch.
9 To score a goal, you have to get the ball …. the
Your turn
5 Work with a partner. Draw a map of a sports centre
using the words below. Then point, ask and answer
questions using demonstratives and prepositions of
up along over past through
across into down out of
We use this and these to talk about things that are
near to us.
We use that and those to talk about things that
are far from us.
Get it right!
Excuse me. Is this the basketball court?
No, this is the volleyball court. Go down the
corridor, up the stairs and through the door. That’s
the basketball court.
basketball court tennis court volleyball court
swimming pool football pitch changing room gym
Prepositions of movement show the direction
in which somebody or something is moving.
Get it right!
7.1 The Palio
Find out about a traditional sports event in Italy.
● How many people go to the Palio?
● What happens before it starts?
● How many riders take part in it?
Listening A conversation
1 Do you go to sports events? Which ones do
you go to?
2 Listen to Vicky and Joe talking about a
skateboarding competition. Is Vicky
3 Listen again. Which of these things
does Vicky do when she goes to skateboard
1 watch her friend
2 jump with a
3 spend money
4 buy clothes
5 buy things for her
6 buy skateboards
7 have lunch with
8 eat tacos
Vocabulary Clothes
4 Match the pictures with the words. Then
listen, check and repeat.
1 a skirt d
2 a tracksuit
3 trousers
4 a hoodie
5 a sweatshirt
6 jeans
7 a cap
8 socks
9 a T-shirt
10 boots
11 a jacket
12 shorts
Your turn
5 Ask and answer with your partner.
1 What clothes you are wearing today?
2 What clothes do you wear for your favourite sport?
3 What clothes do you wear when you go out?
What are you
wearing now?
I’m wearing jeans,
a T-shirt …
What do you wear
for basketball? I wear …
What do you
wear when you
go out?
I wear my pink
T-shirt and …
Vocabulary bank • page 148
4 Listen and check. Practice
the conversation with your
Your turn
5 Use the prompts to write
questions in the present simple.
Then ask and answer with a
1 Where / go?
2 When / go?
3 Who / go with?
4 How / get there?
5 What / wear?
Where do you usually go on your
summer holiday?
I usually go to the beach to take
part in surfing competitions.
Language focus 2 Present simple: Wh-questions
1 Complete the examples from the listening on page 90.
Wh- question Answer
. . . . people compete in these events?
. . . . do they do?
. . . . do you go?
A lot.
They do tricks.
We usually go to a nice Mexican
Grammar reference • page 133
2 Complete the questions with the correct form of
the present simple. Use the verbs in brackets.
1 What …. (you / usually wear) to a game?
1 What do you usually wear to a game?
2 When …. (Rick / buy) hoodies and T-shirts?
3 Who …. (Sarah / play) volleyball with?
4 When …. (the game / end)?
5 How many goals …. (we / want) to score?
6 Who …. (they / go) to lunch with?
Use do with questions in the present simple.
What do you do every day?
Not: What you do every day? ✗
Get it right!
3 Complete the conversation with
questions in the present simple.
1 do you buy
A: Hey, Tom. Where 1
…. all your cool
sweatshirts from?
B: I usually buy my clothes online. The Lions
are my favourite team. They have a game
A: Cool! How often 2 …. to see them?
B: I go once a month.
A: Where 3 …. to see them play?
B: I go to their stadium when they play at
A: Who 4 …. with?
B: I usually go with my friend, Kevin.
A: How much 5 …. to watch a match?
B: It doesn’t cost much. About £15.
A: Oh. Next time maybe
I can go with you.
B: OK!
Your turn
6 Ask and answer the questions.
1 What do you think of cricket?
2 Would you like to play or watch it? Why/
Why not?
7 Who is your sporting hero? Make notes
about your favourite sports person.
● What sports does he/she play?
● What makes him/her a good sports person?
8 Tell your partner about your sporting hero.
My sporting hero is .… She is the winner of ….
She visits schools and .…
1 Look at the pictures. What sport are they playing?
a) baseball b) cricket c) hockey
2 Work with a partner. What do you know about the
sport they are playing?
3 Watch the video without sound. Put these things in the
order that you see them.
1 players wearing normal clothes 4 a trainer
2 a cow and lots of traffic nearby 5 children playing
3 nets
4 Watch the video again with sound. Complete the
paragraph with the correct numbers.
Cricket is the number 1
.… sport in India. It is from England and
is around 2
…. years old. Fahim Adin’s dream is to be a famous
cricket player. He is 3
…. years old and has 4
…. brothers, who all
play cricket together. He can throw the ball over 5
…. kilometres
per hour!
5 Watch the rest of the video. Answer the questions.
1 Fahim is a really good bowler. What
else is special about him?
2 How does Fahim communicate?
3 How well does Fahim play in the important cricket match?
4 What does the man in picture 5 do?
Find out about a cricketer in India.
7.2 The bowler
2 3
4 5
Discover Culture
Are you bored with modern sports? Then come to the Highland Games in Scotland
and discover traditional Scottish sports. The Games celebrate Scottish culture, and
also include Scottish dance competitions and typical local food.
From May to September there are Highland Games in towns and villages across
Scotland. Men, women and children travel from all over the world to watch.
Nobody knows the exact origin of the Games. It might be a race held in Scotland by King
Malcolm III in the 11th century, to find a fast runner to take the king’s messages. Some
historians say that the Games are an invention of the Victorians in the 19th century.
Competitors at the Games do a lot of different events. There are special ‘heavy’ athletic
sports. One famous event is the caber toss. A caber is a heavy wooden pole. Contestants
throw the caber. The winners are very strong! Other events are the stone put – contestants
throw a big stone – and the hammer throw – they throw a metal ball on a long stick. Another
popular event is the Tug o’ war. In this event, rival teams pull a rope in opposite directions!
Local Scottish athletes wear traditional tartan kilts similar to skirts. Tartan is a colourful
material. Traditional tartan shows which family Scottish people are from.
Nowadays, people from all round the world compete in the events.
So why don’t you come too and experience the
magic of the Highland Games?
FACT! There are Highland Games all round the
world. The Highland Games in the USA date back
to 1836, New York.
Reading An article
1 Look at the photos. Which country do you think it
is? Do you know these sports?
2 Read the article. Match the photos with
the sports.
1 caber toss
2 stone put
3 hammer throw
4 tug o’ war
3 Read the article again. Are the sentences true (T)
or false (F)? Correct the false ones.
1 F – The Highland Games date from the 19th
century or before.
1 The Highland Games date from this century.
2 There aren’t any Highlight Games in the winter.
3 There are a lot of different events at the Games.
4 The winners of the “heavy” events are strong.
5 Local Scottish athletes don’t wear traditional tartan kilts.
6 Only Scottish people can compete in the games.
.Explore irregular plurals
4 Find the plurals of these words in the text.
Are they regular (R) or irregular (I)?
village man child team person sport woman
villages R
Vocabulary bank • page 148
Your turn
5 Ask and answer with a partner.
1 Which sport in the text would you like to do? Why?
2 Which sport would you NOT like to do? Why?
Which sport would you like to do?
I’d like to do the hammer throw
because … What about you?
I wouldn’t like to do … because …
6 Are there any traditional sporting events in your
country? What are they?
Groupwork • page 149
1 Watch the teenagers in the video.
Write the sports they talk about.
• baseball
• basketball
• bowling
• cycling
• football
• soccer
• swimming
• table tennis
• tennis
• snowboarding
• volleyball
• windsurfing
• wrestling
2 What’s your favourite sport and why? Ask and answer
with your partner.
Real Talk: What’s your favourite sport and why?
7 Change the words in bold in the conversation
in Exercise 4. Use the information below and your
own ideas. Practise the conversation.
Sport Problem
drop the ball
fall down
fall off the board
Some words are different in American and British
American English British English
soccer football
football American football
Get it right!
3 Listen to the conversation. What is Rachel
doing at the weekend?
4 Complete the conversation with the useful
Useful language
Cool! Absolutely! Really? Why’s that?
Max: What do you do at the weekend, Rachel?
Rachel: I do a lot of different things.
Max: And what are you doing this weekend?
Rachel: I’m going windsurfing for the first time.
Max: 1
…. Are you excited?
Rachel: I’m very excited! But I’m also a little afraid.
Max: 2
…. What are you afraid of?
Rachel: I’m afraid of falling off the board!
Max: 3
Rachel: Yeah, but after a few tries, I am sure I’ll know
how to do it and love it!
Max: 4
5 Listen again and check your answers.
6 Work with a partner. Practise the
conversation in Exercise 4.
Speaking Expressing interest
1 Look at the photo. What sport does Mohammed
Aman do? Read the biography to check.
2 Write the information in the order it appears
in the biography.
medals and records his/her future
place and year of birth sport(s)
1 2 3 4
3 Read the biography again. What happens at these
points in Mohammed’s life?
2008 the age of 19 2011
August 9, 2012 January 10, 1994
4 Complete the examples in the Useful language box.
Useful language
Prepositions of time and place
Use the prepositions:
• on with dates: August 9th
• in with months and years: December, 2014
• in with towns/cities and countries: London, Nigeria
• at with sports events and ages: the World Championships,
the age of 12
5 Complete the sentences with correct prepositions.
1 Qui Bo is a diver born …. Chengu, China, …. January 31,
2 Martha is a very young surfer. …. the age of ten, she often
goes surfing … the Pacific Ocean.
3 I am sure this team will win the gold medal …. the Summer
Olympics …. 2020.
4 Alina Dumitru is a judo champion born …. Romania, ….
August 30, 1982.
Mohammed Aman is a professional middle distance runner born in Asella, Ethiopia,
on January 10, 1994.
This is his story.
● At the age of 12, he first runs at school and he is very fast.
● In 2008, he wins his first international race in Nigeria.
● Three years later, he wins a silver medal at the World Youth Championship for the
800-meter race. In this race, he sets a national record. Then he breaks his own
record in September the same year.
● On August 9, he comes sixth at the 2012 Olympics in London.
● At the age of 19, he wins the gold medal at the 2013.
World Championship in Moscow.
Mohammed wants to go to the next Olympics. We think he will do really well!
Get Writing
6 Make notes about someone you
know. Use the headings in Exercise 2.
7 Now make a biography. Draw pictures
to go with the sports achievements.
Use your notes and the language
… born in …
At the age of … he/she …
After that, he/she …
In the future, he/ she …
8 Can you say YES to these questions?
• Have you got information from Exercise
6 in your biography?
• Have you got the correct prepositions of
time and place?
Writing bank • page 158
Writing A biography
In this unit …
● Weather
● Seasons
● Months
● Landscapes
● Collocations 2
● Adjectives
Language focus
● be going to
● future with will/won’t
Unit aims
I can …
● talk about seasons and the weather.
● talk about future intentions.
● ask questions about future intentions.
● understand a conversation about
holiday plans.
● talk about landscapes.
● make predictions about the future.
● make suggestions and express
● write an email about holiday plans.
8 Holidays
What can you see in the photo?
Start thinking
● What is the man doing?
● What things do you like
doing on holiday?
● What is your ideal holiday?
City of water p99
Going on
holiday p104
Alaska p102
CLIL Holiday in
Australia p179
1 2 4
7 8
2 Match the photos of the weather with the phrases in the box.
Then listen, check and repeat.
It’s sunny. It’s foggy. It’s icy. It’s windy. It’s snowy. It’s stormy. It’s rainy. It’s cloudy.
Vocabulary Seasons and weather
1 Look at the seasons. Which months are in each season in
your country? Then listen and repeat.
Vocabulary bank • page 150
1 It’s icy.
Your turn
3 Complete the table for you.
Me My partner
What’s your favourite month? Why? February. It’s my birthday!
What’s your favourite season? Why?
What season don’t you like? Why not?
4 Ask and answer the questions with your partner. Complete the table with your
partner’s information.
January February
March April
May June
July August
September October
November December
Reading A web page
1 Look at the pictures. Which holiday do
you like? Why?
2 Read the teenagers’ posts about their
holiday plans. Match each speaker with
the correct activity pictures.
3 Read about Chloe, Carla and Ivan’s
holiday plans again. Who has plans
to …
1 go on holiday for a week?
2 stay in more than one place?
3 stay in the countryside?
4 travel with friends?
5 do activities on water?
6 go on holiday with family?
Explore collocations
4 Look at the expressions in the table. Copy and complete
the table with similar expressions to the ones in the text.
Stay Spend Take
in a hostel a day a bike
a month
Vocabulary bank • page 150
Your turn
5 Make notes about your future holiday.
● where you are going to stay ● how long you are going to
spend there
● what you are going to do ● what you are going to take
6 Tell your partner about your future holiday.
I’m going to go to Paris next year.
My friends and I are going to spend two weeks
watching wildlife in Patagonia this summer.
We’re going to stay in hostels because it’s really
cheap. Patagonia is a beautiful place in the south
of Argentina, with lots of interesting animals. There
are penguins, sea lions, even killer whales. I’m going to
take my camera, of course, but we aren’t going to take
our phones. When I get back, my dad’s going to build a
web page and I’m going to put the best photos on it.
This summer my family and I are going to
explore Thailand. We’re going to stay in a tree
house in the jungle for three days, where we’re
going to ride elephants. Then we’re going to stay
in a hotel near the beach for a week. I’m going to
swim every day, and we’re all going to eat really nice
food. Fantastic!
I’m going to go on an adventure holiday in
Scotland for a week this summer. I’m going to stay
in a cabin in the Scottish countryside. There are about
50 different activities: from mountain biking to kayaking
in Scottish rivers. My favourite activity is the zip wire. I’m
not going to take summer clothes because it’s usually
quite cold in Scotland, but I don’t mind! I can’t wait.
Language focus 1 be going to
1 Complete the examples from the text on page 98.
I He / She / It We / You / They
+ I swim every
My dad build
a web page.
We explore
– I’m not going
to take summer
She isn’t going to
come with us.
We take our
mobile phones.
? Am I going to
build a web
Is he going to
ride an elephant?
Where are you
going to stay?
Grammar reference • page 134
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of be.
1 I ’m going to take lots of photos. (✓)
2 My classmates and I going to study hard for our
English exam. (✓)
3 They going to stay in a hotel in the countryside. (✗)
4 My mother going to cook when we’re on
holiday. (✗)
5 My sister and her best friend going to cycle to the
south of France. (✓)
3 Write questions with be going to.
1 Is he going to play football on Saturday?
1 he / play / football on Saturday?
2 you / watch / TV tonight?
3 what / you / watch?
4 when / they / do / their homework?
5 where / we / go / on holiday this year?
4 Match the questions in Exercise 3 with
the correct answers.
1 d
a) At the weekend.
b) A film.
c) Scotland.
d) No, he isn’t.
e) Yes, we are.
Your turn
5 Change the questions in Exercise 3. Ask and
answer with your partner.
Are you going to play football this weekend?
Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
6 Write six true sentences about your partner.
1 Maria isn’t going to play football this
going to
In informal English, we sometimes pronounce
going to as ‘gonna’ (/gənə/).
Listen and repeat.
1 /gənə/ What are you going to do?
2 /gənə/ I’m going to take a lot of photos.
Say it right!
7 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the
questions in Exercise 5. Use the informal
8.1 City of water
Find out about the popular tourist destination
of Venice.
● How many cars are there in Venice?
● How do people travel in Venice?
● What do people wear for Carnevale?
Listening A conversation
1 Look at the photos. What country do you think
they show? Which do you like best? Why?
2 Listen to the conversation between
Chloe and Ivan. Which of the places in the
photos do they NOT talk about?
3 Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 Chloe is worried about the weather in Scotland.
2 Chloe is going to visit Scotland in the winter.
3 Chloe isn’t going to take many photos in
4 Ivan is going to travel with his friends to
5 Chloe thinks Ivan is a good photographer.
6 Carla didn’t enjoy her holiday in Thailand
very much.
Vocabulary Landscapes
4 Look at the photos in Exercise 1. Find the
landscape words below. Which words aren’t in
the photos?
mountains sea lake beach river
jungle desert hill forest
5 Listen and repeat.
Your turn
6 Choose a holiday destination. Make notes
about it. Say why you want to go there.
There are a lot of mountains and beaches in California.
7 Ask your partner about their holiday
destination. Try to guess where it is.
Are there mountains there? Why do you
want to go there? Is it America?
Vocabulary bank • page 150
1 Complete the examples from the listening on
page 100.
I / You / He / She / It / We / They
+ I think I’ take my camera.
– Maybe I go to Scotland next year!
? What the weather be like?
Grammar reference • page 135
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of will and the verb in brackets.
1 My teacher thinks we will do (do) well in the test.
2 The weather (not be) very nice tomorrow.
3 You (have) a great time in Patagonia!
4 They (not see) any penguins at this time of year.
5 My dad says I (not enjoy) kayaking.
3 Complete the email with will and the verbs
walk have not rain leave make like
I’m very happy that you’re going to come camping with me
this weekend. I think we 1 a great time!
Come to my house on Saturday morning. My mum 2
some breakfast for us. She’s a great cook – I’m sure you
3 her food.
I think we 4 the house at about 10 o’clock. The
campsite isn’t far, so we 5 there. The weather forecast
says it 6 , and I’m very glad about that!
See you on Saturday!
Language focus 2 Future with will/won’t
Your turn
4 Write sentences about the future using a
prompt from each box.
go to my friend’s house
go to university get a job
have a shower have a snack
go swimming buy a house
after school today when I leave school
when I’m older this afternoon
tomorrow next week
1 I think I’ll go to my friend’s house after
school today.
1 I think … .
2 I hope … .
3 I’m sure … .
4 I don’t think … .
5 … .
6 … .
7 … .
5 Work with a partner. Make questions
from the sentences in Exercise 4. Ask
extra information questions when the
answer is yes.
Will you go to your friend’s house
after school today?
Yes, I will.
What do you think you’ll do there?
1 Look at the map. Which country is next to Alaska?
Which country is Alaska part of? What else do you know
about Alaska?
2 Match the extreme sports to the pictures.
1 snowboarding 2 bungee jumping 3 parachuting 4 kayaking
3 Which of the things do you think you’ll see in the video?
a beach icebergs a house a volcano a river
a mountain top the Northern Lights skiing a glacier
4 Watch the first part of the video (up to 0.38)
without sound and check your answers.
5 Watch the video with sound. Complete the
paragraph with the words below.
mountains exciting a lot of snowy
adventure sports cold
Alaska is great for people who like 1 adventure and
very 2 weather. It is a very 3 place to be. There are 4 things to do, including extreme 5 . They have really
spectacular 6 landscapes. Alaska is amazing, the 7
are incredible, the views are beautiful. Come on an
adventure here!
6 Find six positive adjectives in the text.
7 Watch the video again. Write the sports in the order
you would most like to do them.
Your turn
8 Work with a partner. Would you like to try any
of these extreme sports? Which ones? Why? /
Why not?
I’d like to try snowboarding but I can’t,
there are no mountains here.
Me too. I’d like to try …
9 What other extreme sports do you know? Which
one(s) would you like to try? Watch the video about
another extreme sport.
10 Why do people come to your country on holiday?
Think about the weather, the landscapes, the culture,
the food, etc. Write a list. Then work with a partner
and compare your ideas.
I think people come to … on holiday
because they like the culture.
Find out about adventure holidays in Alaska.
8.2 Alaska
Discover Culture
A Our two-week camp is a perfect introduction
to the ‘Land of the Midnight Sun’. You’ll go
sea kayaking, sailing, snowboarding and
camping and you’ll learn about the history of
the region and the animals that live here.
B Join other musicians for two weeks of musical
fun. You’ll improve your skills during the day
in classes with great teachers. Then every
evening you’ll relax at a special concert or
at a party on the beach. Other activities are
sports, board games and drama.
C Learn new skills this summer at the University
of Colorado – web design, game design;
everything you want to know about computers.
You’ll stay in university rooms and use the
amazing technology that our students use.
D A camp for everyone from great athletes to
complete beginners. We train hard every day,
and at night you’ll be very tired! But you’ll
have fun and play lots of new sports for the
first time. You’ll sleep well in our luxury cabins
in the beautiful mountains of Virginia.
E Do you love horses? Do you know how to
ride? This is the summer camp for you. You’ll
get your own horse for the two-week course
and you’ll learn all about how to take care of it.
At the end of this holiday you’ll be an excellent
horse rider and you won’t want to leave!
In the USA there is a tradition of sending teenagers to summer camps while the parents stay
at home. Every year over 11 million children and teenagers go to one of these. They are very
popular because there are a lot of fun activities to do. They usually last two or three weeks.
There are a lot of different kinds of camps. Here are some examples. Which do you like best?
Reading A holiday brochure Explore adjectives
4 What do these adjectives describe? Read the text
again and check your answers.
popular perfect special amazing luxury excellent
Vocabulary bank • page 150
Your turn
5 Compare a typical summer holiday of yours with the
summer camps you read about here. Make a list of
how many ways they are different.
We don’t usually go on holiday without our parents.
6 Work with a partner. Listen to your partner’s
descriptions and tell the class.
Xanthe doesn’t usually go on
holiday without her parents.
1 Look at the pictures on this page. What
activities can you see?
2 What kind of holiday is the brochure
describing? Read the brochure and match
the titles with the descriptions A–E.
1 Florida summer band camp
2 Riding camp
3 Alaskan adventure camp
4 Super summer sports camp
5 Tech camp Colorado
3 Read the text again. In which places
will you …
1 see animals?
2 work very hard?
3 stay at a university?
4 already know how to do the main activity?
5 do watersports?
6 be near the sea?
Groupwork • page 151 103
1 Watch the teenagers in the video.
Write down the places that they talk about.
• Florida
• Scotland
• Ireland
• Canada
• Turkey
• Barbados
2 Where do you like going on holiday? Ask and answer
with your partner.
Real Talk: Where do you like going on holiday?
5 Listen again and check your answers.
6 Work with a partner. Practise the
conversation in Exercise 4.
7 Change the words in bold in the conversation
in Exercise 4. Use the information below. Your
partner thinks of a reason why he/she doesn’t
want to go on that holiday.
3 Listen to Mia and Rose talking about their
summer holiday. Who doesn’t want to go on
a summer camp?
4 Complete the conversation with the useful
Useful language
Let’s What about Why don’t we I’d prefer
do you want to go That’s a good idea!
Mia: Where 1 on holiday this year, Rose?
Rose: 2 going on a summer camp?
Mia: A summer camp? 3 not to go to summer
Rose: Why not?
Mia: 4 go somewhere hot, like Portugal.
Rose: Yes, that’ll be nice. There’s a lot to do
in Portugal.
Mia: We can go surfing, water skiing,
Rose: 5 ! Do you think Dad will agree?
Mia: 6 ask him.
Where shall we go on
holiday this year?
What about going on this
winter holiday in Italy?
I’d prefer not …
Cortina, Dolomites
skiing, snowboarding,
horse riding, kayaking,
mountain biking
Speaking Making suggestions
1 Look at the photo and read Simon’s email. How
many places is he going to visit in Brazil?
Hi Paula
Thanks for your email. The photos of your dog are great!
I’m going to show them to my mum – she’ll love them!
Guess what? I’m going to visit Brazil for a month! I’m going
to go with my parents, my sister and my granddad. I can’t
wait. We’re going to fly to Rio first. We’re going to stay
with Dad’s friend, Cristiano. Then we’ll drive south to a city
called Paraty and we’ll go to the beach there. It’ll be very
relaxing after Rio, because there won’t be so many people.
We’ll stay there for a week I think. Have you got any holiday
Write again soon,
Simon Simon
2 Read Simon’s email again. What are his answers to
these questions?
1 Where are you going to go?
2 Who are you going to go with?
3 How are you going to travel?
4 Where are you going to stay?
5 What are you going to do?
6 How long will you be there?
Useful language
Starting and finishing an email
Start Finish
Thanks for your message.
How are you?
I hope you are well.
Please write soon.
Speak soon.
Looking forward to hearing
from you.
3 How does Simon start and finish his email?
Put the phrases in the correct column above.
Get Writing
4 Make notes about your next
holiday. Include information from
Exercise 2.
Where …
Who …
How …
What …
How long …
5 Write an email to a friend.
Use your notes from Exercise 4,
and the language below.
We’re going to visit …
We’re going to fly/drive …
We’ll stay there for …
6 Can you say YES to these
• Have you got information from
Exercise 4 in your email?
• Do you start and finish the email
with an expression from the Useful
language box?
• Are your spelling, grammar and
vocabulary correct?
Writing bank • page 159 105
Writing An email
4 Match the pictures with the words.
1 d
1 cloudy
2 foggy
3 icy
4 rainy
5 snowy
6 stormy
7 sunny
8 windy
f g h
b c
5 Complete the sentences with the words in
the box.
beach desert forest hill sea mountain
1 They’re swimming in the sea .
2 It’s hot and dry. We’re in the .
3 Let’s sit on the and look at the sea.
4 It’s easy to walk up this . It’s not very high.
5 There are a lot of tall trees. We’re in a .
6 It’s hard to climb up this because it’s very high.
It’s a .
6 Choose the best words to complete the text.
Next summer I’m going to 1
…. two weeks at a summer
camp in the USA. Summer camps are very 2
…. there, and
a lot of teenagers 3
…. go on one every year. It is my first
time and I think it will be 4
…. . I’m going to 5
…. in a 6
cabin with four other kids my age. I’m going to 7
…. my
computer and a camera with me and send photos back to
my parents. We’re going to 8
…. every day doing lots of fun
activities and I’m afraid I will be sad to come home. I think
it will be a really 9
…. holiday.
1 a) spend b) take
2 a) perfect b) popular
3 a) usually b) surprisingly
4 a) popular b) amazing
5 a) spend b) stay
6 a) little b) perfect
7 a) take b) spend
8 a) spend b) take
9 a) special b) luxury
7 Write the plurals of the words. Which ones are
regular / irregular?
1 man
2 baby
3 woman
4 girl
5 child
6 person
1 Write the names of the sports. Include the verbs.
1 go swimming
2 Write the names of the clothes in the picture.
1 cap
7 8
3 Match the months with the seasons.
1 spring a) December, January, February
2 summer b) September, October, November
3 autumn c) June, July, August
4 winter d) March, April, May
7–8 Review
Language builder
5 Choose the correct words to complete the text.
1 b
Dear Antonio,
Here are two photos of my home town. It’s a very nice
place. It’s quite small – you can walk 1 …. it in less than
an hour. Today there 2 …. over 100.000 people. You 3 ….
travel around town by bus or by tram, but there isn’t an
underground – they 4 .… one in a few years. This summer,
we 5 .… a big football tournament here. We hope that our
team 6 .… in the final match and 7 .…. Next year, the
town 8 .… a festival of culture. They are building a lot of
new hotels because visitors from a lot of countries 9 ….
visit us. You must come and visit me one day.
You 10 …. stay with me and my family.
Best wishes,
1 a) over b) across c) down
2 a) are b) do c) is
3 a) can b) will c) won’t
4 a) will build b) build c) ’re going to build
5 a) have b) will have c) ’re going to have
6 a) is playing b) will play c) is going to play
7 a) will win b) is winning c) is going to win
8 a) is going to have b) is have c)) have
9 a) is going b) are going to c) is going to
10 a) can b) going c) don’t
6 Complete the conversation with the words in
the box.
That’s a good idea Let’s I’d prefer Really
What about Cool I see
Tim: 1 Let’s go kayaking this weekend.
Karla: 2
…. not to go kayaking.
Tim: Why not?
Karla: Because I go kayaking every week.
Tim: 3
Karla: Yes, really.
Tim: 4
Karla: I enjoy kayaking, but this time I want to do
something different.
Tim: 5
…. .
Karla: I hope you don’t mind.
Tim: No, not at all. 6
…. going to the cinema instead?
Karla: 7
…. . Shall we go tomorrow afternoon?
Tim: Yes, OK.
Language focus
1 Complete the sentences with this, that, these or
1 A: Is .… tennis racket here yours?
B: No, … one’s Mark’s. … one here is mine.
2 A: What’s … over there?
B: …. ’s my new snowboard!
3 A: I think I need some new trainers. … are too small,
B: Yes. You’ve had … ones for ages, too.
4 A: Don’t touch … biscuits over there. If you’re
hungry, you can have one of … on this plate.
2 Write the question words.
1 A: .… do you go on Saturday mornings?
B: I go to the shopping centre.
2 A: …. do you go with?
B: I go with Jamie.
3 A: .… do you buy?
B: I buy books or CDs.
4 A: …. do you spend?
B: I spend about £5.
3 Complete the conversation with the correct form
of be going to.
1 are you going to do
Owen: What 1
(you / do) when you leave school?
Alex: 2
(I / go) to university, but first 3
(I / take) a year
out and travel around Europe.
Owen: Cool! 4
(I / try) and get a job. 5
(I / not go) to
university. Who 6
(you / go travelling) with?
Alex: My cousin. 7
(We / start) in the north, in
Scandinavia, and finish in the south in Spain
and go to all of the countries in between.
Owen: Wow! That’s a lot of countries.
Alex: What about you? 8
(you / travel) in the future?
Owen: Maybe! Your trip sounds great!
4 Match the sentences, then write the correct form
of will and the verb in brackets.
1 Don’t forget your umbrella. a
2 Sonya studies very hard.
3 You didn’t do your homework!
4 I made a cake for you.
5 Let’s take the children to Disneyland.
a) I think it’ll rain (rain) later today.
b) Everyone says she (pass) her exams easily.
c) They (love) it!
d) Your teacher (not be) happy about that.
e) I hope you (like) it.
7 Evaluation test
____/ 7
____/ 7
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 6
1 Complete the questions and the answers.
1 That skateboard is mine. …. one here is yours.
2 Can you pass me .… helmet please? .… one is too
small for me.
3 Who’s ….? Is it the famous runner Usain Bolt?
4 Come and look at .…! Gina has got a new pair of
ice skates!
5 If …. skis here are Martha’s, then whose are .… over
2 Underline the correct answer.
1 If you go through / across that door, you’ll find the
swimming pool.
2 Let’s walk out of / down those steps.
3 You have to get the ball along / past the goalkeeper.
4 Can you jump over / down that wall?
5 Let’s go cycling along / through the river.
6 Take your tracksuit into / out of your bag.
3 Match the questions (1–6) with answers (a–f).
1 How do we get to the other side of the river?
2 What’s your name?
3 Where are you from?
4 How are you?
5 What time is it now?
6 Where do I have to go?
a Fine, thanks.
b 11.30.
c It’s Ben.
d Italy.
e Past the gym and through the car park.
f We have to swim across it.
4 Complete with play or go.
1 …. swimming
2 …. tennis
3 …. surfing
4 …. basketball
5 …. skiing
6 …. volleyball
5 Complete the sentences with a sport from the box.
1 I really want to go …. at the new park in our town.
2 I often go …. in the sea with my family.
3 We are going …. next weekend, and I really hope I
won’t fall off my bike again!
4 My brothers both play …. with their friends every
week, and they’re in the school team.
5 My sister does …. in the sports hall. She wears a special
jacket and trousers.
6 Ben is going …. with his friends at the alley in town
6 Label the pictures.
7 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 I generally play …. at the sports centre.
a bowling b basketball c surfing
2 I wear big boots and warm …. on my feet for skiing.
a caps b jeans c socks
3 Are you cold? You’re only wearing a …. and jeans.
a T-shirt b tracksuit c skirt
4 I never go …. because I don’t like the pool in town.
a surfing b swimming c skateboarding
5 I don’t go …. in the city because there are a lot of cars on
the roads.
a skiing b windsurfing c cycling
6 I want to buy some nice …. for the summer.
a shorts b boots c hoodies
8 Complete the conversation between Anna and Jack.
Choose from the answers (a–f).
Jack: Hi, Anna! How are you?
Anna: 1 ….
Jack: So what are you doing this weekend?
Anna: 2 ….
Jack: Cool! Are you excited?
Anna: 3 ….
Jack: Why’s that? What are you afraid of?
Anna: 4 ….
Jack: Really?
Anna: 5 ….
Jack: Absolutely! It sounds fantastic.
Anna: 6 ….
a I’m very excited! But I’m also a little afraid.
b Yeah, but after a few tries I’m sure I’ll know how to do it.
c Fine, thanks, Jack!
d Yes! Snowboarding is cool!
e I’m afraid of falling off the snowboard.
f I’m going snowboarding for the first time.
windsurfing baseball bowling judo
skateboarding cycling
shirt hoodie shorts skirt tracksuit jacket
boots cap
1 2
6 5
Evaluation test 8
6 Complete the words about the landscape.
1 You can go skiing here in the winter. m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 This is a place with lots of trees. f _ _ _ _ _
3 Many wild animals live here. j _ _ _ _ _
4 There aren’t many trees here and it’s very dry.
d _ _ _ _ _
5 This place is very near the sea. b _ _ _ _
6 This water travels down to the sea. r _ _ _ _
7 You can ride a boat on it. l _ _ _
8 This is an area higher than the surrounding land.
h _ _ _
9 It’s salty and you can bathe in it. s _ _
7 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 It’s often icy in …. in Europe.
a winter b summer c autumn
2 It’s not a good idea to go windsurfing when it’s …. .
a sunny b windy c stormy
3 There aren’t many fish in the …. in our town.
a river b hill c beach
4 On a luxury city holiday, people usually stay in a …. .
a cabin b tree house c hotel
5 I want to go snowboarding in the …. .
a desert b mountains c jungle
6 I often cycle to the top of the …. behind my house.
a forest b lake c hill
8 Complete the conversation between Samantha
and her dad. Choose from the answers (a–f).
Dad: Where shall we go on holiday this year,
Samantha: 1 ….
Dad: What about going to the forest park?
Samantha: 2 ….
Dad: Why not?
Samantha: 3 ….
Dad: Yes, that’ll be nice. What can we do there?
Samantha: 4 ….
Dad: Right, that’s a good idea.
Samantha: 5 ….
Dad: That’s OK. Now, shall we drive or go by
Samantha: 6 ….
a I think it’ll be better to travel by car.
b I don’t really like it. Let’s go to the beach!
c I don’t know, Dad.
d Well, there’s surfing and swimming …
e It’s going to be perfect!
f I’d prefer not to go there again, Dad.
____/ 6
____/ 7
____/ 6
____/ 6
____/ 4
____/ 9
____/ 6
1 Complete the sentences with be going to.
1 Ben …. see his friends tonight. (–)
2 My brother …. study at university next year (+)
3 Mum and Dad …. book our holiday tomorrow. (+)
4 We …. go to Clara’s party next Saturday. (–)
5 Brad and Julia …. get married next year. (+)
6 Jack …. finish his project now. (–)
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
will and the verbs in brackets.
1 …. (you / help) me with my homework?
2 Sam …. (not come) with us to the skate park.
3 We …. (leave) at 10.00 am tomorrow.
4 I …. (not be) at football practice tomorrow.
5 I think I …. (have) a sandwich for lunch.
6 …. (Max / do) well in the competition next week?
3 Match the questions (1–6) with the answers (a–f).
1 Will you be at school tomorrow? ….
2 Are you going to play football, Ben? ….
3 Are you and Paul going to organise a school party? ….
4 Will the weather be nice tomorrow? ….
5 Are your parents going to buy a new car? ….
6 Is Maria going to do her Geography homework? .…
a Yes, I am.
b Yes, she is.
c No, we aren’t.
d Yes, they are.
e No, it won’t.
f Yes, I will.
4 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 I think …. to see my cousin today.
a going b to go c I’ll go
2 What time …. meet Mark?
a going b going to
c are you going to
3 A: Are you going to help me with this? B: No, …. .
a I’m not going b I’m not c I won’t
4 I’m sure you …. have a great time on holiday!
a going to b will c are going
5 A: Is Nick going to visit you this year? B: Yes, …. .
a he will b he does c he is
6 Chloe and Tom …. going to buy anything in town
a aren’t b don’t c won’t
5 Label the pictures.
____/ 6
TOTAL____/ 100
It’s rainy. It’s snowy. It’s sunny. It’s stormy.
1 2 3 4
Language focus
1 Put the words into the correct order to make sentences and questions.
0 haven’t / a / dog / got / We
We haven’t got a dog
1 Australia / you / cousins / in / got / Have
2 better / than / sister / I’m / a / singer / my
3 hair / Sally’s / long / got / straight
4 taller / brother / you / than / Are / your
5 big / your / a / parents / Have / house / got
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present simple.
0 I don’t do homework at the weekends. (not do)
1 Peter ________ lunch at school. (not have)
2 What time ________ school? (you / start)
3 I ________ art classes after school. (sometimes / have)
4 We ________ swimming after school. (not go)
5 Sarah ________ to bed early. (always / go)
3 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
0 A: Have you got a big family?
B: Yes, ____.
a I do b I have got c I have
1 I don’t mind ____ my homework. I quite like it!
a do b to do c doing
2 My sister isn’t very good at ICT, so I sometimes help
a her b them c it
3 A: ____ do you have lunch at school?
B: At 1 pm.
a Where b When c What
4 I ____ watch television in the evenings. I’m always busy
a sometimes b often c never
5 A: ____ you speak French?
B: Yes, I’m quite good!
a Are b Have c Can
4 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
0 Would you like ____ apple?
a a b an c many
1 We haven’t got ____ bread at home for our lunch.
a many b much c a lot
2 There ____ a lot of milk on the table.
a are b has c is
3 I don’t usually eat ____ meat with my meals.
a any b a c some
4 How ____ rice can you eat?
a many b lot c much
5 I don’t want ____ carrots.
a many b some c a
A Final evaluation test
5 Underline the correct answer.
0 My mother and father are my grandparents / parents.
1 My mum’s sister is my cousin / aunt.
2 I play / have chess with my friends after school.
3 Our garden is really unhappy / beautiful.
4 I usually eat sandwiches in / at lunchtime.
5 Daniel has got spiky / tall hair.
6 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
Hi! My name’s Harry. I want to tell you about my daily routine. On school days, I 0
up at 7 am and 1 ________ a shower. Then I 2 ________ dressed, have some breakfast
and 3 ________ to school. School finishes at 3 pm, and I sometimes 4 ________ football
or tennis after school. Then at home I have dinner and 5 ________ my homework. And
sometimes I’m lucky, and Mum says I can watch TV in bed!
7 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
0 We play football ____ at school.
a in the library b on the playing field c in the science lab
1 My favourite subject is ____ because I like playing the guitar.
a Maths b History c Music
2 I ____ karate every day to get into the school team.
a practice b train c practise
3 I really like my Maths classes – they’re very ____.
a terrible b interesting c boring
4 We have our lunch in the ____ at school.
a canteen b sports hall c IT room
5 I’m really ____ to have a computer to help me do my homework.
a usual b useful c lucky
8 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 You eat this meal in the evening. ___ a chicken
2 You use this to make a sandwich. ___ b carrot
3 You can eat this after your main meal. ___ c bread
4 This is a kind of meat. ___ d apple
5 This fruit can be green or red. ___ e milk
6 This is white and you can drink it. ___ f dinner
g rice
h dessert
have do get play go get
Final evaluation test A
Useful language
9 Complete the telephone conversation between two friends. What does Lydia say to Tom? Choose the correct
answer (a–g). There is one more answer than you need.
Tom: Hi, Lydia! How are you?
Lydia: 0 ___
Tom: Oh, sorry, I’m afraid I can’t.
Lydia: 1 ___
Tom: I’m sure, but my grandparents are here.
Lydia: 2 ___
Tom: Thanks, I’d like to come. How much does it cost?
Lydia: 3 ___
Tom: And what time is the film?
Lydia: 4 ___
Tom: I can ask them. Can I call
you back?
Lydia: 5 ___
Tom: Bye, Lydia.
a The tickets are £5.50.
b I think so. Do you know the cinema on
Green Street?
c Great, thanks, Tom. Hey, can you come
to the cinema with us tomorrow?
d It starts at 8.00. Is that OK with your
e Why not? There’s a brilliant new film
we can watch!
f Sure. Talk to you later.
g OK. What about Saturday, then?
10 Listen to Clare talking about her family. Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
0 How many brothers and sisters has Clare got? a one
b two
c three
1 What does Clare say about Mark? a He gets up early.
b He doesn’t like school.
c He does his homework every evening.
2 What does Clare say about Sarah? a She’s older than Mark.
b She’s very intelligent.
c She doesn’t like doing homework.
3 What does Sarah like doing? a watching TV
b cooking supper
c reading books
4 Clare says that David a is good at tennis.
b goes to chess classes after school.
c practises sport at home.
5 What is Clare’s favourite class? a History
b French
c Maths
A Final evaluation test
11Read the text about an unusual teenager.
Rob isn’t a typical teenager. He’s 16 years old, and he loves going out with
his friends in his home town – when he’s there! But Rob’s not often at home
because he’s a brilliant chess player. He plays chess in competitions all over
the world. And Rob still does lots of studying, too. He has his own teacher
who travels with him, so he has lessons in the morning and then in the
afternoon he practises chess. Sometimes he has a break from chess because
he wants to play a computer game instead or talk to his friends on his phone.
This week he’s in France, so he can speak French with the other people there.
And next week it’s Canada so that’s OK because he can speak English there.
Sometimes Rob would like to be on holiday with his family at home, but he has
an interesting life and he knows he’s very lucky!
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? If there isn’t enough information in the text,
write doesn’t say (DS).
0 Rob likes seeing his friends where he lives. ___
1 Rob travels a lot. ___
2 Rob doesn’t go to school. ___
3 Rob’s parents would like to travel with him sometimes. ___
4 Rob plays chess all day. ___
5 Rob has lots of holidays at home with his family. ___
12Write about your best friend. Use the questions to help you.
Write 25–35 words.
● What’s your best friend’s name?
● How old is he/she?
● What does your friend look like?
● What do you do together?
Final evaluation test A
Language focus
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Use the present simple
or present continuous.
0 I ’m watching my favourite film on TV – it’s great!
1 Louisa ______________ to school on Saturdays. It’s the weekend.
2 When ________ you usually ________ your homework?
3 Jack is in the library. He ________________ for a test now.
4 We _______________ all the answers to our teacher’s questions.
5 The baby is in her room. She _______________ at the moment.
2 Write sentences in the imperative. Give advice.
0 I don’t go running in the park in the morning.
Go running in the park in the morning!
1 I never wash my hands before having breakfast.
2 I eat fast food every day.
3 I never ask the teacher when I need help.
4 I rarely open the window after I get up.
5 I watch too much television. It’s bad for my eyes.
3 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
0 __ are you going to play tennis this week?
a When b What c Who
1 ___ going to go to school tomorrow?
a Do you b Are you c Will you
2 Does the bus go ___ your house?
a over b across c past
3 Is __ your book here? That one is mine.
a this b that c these
4 Let’s go and visit __ Big Ben.
a the b – (zero article) c a
5 ___ walk on the grass, please.
a Don’t b Doesn’t c Does
4 Underline the correct answer.
0 When are you going to see / you see Jack?
1 A: Are you going to read this new book?
B: No, I’m not / I’m not going.
2 I think going to / I’ll go to the swimming pool today.
3 A: Is Jack going to come with us to the cinema?
B: Yes, he will / he is.
4 I’m sure you will / going to have a good time at the skate park.
5 Ben doesn’t / isn’t going to see his friends today because he’s busy.
B Final evaluation test
5 Complete the missing word. The first letter is there to help you.
There is one space for each other letter in the word.
This animal
0 lives in the mountains. b e a r
1 is grey and very big. e _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 lives in the sea and is dangerous. s _ _ _ _
3 is very small and lives in people’s houses. s _ _ _ _ _
4 lives in the jungle and hunts other animals. t _ _ _ _
5 is taller than any other animal. g _ _ _ _ _ _
6 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
I really like meeting my friend in town 0 ___ Saturday afternoons. We sometimes go to the 1 ___ to see a film, or we go 2 ___ at the pool in the town centre. I always take a 3 ___ with me to wear
because it’s sometimes cold when we come out. We take 4 ___ to eat as a snack, too – they’re
perfect! Then in the evening we travel home together by 5 ___ from the station. You can see the
river from there. It looks wonderful then.
0 a in b on c at
1 a museum b bowling alley c cinema
2 a surfing b swimming c skateboarding
3 a hoodie b skirt c T-shirt
4 a bread b cheese c bananas
5 a ferry b bus c foot
7 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
There are two more words than you need.
0 We’re going to spend the day at the museum tomorrow because it’s our school trip.
1 We can go to the new café in the ________ , and then go and buy some clothes.
2 Meet me at the ________ as I’m going to come into town on the ferry.
3 We can’t go ________ on the lake today because it’ll be very stormy later.
4 I always wear good ________ to go into the mountains.
5 It’s really ________ today, so I’m sure it’s going to be hot later.
boots museum snowy port shopping centre
snowboarding sunny windsurfing
Final evaluation test B
8 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
0 We really like ________ in the mountains.
a skiing b surfing c bowling
1 Don’t forget your umbrella as it’s going to be ________ today.
a icy b rainy c foggy
2 My favourite ________ is the summer.
a season b month c year
3 I’m going to ________ chess after school tonight.
a play b do c make
4 I never have ________ for my lunch because I hate meat.
a cheese b vegetables c burgers
5 A lot of fish live in this ________ .
a river b desert c forest
Useful language
9 Complete the conversation between two friends. What does Rachel say to Mia?
Choose from the answers (a–g). There is one more answer than you need.
Mia: Hi, Rachel. How are you?
Rachel: 0 ___
Mia: That’ll be nice. What are we going to do?
Rachel: 1 ___
Mia: It sounds fantastic. Can I ask my dad first?
Rachel: 2 ___
Mia: OK, that time’s fine for me. How do I get to your
Rachel: 3 ___
Mia: Oh, that’s easy. Shall I bring something?
Rachel: 4 ___
Mia: That’s a good idea. We can play some music.
Rachel: 5 ___
Mia: Yes, it will! See you on Saturday.
a Yes, sure. Can you come about 2 pm?
b Let’s see … How about your guitar?
c We can make snacks and watch a film.
d I’d prefer to go to the cinema.
e Let’s do that! It’ll be cool!
f Go straight down King Street. It’s on the right.
g Fine, thanks. Can you come to my house on Saturday?
10 Listen to different people talking about their favourite place. Match the people (1–5) with what
they like about their favourite place (a–g). There is one more answer than you need.
People What they like
0 Dan ___ a seeing lots of animals
1 Sophie ___ b doing some art
2 Jake ___ c looking at old things
3 Carla ___ d staying in a nice place
4 Matt ___ e spending time with friends
5 Lucy ___ f having meals outside
g listening to music
B Final evaluation test
11Read the article about three school students.
Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
0 Who thinks the teaching rooms at her school are very good?
a Anna b Maria c Sophie
1 Who is going to practise one of her languages very soon?
a Anna b Maria c Sophie
2 Who thinks she’ll use her languages after she leaves school?
a Anna b Maria c Sophie
3 Who doesn’t like the time of day that she does one of her lessons?
a Anna b Maria c Sophie
4 Who wants to do the same job as one of her family?
a Anna b Maria c Sophie
5 Who prefers studying the subject that she’s not so good at?
a Anna b Maria c Sophie
12Write about your next birthday. Use the questions to help you.
Write 25–35 words.
● When is your birthday?
● How old will you be?
● Are you going to have a party?
● What are you going to do?
● What presents do you think you will get?
I’m not interested in everything we study at school – like our ICT lessons. But we learn
three languages, and that’s great. Now when we go to some countries on holiday, I can
talk to people! It’s important to learn things like that, because they can help us when
we’re older. And I’m happy at my school because we’ve got new science labs and a big
new sports hall. My parents and I both think it’s brilliant!
I go to my parents’ old school. It’s very different now! We’ve got a big sports eld.
But we usually do sports lessons on Friday afternoon – when we’re really tired! But I
still love sport, and baseball’s my favourite. I’m usually the worst in the team, but I don’t
mind. It’s fun! I’m good at languages, but I’m not brilliant at Maths – but for me the Maths
class is more interesting. The things we learn are really useful to me.
Our French class is going to go to Paris next month. Two teachers are coming with
us, and we’re going to visit all the sights – and speak French! It’s going to be amazing
because everyone says Paris is a great place. But French isn’t my favourite subject.
I’m better at Spanish and Geography.
Final evaluation test B
Starter Unit
Possessive pronouns
Personal pronoun Possessive pronoun
singular plural singular plural
I we mine ours
you you yours yours
he they his theirs
she hers
it – –
• Use possessive pronouns to show that something belongs
to someone.
• Possessive pronouns are used in place of a noun and they
come after the verb.
This T-shirt is mine.
• There is no possessive pronoun for it.
1 Complete the sentences with the correct
possessive pronoun.
1 This is my cat. It’s mine .
2 That is Tim’s dog It’s …
3 This is our house. It’s ….
4 These are Jane’s clothes. They’re … .
5 These flowers are for you. They’re … now.
Possessive adjectives and possessive ‘s
singular plural
my/your/his/her/its our/your/their
• We use possessive adjectives to talk about possession.
This is my computer.
• We use his for boys and men and her for girls and women.
His name’s Tom.
Her name’s Amanda.
• We use the possessive adjective its for animals and things.
My dog is black but its feet are white.
• We use apostrophe + s to show possession.
• We put ’s after a name or singular noun and s’ after a plural
2 Choose the correct answers.
1 My sister’s / sisters’ friends are nice.
2 Her dog’s / dogs’ names are Dolly and Maya.
3 Sandra’s / Sandras’ bike is green.
4 The girl’s / girls’ hat is in the wardrobe.
5 Jane and Debbie’s / Jane’s and Debbie’s garden is big.
6 Mary’s / Marys’ book is in her schoolbag.
3 Find and correct the mistakes.
1 These are mine parents.
These are my parents.
2 Don’t eat those biscuits. They’re her.
3 We want to meet yours sister.
4 Where is hers car?
5 This isn’t your book. It’s our!
4 Rewrite the sentences like in the model.
1 This book belongs to Jenny. It’s
Jenny’s book.
2 This house belongs to the man. It’s … .
3 This teacher teaches the boy. She’s … .
4 This dog belongs to the children. It’s … .
5 This car belongs to my mother. It’s … .
6 That shirt belongs to Michael. It’s … .
5 Complete the sentences with the correct possessive
1 Are these your (you) books? No. They’re hers . (she)
2 Are these … (him) jeans? No, they’re … . (I)
3 Is this … (you) cat? No, it’s … . (they)
4 Are these … (us) keys? No, they’re … . (her)
5 Is that …’s (Kate) brother? No, he’s … . (I)
6 Is this … (you) food? No, it’s … . (he)
6 Write the sentences two ways. Use possessive ‘s and
possessive adjectives.
1 Lydia / shoes are blue.
Lydia’s shoes are blue. Her shoes are blue.
2 The dog / ball is red.
3 The teachers / names are Mr Lark and Mrs Moore.
4 Andrew / parents are from Chile.
118 Grammar reference
Grammar reference
Subject pronouns and to be: affirmative,
negative and questions
+ –
full form contraction full form contraction
I I am I’m I am not I’m not
You You are You’re You are
You aren’t
He He is He’s He is not He isn’t
She She is She’s She is not She isn’t
It It is It’s It is not It isn’t
We We are We’re We are
We aren’t
You You are You’re You are
You aren’t
They They are They’re They are
They aren’t
• Use the present simple of to be to identify people and give
locations and dates.
He’s my uncle.
They’re in the house.
It’s the 12th March.
• You can use subject pronouns instead of names to refer
to people or things. You can use contractions to combine
subject pronouns with the present simple of to be.
Millie’s my friend.
She’s my friend.
• Change the word order to make questions; put to be
before the subject.
? short answers
+ –
Am I at school? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Are you at school? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Is he/she/it at school? Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it
Are we/you/they at
Yes, we/you/they
No, we/you/they
7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verb. Use contractions where possible.
1 A: Hello! What ’s your name?
B: My name ’s Bob.
2 A: How old … you?
B: I … eleven years old.
3 A: Who … he?
B: He … my best friend, George.
4 A:… she a student in your class?
B: No, she …. . She … in class 8W.
5 A:… they your cats?
B: No, they …. . They … my sister’s.
6 A: Where … you from?
B: We … from New Zealand.
8 Complete the conversations with the correct subject
pronouns and the present simple of the verb to be.
Use contractions where possible.
1 A: Is Lara 18?
B: No, she isn’t . She’s 19.
2 A: Tim and Ella students?
B: Yes, . in my class.
3 A: you in the basketball team?
B: No . in the football team.
4 A: I in Room C?
B: No, not. in Room D.
9 Write sentences with the correct form of the verb
to be. Use contractions where possible.
1 He / a teacher → He’s a teacher.
2 I / a student / in the 5th grade
3 Mary / very happy / in London
4 My parents / both doctors
5 You / my best friend
6 We / Romanian
10 Transform the sentences in exercise 9 into
questions, then put them in the negative. Use
contractions where possible.
Is he a teacher?
He isn’t a teacher.
Grammar reference
Grammar reference 119
Unit 1
Have got: affirmative and negative
+ I’ve got
a sister.
You’ve got
He/She/It ’s got
We’ve got
You’ve got
They’ve got
– I haven’t got
a brother.
You haven’t got
He/She/It hasn’t got
We haven’t got
You haven’t got
They haven’t got
• We use have (not/n’t) got to talk about possession.
I’ve got a brother.
I haven’t got a sister.
Have got: questions and short answers
? Have I/we/you/they got a skateboard?
? Has he/she/it got
+ Yes, I/we/you/they have.
+ Yes, he/she/it has.
– No, I/we/you/they haven’t.
– No, he/she/it hasn’t.
• We use have + subject + got + object to make questions.
Have you got a skateboard?
• We use short answers when we speak.
A: Have you got a skateboard?
B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
1 Complete the sentences with have, has, haven’t or
1 My father has got a lot of books. (✓)
2 All my friends … got short hair. (✓)
3 My sister … got a hamster. (✓)
4 They … got fair hair. They … got dark hair. (✗) (✓)
5 My best friend … got a new bike. He … got a
skateboard. (✗) (✓)
6 My uncle … got a car. He … got a motorcycle. (✗) (✓)
7 Måns is from Sweden and he … got light blue
eyes. (✓)
2 Put the words in the correct order to make
1 She / got / blonde / hair / has
She has got blonde hair.
2 a / got / The / boy / ball / red / has
3 Have / I / headache / got / a
4 The / got / girls / have / dresses / beautiful
5 hasn’t / Grandpa / glasses / got / the
6 They / any / got / haven’t / pets
3 Write affirmative (✔) or negative (✗) sentences
with have got.
1 She / two cousins. (✓)
She’s got two cousins.
2 I / blue eyes. (✓)
3 Harry / a pencil. (✓)
4 You / a bike. (✗)
5 We / a big garden. (✗)
6 My grandparents / mobile phones. (✓)
4 Write questions and short answers for the
sentences in Exercise 3.
Has she got two cousins?
Yes, she has. / No she hasn’t.
5 Read the short texts and complete the sentences
with have got, has got, haven’t got, hasn’t got.
1 I … a small room but I really like it. I … a white bed
and a brown desk. I … posters on the walls. I don’t like
posters. I … a pet in my room, because I am allergic to
animals. I … a TV in my room and I watch it with my
2 My sister … a small room. She … got a big one,
much bigger than mine. She … a lot of books in
her bookcase. She loves reading. She … a hamster,
because she loves pets. She … posters on the walls.
She prefers photos of her friends.
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120 Grammar reference
Comparative and superlative adjectives
Short adjectives tall – taller – the tallest
Long adjectives powerful – more powerful – the most
Comparisons of
as tall as, as powerful as
Irregular forms good – better – the best
bad – worse – the worst
much, many – more – the most
far – further – the furthest
little – less – the least
• We use comparative adjectives to show how two things
are different from each other. We use than with the
My hair is darker than his hair.
• We use superlative adjectives to show how more than two
things are different from each other in the same group. We
use the… in/of with the superlative:
My brother is the most intelligent student in the class.
6 Read the text below:
My name is Connor and I’m a student in the 5th grade.
I think my class is the happiest and the most interesting
class in my school. There are 28 of us and we’re so
Suzi is the oldest of my classmates, and she’s also the
tallest. Jim is only ten, and he’s the youngest of us all. Most
of the girls have long hair, but Amanda has the longest
hair of all. It reaches down to her waist!
My best friend is Peter, and he’s the quietest of us all. John
is very funny. In fact, there’s no one who is funnier than
him. And Jill is the most hard-working of us all. She even
studies during the breaks!
a. Underline the adjectives. The first one has been
done for you.
b. Now complete the table with the missing forms:
Basic form Comparative Superlative
happy happier (than) the happiest
interesting more interesting
old older
tall taller
young younger
quiet quieter
the funniest
hard-working more hard-working
7 Unscramble the sentences.
1 intelligent / dog / This / as / other / as / is / the
This dog is as intelligent as the other.
2 best / Italian / is / food / the / in / world / the
3 bigger / The / sea / ocean / is / than / the
4 brother / Pattison / Robert / my / more / than /
handsome / is
5 book / most / This / all / interesting /the / of / is
6 mine / as / room / is / big / Your / as
8 Write sentences with comparative adjectives.
1 Bella / more / old / her sister.
Bella is older than her sister.
2 Mark / more / tall / Ben.
3 My hair / as / curly / my mum’s hair.
4 Oliver / as / handsome / his brother.
5 Our avatar / more / bad / her avatar.
9 Write sentences. Compare these things.
Your country and the USA.
My country is smaller than the USA.
You and your friend.
Your hair and your teacher’s hair.
Your family and your friend’s family.
Your town and another town.
10Use these prompts to write sentences in the
superlative that are true for you.
1 active / person
The most active person I know is my friend Joe.
2 tall / person
3 funny / cartoon
4 kind / person
5 interesting / book
6 beautiful / film character
11Now do some internet research or browse through
books! Find information that will help you decide on
the correct answer.
1 The river Nile is longer / shorter than the Amazon.
2 Brazil is larger / smaller than Australia.
3 The Indian Ocean / The Arctic Ocean is the smallest
ocean in the world.
4 There are more / fewer people in China than in the USA.
5 The Gobi Desert is larger / smaller than the Sahara
6 Australia / Europe is the smallest continent in the world.
nice – nicer – the nicest
fine – finer – the finest
tiny – tinier – the tiniest
big – bigger – the biggest
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Grammar reference 121
Unit 2
Present simple: affirmative and negative
in Ankara. – don’t live
– doesn’t live
• We use the present simple to talk about facts, habits
and routines.
She doesn’t speak French.
He goes to football on Mondays.
• We form the negative of the present simple with
subject + don’t/doesn’t + infinitive
They don’t speak English. She doesn’t eat eggs.
1 Complete the text with the present simple form of
the verbs in brackets.
My favourite place where I spend my free time is a park.
This park is called “Holiday Dream”. More than 100 people
1 work (work) here. They 2
.… (come) to work at 6 am
every morning. They 3
.… (clean) the place and 4
…(prepare) everything for the new day. Then they
…. (open) their gates to the children. The restaurant
.… (open) at 10 am. The chef 7
.… (cook) food for children
and for adults. Everybody 8
.… (like) eating here, because
the food 9
.… (be) delicious. I 10.… (have) a lot of fun here! I 11.… (love) riding my bike and having picnics.
2 Complete the sentences with the present simple
form of the verbs in brackets.
1 John … (go) to school on foot.
2 She … (not/watch) TV in the evening.
3 Caroline … speak) Japanese.
4 Lucy … (not/like) computer games.
5 We … (go) to bed at 9 o’clock every evening.
6 Water … (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.
7 The sun … (rise) in the East.
8 My brother … (play) tennis every day.
9 My friends … (not/do) their homework in the afternoon.
10 Our lessons … (start) at 8 in the morning.
3 Complete the sentences with the affirmative (✓)
or negative (✗) form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I don’t live (✗) in Paris. I live (✓) in New York. (live)
2 He (✗) lunch at school. He (✓) lunch at home.
3 I (✓) early on week days, but I (✗) early at the
weekend. (get up)
4 Sarah (✗) skateboarding in her garden. She (✓)
skateboarding in the park. (go)
5 You (✗) basketball on Tuesday. You (✓) on
Thursday. (play)
Spelling: third person
• The third person form of the present simple ends in –s.
eat – he eats read – she reads live – it lives
• When the verb ends in consonant + y, we change the y
and add –ies in the third person.
carry – he carries fly – she flies
• When the verb ends in –ss, –sh, –ch, –x and –o, we add –es.
she finishes he relaxes it goes
• Some verbs have an irregular third person:
have – has be – is
4 Write the third person form of the following verbs.
write fix
marry do
watch be
5 Write the third person singular form of the
following verbs under the correct heading: read,
cry, watch, sing, wash, go, try, play, jump, draw, copy,
miss, kiss, dry, like, fly, begin, stay, brush, do.
-s -es -y > -i + -es
Adverbs of frequency
always usually often sometimes never
100% 0%
• We use adverbs of frequency to say how often we do
something. They go after the verb be but before the main
She’s always happy. He never smiles.
6 Put the adverb of frequency in the correct place.
1 They always listen to music at weekends. always
2 Liz and Dave are late. often
3 We watch TV in the morning. never
4 My dog is happy. always
5 You work hard at school. usually
7 Put the words in order and make sentences. Pay
attention to the correct form of the verbs.
1 sometimes / friends / my / meet / I / evening / the / in
2 Kim / wake up / Sundays / on / never / early
3 usually / They / TV / watch / bed / in
4 play / often / volleyball / We / school / after
5 He / late / be / dance / for / lessons / his / always
Grammar reference
122 Grammar reference
Present simple: Yes/No questions and short
? Do I/we/you/they live in Ankara?
? Does he/she/it
Yes, I/we/you/they do.
he/she/it/ does.
– No, I/we/you/they don’t.
he/she/it doesn’t.
• We form present simple yes/no questions with
Do/Does + subject + infinitive.
A: Do you live in Turkey? B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Present simple: Wh- questions
question word do/does subject verb
Who do I/you know?
What time
the party start?
Where she live?
What he do?
When do we/you/they have supper?
• We form Wh- questions with question word + do/does +
subject + verb.
What time do you get up?
8 Choose the correct answers.
1 Do/does Mary and Sue go to the same school?
2 Do/does you like ice cream?
3 Does he go/goes to school at 8 am?
4 Do your mum and dad like/likes chocolate cake?
9 Ask questions based on the prompts and give
short answers that are true for you.
1 you/like/pizza
Do you like pizza?
Yes, I do.
2 you/have/siblings
3 your parents/work/as teachers
4 your best friend/live/near you
5 your relatives/visit you/at Christmas
10Complete the questions with the correct form of
the words in brackets.
1 Where (you/do) at lunchtime?
2 Where (Mari/live)?
3 What time (your younger sisters/go) to bed?
4 Who (you/walk) to school with?
11The underlined words are in the wrong sentences.
Put them in the right place.
1 “What is he?”
“In the garden.”
2 “Who do you want to buy?”
“A pair of shoes.”
3 “How often is your best friend?”
4 “Where do you go there?”
“Three times a week.”
5 “What do you go to school?”
“At 7 o’clock in the morning.”
12 Ask questions to the underlined words:
1 Mum likes to read in the kitchen.
Where does Mum like to read?
2 My cat has three kittens.
3 My dad goes to work at 8.30 am.
4 He buys a new book every Saturday.
5 I usually play tennis after school.
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Grammar reference 123
Unit 3
can for ability and permission
+ I/You/He/She/It/We/They can
sing. – I/You/He/She/It/We/They can’t
? Can I/you/she/it/we/they sing?
+ Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they can.
– No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they can’t.
• We use can to express ability and permission.
He can play tennis. (ability)
Dad says we can’t go to the party. (permission)
• Can is the same in all forms.
I can speak Chinese.
She can speak Chinese.
• We use infinitive without to after can.
They can sing.
• We don’t use do/does when we make questions with can.
Can you use your mobile phone at school?
1 Complete the sentences with can or can’t:
1 Can you play tennis?
2 He is a football player. He …. play football.
3 I …. play basketball, but I …. play volleyball really well.
4 …. you speak Japanese?
5 Mum …. cook very well. She makes very good cakes.
6 John …. speak Italian. He only speaks English.
7 My cousin …. play the guitar and also the violin.
2 Write affirmative (✓) and negative (✗) sentences
with can.
1 Jamie / run fast. (✓)
Jamie can run fast.
2 My granddad / use a mobile phone. (✓)
3 They / skateboard. (✗)
4 You / stay out late tonight. (✗)
5 I / ski. (✗)
6 She / play the piano. (✓)
3 Write questions and short answers for the
sentences in Exercise 2.
Can Jamie run fast? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.
4 a. Look at the table and fill in can or can’t:
sing dance speak
French paint ride a
Mary ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗
Tom ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓
Janet ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗
1 Mary …. sing, but she …. speak French.
2 Tom …. dance, but he …. speak French.
3 Janet …. paint, but she …. sing.
4 Mary and Janet …. ride a bike, but they …. dance.
5 They …. all paint.
4 b. Look at the table again. In pairs, ask and answer
questions, as in the example:
A: Can Tom sing?
B: No, he can’t.
A: Can Mary paint?
B: Yes, she can.
5 Answer the questions below using short answers.
1 Can you ride a horse?
2 Can you speak English?
3 Can you play the piano?
4 Can you fly a kite?
5 Can you fly a plane?
6 Can you swim?
6 a. Fill in with five activities you can do. Then ask
your partner if he or she can do these things and fill
in the second column.
me my partner

✓ ✗
Can you skate? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
6 b. Now look at the table again and write three
sentences with can or can’t comparing yourself with
your partner.
I can skate but James can’t. He can ski instead.
7 Write sentences with can about you and your friends
and family. Use the prompts to help.
1 play the guitar / piano
I can play the guitar. I can’t play the piano, but my
uncle can.
2 swim / dance / ride a bike / ride a horse
3 speak French / Russian / Chinese / Spanish
4 drive a car / drive a lorry / fly a plane
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124 Grammar reference
love, (don't) like, don't mind, hate + -ing
• We use the -ing form of the verb after love, (don’t) like, hate,
don’t mind, enjoy and prefer ... to ... .
She loves playing with her little sister.
I don’t mind doing homework.
8 Put the verbs in brackets into the right form.
1 I love singing . (sing)
2 Susan loves …. . (dance)
3 Do they enjoy …. comedies on Saturday evenings?
4 David doesn’t like …. to the dentist. (go)
5 My brother doesn’t mind …. up at 7 o’clock every day,
but I hate …. up early in the morning. (get, wake)
6 We hate …. late for school. (be)
7 I don’t mind …. my homework. (do)
8 Sarah prefers …. the piano to …. to it.
(play, listen)
9 The children love …. the tablet. (use)
9 Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the
verbs in the box.
do walk go paint sing watch play learn
1 He loves going to school.
2 I don’t like homework.
3 Karen loves DVDs.
4 We like English.
5 They don’t like pictures.
6 He doesn’t mind with the baby.
7 My brother hates .
8 They don’t mind to school.
10Write true sentences about yourself using the
prompts. Then write about your partner.
1 I love…. .
He/She loves …. .
2 I enjoy…. .
He/She enjoys …. .
3 I don’t mind …. .
He/She doesn’t mind …. .
4 At the weekend I like …. .
At the weekend he/she likes …. .
5 I prefer …. to …. .
He/She prefers …. to …. .
6 I hate …. .
He/She hates …. .
Object pronouns
I you he she it we you they
me you him her it us you them
• We can use object pronouns to replace nouns that follow
I love Maths lessons. ➔ I love them.
I don’t like cooking. ➔ I don’t like it.
11Complete the sentences with the correct object
1 Our teacher always tells us to sit down.
2 It’s a great film. Watch !
3 She’s got exams. She needs to study for .
4 Brad goes to Art classes. I can go with .
5 Katia knows the answer. I can email tomorrow.
6 My best friend always tells her secrets.
12Replace the words in bold with the suitable object
1 Look at all these colourful clothes!
2 Give this box to your father.
3 We all like our new English teacher. She is very nice.
4 She wants to take a picture of your car.
5 Tom doesn’t mind helping his father in the garden.
6 I don’t like maths.
13Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct
object pronouns.
1 A: Where is my pen?
B: I can’t see …. . Ask your brother.
2 A: Do you like Nelson Mandela?
B: Yes, I do. I like …. a lot.
3 A: Is Martha with you?
B: No, she’s not with …. . I don’t know where she is.
4 A: My favourite music is rock. Do you like ….?
B: No, I don’t.
5 A: Do they enjoy playing computer games?
B: Yes, they do. They play …. all the time.
6 A: Does she want to come with you and Tim?
B: No, she doesn’t want to come with …. .
14Work in pairs. One student says the names of
people and objects. The other student replaces
the names with the object pronouns.
A: Look at Sally.
B: Look at her.
A: Look at this rubber.
B: Look at it.
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Grammar reference 125
3 Complete the sentences with a/an, some or any.
1 We’ve got red car.
2 I’ve got bananas.
3 Ana doesn’t like fruit.
4 Can I have orange, please?
5 They haven’t got biscuits.
6 Have you got green pen?
7 Can I have …. more tea, please?
8 Is there …. chocolate cake left?
9 Have we got …. sweets?
10 There isn’t …. coffee left. How about …. cup of hot
11 …. apple a day keeps the doctor away.
12 What do you have for …. a snack at school?
13 I always have …. big breakfast before leaving to school.
there is / there are
singular plural
+ There’s a supermarket. There are some chips on
the tray.
– There isn’t a supermarket. There aren’t any chips on the tray.
? Is there a supermarket? Are there any chips?
+ Yes, there is. Yes, there are.
– No, there isn’t. No, there aren’t.
• We use there is (there’s) with singular countable and
uncountable nouns.
There’s a cinema. There’s some cheese.
• We use there are with plural countable nouns.
There are four pizzas.
• In questions and negatives we use any with plural and
uncountable nouns.
Is there any milk? There aren’t any books.
4 Complete the sentences with there is / there are,
there isn’t / there aren’t.
1 …. four books in my schoolbag.
2 …. one chocolate bar on the table. Do you want it?
3 …. any students in the classroom.
4 …. two famous football teams in my city.
5 …. any cinemas in your town.
6 …. spicy chicken for lunch. Yum!
7 …. any posters in my room.
8 …. a Portuguese student in my class. She’s called Sofia.
Unit 4
Countable and uncountable nouns
• Most nouns are countable. They have singular and plural
one girl – two girls one car – two cars
• Some nouns are uncountable. They don’t have a
plural form.
bread, milk, homework, music
a/an, some and any
singular countable plural countable uncountable
+ I’ve got an orange. I’ve got some
I’ve got some
– I haven’t got an
I haven’t got any
I haven’t got
any pasta.
? Have you got an
Have you got any
Have you got
any pasta?
• We use a with singular countable nouns, or an when the
noun starts with a vowel.
a banana a dog a guitar
an orange an elephant an egg
• We use some and any with plural countable nouns and
uncountable nouns when we don’t know how much
there is of something or it’s not important. We usually
use some for affirmative sentences and any for negative
sentences and questions.
I’ve got some apples and some bread.
I haven’t got any bananas or any pasta.
Have we got any oranges? Have we got any cheese?
1 Write C (countable) or U (uncountable) for the
following words. Then add a, an, or some.
1 an apple C
2 …. rice ….
3 …. apricot ….
4 …. spaghetti ….
5 …. peach ….
6 …. onion ….
7 …. salt ….
8 …. yoghurt ….
2 Choose the correct answers. Pay attention to the
A: I’m hungry. Are there some/any burgers left?
B: No, I’m afraid not. There’s some/any soup if you want.
A: Yes, please. I’m thirsty too. Is there some/any lemonade
in the fridge?
B: No, there isn’t some/any. You can have some/any apple
juice instead, if you like.
A: No, thanks. I don’t like apple juice.
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126 Grammar reference
5 Complete the sentences with Is there or Are there.
1 Is there any ice cream left in the freezer?
2 …. any eggs in the fridge? I want to make a pie.
3 …. a Chinese restaurant in your town?
4 …. any French dictionaries in this library?
5 …. a jar of apricot jam on the shelf?
6 …. any tulips in your garden?
7 …. an eraser in your pencil case?
8 …. any carrots in the basket outside?
9 …. an English singer in the competition?
10 …. a café in this area?
6 Use the information to write questions and short
answers about the two places.
Hessle Cottingham
a sports centre ✗ ✓
good restaurants ✓ ✗
a cinema ✗ ✓
Is there a sports centre in Hessle? No, there isn’t.
much / many / a lot of
countable plural uncountable
+ There are a lot of apples. There’s a lot of cheese.
– There aren’t many apples. There isn’t much cheese.
? How many apples are there? How much cheese is there?
• We use much, many and a lot of to talk about quantity.
• We use much in negative sentences with uncountable
nouns and many in negative sentences with countable
There isn’t much milk and there aren’t many apples.
• We use a lot of in affirmative sentences to describe a large
quantity of something.
There are a lot of apples and there’s a lot of meat.
• We use how much/many to ask about quantity.
How many sisters have you got?
How much money have you got?
7 Choose the correct answers.
1 There isn’t much / many pepper.
2 You eat too much / many sweets.
3 There isn’t much / many steak.
4 They drink too much / many coffee.
5 There are much / a lot of cherries in this basket.
6 There aren’t much / many olives on this plate.
7 There are much / a lot of English students in this class.
8 Complete the sentences with much, many or
a lot of.
1 How many students are there in your class?
There are 35.
2 Has Jenny got any good DVDs?
Yes, she’s got good DVDs.
3 There isn’t orange juice – only one bottle!
4 Are there any shops in your town?
Yes, there are shops.
5 How pasta can you eat?
9 Complete the sentences with how much, how
many, some or any.
1 …. eggs do you need for the cake?
2 …. sugar do you want in your tea?
3 There’s …. butter on the table.
4 …. cans of cola do you need for the party?
5 …. water do you drink a day?
6 Do you have …. cheese?
7 He doesn’t have …. friends in Bucharest.
8 …. chairs are there in the kitchen?
9 …. olive oil is there in the bottle?
10 I need …. bananas to make a milkshake.
10Write questions using how much, how many and
the given prompts.
1 tea / teapot
How much tea is there in the teapot?
2 chocolates / box
3 honey / jar
4 flour / bag
5 sandwiches / fridge
6 milk / jug
7 apples / lunchbox
8 chicken / oven
Grammar reference
Grammar reference 127
Unit 5
Present continuous: affirmative and negative
+ I am
He/She/It is
We/You/They are
– I ’m not
He/She/It isn’t
We/You/They aren’t
• We use the present continuous to talk about actions in
progress at the time of speaking.
We’re learning English. I’m reading this book.
• We form the present continuous with subject + be
(not/n’t) + verb + ing.
He’s laughing. He isn’t crying.
Spelling: -ing form
• With most verbs, we add -ing to the verb.
eat – eating
• Verbs that end in -e, remove the -e and add -ing.
write – writing
• Verbs that end in a vowel and a consonant, double the
final consonant and add -ing.
stop – stopping
1 Add –ing to the following verbs and put them
under the correct heading: swim, read, decide,
sleep, see, dance, play, cry, die, run, walk, smoke,
watch, ride, travel, make, lie, cut, have, help, stop,
+ -ing -ie > -y + -ing -e + -ing double
consonant +-ing
sing >
tie > tying write >
sit > sitting
2 Put the verbs in brackets into present continuous.
1 Susan …. (do) her homework.
2 The dog …. (run) in the garden.
3 He …. (tidy) his room.
4 The boys …. (play) with their robots.
5 Your dad …. (not/read) a book now.
6 Mother and I …. (make) dinner.
7 Their parents …. (not/wear) sports clothes.
8 She …. (fly) to Dublin at the moment.
9 They …. (have) breakfast.
10 Tom …. (not/cross) the road now.
3 Write affirmative and negative sentences in the
present continuous.
1 He / read / a comic. (✓)
He’s reading a comic.
2 They / listen / to us. (✗)
3 Laura / do / her homework. (✓)
4 He / work / on this exercise. (✗)
5 We / go / to our Art class. (✓)
6 Joe / eat / his lunch. (✗)
4 Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 3 so they are
true for you.
I’m not reading a comic.
5 Complete the letter with the present continuous
form of the verbs in brackets.
Dear Sarah,
We ’re having (have) a great time here in Italy. It .… (rain)
at the moment, so we …. (sit) in the apartment. We ….
(play) a new game. My sister Jenny doesn’t like games, so
she .… (not play). Right now, we … (have) a break because
mum …. (make) some tea. I .… (read) an interesting book
this week. You can read it after me if you like.
I hope you …. (have) a great time at home.
See you soon,
Grammar reference
128 Grammar reference
Present continuous: questions and short
? (What)
am I
is he/she/it writing?
are we/you/they
+ Yes,
I am.
he/she/it is.
we/you/they are.
– No,
I’m not.
he/she/it isn’t.
• To form yes/no questions, we use be + -ing. To give a short
answer, we don’t use the verb + -ing.
Are you listening? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
• For Wh- questions, we put the question word before be.
Where are you going? What are you doing?
Present simple and present continuous
• We use the present simple to talk about facts, habits
and routines.
• We use the present continuous to talk about actions in
progress at the time of speaking.
I read a lot of comics. At the moment, I’m reading
• We use adverbs of frequency with the present simple. We
use at the moment and now with the present continuous.
6 Complete the questions and short answers.
1 Am I helping ? (help) (✓) Yes, you are.
2 he ? (smile) (✓)
3 they ? (dance) (✗)
4 she her teeth? (brush) (✗)
5 they dinner? (have) (✓)
7 Make sentences using the present continuous
form of the verbs in brackets. Put the subject in
the right place.
1 Where …. now? (Ann / go)
2 What …. at the moment? (you / read)
3 Who …. with? (Mia / dance)
4 Why ….? (you / cry)
5 What fruit …. now? (the bear / eat)
8 Give short answers that are true for you.
1 Are you reading in English now?
2 Are you writing answers to questions?
3 Is your deskmate playing now?
4 Is your teacher dancing now?
5 Are you using a pencil now?
9 Choose the correct answers.
1 Susan goes/is going to the park every afternoon.
2 The monkey jumps/is jumping from branch to
branch in the tree right now.
3 Tigers usually eat/are eating meat.
4 My father works/is working as a teacher in this school.
10Complete the sentences with the present
simple or present continuous.
1 We go swimming on Friday. (go)
2 I to the football. It’s 2–1! (listen)
3 When you your friends? (see)
4 you French? (understand)
5 It , but I don’t want to go out. (not rain)
6 I can’t see you! Where you ? (hide)
7 Anna …. a letter at the moment. (write)
8 My sister …. drawing portraits. (like)
9 She …. a lot of friends. (have)
10 I …. now because it is late. (leave)
11 The boy …. football with his friends at the moment.
12 The children …. the zoo today. (visit)
Grammar reference
Grammar reference 129
Unit 6
Orders or instructions, etc. Suggestions
Infinitive without to
Open the window.
Let’s + infinitive without to
Let’s open the window.

Don’t + infinitive without
Don’t open the window.
We use the imperative to:
• give orders.
Stop talking, please.
Stand up.
Sit down, please.
• give instructions:
Draw a circle in your copybooks.
Circle the correct word.
• offer something:
Take my camera.
Have some tea.
• give directions:
Go straight on. Then turn right.
• give an informal piece of advice (to a friend):
Don’t go there.
Come and see me at the match.
• Make suggestions:
Let’s go to the cinema tonight.
Get it right!
Use please to make an order softer. It can go at the
beginning or end of a sentence. Use a comma
before please when it goes at the end of a sentence.
Please listen carefully.
Listen carefully, please.
Please don’t open your books.
Don’t open your books, please.
1 Write the opposite or the negative form of the
following sentences.
1 Sit down.
Stand up. / Don’t sit down.
2 Open the door.
3 Turn on the TV.
4 Go away!
5 Don’t stop.
6 Look at the blackboard.
7 Buy this book.
8 Eat the cake.
2 Look at the rules about travelling long-distance
and write sentences with please.
● arrive at the airport early
● collect your ticket from
the desk
● drink enough water
● sleep well the night
● before
● fasten your seatbelt
● pay attention to the flight
● bring dangerous objects
● eat heavy meals
● drink alcohol
● wear uncomfortable clothes
● run on the plane
● smoke on the plane
1 Please arrive at the airport early.
3 Match the two halves of the sentences.
1 Be a for help.
2 Please turn b at the answers.
3 Write c your name on your paper, please.
4 Don’t look d to music on your phone.
5 Don’t listen e on time for class, please.
6 Ask the teacher f to page 6 in your book.
4 Complete the sentences with the following verbs:
turn on, close, stop, make, wash, stand, go, take,
turn, cut.
1 …. your hands before eating.
2 …. the window. I’m cold.
3 …. that noise, please. The baby is sleeping.
4 Please …. up when the teacher enters the room.
5 It’s getting dark. …. the light, please.
6 …. straight on and then …. right at the end of the
road. The museum is in front of you.
7 …. a cake for her birthday, please.
8 …. a piece of paper and …. it into two pieces.
Grammar reference
130 Grammar reference
Definite, indefinite and zero article
We use the indefinite article a/an for nouns which
have not been previously mentioned or where we
aren’t talking about a specific one.
I can see a cat on the roof.
We use the definite article for nouns where the reader
will know the exact individual we are talking about.
This individual is already identified.
I can see a cat on the roof. The cat is black.
We use no article (the zero article) when we talk about
a thing or group of things in general. We use it with
plural and uncountable nouns.
I don’t like cats. Fur makes me sneeze.
Indefinite Definite Zero article
I’m eating a
The sweet that
I’m eating is

– The green
sweets are my
Sweets are
bad for your
– The sugar in
sweets is bad
for your teeth.
Sugar is bad
for your teeth.
used with:
• singular jobs
He is a teacher.
• general descriptions
A banana is a fruit.
• descriptions of character
He is a good person.
used with:
• unique objects
the moon, the sun, the President of the USA
• groups or nationalities
the rich, the British
• collective nouns
He saw the police in the street.
• rivers, mountain ranges, deserts, oceans, seas
the Nile, the Andes, the Atlantic
• musical instruments
He plays the piano.
zero article
used with:
• uncountable nouns
Water is necessary for life.
• abstract nouns
kindness, love
• languages
I speak German.
• countries, cities, names (Note: *the UK, the USA)
England, Cluj, Rita
• lakes
Lake Titicaca
• means of transport
I travel to school by bus.
• meals of the day
have breakfast/lunch/dinner
• sports
He plays football.
• plural jobs
My parents are journalists.
• statements such as:
He is in prison. He is at university. They are at
church. He is in hospital.
5 Fill in with a/an, the or – :
1 The Smiths have …. horse and …. donkey. …. horse is
black and …. donkey is grey.
2 …. Brown family live in …. France, and …. Johnson
family in …. UK.
3 We usually go to …. work by …. bus.
4 Do you drink your coffee with …. milk and …. sugar?
5 Some say that…. Earth is the only planet in …. solar
system that has …. life on it.
6 There is …. small lake in front of my cabin. We love to
sit by …. lake in the evening.
7 I’d like …. cup of …. tea, please.
8 I love to play …. guitar. I also enjoy playing …. tennis.
Grammar reference
Grammar reference 131
Unit 7
Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives
singular plural
this – used to refer to an
object or a person that is
close by.
This book belongs to me.
(In this case, the book I refer
to is next to me.)
these – used to refer to objects
or people that are close by.
These books belong to me.
(In this case, the books I refer to
are next to me.)
that – used to refer to an
object or a person that is
away from us.
That book belongs to me.
(In this case, the book I refer
to is not next to me.)
those – used to refer to objects
or people that are away from
Those books belong to me.
(In this case, the books I refer to
are not next to me.)
• Demonstrative adjectives are always followed by a noun.
This book is mine and that book is yours.
• Demonstrative pronouns take the place of a noun.
There are two books on the desk. This is mine and
that is yours.
1 Choose the correct words.
1 This/these beaches are usually quite empty.
2 These/those boys over here are our friends.
3 That/this purse over there belongs to my mother.
4 That/Those girls are our friends.
5 I know this/these people very well.
2 Complete the sentences with demonstrative
adjectives. Then use them as pronouns, like in the
1 …. boy here is my friend. .… is my friend.
1 This boy here is my friend. This is my friend.
2 …. house over there is Mary’s. .… is Mary’s house.
3 …. apples here are ours.. …. are our apples.
4 .… coat there on the peg is Mum’s. …. is Mum’s coat.
5 .… mountains in the distance are the highest in the
country. .… are the highest mountains in the country.
6 …. teddy bear over here is a present from Jane. …. is a
present from Jane!
Prepositions of movement
• Up means towards a higher position.
You have to climb up this rope.
• Down means towards a low or lower position, from a
higher one.
Look! The stone is rolling down that hill.
• Along means from one end of something narrow (e.g.
road or a river) to the other.
We want to take a walk along the beach in the
• Across means from one side of something to the other.
Let’s take a boat across the river.
• Into means to the inside or middle of a place.
Come into the house, don’t stay at the door!
• Out of means towards the outside of a place.
Get out of the pool. It’s closing soon.
• Over means at past the top of something, at a higher
Can you throw my ball back over the wall, please?
• Under means past the bottom of something, at a lower
The cat is running under the table.
• Through means from one side to another via the middle
of something that surrounds you.
Sarah enjoys walking through the forest at the
• Past means from before something to after it, travelling to
the side of it.
Walk past the police station and turn right.
3 Choose the correct preposition.
1 To get to the theatre, go under/through the park and
over/off the bridge.
2 Look across/through the street – can you see the
man walking into/up that shop?
3 Every morning, John runs down/out of his room and
rushes past/along me to get to the bathroom!
4 Get off/over the bus and walk along/out of the street
to my house.
5 You need to go down/over the steps and into/on
that building. The sports hall is on the left.
4 Complete the sentences with the right
preposition: through / down / across / over / to.
1 I can see somebody swimming … the river to the
other side.
2 He’s coming …. the mall with us.
3 I love sliding …. the slope on my skis in winter.
4 I’m walking …… the long grass, whistling. It is such a
beautiful day!
5 There is a bird flying…. that hill.
Grammar reference
132 Grammar reference
Present simple: Wh- questions
Wh- questions begin with a question word such as: who,
which, what, where, when, why, how, how far, how much, how
many, how often, how long, etc.
RULE: question word + do/does + subject + verb of
5 Make present simple Wh- questions.
1 what / you / do / at the weekend?
What do you do at the weekend?
2 how much / the tickets / for the match / cost?
3 when / your mother / go jogging / in the park?
4 why / you / drink / so much water?
5 where / be / John / from?
6 who / she / meet / at the weekends?
7 how many / cousins / she / have?
8 what / you / usually / eat / for lunch?
9 how often / he / go to the cinema?
10 what / sports / Luke / like?
6 Write the correct question word: what, how, when,
how many, how often, where.
1 A: …. do you play tennis?
B: At Langley Sports Club.
2 A: …. do you play?
B: I play tennis every day.
3 A: …. do you go jogging?
B: I go jogging in the evening.
4 A: …. other sports do you do?
B: I go swimming twice a week.
5 A: …. tournaments do you take part in?
B: Two per month.
6 A: …. do you spend your free time?
B: I play chess.
7 Write questions to which the words in bold are the
1 ………………………………………………….?
I go to bed at 9 o’clock.
2 ………………………………………………….?
My coach is 50 years old.
3 ………………………………………………….?
Ten of my friends come to see me play.
4 ………………………………………………….?
This racket costs £100.
5 ………………………………………………….?
I don’t play football because I don’t like it.
6 ………………………………………………….?
My sister plays volleyball at the weekend.
7 ………………………………………………….?
They play a football game on Saturday evenings.
8 ………………………………………………….?
Jessica invites Susan to all her parties.
8 Write questions. Use the prompts and then write
answers for yourself.
1 you / like / cricket?
2 your best friend / like / netball?
3 how often / you / go swimming?
4 what / you / usually / eat / for breakfast?
5 you / get up / late / at the weekend?
6 winter sports / you / do?
7 how often / you / ride your bike / to school?
8 what time / you / usually / go to bed ?
9 when / you / relax?
10 where / you / go swimming?
9 Complete the text with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.
This is Simon. He 1
…. (be) 13 years old. He’s from
Switzerland. He’s already a successful tennis player.
Simon 2
…. (have got) dark hair and brown eyes. He’s tall,
but well-built.
He 3
…. (live) with his family. His father is a famous tennis
player and his mother is a doctor. He 4
…. (have) one sister,
but he 5
…. (have) any brothers. He 6
…. (love) tennis and
he 7
…. (want) to be like his father one day. He 8
…. (play)
for four hours every day.
Simon is also very good at school. He 9
…. (always / do)
his homework after school and he also 10…. (study) on
Saturdays, after training. In his free time he 11…. (enjoy)
spending time with his family or playing board games. He
12…. (not / like) playing computer games.
He’s a very hard-working boy!
In pairs, ask and answer Wh- questions about
Grammar reference
Grammar reference 133
Unit 8
be going to: affirmative and negative
+ I am (’m)
going to have lunch.
watch a film.
He/She/It is (’s)
We/You/They are (’re)
- I am not
(’m not)
He/She/It is not
We/You/They are not
• We use be going to to talk about future plans and
She’s going to take her camera on holiday but she
isn’t going to take her laptop.
• To form the be going to future, use be + going to +
We’re going to have dinner in a restaurant, but we
aren’t going to stay late.
be going to: questions and short answers
? (What)
Am I
Is he/she/it going to win?
Are we/you/they
+ Yes,
I am.
he/she/it is.
we/you/they are.
– No,
I’m not.
he/she/it isn’t.
we/you/they aren’t.
• We form yes/no questions with be before the subject.
Is he going to tell us the answers?
• To form Wh- questions, put a question word before be.
What are you going to wear to the party?
1 Complete the sentences with the affirmative form
of be going to future.
1 Lisa is going to go (go) swimming with her friends.
2 The children …. (go) on a trip at the weekend.
3 My sister …. (meet) her friends tonight.
4 Paul …. (study) for his test at the weekend.
5 The teacher …. (mark) the papers tomorrow.
6 My brother …. (learn) how to dance this summer.
2 Write sentences using (be) going to.
1 They / go shopping on Saturday.
They’re going to go shopping on Saturday.
2 Andrew / phone me tonight.
3 I / play my favourite song.
4 You / watch a film on DVD.
5 My mum / help me.
6 We / ride our bikes.
3 Write the sentences in the negative.
1 Josh is going to tidy his bedroom.
Josh isn’t going to tidy his bedroom.
2 I’m going to study Maths.
3 Rebecca’s going to get up early tomorrow.
4 Carl and Simon are going to wear shorts.
5 We’re going to take our MP3 players.
6 You’re going to buy a new mobile phone.
4 Write questions with (be) going to.
1 What time / Lily / arrive?
What time is Lily going to arrive?
2 Where / they / get married?
3 How long / you / be on holiday?
4 Why / Aiden / buy a new camera?
5 What / you / wear to the party?
6 When / it / stop raining?
5 Choose the correct words.
1 He is / are going to go to the mountains at the
2 Jim and John is / are going to eat out tonight.
3 The children are going to write / write a song for the
4 Is / are Mum and Dad going to go out for dinner
5 My friends are not going / are going not to play tennis
in the afternoon.
6 My aunt is going / is not going to visit us because she
misses us.
6 Unscramble the words to make sentences or
1 going / have / weekend / to / a / next / They’re / party
They’re going to have a party next weekend.
2 Friday / go / going / to / to / on / We’re / beach / the
3 redecorate / summer / is / to / the / uncle / going / in /
My / flat / his
4 eat / Are / tonight / out / to / going / friends / your?
5 learn / to / she / skateboard / Is / to / going?
6 play / going / tennis / Is / to / son / your / week / next?
Grammar reference
134 Grammar reference
will/won’t for future prediction
+ I/You/He/She/It/We/They will
sing. – I/You/He/She/It/We/They won’t
? Will I/you/he/she/it/we/they sing?
+ Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they will.
– No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they won’t.
• We use will (will not / won’t) + infinitive without to to talk
about a future prediction.
I’m sure I’ll have a lovely time.
• To form yes/no questions, put will before the subject.
Will it be cold in the mountains?
• To form Wh- questions, put a question word before will.
What will you do on holiday?
7 Complete the sentences using will/won’t.
1 The bus is leaving! We won’t get to school on time.
2 My son is very tired. I think he …. go to bed early
3 I think the Rangers …. win the cup.
4 I believe I …. get a very good mark in the test.
5 I’m afraid I …. have time to finish my project.
6 You .… be a great doctor one day.
8 Choose the correct words.
1 Peter will / won’t go to the party because he’s not in a
very good mood.
2 Mr. Johnson will see / see us if we don’t hide!
3 I think you will pass / won’t pass the exam because
you’re really clever.
4 They won’t / don’t let us go out if we don’t tidy our
5 Put that vase down or you’ll / you break it.
6 It will be / be sunny next week.
9 Unscramble the words to make predictions.
1 will/the/get/job/mother/new/my:
My mother will get the new job.
2 president/win/will/elections/the/the
3 the/visit/summer/during/will/me/they
4 contest/will/the/win/class/our
5 sheep/the/wolf/eat/will/the
6 to/birthday/my/party/come/will/they
10Write sentences about your future using the
prompts in the box and the future with will/won’t.
go to university travel round the world
get an interesting job learn another language
I think I’ll go to university, but I won’t travel round
the world first …
11Ask questions and give short answers using the
prompts. Use the “will” future.
1 you/ go / park / tomorrow (yes)
Will you go to the park tomorrow?
Yes, I will.
2 he / pass / the exam (no)
3 the team / win / the / tournament (yes)
4 the boy / the / marathon / finish (no)
5 the party / win / the election (yes)
6 the teacher / give us / a / test (no)
12Write questions with will then answer them for
1 When / your lesson finish?
2 Who / you see after school?
3 What / you watch on the TV this evening?
4 What / you eat for supper tonight?
Grammar reference
Grammar reference 135
Vocabulary Bank
Vocabulary Bank
Family and friends (page 15)
aunt granddad parents
best friend granddaughter sister
brother grandma son
classmates grandparents teammates
cousin grandson uncle
dad husband
daughter mum
1 Look at the words in the box. Find pairs of words.
uncle – aunt
2 Test your partner. Say one word in a pair. Your
partner says the other word. Then swap.
A: aunt
B: uncle
A: sister
B: …
Describing people (page 18)
blue good-looking red
brown green short
curly intelligent spiky
dark long straight
fair old tall
funny pretty young
1 Look at the words in the box. Write sentences
about your friends and family. Use has / have got.
2 Talk about the people you know.
My sister’s name is Ana. She’s got curly hair …
Explore adjectives with un- and -ful (pages 16 & 21)
Look at the words in the box. Write the words in the correct column.
beauty colour lucky usual care happy use wonder
un- -ful
Jog your memory!
Look at the picture. Cover the rest
of the page. How many family and
friends words can you remember?
Study tip
Start a vocabulary notebook or a vocabulary box with cards. Keep a record of all your new
words. Add the words on this page under the headings Friends and family and Describing
Friends and family
Describing people
hair – brown, curly, spiky
Groupwork 137
My festival
1 In pairs, answer the following questions.
1 What famous festivals do you know?
2 What important festivals are there in your country?
3 What festivals are there in your region?
2 Do you know anything about the following festivals?
● White Nights Festival – St. Petersburg, Russia
● Tulip Festival – Ottawa, Canada
● Balloon Festival – New York, USA
● Carnival of Venice – Venice, Italy
● Harbin Ice and Snow Festival – Harbin, China
● The Rio de Janeiro Carnival – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Search the internet to find information about one of these festivals
and present it to your classmates.
3 In groups of four, invent a festival and make a poster about it.
You should include:
● Name, time and location of the festival, reason for celebrating
● Description of the event: costumes, music, other activities etc.
● Resources: what you need to organise your festival (money, food, decorations, etc.)
● Pictures/drawings
Then present it in class. You can also prepare a feedback form and hand it to your
classmates at the end of your presentation.
Bring an A3-size sheet of cardboard, coloured pencils, pictures, glue, scissors and markers.
● ability to work in a team
● communication skills
● presentation skills
● boost in self-confidence
Check your results!
● identify the topic of the project based on pictures ❑
● write about and present your invented festival ❑
● search for information about the given topic ❑
● search for pictures ❑
● combine the pictures and information in the required project format ❑
● present your poster to the class and test your classmates’ ability to recognise specific aspects based on a visual support ❑
G – good
VG – very good
E – excellent
Vocabulary Bank
Vocabulary Bank
Jog your memory!
Look at the pictures. Cover the rest of the page. How
many daily routine expressions can you remember?
For example, have a shower.
Think again
Daily routines (page 25)
brush a shower
do breakfast
get dressed
go lunch
have my teeth
some exercise
to bed
to school
1 Turn to page 25. Look at the words under the
photos for two minutes.
2 Can you remember them all? Match the words
in the box to make expressions.
go to bed
Explore prepositions
of time (page 26)
December lunchtime July 8 o’clock
the afternoon the weekend night Mondays
1 Look at the words in the box. Match
them to the correct time phrases.
in at on
2 Work with a partner. Tell your partner what you
usually do at each of these times.
In July my family go on holiday to the beach.
Explore expressions with
have 1 (page 31)
13 years old a shower a bath cold
a cold breakfast a drink a rest
hungry a snack dinner lunch
1 Look at the words in the box. Which three
words do not go with have?
2 Write true and false sentences for you.
Use phrases with have. Work with a partner.
Guess which sentences are true and false.
I have a bath every Sunday.
After school activities (page 28)
art classes
dance classes
1 Look at the words in the box. Match the words
to the correct verbs.
play have do go
art classes
2 Put the activities in order from your favourite
(1) to your least favourite (9). Compare with a
1 music, 2 karate, …
Study tip
Always write examples of words that go together in your vocabulary notebook. This will help
you not to make mistakes when you use the word in your speaking and writing.
I have supper at 7.30.
We have a break every
day at 11.30.
Groupwork 139
Profile of a gymnast
1 In pairs, answer the following questions.
1 Who is Nadia Comăneci? What is she famous for?
2 When is her birthday?
3 Where does she live now?
4 What are some of her achievements?
2 At home, find pictures of Nadia and print them.
Search for specific information about her on the
internet (age, date of birth, place of birth, family,
etc.) and bring the information and pictures with
you to school.
3 Now make your poster. It should contain pictures and information about the most important aspects
of Nadia’s life. Also, you should find some pictures about her most important achievements and write
captions about them.
Then present it in class. You can also prepare a feedback form and hand it at the
end of your presentation to your classmates.
Bring an A3-size sheet of cardboard, coloured pencils, pictures, glue, scissors and markers.
● ability to work in a team
● communication skills
● presentation skills
● boost in self-confidence
Check your results!
● identify the topic of the project based on pictures ❑
● write about and present a famous Romanian sportsperson ❑
● search for information about the given topic ❑
● search for pictures ❑
● combine the pictures and information in the required project format ❑
● present your poster to the class and test your classmates’ ability to identify a topic from a visual support ❑
G – good
VG – very good
E – excellent
Vocabulary Bank
Vocabulary Bank
Jog your memory!
Look at the pictures. Cover the rest
of the page. How many places in a
school can you remember?
Think again
Places in a school (page 39)
IT room
main hall
playing field
science lab
sports hall
1 Work with a partner. Look at the words in the
box. Choose a room. Don’t tell your partner.
Say three things you can find in the room.
Can your partner guess which room it is?
A: You find books, computers and pens in this
B: Is it the IT room?
A: Yes, it is!
Explore nouns and verbs
(page 40)
1 Complete the chart with words from the list.
verb noun
2 Can you add three more nouns and two more
verbs to the chart?
Explore adjectives (page 45)
1 Look again at page 40. Can you find three more
adjectives in the Kung-Fu text?
2 Think of a word for each adjective.
boring – shopping
Study tip
Write the part of speech next to new words in your vocabulary notebook.
It helps you to use them correctly in your work.
swim (verb/noun)
School subjects (page 42)
1 Look at the words in the box. What is your
perfect school day? Complete the timechart.
8.30–9.45 9.45–11 11–11.15 11.15–12.15
12.15–1.15 1.15–2.15 2.15–2.30 2.30–3
Groupwork 141
My ideal school
Work in groups of four or five. Create a poster presenting your ideal school. Make it as colourful as possible.
Include the following elements:
● a map of the school with labels and colourful drawings or pictures
● general information about activities and where they take place
● an original motto and logo for your school, created by you
● general information (location, number of students and teachers, etc.)
● a set of school rules, designed by you
Do not write too much on the project. At home, find or draw pictures of your ideal school and print them. Bring
the pictures with you to school.
Bring an A3-size sheet of cardboard, coloured pencils, pictures, glue, scissors and markers.
Have an exhibition with all the projects and vote for the best project and the funniest / most interesting idea.
● ability to work in a team
● communication skills
● presentation skills
● boost in self-confidence
Check your results!
● identify the topic of the project based on pictures ❑
● write about and present your ideal school ❑
● search for information about the given topic ❑
● search for pictures ❑
● create a logo and a motto for your school ❑
● combine the pictures and information in the required project format ❑
G – good
VG – very good
E – excellent
Vocabulary Bank
Vocabulary Bank
Jog your memory!
Look at the picture. Cover the rest of the
page. How many types of food and meals
can you remember?
Food (page 49)
apples carrot meat
banana cheese milk
beans chicken pasta
bread eggs pizza
butter fish rice
1 Look at the words in the box. Write the words in order
of how often you eat or drink them from most often
to least often.
2 Compare your list with your partner.
I eat bananas more often than Harry. He eats carrots
more often than me!
3 Can you add three more food words to the list?
Explore expressions with have 2
(page 50)
a snack
a party
a problem
a look
a good time
1 Look at the words in the box. Write five sentences.
Use have and five of the words in the box.
I always have a good time when I go out with my friends.
2 Swap your sentences with your partner. Check that
your partner’s sentences are correct.
Explore international
words (page 55)
burger pizza sushi taco
1 Look at the words in the box. Which country
are they from?
2 Write down five more international words.
Meals and courses (page 52)
breakfast lunch snack
dessert main course starter
1 What is your favourite meal for each course?
Talk to your partner about your lists.
My favourite breakfast is eggs and coffee.
2 Do you eat snacks? What type of snacks do
you eat?
3 Plan a menu. Write down food for the
starter, main course and dessert.
Starter: pasta with …
Study tip
Sort words in your vocabulary notebook by topic. You can also record them in a
mind map.
School subjects
Biology Chemistry
Groupwork 143
Food riddles
Read the riddles. Guess the answers.
1 I am red and round. My sister and I can be used as earrings. What am I?
2 If you cut me, I will make you cry! What am I?
3 I am good for your eyes. Rabbits love me. What am I?
4 I am white and you can drink me. I come from a cow. What am I?
5 I only have one leg, but I never walk anyway. If I am brightly coloured, beware of me! What am I?
6 If you heat me, I explode. I am the best companion when you watch films. What am I?
Now let’s play!
1 Divide into groups of four or five.
2 Your teacher gives you six food items to work on, on a piece of paper (e.g. group 1: lettuce, tomato, pepper, strawberry,
banana, apple).
3 Think of riddles for these food items, like in the quiz above.
4 Read the riddles aloud to the rest of the class. The other groups have to guess the answers. If a member of one group gives the
right answer, the group receives a point. The group with most points at the end is the winner.
● ability to work in a team
● communication skills
● presentation skills
● boost in self-confidence
Check your results!
● identify the topic of the quiz based on the given prompts and pictures ❑
● define the correct answers ❑
● pay attention to the teacher’s indications ❑
● search for information about the given topic – food items ❑
● invent the required riddles ❑
● present your riddles to the class and test your classmates’ ability to recognise food items ❑
G – good
VG – very good
E – excellent
Vocabulary Bank
Vocabulary Bank
Jog your memory!
Look at the pictures. Cover the rest of
the page. How many animals can you
find in one minute?
Animals (page 63)
bird giraffe shark
cat gorilla sheep
cow horse spider
dog monkey tiger
elephant polar bear zebra
1 Look at the words in the box. Write the animals in
the correct column.
land air sea
2 Cover the chart and test your partner.
A: Dog.
B: Land.
A: Correct! Your turn!
3 Which of the animals are fast, slow, dangerous or
Action verbs (page 66)
fight hide jump swing
fly hunt swim
1 Look at the words in the box. Write sentences
about animals for each verb.
My cat fights with my dog.
2 Close your books. Work with a partner. Say a
sentence. Your partner guesses the animal.
A: It swims in the sea.
B: A fish?
A: No, a shark.
Explore adverbs of
movement (page 64)
backwards left round forwards
down right up
go sit stand turn
1 Look at the words in the boxes. Use words from
each box to write instructions.
1 Stand up. 2 Turn left.
2 Work with a partner. Read your instructions. Your
partner does the actions. Then swap.
Explore the suffix -er (page 69)
clean have study want
dance paint teach write
drive sing
1 Look at the words in the box. Add -er to seven of
the verbs to make words to describe what people
2 Do you know anyone who does these jobs? Would
you like to do any of these jobs? Talk with your
Study tip
Write an example sentence next to the new words in your vocabulary book. This will remind
you how to use the new words and it will help you to remember them.
Jump (verb)
Kangaroos jump higher
than horses!
Groupwork 145
My favourite animal
1 Answer the following questions:
1 What animals live in your country?
2 Where do they live?
3 What do they eat?
4 Which is your favourite animal?
5 Which animal do you think is the most intelligent/powerful/dangerous?
6 Which animals are in danger?
2 In groups, make a poster with the title Save our favourite animal! You have to present:
● where it lives
● what it eats
● what is unusual about it
● why it is in danger
● what we can do to save your favourite animal
Bring an A3-size sheet of cardboard, coloured pencils, pictures, glue, scissors and markers.
Do not write too much on the project. At home, find pictures of your favourite animal and print them. Search
for specific information about it on the internet, and bring the information and pictures with you to school.
You can also prepare a quiz to hand out at the end of your presentation.
● ability to work in a team
● communication skills
● presentation skills
● boost in self-confidence
Check your results!
● identify the topic of the project based on pictures ❑
● write about and present an endangered favourite animal ❑
● search for information about the given topic ❑
● search for pictures ❑
● combine the pictures and information in the required project format ❑
● present your poster to the class and test your classmates’ ability to recognise specific aspects based on a visual support ❑
G – good
VG – very good
E – excellent
Vocabulary Bank
Vocabulary Bank
Vocabulary Bank
Jog your memory!
Look at the pictures. Cover the rest of the page. How
many places can you remember?
Places in a town 1 (page 73)
bowling alley museum sports centre
cinema shopping centre sports stadium
market skate park
Look at the words in the box. Where can you …
• buy food?
• watch something?
• do some exercise?
• learn something?
• buy a present for a friend?
Explore extreme adjectives (page 74)
ancient boiling great beautiful enormous terrified
1 Look at the extreme adjectives in the box. Match them with
the meanings in the chart. Can you add any others?
Meaning Extreme adjectives
very old
very big
very hot
very scared
very pretty
very good
2 Write a sentence for each adjective.
The church in my town. (ancient)
3 Work with a partner. Say your sentences. Your partner
guesses the adjective.
Explore collocations
(page 79)
go by go on take the
bike bus foot taxi train tram
1 Look at the words in boxes. How
many collocations can you make?
go by bike, take the bus
2 Work with a partner. Tell your partner
how you usually go to another city to
visit your grandparents.
First I take a taxi to the station, then
I take the train to …
Places in a town 2 (page 76)
bus station ferry port station
bus stop market tram stop
car park
1 Look at the words in the box. Which
places are there in your town?
2 Work with a partner. Choose one of
the places, but don’t tell your partner.
Describe where it is and what you do
there. Your partner guesses the place.
Then swap.
Study tip
Draw pictures next to words in your vocabulary book to help you remember the meaning.
Some people prefer pictures to help them remember new words. Some people prefer
definitions. Which do you prefer?
Groupwork 147
Game based on a town map
1 Look at the town map. What places can
you see? What can you do there?
2 Work in groups of three or four to identify
the following places in a town:
1 places to use in your free time
2 places for work or study
3 places that offer services
3 Write questions about the places on the
map, beginning with:
● What ….?
● Where ….?
● When ….?
● Why ….?
● Who ….?
● How often ….?
4 Now it's your turn. On a piece of cardboard, draw a coloured board with squares numbered 1 to 20. Write a
place from the box below on each square. Make sure you have dice and four counters of different colours.
Play in groups of four. Throw the dice. The student who throws the biggest number starts. Move your
counter on the board. When you get to a place, you have to say a sentence about that place. If you do not
know what to say or if you repeat what someone else says, you go three squares back. The student who gets
to the finish line first wins.
● ability to work in a team
● communication skills
● presentation skills
● boost in self-confidence
Check your results!
● identify the topic of the project based on instructions ❑
● work your imagination and initiative ❑ G – good
VG – very good
E – excellent
hospital, school, university, petrol station, offices, park, shops, market, theatre, cinema, square, church, bank,
post office, police station, restaurant, sports centre, stadium, disco, factory
Vocabulary Bank
Vocabulary Bank 7
Jog your memory!
Look at the pictures. Cover the rest of the page. How
many sports can you name?
Sport (page 87)
baseball judo surfing
basketball skateboarding volleyball
bowling skiing windsurfing
cycling snowboarding
1 Look at the words in the box. Match the sports
with the correct verbs.
go play do go bowling
2 Look back at page 87 and check your answers.
3 Talk to your partner. Which sports do you enjoy
watching? Which are dangerous?
4 Work with a partner. Test him/her. Close your
books. Say a sport. Your partner says the correct
verb, play, do or go.
Clothes (page 90)
boots jacket skirt tracksuit
cap jeans socks trousers
hoodie shorts sweatshirt T-shirt
1 Look at the words in the box. Which clothes do
you usually wear …
• to do sport?
• when it’s hot?
• when it’s cold?
• to go shopping?
2 Work with a partner. Look at the words for one
minute. Close your books. How many clothes
words can you write in two minutes? Open your
book and check your answers together. Is your
spelling correct?
Explore adverbs (page 88)
general surprising traditional typical usual
1 Look at the adjectives in the box. Make them into
adverbs. Use a dictionary and the text on page 88,
to help you.
general – generally
2 Choose four of the words. Write four sentences
using the words.
Explore irregular plurals
(page 93)
child man reindeer tooth
fish mouse sheep woman
1 Look at the plural words on page 93 for 30
seconds. Close your books. How many of the
words can you write down in one minute?
2 Look at the words in the box. What are the
plural forms? Look in a dictionary to check your
Study tip
Make vocabulary flashcards to help you revise your vocabulary. Write a definition or draw a
picture, whatever is best for you.
Groupwork 149
My favourite sports event
1 Read the following text:
________________ (1)
This is a competition for Romanian football teams. It takes place every year. It is
the most important football competition in the country. All the clubs from the
Romanian Football Federation can participate. The winner of the competition also
plays in the European League. Finals take place in Bucharest, but also in other major
Romanian cities, such as Timișoara, Iași or Brașov.
________________ (2)
Football is very important for Romanians. They are great supporters and they see football as more than a sport. For each game,
thousands of people gather at the stadium. Lots of other supporters watch the games in pubs and sports bars or at home. Before
major games, people sing the teams’ anthems and show banners supporting their favourite team.
________________ (3)
Romanians are also interested in international football. The atmosphere in Romanian cities during European or World
championships is great! There are people singing and dancing in the streets, and everyone watches the games on TV or on big
screens in the city squares.
2 Now put the paragraph headings in the correct place in the text.
● More than a sport ● Football fans, unite! ● The Romanian Football Cup
Poster time!
3 In groups, make a poster about a sports event. Think about the following:
● When and where it takes place
● Who participates
● What the prize is
● Why people like it
G – good
VG – very good
E – excellent
Bring photos of: teams, sportspeople, venues, events.
Bring cardboard, glue, scissors, coloured pencils, markers and materials. Make your poster and prepare your
presentation to the class.
You can also prepare a quiz to hand out at the end of your presentation.
● ability to work in a team
● communication skills
● presentation skills
● boost in self-confidence
Check your results!
● identify the topic of the project based on pictures ❑
● write about and present a favourite sports event ❑
● search for information about the given topic ❑
● search for pictures ❑
● combine the pictures and information in the required project format ❑
● present your poster to the class and test your classmates’ ability to recognise specific aspects based on a visual support ❑
G – good
VG – very good
E – excellent
Vocabulary Bank
Vocabulary Bank
150 150
Jog your memory!
Look at the pictures. Cover the rest of the page. How
many weather words can you remember?
Seasons and weather (page 97)
autumn spring summer winter
Weather adjectives
cloudy icy snowy sunny
foggy rainy stormy windy
1 Look at the words in the boxes. What’s the weather
like in your country?
In spring in my country, it’s …
2 Work with a partner. Take turns to close your
books and test your spelling. Which word has a
silent consonant?
3 The weather words are all adjectives. Write the
noun for each word.
sunny – sun
Explore collocations (page 98)
1 Look at the chart. Add the following words to the
correct column. Sometimes a word can go in more
than one column.
a break a train time
at home in a bus photos
Stay spend take
in a hostel
in a hotel
in a cabin
in a treehouse
a day
a week
a bike
a camera
2 Work with a partner. A, say a word from the box.
B, guess which verb you use it with.
A: A camera. B: Take.
Explore adjectives (page 103)
1 Can you think of two nouns for each of the
adjectives below?
popular person
perfect day
2 Work with a partner. Read your lists of nouns. Your
partner guesses which adjective describes them.
Study tip
Study with a friend – test yourself and each other. Use your vocabulary notebook or cards.
Landscapes (page 100)
beach hill mountains
desert jungle river
forest lake sea
1 Look at the words in the box. What types of
landscape do you have in your country?
2 Draw a landscape. Include at least five of the
3 Describe your picture to your partner. He/She
listens and draws it. Check your partner’s picture.
Is it the same as yours?
Vocabulary Bank
Groupwork 151
My dream holiday
1 Read the following text.
2 What are the types of holidays mentioned in the text? Match them
with the pictures.
3 In pairs, look at the pictures and answer the following questions:
1 When can people take each holiday?
2 What can people do on each holiday?
3 What equipment do people need on each holiday?
4 Now think about a few words about each holiday in the pictures. Write them down.
e.g. camping holiday: adventure, interesting, fun, tent, fire, cooking, river, forest etc.
5 In small groups, make notes about your dream holiday. Think about the following:
● Where will you go?
● When will you go?
● Who will you go with?
● What will you take with you?
● What can you do there?
● Why will it be fun?
Bring photographs of that place or draw pictures of it. Search for information on the internet to write a short
presentation about it. Make an album and compare it with the other groups’ holidays.
● communication skills ● presentation skills
Check your results!
● identify the topic of the project based on pictures ❑
● write about and present a dream holiday destination ❑
● search for information about the given topic ❑
● search for pictures ❑
● combine the pictures and information in the required project format ❑
● present your album to the class and test your classmates’ ability to recognise specific aspects based on a visual support ❑
G – good
VG – very good
E – excellent
Holidays are very important, both for
children and for adults, because they
help people relax, teach them new
things and make them happy.
There are different kinds of holidays:
there are holidays by the sea, city
breaks, safari trips, cruises, camping
holidays, and many others.
No matter what holiday you
choose, make sure you have fun
on it. Holidays may be expensive,
but sometimes they can be cheap,
for example if you choose to put
up your tent in the mountains and
cook by the fire. All kinds of holiday can
be great fun!
c d
My name is Maya Smith and my role model is Roger Federer. He’s a very famous
Swiss professional tennis player and champion. He’s 35 years old. His father’s name
is Robert Federer and his mother’s name is Lynette. Federer has one sibling, his
older sister Diana. Federer is married and has two identical twin girls, Myla Rose and
Charlene Riva, and two twin boys, Leo and Lennart.
Roger is tall and slim. He has brown hair and dark eyes. His hair is quite long and
wavy. He always wears a headband when he plays tennis. He is very modest. He is
very talented, but he is also hard-working.
Roger Federer can play tennis very well. He is number four in the world at the moment. He can also sing. He
loves playing with his children in his free time.
I like him because he motivates me to be a better person – and because we are born on the same day!
Reading to write: Maya’s role model
1 Read the description and answer the questions.
1 Who is Roger Federer, and how old is he?
2 Where is Federer from?
3 What is Federer like? What does he look like?
4 What are Federer’s interests?
2 Look at the Focus on Language box. Find examples of
intensifiers in Maya’s description of her role model.
3 Add the intensifiers to the correct place in each sentence.
1 Larry’s eyes are blue. (really)
Larry’s eyes are really blue.
2 My sister is intelligent. (quite)
3 Don isn’t tall. (not very)
4 Jenna has curly hair. (very)
Get Writing
4 Your school wants to invite a famous
person to talk to the students about
his/her life and career. Your teacher
asks you to write a short description of
your favourite famous person. When
writing a description of a person, we
follow these steps:
• Paragraph 1: write the person’s name,
nationality, job, year of birth.
• Paragraph 2: write about his/her family.
• Paragraph 3: describe him/her: appearance,
• Paragraph 4: end by writing about his/her
abilities, what he/she likes etc.
5 Now write your description of a
famous person. Use the plan to help
you. Write 120–150 words.
6 Check your writing. Can you answer
YES to these questions?
• Is the information from the Focus on
Content box in your description?
• Do you have intensifiers in your
Writing bank A description of a person
A description of a person can include this information:
• name
• age
• relationship (family member or
• town, country
• physical characteristics
• personality
• job/interests
Focus on CONTENT
Use intensifiers to make adjectives
stronger or weaker.
• very: She’s very short.
• really: His hair is really fair.
• not very: The house is not very big.
• quite: I’m quite tall.
Hi Maria!
I see that you study music at school. I only play the violin in my free time.
I want to ask you: what is your daily routine at school and what other after
school activities do you do?
Hi Mark!
I always get up at 7.30 am and I have a shower. Then I have breakfast and I leave home at 8 am. I go to Dinu Lipatti
National College of Art which is in the centre of the city. My school day starts at 9 o’clock and finishes at 1 pm, but I
continue studying music at home as well. At school, I study music theory and I play the violin for four hours. After
school, I usually go home and I have a big lunch at 2 pm. Then I do my homework or even take a nap.
I do many activities after school. I go to a contemporary dance club on Wednesdays and Fridays, in the
afternoon. Do you know how to dance? I can teach you, it’s great fun! At the weekend I go to a painting club. My
day usually ends at 9.30 pm, when I go to bed.
Reading to write: Maria Stamati’s routine
1 Look at the photo of Maria Stamati, 11, and read her blog.
Do you think she does interesting activities?
2 Read Maria’s blog post again. What does she do at these
1 7.30 am
2 8 am
3 9 am
4 1 pm
5 2 pm
6 9.30 pm
3 Find the uses of and, but and or in Maria’s blog post.
Get Writing
4 Make a list of things you usually do
during the week and at the weekend.
Put them in the order you usually do
During the week At the weekend
5 Now write your blog post. Use your
notes from PLAN step and use Maria’s
blog post as a model.
Write 80–100 words.
6 Check your writing. Can you answer
YES to these questions?
• Is the information in chronological order?
• Do you have examples of and, but and or?
Writing bank A blog post about your daily routine
When you write about daily activities, put information in chronological
order, from morning to night. Write about your weekdays first. Put the
weekend at the end.
Focus on CONTENT
Connectors: and, but, or
• Use and to show ideas in order: I have breakfast and then I go to school.
• Use but to contrast two ideas: I exercise every day, but I don’t go to the
• Use or to show two possibilities: We talk on the phone or chat online after
Reading to write: Kylie’s email request
1 Read the email again. What is Kyle’s problem? What does
she ask for permission to do?
2 What is Kylie’s subject line? What greeting and closing
does she use?
3 Choose the correct expressions for a formal email to a
teacher about a test.
1 Subject line:
a) Study help b) Where are you? c) Come to my house
2 Greeting:
a) Hey there, b) Hello Ms. Cooper, c) Hi, teacher!
3 Closing:
a) Bye-bye! b) Your friend, c) Kind regards,
Get Writing
4 Think of a problem and something to
ask permission for. Write notes in the
Problem Request
5 Now write an email to someone at
your school about your problem and
request. Use your chart to help you.
Write at least 60 words.
6 Check your writing. Can you answer
YES to these questions?
• Is the information from the Focus on
Content box in your email?
• Do you have an appropriate subject line,
greeting, and closing?
Writing bank An email request
A formal email:
In a formal email, include:
• a short subject line with the main idea:
Needing a laptop, Help with my homework;
• a greeting: Dear Mrs. Campbell, Hello Mr. Sanchez;
• a closing: Yours sincerely, Kind regards.
Focus on CONTENT
In an email asking for permission:
1 Introduce yourself.
2 State the problem.
3 Ask for permission to do
4 Say thank you.
Focus on CONTENT
I celebrate my birthday every June with a big dinner
party! It’s hot here in June, so we have dinner outside at
my grandparents’ house. My parents, sister, grandparents,
and a lot of my friends come to the party.
Before dinner, my friends and I play games. While we
play, my grandma cooks my favourite food – bean soup
and chicken tacos. We usually eat at 4 pm. After dinner,
I open presents. Then we have carrot cake and ice cream
for dessert. Dessert is my favourite part!
I love my birthday!
Reading to write: Eva’s special dinner
1 Read the text about Eva’s special dinner again. Find
examples for the categories in the Focus on Content box.
2 Find examples of each time connector in Eva’s article.
3 Choose the correct time connectors.
1 While / Before dinner, I do my homework.
Then / Before I watch TV.
2 I eat lunch at 12:00 on Saturdays. After / Before lunch, at about
1:00, I ride my bike to the park. While / Then I’m at the park, I
play with my friends.
3 I come home after football practice. After / While that, I have a
snack. Then / Before I play games on my laptop.
Get Writing
4 Choose a special event that includes
a special meal. Write notes about the
event and the meal.
What Where When Who
5 Now write about the event. Use your
notes to help you. Write at least 80
6 Check your writing. Can you answer
YES to these questions?
• Is the information from the Focus on
Content box in your text?
• Are there time connectors in your text?
Writing bank A description of a celebration
An article about a special meal can include this information:
• What (the event, food, activities)
• When (month, time, or day)
• Where (place)
• Who (people)
Focus on CONTENT
Time connectors
Use the time connectors before, after, while, and then to describe the
order of events.
Before breakfast, I take a shower.
After breakfast, I brush my teeth.
While I take a shower, I listen to music.
Then I go to school.
Reading to write: Iris’s animal description
1 Look at the photo. What is the caracal doing? Why?
Read the description to check.
2 Read the description again. What information does Iris
include for each category in the Focus on Content box?
3 Find examples of each use of adjectives in Iris’s
Get Writing
4 Choose an animal. Make a table with
the topics in the Focus on Content box.
Find or draw a photo of your animal.
Your animal
Location Food Looks Activities Interesting
5 Now write a description of your animal.
Use your mind map. Write at least 100
6 Check your writing. Can you answer
YES to these questions?
• Is the information from the Focus on
Content box in your profile?
• Are the adjectives in the correct places?
Writing bank A description of an animal
A description of an animal can include this information:
• where it lives
• what it looks like
• what it eats
• its daily activities
• interesting facts about it
Include a photo and describe what the animal is doing in the photo.
Focus on CONTENT
Caracals are also named desert lynxes and they are the
largest of Africa’s small wild cats. They live in Africa and Asia,
and prefer dry habitats. They have short brown fur and a
strong body. They have long teeth, a short face, and their
ears have long black tufts*
. Adult caracals have long legs and
they can run very fast!
The caracal in the photo is walking down a tree. Caracals like to climb trees to hunt and they are very active at
night. They are great hunters and they hunt in both the grass and the trees. They eat birds, mice and rabbits.
Caracals usually live alone, not in groups. They can live up to 12 years. Some people keep caracals as pets, but
don’t forget that they are wild animals and they can be dangerous! These animals are not endangered yet, but
farming activity affects their life every day.
tuft – a number of short pieces of hair that grow closely together.
Position of adjectives
• Use adjectives after is/are: The hippo is big. Its eyes are small.
• Before a noun: Lions have big manes.
• After very: Sharks are very dangerous.
Hi, Cindy
How is your holiday? My trip to Puebla is amazing! Puebla
is in the middle of Mexico, and it is very big! Over 5 million
people live here. There are two volcanoes near Puebla, and
you can see them from the city.
Puebla is a beautiful city, and it is also very old. I'm going
to the Cholula pyramid tomorrow. Do you know that it is
almost 2000 years old?
Puebla is a great city for food and art. We are going to the
Parian soon. It is a huge market with Mexican arts and
crafts. One day, we plan to eat at the Cholula food market. I want to have chicken with mole poblano. Mole
poblano is a sauce with chocolate and chillies. It is typical in Puebla. We are also going to the National Museum
of Mexican Railways. It is a cool train museum. I can't wait to hear about your holiday!
Your friend,
Reading to write: Isabel’s email about Puebla
1 Read the email again. Which paragraphs (1, 2, 3) have
information about the categories in the Focus on Content
2 Find examples of also and too in Isabel's email.
3 Write sentences with the additional information:
1 There is a sports stadium in my town (skate park / also)
There is also a skate park in my town.
2 We can go to the mall. (bowling alley / too)
3 John is buying souvenirs at the market. (books / also)
4 Seoul is a busy city. (modern / too)
Get Writing
4 Make notes about a city or town that
you want to visit:
Name of city or town and location:
Interesting facts:
5 Now write an email to a friend about
the place you want to visit. Use your
notes to help you. Write at least 80
6 Check your writing. Can you answer
YES to these questions?
• Is the information from the Focus on
content box in your profile?
• Do you use also and too to add more
Writing bank A description of a place
When you write about the place you are visiting, include this
• Location
• Size
• History
• Interesting facts
• Activities
Focus on CONTENT
Also and too
Use also and too to add more information
• also goes after the verb to be: Tokyo is big. It's also busy.
• also goes before other main verbs: Isabel loves chocolates. She also loves
•too goes at the end of the sentence: We went to Rio. We went to São
Paulo, too.
Reading to write: Simona Halep’s biography
1 Look at the photo. What sport does Simona Halep do?
Read the biography to check.
2 Read the biography again. What happens at these points
in Simona Halep's life?
• September 27
• The age of 21
• 2013
• 2014
• 2015
3 Find examples of each use of the prepositions in Simona's
Get Writing
4 Choose a young sportsperson from
your country. Write notes about the
important events in his or her career.
Use the timeline and the Focus on
Content box to help you.
5 Now write the biography timeline. Use
your notes to help you. Include at least
four events.
6 Check your writing. Can you answer
YES to these questions?
• Is the information from the Focus on
Content box in your profile?
• Are the events in the correct order?
• Are the prepositions of time and place
correctly used?
Writing bank A sports biography
A biography about an athlete can include this information:
• Place and year of birth
• Sport
• Teams and clubs
• Medals and records
• His/her future
Focus on CONTENT
Simona Halep is a Romanian tennis player born in Constanța, Romania, on
September 27, 1991. This is her career so far.
At the age of 21, she first reaches
the world top 50, one year later the
top 20, and the next year the top
ten players in the world.
She has a great future as a tennis player. She hopes to break a lot of records** in her life.
In 2013, she wins six World Tennis Association (WTA) titles,
being voted ‘the most improved player of the year’ and
setting a record*
In 2015, she wins the WTA most popular
player of the year award.
She reaches the French Open final in
2014 and the WTA finals in the same
year, but at these championships she
loses against Maria Sharapova and
Serena Williams.
Prepositions of time and place
Use the prepositions:
• on with dates: on March 10
• in with months and years: in December, in 2014
• in with towns, cities and countries: in Toronto, in Mexico
• at with sports and events and ages: at the World Cup, at the age of five
* Set a record – get the best ever score or time in a sport event. e.g. I hope we will set a record during the match.
** Break a record – get a better score or time than someone who already had the best. e.g. You have to work hard if you want to break the record of the
current champion.
Friday, 20th July
Dear Maria,
Hi from Greece. My family and I are in Lefkada, a beautiful
island with spectacular beaches – among the most
beautiful in the world. It’s hot and windy today. We’re
staying in a hotel near the sea. It’s got a swimming pool
too, but we prefer to swim in the deep blue sea and do
snorkelling all day long. There are lots of things to do here.
Tomorrow morning we 1
.... Porto Katsiki, the most famous
beach on the island due to its impressive landscape and
clear water. We 2
.... some traditional Greek food for lunch – delicious! Lefkada is a great place for windsurfing, so
we 3
…. people practising this watersport. We 4
…. lots of fun and maybe try windsurfing, too! I can’t wait.
It’s a pity you aren’t here! See you soon.
Reading to write: Sarah’s postcard from Greece
1 Read the postcard from Maria’s friend. Complete the text
with the be going to form of the following verbs.
2 Mark the sentences as T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t
1 Porto Katsiki beach is in Lefkada, Greece ……
2 Maria is on holiday alone. ……
3 They are going to buy souvenirs. ……
4 Maria likes Greek food. ……
5 They are having a great time. ……
Get Writing
3 Imagine you are on holiday somewhere
in your country. Make a few notes
about the things you want to write
about to your friend:
• Where you are.
• Who else is with you.
• What the place is like.
• What you are doing now.
• What you are going to do.
4 Now write a postcard to your friend.
Use your notes. Write at least 120
5 Check your writing. Can you answer
YES to these questions?
• Is the information from the Focus on
Content box in your profile?
• Do you use contractions in your postcard?
Writing bank A holiday postcard to a friend
When you write a postcard,
include this information:
• Date
• Dear …
• Greetings from…
• I’m with…
• Right now …
• We’re going to visit….
• See you soon,
Focus on CONTENT
Use contractions in informal writing:
• We are having a great holiday = We’re having…
• I am with = I’m with
• It has got a swimming pool = It’s got a swimming pool
• It is hot and windy = It’s hot and windy
eat, watch, have, visit
Christmas Day is celebrated on 25th December. In the UK,
Christmas Day and Boxing Day (26th December) are more
important than Christmas Eve. Christmas is a time for
families to spend time together and for people to be kind to
each other.
In the UK, many people decorate their houses and put
up Christmas trees several days before Christmas –
sometimes even at the beginning of December!
Night time on Christmas Eve is very exciting for children,
because it is the time when Father Christmas comes
and brings them presents. Many families go to church in
the evening, where they sing traditional carols. Then they
go home and the children hang up their stockings to be
filled with presents, and go to sleep. Some people leave a
traditional mince pie for Father Christmas to eat when he
visits, and a carrot for his reindeer!
When the children wake up on Christmas Day, they find their
presents in their stockings, or under the tree, and open
them. On Christmas Day, many people go to church. After
that, families have Christmas lunch together. They eat
roast turkey with vegetables, then a kind of hot fruit cake
called Christmas pudding.
Christmas in the UK Christmas Eve is very important in Romania and a lot of
ancient traditions are still preserved here.
In the villages of Maramureș, in the North of the country,
people walk from house to house singing carols on
Christmas Eve. They receive nuts, apples and sometimes
money. The young people perform "Steaua" or "Capra"
which are traditional songs and dances. On Christmas Eve,
sweeping and washing the laundry is forbidden.
On Christmas Eve or even earlier, all the members of the
family decorate the Christmas tree together. They also
send messages to their friends wishing them “Happy
Christmas”. They prepare and give presents to their loved
ones. In some Moldavian villages, apart from decorating
the Christmas tree, people also decorate their houses with
plants such as basil, marjoram and daisies to bring luck.
On Christmas Day children open the presents that Moș
Crăciun leaves under the Christmas tree. People usually go
to church and spend their time together with their families.
They eat traditional food like stuffed cabbage (“sarmale”),
aspic (“piftie”), sausages and the traditional sponge cake
(“cozonac”). Tradition says that unmarried women can see
their future husband if they put some food on the porch,
under the window!
Christmas in Romania
1 Read the text and watch the video. Talk to your partner about what is different in the two countries.
Christmas in the UK Christmas in Romania
2 Match the words with the pictures.
1 Father Christmas – ….
2 Christmas tree – ….
3 present – ….
4 Christmas decoration
– ….
5 reindeer – ….
6 stuffed cabbage – ….
7 aspic – ….
8 carol singing – ….
c d
g h
3 Now watch and check your answers.
4 Answer these questions with your partner.
1 Do you celebrate Christmas with your family? How?
2 What do the children in your area do on Christmas Eve?
3 What do people do on Christmas Day?
4 What do you like most about Christmas?
5 Where do you want to spend your next Christmas holiday?
6 What are your favourite holidays from your country? Write the names and the dates.
5 Find some information about Christmas in another English-speaking country. Look on the internet for
information. Write how people and children spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Write notes in a
table and compare them to your classmates’.
Country: Classmate’s country: Classmate’s country:
Singing carols
Giving presents
Eating traditional food.
Decorating the Christmas
Food for Father Christmas
Any other traditions
Some countries celebrate Christmas on 7th January, for
example Russia, Ukraine and Ethiopia.
Do you know ...?
New Year’s Eve is celebrated on the last day of the year and the seventh day of Christmas. It is a day of strong emotions, fun
and hope, a day that typically ends with a party that lasts well past midnight.
In Romania, people follow old traditions and customs, especially in villages. Children sing traditional carols like “Pluguşorul”,
wishing people happiness and success. In cities and towns, most people go to parties. They watch the fireworks in the town
square at midnight.
In England, clocks are very important. They are the symbol of the passage from one year to the next. In London, the major
celebration is around Big Ben. Also, they have parties in public places and homes and they gather to see the fireworks at
midnight. On 1st January, there is the New Year’s Day parade, in which over 10,000 artists perform.
New Year in Scotland is called Hogmanay and it involves many traditions, for instance First-Footing. One of the world’s most
famous New Year’s Eve celebrations is held in Edinburgh. At midnight, a cannon is fired at Edinburgh castle.
In Wales, the Calennig tradition involves giving gifts and money on New Year’s Eve. People gather in Cardiff for fireworks,
celebration, music and food. Also, Wales organises The Nos Galan road race on New Year’s Eve. It is a five-kilometre running race
organised to celebrate a famous Welsh runner, named Guto Nyth Brân.
1 Look at the pictures below. What is their connection to New Year’s Eve?
2 Complete the text with the headings.
1 A cannon ball for the celebrations
2 The country of clocks
3 Running towards the new year
4 What is it?
5 A country of new and old
3 Read the texts again and tick the corresponding boxes.
Country fireworks clocks gifts carols parties
4 Search for information on the internet to answer these questions.
1 What is First Footing?
2 What is Pluguşorul?
3 What is Big Ben?
4 Where in Wales is the Nos Galan road race?
5 True or false? If the information is true, tick it. If it is false, correct it.
1 New Year’s Eve is celebrated on the seventh day of the year.
False. It is celebrated on the seventh day of Christmas and the first day of the year.
2 In Romanian villages, people watch fireworks in the town square.
3 People in London gather around Big Ben to celebrate New Year’s Eve.
4 There is a castle in Edinburgh.
5 There is a major race held in Scotland on New Year’s Eve.
6 Romania fires cannons on New Year’s Eve.
6 Read the text again and find words which mean the same for the following.
1 final – last
2 joy
3 feelings
4 big
5 well-known
6 presents
7 Answer these questions with your partner.
1 Which of these celebrations would you like to attend? Why?
2 How do you usually celebrate New Year’s Eve?
3 Do you make New Year resolutions?
8 Unscramble the words to form sentences and find out other things about New Year around the world.
1 Mexico: bake / bread / people / sweet / a / with / in / coin / it
2 USA: people / ball / a / a / drop / large / tower / from
3 Estonia: eat / times / seven / people / day / on / New day / Year’s
4 Italy: wear / people / clothes / new
5 Ecuador: people / big / street / dolls / in / burn / the
6 Japan: their / ring / times / bells / temples / Buddhist / 108
9 Now work in groups of three or four. Choose a country anywhere in the world. Make an album with
photos about the way in which New Year’s Eve is celebrated there. Present it and compare it with your
There are many legends surrounding Valentine’s Day. The best-known is about a Roman priest from the third century, arrested
by emperor Claudius II for not obeying the rules and deciding to marry young couples against the emperor’s will.
Today, Valentine’s Day is celebrated all over the world, for example in Canada, Mexico, the UK, as well as in many other European
countries. On this day of 14th February, it is common for friends and couples to exchange gifts, chocolates and flowers, and
also Valentine cards. Valentine’s Day is a growing business today, with millions of cards and special gifts produced and sold
Dragobete is the Romanian version of Valentine’s Day. It is celebrated on 24th February. Dragobete is a mythological character,
known as the son of Baba Dochia, the guardian of spring. He is a kind figure and he is considered to be the guardian of love.
24th February is considered the first day of spring. It is the day when birds build their nests together, and when boys and girls
pick flowers and sing. Taking part in Dragobete customs is thought to protect people from illness for the rest of the year. People
also say that stepping over your partner’s foot on Dragobete makes you the leader in the relationship.
1 Answer these questions with your partner.
1 Who is Valentine’s Day probably named after?
2 What do you know about Valentine’s Day?
3 What does this day celebrate?
4 Do you like this holiday? Why (not)?
2 Look at the pictures below. What is their connection to Valentine’s Day?
Valentine's Day
3 Complete the text with the headings.
1 Interesting customs
2 The Legend of Valentine
3 Valentine’s Day today
4 Another version of Valentine’s Day
4 True or false? If the information is true, tick it. If it is false, correct it.
1 Valentine is thought to be a Roman emperor from the third century.
False. Valentine is thought to be a Roman priest from the third century.
2 Many countries around the world celebrate Valentine’s Day today.
3 There is a lot of money in selling Valentine’s cards and gifts today.
4 Romanian Dragobete is similar to Valentine’s Day.
5 Dragobete is the guardian of spring.
6 The people who build bird’s nests are protected from illness.
5 Read the text again and find words or phrases which mean the same for the following.
1 famous old story – legend
2 to do as someone says (paragraph 1)
3 everywhere in the world (paragraph 2)
4 to give each other presents (paragraph 2)
5 the protector of spring (paragraph 3)
6 is believed to be (paragraph 4)
6 Fill in with one word.
The legend of Valentine is a story about a priest 1
…. lives in Rome in 2
…. 3rd century. He does not want to do as 3
emperor says and marries people 4
…. secret. He is discovered and killed.
Valentine dies for love, but his legend lives on. People 5
…. over Europe and in the USA and Canada celebrate him on 14th
February. They declare their love, buy flowers and gifts 6
…. each other and send cards.
There are similar celebrations in other countries, 7
…. well. Valentine’s Day is celebrated at 8
…. same time as the beginning 9
…. spring.
7 Use punctuation marks and capital letters to rewrite the text.
there are many ideas about the beginnings of valentines day one is the roman festival called lupercalia lupercalia is an
ancient festival believed to keep away wolves and protect crops
another story is about valentine a prisoner who falls in love with the daughter of the man who keeps him prisoner before
he dies he sends the first valentine card to the girl he writes her a letter and signs it your valentine people today use these
words on valentine’s day cards
8 Make a Valentine’s Day card for a classmate. Don’t sign it. He or she will have to guess the sender in each
case. Make a class exhibition of the cards.
At Easter time, many Australians, like other nationalities,
take advantage of the long-weekend for a short holiday.
Most people spend this day at home with their families or
go to church. The four-day Easter weekend is a welcome
break for them.
The Blessing of the Fleet Festival in Ulladulla, the Sydney
Royal Easter Show in Sydney and the National Folk Festival
in Canberra are some of the most important cultural
events of this time. There are also a range of local Easter
festivals across the country. The Easter weekend is also an
important time for sports events, like major league football
matches, horse racing meetings and yacht races.
On Easter Sunday, people receive or search for Easter eggs.
These eggs are made from chocolate or sweets. As well as
Easter eggs, there can be decorated hens or plastic eggs
hidden in the grass. Decorations often consist of images of
rabbits or chicks. Many communities organise Easter egg
hunts in parks or gardens. These are family events, usually
organised for young children.
Traditionally, Easter eggs are delivered by a rabbit called
the Easter Bunny. This tradition is found in many European
countries. However, rabbits are seen as pests* in Australia
because they destroy the crops. For this reason, the
Easter eggs are hidden by the Easter Bilby*. You can buy
Easter Bilbies made from chocolate.
Easter time in Australia
Easter is a public holiday and one of the most important
celebrations in Romania. Families and friends go to the
church at midnight and light candles. They keep the candles
afterwards because they believe that they are protected
this way from problems and illnesses.
Romanians gather for an Easter lunch or dinner, which can
include: lamb, a traditional Easter cake called “pască” and
painted eggs. The colours that are used are red, yellow,
blue, green and black. Children love to paint the eggs on the
Friday before Easter Sunday.
In some villages there are special traditions related to
Easter. On Easter Day, in the morning, children dressed in
traditional costumes, or wearing new clothes, go to their
neighbours’ and relatives’ houses. They receive painted eggs
and chocolate eggs or sweets.
Another well-known custom in Romania is to knock an egg
with another person. In Romanian folk tradition, Easter
eggs are considered to be the keepers of the house and are
believed to have miraculous powers: they heal diseases and
protect the animals in the household. At the same time, the
egg symbolises eternal life, fertility, rebirth, and fortune.
On Easter morning, children are allowed to wash their face
with water from a pot in which they put a red egg and a
silver coin. They do this to stay healthy during the year, pure
like silver, with red cheeks like the painted egg.
Easter time in Romania
pest = an insect or an animal which is harmful or which
damages crops
bilby = a small, shy mammal with big ears, which is native to
Australia; it is an endangered species
New Words
1 Listen and read. Talk to your partner and find out what is different in the two countries. Write the
information in the table below.
Easter in Australia Easter in Romania
2 Read the texts again. Match the words with the pictures.
1 painted eggs
2 chocolate eggs
3 Easter Bunny
4 knocking eggs
5 lamb
6 Easter cake
7 Easter egg hunt
8 Easter Bilby
3 Now watch and check your answers.
4 Answer these questions with your partner.
1 Do you celebrate Easter with your family? How?
2 What do the children in your area do on Easter Day?
3 What do people do on Easter Day?
4 What do you like most about Easter?
5 Where do you want to spend your next Easter holiday?
5 Find some information about Easter in another English-speaking country. Look on the internet for
information. Write how people and children spend the Easter Day. Write notes in a table and compare
them to your classmates’.
Country: Classmate’s country: Classmate’s country:
Painting eggs
Giving chocolate eggs
Eating traditional food. What?
Decorating the garden/house
Any other traditions
e f g h
b c d
Let’s have fun!
1 Discussion
• Who is your favourite singer? Why?
• Do you have a favourite song? What is it about?
• Would you like to be a singer one day? Why (not)?
2 Speaking
• Do you know the young singers from the pictures?
• What do you know about them?
3 Read the texts and complete with the name of the singers. Then match the names with the pictures.
1 …. is a singer and songwriter born in Halifax, England, in 1991. He has many awards and his songs are famous all
around the world. He also plays the guitar on his songs.
2 …. is a singer and actress, born in Texas, USA, in 1992. She is famous for her role in a popular TV show and appears in
many films. She is also known for her pop songs, like Good for you and Naturally.
3 …. is an American singer and songwriter from Pennsylvania, born in 1989. She has a lot of music awards and is
famous for writing songs about her own life. She plays the guitar on some of her songs and also appears in some
4 Answer the following questions with your partner.
1 Which singer is not American?
2 Which singer is famous for being in a television programme?
3 Which two singers play the guitar on their songs?
4 Which singer is the youngest?
5 Which two singers also act in films?
5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1 She is famous for her sad songs.
2 She has a very successful …. as a singer.
3 One day, everybody will know her name. She’s going to be a…. .
4 Her …. skills are amazing. Everyone thinks she is really talented.
5 …. never comes without hard work.
6 My song
Pairwork. Choose a singer you admire and talk about him or her with your partner. Choose a song and play it in class.
star famous career success acting
Let’s have fun!
1 Discussion
• What is your favourite film?
• What is it about?
• Why do you like it?
2 Speaking
• Do you recognise the film titles below? Have you seen them?
3 Read the texts and match them with the name of the films.
4 Answer the following questions with your partner.
1 What does the girl from Frozen want to do?
2 Where do the characters from Madagascar live at the beginning of the film?
3 What are the main characters from Finding Dory searching for?
5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1 The servants are very loyal to their queen.
2 This …. has a happy ending.
3 Santa’s favourite …., Rudolph, has a red nose.
4 The lion is a …. animal.
5 Wild animals live in …. at the zoo.
6 The prince saves his …. by fighting off dragons.
6 My favourite animation
Groupwork. Choose an animation that you enjoy and look for information. Write a short presentation
and recommend it to your classmates.
wild reindeer kingdom loyal captivity fairy tale
Frozen Finding Dory Madagascar
This is a film about the adventures of a blue
fish in her journey to find her missing parents.
Searching for her parents is very difficult
because she can’t remember things. Her friend
is also searching for his missing son, so they go
together on an adventure to find them.
In this film, the main character is a girl who tries to save her kingdom and find her sister. She is
helped by a man and his reindeer, and also by a loyal friend, a snowman built by the two sisters. This
animation film is famous for its songs and is inspired by a fairytale by Hans Christian Andersen
called ‘The Snow Queen.‘
This is the story of four animals from Central
Park Zoo in New York who want to escape and
be free. They unexpectedly find themselves
among the wild animals on an island far away.
A world of tales
Let’s have fun!
1 Discussion
• What is your favourite Romanian story?
• Who is your favourite character and why?
• What other characters do you know? What do you know about them?
• Does the story have a message or a lesson to learn?
• Does the story end happily for the hero?
2 Find these things in the pictures and point to them.
3 Reading. Match the texts with the pictures above. Write the titles under the pictures.
Snow White is an old German fairy tale published by the Brothers Grimm. Snow White is a very beautiful princess who
loses her mother as a child. Her stepmother cannot accept that the princess is more beautiful than her, so she orders a
huntsman to kill her. The huntsman lets Snow White go and she runs into the forest where she finds the house of the
seven dwarfs.
The Little Match Girl is a short story written by the Danish author, Hans Christian Andersen, about a poor little girl
who tries to sell matchsticks in the street at Christmas time. She doesn’t sell any matches and she is afraid to go back
home because of her father, so she lights all her matches to warm herself. In the end, she dies and she meets her
grandmother in heaven.
The Town Musicians of Bremen is a fairy tale written by the Brothers Grimm. It tells the story of a donkey, a dog, a
cat and a rooster who leave their homes where they are treated badly by their masters. The animals decide to go to
Bremen, a town where they can live in freedom, without any owners, and become musicians.
Little Red Riding Hood is a fairy tale about a young girl named after the red cloak that she wears. Her mother asks her to
go to her ill grandmother’s house and bring her food in a basket. She tells the little girl to stay on the path when she walks
through the forest. Little Red Riding Hood leaves the path and meets the Big Bad Wolf, who wants to eat her.
a spade a basket a bunch of flowers a lamp
a house a pillow matches
2 __________________ 3 __________________ 4 __________________
1 __________________
4 Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false ones.
1 Snow White is not as beautiful as her stepmother.
2 The huntsman wants to kill Snow White.
3 The Little Match Girl sells all of her matches.
4 The Little Match Girl is afraid of her father.
5 The animals in The Town Musicians of Bremen all come from Bremen.
6 The animals are looking for a new home.
7 Little Red Riding Hood does not do what her mother tells her to.
5 Match the beginnings of the sentences with the endings.
Picture 1: Snow White wakes up
Picture 2: The little girl with the matches
Picture 3: The animals are looking
Picture 4: Little Red Riding Hood is thinking
a) is wearing a long scarf.
b) inside a house.
c) about her grandmother.
d) and sees the dwarfs near the bed.
6 Writing. Now invent your own fairy tale. Tell it to the class. Make sure you include:
• main characters
• interesting situations
• characters who help the heroes
• a clear ending
Find out more about Pangaea.
2.11.4 Ali’s day The Land Down Under
Find out about Australia in fractions.
1 Read the definition. Match the pictures with the
A fraction is part of a whole or complete number.
1 1
∕4 2 1
∕2 3 1

2 Match the fractions with their names.
1 c
1 1
∕2 a) a third
2 1
∕4 b) a seventh
3 1
∕3 c) a half
4 1
∕6 d) a fifth
5 1
∕5 e) a sixth
6 1
∕7 f) an eighth
7 1
∕8 g) three quarters
8 3
∕4 h) a quarter
3 Listen, check and repeat.
4 Read the text and look at the pictures.
Which number (1 or 8) is the numerator?
Which is the denominator?
Ana has got a cake. She eats 1/8.
The denominator is the total number
of equal parts.
The numerator is the number of parts
Ana eats.
5 Read the quiz. Choose the correct options.
1 Ben eats two pieces. He eats …
a 1
∕4 b 1
∕2 c 3
∕4 of the pizza.
2 John eats four pieces. He eats …
a 1
∕4 b 1
∕2 c 3
∕4 of the pizza.
3 They don’t eat …
a 1
∕4 b 1
∕2 c 1
∕8 of the pizza.
Ben and John have got a pizza.
It’s got eight pieces.
Your turn
6 Work with a partner. Write a quiz like the one in
Exercise 5. Show your quiz to the class.
Think about …
● another type of food.
● the denominator.
● the numerator that people eat each time.
Maths Fractions
a b c
Find out more about Pangaea.
2.1 Ali’s day
Science The Earth’s movements
3 Read the text. Then match the sentence halves
The Earth revolves around the Sun and it also rotates on its
axis. Imagine a line from the North Pole to the South Pole; that’s
the Earth’s axis. The Earth makes one complete rotation every
24 hours. 24 hours is one complete day and one complete
night. When a part of the Earth faces the Sun, it’s day. When a
part of the Earth faces away from the Sun, it’s night.
1 The Earth’s axis is a line

2 The Earth rotates on its
axis …
3 It’s day when part of the
Earth …
4 It’s night when part of
the Earth …
a) faces away from
the Sun.
b) faces the Sun.
c) every 24 hours.
d) from the North Pole
to the South Pole.
Your turn
4 Choose a planet. Use the internet, books or
magazines to find out information about it. Think
about …
● distance from the Sun.
● number of moons.
● time of rotation around the Sun in days.
● duration of a day.
1 Work with a partner. Look at the picture and do
the quiz.
World of wonder
1 The Earth is a …
a) star. b) planet. c) solar system.
2 How many planets revolve around the Sun?
a) seven b) eight c) nine
3 The Sun is a …
a) star. b) planet. c) solar system.
4 The Earth revolves around the Sun at …
a) 52,000 km per hour.
b) 108,000 km per hour.
c) 143,000 km per hour.
5 The Earth revolves around the Sun in …
a) 24 hours. b) 365.25 days. c) 7 days.
6 The Earth has got a satellite. It’s called …
a) the Moon. b) the Sun. c) Jupiter.
7 The Moon revolves around the Earth.
It takes …
a) 24 hours. b) 7 days. c) 27 days.
2 Listen and check your answers.
Find out about the planet Mars.
2.4 Mars
Find out more about Pangaea.
2.1 Ali’s day
Find out about Leonardo da Vinci’s designs
for a cart.
3.4 Da Vinci’s design
5 Look at the shapes. Copy them. What drawing tools
do you need?
Your turn
6 Work with a partner. Describe the drawing tools in
Exercise 1. Your partner guesses what they are.
We draw angles with these. A set square?
2 Complete the table about the drawing tools with
the words in the box.
angles circles colour straight
paper parallel
1 paper
drawing board We put 1
… on this.
t-square We draw 2
… lines with this.
setsquare We draw 3
… of 90º, 45º, 30º and
60º with these.
compass We draw 4
… and curved lines with
ruler We draw 5 … lines and calculate
the length of a line with this.
felt-tip pens We 6 … our design with these.
3 Listen to the conversation and
check your answers.
4 Which drawing tools in Exercise 1 do you use …
● in Maths?
● in Art?
● in both?
2 3
9 8
1 Look at the picture. Match the drawing tools with the
words in the box. Then listen and check.
coloured pencils compass ruler drawing board
felt-tip pens paper pencils setsquare T-square
1 setsquare
Design and Technology Drawing tools
Find out more about Pangaea.
2.1 Ali’s day
Find out about rice growing in China.
4.4 Mountains of rice
Geography Climate and Food
1 Look at the pictures. Can you name the food
items? Where do they grow? What climate do
they need to grow? Think about rainfall and
2 Listen, check and repeat the food words.
3 Read the text. Complete the missing
information in the map’s key.
● In a polar climate it’s always cold. The
temperature never goes above 10 °C. It’s very
difficult to grow food here because the winters
are very long and dark. People usually eat a
lot of meat and fish but not much fresh fruit or
● Turkey, California and southwest Australia have a
Mediterranean climate. It’s hot in the summer and
rainy in the winter. They use irrigation systems to
grow crops like oranges and figs. Olive trees grow
well in the Mediterranean climate because they
don’t need much water. The Mediterranean diet
includes a lot of vegetables and not much fat.
● Saudi Arabia and Egypt have a desert climate.
Daytime temperatures are high all year but it can
be cold at night. It doesn’t rain very often and
not many plants grow in these areas. Date palms
grow near oases. Dates are nutritious and they
are an important part of the desert nomads’ diet.
● Malaysia and Congo have a tropical climate,
with high temperatures and a lot of rain all year
round. Plants grow easily in these conditions.
Rice, bananas and sugar cane grow on large
farms or plantations. In these countries, people
eat a lot of rice.
the day-to-day changes in
temperature, rain and wind.
the typical weather in a local area.
4 Read the text again and check your answers to
Exercise 1.
Polar climate
5 Copy and complete the table with information from
the text.
Country Climate Crops Diet
Polar climate none meat,
Desert climate
Tropical climate
Your turn
6 Work with a partner. Choose four different types of
food. Find out …
● what climate they need to grow.
● if they grow in more than one climate.
● if the farmers use special methods to cultivate them.
4 5 6
4 CLIL 1 3
Find out more about Pangaea.
2.1 Ali’s day
Find out about chameleons and their habitat.
5.4 Chameleons
Science Vertebrates
3 Read the text again. Write the correct
vertebrate group(s) for each statement.
1 They can usually fly. birds
2 Their young are born from eggs.
3 Their young form inside their bodies.
4 They haven’t got lungs.
5 They haven’t got arms or legs.
6 They’ve got skin, fur or feathers.
7 They don’t live on land.
8 They can live in water and on land.
Your turn
4 Work with a partner. Student A describes an
animal, and Student B guesses the animal. Use
the vocabulary in Exercise 2.
1 Look at the pictures in the text. What animals can
you see?
2 Read the text. Think of another example for
each animal group.
bird: flamingo
Animals with
1 Birds
Birds have got two legs, two
wings and feathers on their
bodies. Most birds can fly, but
some birds, like penguins,
can’t. Baby chicks are born or
‘hatch’ from
2 Fish
All fish live in water
and use gills to
breathe. Fish haven’t
got arms or legs, but they have
got fins for swimming. They’ve
got scales on their bodies. All
baby fish are born
from eggs.
3 Mammals
Most mammals have got hair,
skin or fur on their bodies.
Baby mammals are born
from their mothers and drink
milk. Some mammals live in
water but they breathe with
lungs out of the water.
4 Reptiles
All reptiles, except snakes,
have got four legs. They’ve
also got scales, and some, like
chameleons, can change colour.
Baby reptiles are
born from
gills fins
smooth skin
5 Amphibians
Baby frogs, or tadpoles, are
born in water from eggs
and breathe with gills. Adult
amphibians have got lungs
and they can live on land
or in water. They’ve
got smooth skin.
Find out more about Pangaea.
2.1 Ali’s day
Find out about chameleons and their habitat. Find out about ancient and modern art in
6.4 Big art
1 Work with a partner. Look at the sentences
and communicate the information.
1 ‘I’m OK!’ (Use your hands.)
2 ‘That’s really funny!’ (Use a sound.)
3 ‘Stop!’ (Draw an image.)
2 Read the text. Match
the images (1–3) with their
communicative purpose (A–C).
We often communicate with images. Images send us a message. Some images
inform us, some tell us to do something, and others simply entertain us. Let’s look
at the images around us in our towns and cities.
A lot of images in towns and cities inform us about things, for example maps,
road signs, shop logos and posters. These images are usually simple and give us
very clear messages.
These images tell us to do something. You can see lots of these images in
advertisements in the street. They usually want to sell us something, for
example a drink, clothes or a ticket to the cinema.
These images entertain us, for example images from films,
comics or even street art and graffiti. These images attract our
attention because they are beautiful, strange or surprising.
They make the town or city more interesting or attractive.
3 Listen to the conversation. Which types
of images in the box do Jessica and Simon take
photos of?
logo map pictogram poster sign
graffiti diagram
Your turn
4 Work with a partner. Look at images in
your school. What is their communicative
purpose? Make a list.
Art Images and communication
Find out more about Pangaea.
2.1 Ali’s day
Find out about extreme fishing in the USA.
7.4 Extreme fishing
3 Check the meaning of the words in the box.
helmet goggles gloves wetsuit
waterproof clothes life jacket
4 Listen and write the sports for each piece of
equipment in Exercise 3.
helmet: mountain biking, canoeing, climbing
Your turn
5 Work with a partner. Choose an outdoor sport or
activity. Find out information about it and make a
poster. Use the ideas below.
● Is it a land, air or water activity?
● Where can you do it in your country?
● What special clothes or protection do you need?
● Is it a competitive or recreational activity or both?
1 Look at the pictures. Where do we do these sports and activities? Copy and complete the table.
On land In the air On water
2 Read the text. Check your ideas in Exercise 1.
We often do sports and activities at a gym or
a sports centre, but sometimes we do them
outdoors, in a natural environment. Outdoor
sports and activities are sometimes competitive.
This means that we do them in a race or a
competition because we want to win a prize.
Recreational means that we do them because
they are fun.
We usually do outdoor sports and activities in
three different places: on land, in the air or
in the water. Horse riding, mountain biking
and climbing are land activities. We often go
climbing on mountains or large rocks. Bungee
jumping, parachuting and paragliding are air
activities. We jump from a high place like a
bridge when we do bungee jumping. Canoeing,
waterskiing and windsurfing are water activities.
We go canoeing in rivers and waterskiing and
windsurfing in the sea.
Outdoor sports and activities
PE Outdoor sports and activities
climbing windsurfing bungee jumping horse riding
paragliding canoeing
Find out more about Pangaea.
2.1 Ali’s day
Find out about holiday activities in Australia in
the summer.
8.4 Holiday in Australia
Maths Frequency tables and bar charts
‘Our favourite sports’
1 Work with a partner. Look at the picture of class 1B’s favourite sports and read the
text. Answer the questions.
• ‘Data total’ is the total
amount of information in a
mathematical study.
• ‘Frequency’ is how often
something appears in
mathematical data.
2 Look at the picture in Exercise 1
again. What is the frequency of
each sport? Copy and complete
the table.
Number of
football 9
tennis 2
3 Look at the information from Exercise 2 in a bar chart.
Answer the questions.
1 Which data is wrong?
2 Which axis (X or Y) is a horizontal line? Which is a vertical line?
1 What is the data total for Class 1B’s
favourite sports?
2 What is the frequency of tennis?
Your turn
4 Work with a partner. Ask students in
your class where they are going to spend
their summer holidays. Then make a
frequency table and a bar chart with the
information. Use these ideas.
● the beach
● the mountains
● a city
● visit family or friends
A class survey
4 Write questions about the topic in Exercise 3. Use
the question words below.
What … ? Where … ? Who … ?
When … ? Which … ? How many … ?
5 Ask your classmates the questions in your survey.
6 Draw a pie chart like the one in Exercise 1 to show
your results. Present your results to the rest of
the class.
1 Look at the class survey and the pie chart. Which
‘gadget’ is the most popular?
2 Answer the questions in the survey for you.
3 Work in groups of three or four. Choose one of
the topics for a class survey.
• after school activities
• daily routines
• family members
• languages
Class Survey: favourite gadget
1 What’s your
favourite gadget?
2 Who’s it from?
3 When do you use it?
4 Where do you use it?
digital camera
MP3 player
games console
mobile phone
Project 1
Project 1
2 Work in groups of three. Choose three
animals from your country. Use the
internet, books or magazines to find
information about them. Think about …
• physical appearance.
• habitat.
• abilities/behaviour.
• food/diet.
3 Find photos of the animals in Exercise
2. Make a poster with the photos and
the information about each animal. Put
the photos in a different order from the
4 Present your poster to the rest of the
class in your group. Can they guess which
information is about each animal?
A wildlife poster
1 Read the text. Match the
descriptions with the photos.
They’re pink and they’ve got very long legs. They
live in Africa, South America and parts of Asia –
usually near water. They don’t usually swim but they
can fly. They’re very sociable animals and they live
in big groups. They eat shrimps and plankton in the
2They’re usually black, orange and white.
They’ve got big teeth and are very strong and
fast. They live in India, Russia and China. They’re
very territorial and can swim very well. They’re
carnivores and they eat other animals like buffalo
and deer. They’re an ‘endangered species’ – there are
only about 3,000 left in the world!
3 They’ve got six legs and are usually brown. They
live together in big colonies. They live all over
the world except in Antarctica. There are usually
thousands in each colony. There are soldiers, workers
and a queen. They can carry very heavy things and can
find their colony from long distances. They eat plants,
fruit, fungus and insects.
1 Read the text. Match the
descriptions with the photos.
Project 181
Project 2
2 Work in groups of three or four. Choose a town
or city. Use the internet, books or magazines to
find information about it. Use the questions in
Exercise 1 to help you.
3 Find photos of the town or city. Make a poster
with the photos and the information in Exercise 2.
4 Present your poster to the rest of the class in
your group. Which town would the class most
like to visit?
(a/w120.3 Realistic-style
map of Europe showing
the position of Budva in
Where is it?
Budva is a city on the Adriatic Coast in
Montenegro in south-eastern Europe. Not
many people know it but it’s very popular with
millionaires! Budva has a long history – it’s 3,500
years old. Now rich people from Italy, Austria and
Russia have houses in the town.
A historical town
It’s very old and beautiful. There’s an Old Town,
once an island, people think, but now part of
the town. The town has huge walls, built by the
Venetians (people from Venice and rulers of the
town between 1420 and 1797) to defend it from
enemies. These walls are now popular with
It’s also a great place for music and concerts. A
lot of famous musicians like the Rolling Stones,
Madonna and David Guetta go to play concerts
There are lots of local beaches. Mogren Beach is
very popular and is only 500 metres from the Old
Town. The town’s got a Mediterranean
climate so it’s usually warm and sunny.
How to get there
You can fly to Tivat or Podgorica
airport or come by car along the
Adriatic Highway.
A tourist information poster
1 Read the information about Budva. Answer
the questions.
1 Where is Budva?
2 What’s its history?
3 What can you see/do there?
4 What’s the weather like?
5 How do you get there?
182 Project
Project 3
2 sausages
1 tomato
2 tablespoons of butter
2 rashers of bacon
2 sliced potatoes
110 grams of mushrooms
1 tin of beans
1 large egg
2 slices of white or brown bread
salt and pepper, to taste
1 sprig parsley
Unscramble the sentences to find out
how to make an English breakfast:
1. sausages/the/fry
2. the/bake/in/sausages/oven/the
3. tomato/a/add
4. potatoes/the/fry/sliced
5. the/fry/bacon/the/and/mushrooms
6. the/beans/heat
7. egg/fry/the
8. the/toast/bread
9. on/everything/a/plate/put/large
1 What can you see in the picture?
Talk to your partner! Do you
think this is breakfast, lunch or
dinner? In which country do you
think you might eat something
like this?
2 In groups of three or four, choose a traditional
meal from your country. Use the internet,
books or magazines to find information about
it. Think about
• ingredients
• how you prepare it
• what makes it special
3 Write the ingredients and the recipe for your
favourite dish.
4 Make a poster showing your recipe, including
pictures for the different steps. Don’t say what
your dish is.
5 Present your poster to the rest of the class in
your group. Can they guess what your dish is?
A Recipe
Project 1
Project 4
2 In groups, imagine you are organising an
adventure camp. Make a brochure to advertise
your adventure camp. Follow the steps:
• Think about the name of your camp and the logo.
• Choose the activities and present them so as to make
them interesting for children your age.
• Give the dates and the location.
• Design a map of your camp.
• Write information about the price and all the facilities
your camp offers.
• Write contact information (telephone number, email
An adventure camp brochure
1 Read the information in the brochure. Imagine
you want to take part in an adventure camp.
What would you like to do? Brainstorm ideas.
Talk to your partner about climbing, hiking,
horse riding, going camping, mountain
biking, etc. thinking about advantages and
3 Design your brochure. Find photos to illustrate
your presentation texts.
4 Present your brochure to the class.
Project 1
Project 5
1 You may not cycle here.
2 You may not use your mobile phone.
3 You are not allowed to take pictures.
4 Do not feed the animals.
5 You are not allowed to drop litter in this area.
6 You are not allowed to fish in this area.
7 You are not allowed to eat or drink in this area.
2 Name places where you might see the signs in
exercise 1.
1 a park
3 Imagine your favourite place to go at the
weekend. Design a poster with a set of rules
and draw the warning signs to help you keep
your favourite place as you like it.
4 Present your poster to the class.
1 Which warning sign (a–g) says this? Match the pictures with the explanations.
a b c
d e f
Project 1
Project 185
Signs and instructions
Project 6
3 Choose a Romanian musician to present to a
pen pal. Do some research and find out:
1 What is he or she famous for?
2 What interesting or unusual musical instrument
does he or she play?
3 What type of music does he or she play?
4 Why do you recommend him or her to your pen pal?
4 Now make your presentation about the
musician and his or her instrument. Read and
show it to the class.
The Singing Ringing Tree
The Singing Ringing Tree is both a sculpture and a musical instrument. Located in Lancashire, England, this unusual object
was designed by architects Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu. It is three metres tall and it looks a bit like a tree, but it is made of steel
pipes. The wind blows through the pipes to make a musical sound.
The Chapman Stick
The Chapman Stick (The Stick) is an electric musical instrument created by a man called Emmett Chapman in the early
1970s. The Chapman Stick usually has ten or twelve strings. It looks a bit like a guitar, but is played by tapping the strings
instead of plucking them.
The Shamisen
This Japanese instrument is very old and it has three strings made of silk. It is similar to a guitar or a banjo, but with a long,
thick neck and a different sound. The shamisen is used to accompany Japanese puppet plays and folk songs.
The bucium
The bucium is an instrument used by the shepherds in Romania and Moldova to communicate in the mountains and to
guide sheep. Its name comes from a Latin word, meaning curved horn. It is made of wood and sometimes partly from steel.
It can be as long as two metres and has a deep, sad sound.
1 In pairs, talk about:
1 your favourite singer or band 2 your favourite type of music 3 your favourite musical instrument
2 Match the pictures with the texts.
2 3 4
Project 1
Unusual musical instruments
Project 5 Project 7
An interview with your favourite actor
Project 8
3 Work in pairs. Choose an actor or actress and
find out information about him or her. Make a
profile like in the example.
4 Using your information, think of six interview
questions to ask your actor or actress, and write
5 Role-play the interview in front of the class.
Name: Eddie Morris-Smith
Age: 24
Country: UK
Genre: comedy, action
Films: The Apple on the Stick,
How I Turned Myself
into a Caterpillar, Fight
against injustice
Hobbies: stamp collecting,
parachuting, safari
1 In pairs, ask and answer the following questions:
• Who is your favourite actor?
• Why do you like him/her?
• What are some of his/her achievements?
2 Now read the profile below and answer the questions that follow:
• Where is the actor from?
• What sort of films is he famous for?
• What does he do when he is not making films?
• Do you have the same hobbies as he does?
• What do you think these films are about?
Project 187
Project 8
a quarter past
a quarter to …
Australian B
British C
course D
expensive F
Friday H
half past …
his II
in front of
its J
June L
laptop M
188 Wordlist
next to
Nice to meet you!
pencil sharpener
ten to …
the USA
What’s your name?
Where are you from?
Wordlist 189
Family and friends
Unit 1
best friend
Can I call you back?
family tree
Hi, it’s …
international J
Just a minute.
job L
lucky M
male N
noisy O
old P
pretty Q
quite R
sunshine T
trainers U
video game W
work Y
at lunchtime
at night
at the weekend B
break time
brush your teeth
daily C
competition D
do drama
do karate
do some exercise
do sport
Do you know about …?
do your homework F
frequency G
get dressed
get up
go to bed
go to school
go to university
go swimming
gymnastics H
have a drink
have art classes
have a snack
have breakfast
have dance classes
have lunch
have a drink
have a snack
have a shower
How much does it cost?
in the afternoon
in the evening
in the morning J
jazz M
meet your friends N
noon O
often P
play chess
play computer games
play football
play music
play tennis
play the violin
pool R
read a book
roller coaster
run in the park S
start school
swimmer U
usually V
visit the doctor W
walk in the park
watch TV
watch a film
What days are the classes?
What time is the class?
Unit 2
192 Wordlist
army B
Bye for now! C
Can I/we…?
classroom D
do a handstand
do Kung Fu
don’t like
don’t mind E
expert F
French G
go to the cinema
Great. H
have lessons
have pasta
How’s it going? I
ICT (Information and Communication
I’m afraid you can’t.
listen to stories
love M
main hall
Music N
national anthem P
PE (Physical Education)
play the guitar
playing field
police force
police officer
pupil R
ride a bike S
science lab
search for ...
speak French
sports hall
surf the internet
swim 50 metres
Unit 3
Wordlist 193
talk in class
use a mobile phone
watch rugby
Why not?
write an email
Yes, you can.
194 Wordlist
apple B
butter C
chocolate bar
cola D
dessert E
eggs F
fast food
fun H
healthy I
ice cream
I’m thirsty.
I’m hungry. J
juice K
lunch box M
milkshake O
orange juice P
pizza delivery
problem R
rice S
street food
sweets T
typical V
vegetable W
Unit 4
Wordlist 195
art gallery
polar bear
Unit 5
196 Wordlist
Wordlist 197
after that
bowling alley
bullet train
bus station
bus stop
ferry port
foot G
go to the movies
gym H
helicopter I
ice cream shop J
Unit 6
location M
method of transport
modern O
on foot
open-air museum P
passenger jet
play a musical instrument
public transport R
rush hour S
shopping centre
sports centre
skate park
street T
tram stop
tuk-tuk U
unusual V
volcano Z
zebra crossing
198 Wordlist
athlete B
boots C
cricketer D
do judo E
event G
go bowling
go cycling
good luck
go skateboarding
go skiing
go snowboarding
go surfing
go windsurfing H
hammer throw
hoodie J
metal N
normal P
play baseball
play basketball
play volleyball
practise (a sport) R
runner S
sweatshirt T
typically U
usually W
Unit 7
Wordlist 199
autumn B
board games
bungee jumping
culture D
destination E
explore F
forest G
glacier H
have fun
huge I
I’d prefer
It’s cloudy.
It’s foggy.
It’s icy.
It’s rainy.
It’s snowy.
It’s stormy.
It’s sunny.
It’s windy.
jungle K
killer whale L
luxury M
mountain O
ocean P
plan R
river S
sea lion
surfing T
the Northern Lights
tree house W
water skiing
web page
Why don’t we …?
winter Z
zip wire
Unit 8
200 Wordlist
Aztec B
bright C
coral reef
crystal D
drawing board
fresh G
grow H
humid I
irrigation L
life jacket
lung M
Wordlist 201
scuba diving
tape measure
the Earth
the North Pole
the South Pole
202 Wordlist
aspic B
bilby C
Christmas pudding
Christmas tree
crop D
decorations E
Easter Bunny
Easter cake F
fall in love
Father Christmas
fortune G
guardian H
Happy New Year!
knock L
legend M
Merry Christmas!
mythological N
nut P
priest R
rose S
sponge cake
stuffed T
teddy bear U
unmarried W
wedding ring Y
Wordlist 203
fairy tale
Let’s have fun!
physical appearance
/p/ pencil
/b/ bag
/t/ town
/d/ day
/ʧ/ cheese
/ʤ/ juice
/k/ cake
/g/ get
/f/ food
/v/ very
/θ/ Thursday
/ð/ that
/s/ speak
/z/ zebra
/ʃ/ shoe
/ʒ/ usually
/m/ mum
/n/ name
/ŋ/ sing
/h/ house
/l/ like
/r/ red
/w/ water
/j/ you
/i:/ see
/ɪ/ sit
/ʊ / book
/u:/ zoo
/e / pen
/ə/ teacher
/ɜ:/ bird
/ɔ:/ boring
/æ/ that
/ʌ/ run
/ɑ:/ car
/ɒ/ lost
/eɪ/ say
/ɪə/ hear
/ʊə/ pure
/ɔɪ/ enjoy
/əʊ/ know
/eə/ chair
/aɪ/ buy
/aʊ/ now
Phonemic script
The authors and publishers would like to thank all the teachers and consultants who have contributed to the development of this
course, in particular:
Argentina: Fernando Armesto; Natalia Bitar; Verónica Borrás; Leonor Corradi ; Paz Moltrasio; Diana Ogando; Brazil: Dalmo
Carvalho; Roberto Costa; Sônia M. B. Leites; Gloria Paz; Litany Pires Ribeiro; Christina Riego; Renata Condi de Souza; Elizabeth
White; Chile: Magdalena Aldunate; M. Cristina Darraidou Diaz; Valentina Donoso; Ana María Páez Jofrré; Ricardo Contreras
Marambio; Claudia Ottone; Maria Elena Ramirez; Jacqueline Rondon; Alicia Paez Ubilla; Colombia: Luz Amparo Bautista; Sonia
Ruiz Hernández; Sandra Jara; Fabian Jimenez; Bibiana Andrea Piñeros Merizalde; Lucero Amparo Bernal Nieto; Olga Olarte;
Bibiana Piñeros; Emelis Rambut; Sonia Ruíz; Poland: Anna Bylicka; Russia: Natalya Melchenkova; Irina Polyakova; Svetlana
Suchkova; Irina Vayserberg; Turkey: Ali Bilgin; Angela Çakır; Shirley Nuttal; Cinla Sezgin; Mujgan Yesiloglu
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